Fate is supreme

Chapter 204, Wake Up

Dear friends, have you had breakfast yet? Go and eat without breakfast. For the sake of your health, you'd better close this page and have breakfast! I wish you all a good mood today!

Shangguan Qiuwan's aggressive eyes swept away the five people and said in a low voice, "According to the agreement, we will take the empty boat of the college to the psychedelic jungle to test and gamble with the team under Jin Bingru. What do you think?"

"What's the idea? What does Shangguan tutor mean? The five people had some doubts.

Shang Qiuwan looked solemn: "You should have heard of the dangers of the psychedelic jungle, but this tutor tells you that the dangers contained in the psychedelic jungle are ten times, or even thousands of times what you know!"

"I think you should choose whether to go or not! This is not the tutor's shirk's responsibility. You also know the rules of the college. In external trials, life and death have nothing to do with the college, so you can choose not to go.

"Of course, we will go to the psychedelic jungle, otherwise we will admit defeat? Never admit defeat!" Water is clear.

"That's it! We can't admit defeat anyway!"

"Yes! Today, the * woman of Jin Bingru's team is so arrogant that she has to beat her arrogance no matter what.

"Shangguan tutor, going to the psychedelic jungle experience is not just for betting, this is very beneficial to our cultivation of immortals and our growth. We must go!" Guiyun's firm way.

During this period, he was depressed and wanted to relax.

"Okay! Now that you have decided, this tutor will respect your choice! Give you a day and a half to prepare and gather in front of the battle tower the morning after tomorrow!" The senior tutor made a final sound.

"Yes!" Several people answered repeatedly, greeted Yun's father and mica, and then hurriedly left.

Since Captain Muyun can't participate in this training, they have to fight hard and must win anyway.

This is not only for themselves, but also for Captain Mu Yun.

The night is as dark as ink.

The door of Mu Yun's house was suddenly opened, and a dark shadow flashed and sneaked into the western wing.

In the west wing, Mu Yun lay motionless**.

The graceful woman quietly stared at Mu Yun's face, with tears in her eyes.

The woman lurking into Muyun's house late at night was Lan Xue.

This small courtyard was bought by her and Mu Yun. She also has keys, and the small courtyard has been arranged by her. She can come to visit Mu Yun without disturbing Yun's father and mica.

Since Mu Yun was brought back by Shangguan Qiuwan, she came to visit Mu Yun every night.

"Brother Yun, what's wrong with you? Why can't you wake up?" Lan Xue muttered.


From the moment she got the news that Mu Yun fell into a coma and could not wake up, her heart was hanging.

She is worried about Mu Yun.

She is afraid of losing Mu Yun.

At this moment, she realized how deep her love for Mu Yun was.

She would rather lie on ** herself, and she didn't want it to be Mu Yun.

Looking back on Mu Yun's days together, it was always full of sweetness. Mu Yun teased her and took advantage of her flashed in front of her from time to time.

"Yundi, I really love you..."

"Wake up quickly..."

"Sister, I promise you that I will treat you well in the future..."

"Brother Yun, even if you take advantage of your sister, my sister will admit it."

"Sister is born is your person, and death is your ghost..."

"Brother Yun, my sister's heart hurts so much."

Lan Xue's eyes shed tears and squatted in front of the window. Her snow-white fingers gently stroked Mu Yun's cheeks, and her eyes were full of pain.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and there is no sound outside.

Lan Xue poured out her pain and joy together.

Tearing the happy time when you were a child...

I remember the days when I was extraordinary and envied by the people.

Talking about the tragic death of his parents' eldest brother... He is regarded as an unknown person, the fearful eyes of the clan.

The passage of time.

Unconsciously, the dawn came.

Lan Xue looked at Mu Yun and still motionless without any reaction, sighing faintly.

"Brother Yun, have a good rest, and my sister will come to see you at night..." After saying that, he gently stroked Mu Yun's cheek, kissed him on the forehead, and turned around to leave.

sently, she was caught by one hand.

She trembled violently all over, and tears couldn't stop flowing.

"Yun Di?" There are only her and Mu Yun in the room, and this hand must be Mu Yun's.

"Yundi, you... are you really awake?" Lan Xue's body trembled, and tears flowed down uncontrollably, wetting her clothes.

" Lan Xue... Sister Lan Xue? I... Where am I? Is it still a dream?" Mu Yun opened his eyes and saw Lan Xue, who was haunted by dreams, and thought he was in a dream.

"This is your home! Yundi, you woke up. You really woke up. You scared my sister to death. How are you feeling now? What else is uncomfortable? Yundi, what's wrong with you? Why are you unconscious?"

Lan Xue took Mu Yun's hand, and he threw out questions one by one.

"I..." Mu Yun was interrupted by Lan Xue as soon as he wanted to say something. Lan Xue got up and said, "No! It's dawn, and your parents will come over in a minute. I'll go back first. You come to my house in the evening, and we'll talk about it in detail.

"Be sure to come!"

Lanxue kissed him on the face and went out.

Looking at Lan Xue walking out carefully like a thief, Mu Yun laughed dumbly.

But he realized that something was wrong. Why couldn't Lan Xue stay?

When he wanted to shout, Lan Xue had already left the courtyard.

Lying on **, recalling this period of time, his mind was attached to an innocent person, feeling their experience, and he still had a lingering heart.

He doesn't know how many innocent people he possessed, and he doesn't even know how he woke up.

In the realm of fate.

As soon as his mind returned, he saw that the life elf was sleeping soundly and sleeping to death.

"You guy, I'm completely sinking and almost can't come back. You're ready to sleep here!" Mu Yun suddenly felt very unhappy and kicked him.


The numerology elf who was kicked in the stomach by Mu Yun shouted and jumped up. He pointed to Mu Yun's nose and scolded angrily, "You guys are so ignorant. I have worked hard to get you out. If you don't appreciate me, you still bully me..."

"The young master is very angry, and the consequences are very serious!"

Mu Yun was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to do.

After a long time, he woke up and asked, "You said you rescued me from sinking?"

The magic elf put his hands behind his back, raised his head, and put on a look of a master: "Then who else do you think has this ability outside the young master?"

"Is it really you?" Mu Yun did not give up.


"So, were you lying to me before?" Mu Yun's tone is not good.

He remembered to die. The numerology elf said that if he completely sank and couldn't grasp the glimmer of vitality, his soul would disappear and die.

He is sure that after experiencing countless dreams, he thought of death.

But he didn't die and woke up inexplicably.

So, the fate elf was from the beginning to let him experience and taste the sin, not to subdue the blood soul beads.

"Where are the blood soul beads?" Mu Yun stared at the fate elf and said to himself that you were too unreliable.

The numerci elf did not realize it at all. He pouted and stared at the fairy grass of fate.