Fate is supreme

Chapter 219, Killing

Li Kang is full of vigor and complacency.

The pursuit of the murderer was supposed to be the captain, but due to his qualifications and strength, he was suppressed.

Otherwise, why did Li Fan become the captain of this team?

Is it possible that Li Fan can be his captain two levels higher than him?

This is simply a joke!

Whether it is the Li family or other families, those who determine the status of disciples and slaves will always be the strongest of the family.

And the strongest people in the family value which disciple or servant they have the highest status.

It happens that he is more valued by the family than Li Fan.

In only seven days, 14 companions were killed and injured before the murderer was found.

Although this has a lot to do with the danger of the psychedelic jungle, it also has a lot to do with Li Fan's poor command.

He was trying to figure out how to let his superiors punish Li Fan and remove the position of captain Li Fan, but he didn't expect them to find the murderer.

And the murderer is still an underage teenager.

But the state of condensation.

He doesn't understand why the teenager in front of him killed Master Li Mu... Why did he kill Master Li Mu? Maybe there is a great possibility of sneak attack and poisoning.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the teenager in front of him has mysterious abilities.

However, this possibility is very small.

is enough for him to take risks and take the lead in capture the teenager.

As long as he captures the teenager and returns to the family to blow some wind in his ears, he believes that Li Fan will definitely be beaten to hell.

And he will certainly be more valued by the family.

Therefore, he has to capture the teenager in front of him anyway.

As soon as he took action, he tried his best.

The ten fingers of his hands are filled with intoxicating rays, emitting faint light. In his eyes, these rays are the most beautiful objects in heaven and earth, and they are also the most fierce killing and deadly things.

Suddenly, there was a flower in front of his eyes, and then he was tingling all over and seemed to be windy.

What kind of wind is this?

He was shocked and inexplicably.

The wind fell on his body, his hair exploded, his skin was cut, and blood flowed.

"Boxing style! Is this a boxing style? Li Kang finally realized what this was.

At this time, his eyes were dark, as if he were in an inexplicable space. This space is the world of wind and the world of sharp wind.

He has a sense of disaster.

Mu Yun took action when Li Kang jumped on him.

As soon as he started, he released all his strength, crackling... The surging power inside his body was guided by him with [Breaking Empty Fist].

The power of more than 100,000 pounds of strength has produced a boxing style.

hong hong hong...

The air exploded, lightning and thundered, full of power and domineering, carrying a majestic breath, bombarded Li Kang's whole body.

The speed is so fast that Li Kang can't react at all.

The fist wind wrapped Li Kang and exploded. Mu Yunlong walked with a dragon swing and a heavy punch, hitting Li Kang's chest fiercely.


Li Kang's chest suddenly exploded, and a hole the size of a bowl appeared. Through the hole, he could see the frightened face of the pursuers in the Li family's pursuit team.


After killing Li Kang face to face, Mu Yun did not hesitate and flew out like a target and rushed to Li Fan.

His goal is Li Fan, the most powerful in the whole team.

This is a great opportunity.

A good opportunity to eradicate the strongest in this team.

A master who killed a master Xiaochengjing face to face, this shock can definitely surprise everyone in this team.

Three breaths is enough.

As long as everyone in this team is slow to breathe, he can bombard Li Fan, who is in the great success of the master.

He continuously used the golden life blade to improve his attack power and the blue lifecraft leaf to improve his speed, which increased his power by 30%.

He can kill Li Kang face to face.

And there is room to continue to attack and kill Li Fan, the strongest man in the team.

His mysterious footwork, because of the blue life leaf, his speed is very fast.

Li Fan felt a gust of wind blowing, and his hair suddenly rose all over his body.

Stopped and squatted and stuck to his whole body. Li Fan calmly waved his fists.

His fists were ordinary, without any fluctuation or evenmang, but it was these two fists that made Mu Yun's attack suddenly stop.

Li Fan is not simple!


When his body was half a foot away from Li Fan, he suddenly changed direction and rushed to the area with the weakest defense.

There are three pursuers of Xianfu Xiaochengjing to stop it.

Bum! Bang! Bang!


He tore a channel like a strong wind, killed three pursuers in the realm of the fairy mansion, and fled away.

All this ends within ten breaths.

Some pursuers have not yet figured out the situation, but they saw the murderer kill their four companions in a row and fled away.

"Lord Li Fan, what should we do now?" My men asked.

Li Fan's eyes flashed, and Mu Yun put too much pressure on him: "He can't escape!"


Mu Yun fled hundreds of miles in one breath before stopping to rest.

Thinking about the battle just now, in addition to some mistakes in the attack and killing of Li Fan, he was still very satisfied with killing Li Kang face to face.

His current strength is a little better than that of a master who has just entered the master's realm, but it is a little difficult to kill the master of the master's realm.

However, with the help of Mingshu Ye, he did it.

Successfully killed Li Kang.

After resting for an hour, his spirit and physical strength returned to his peak, and Mu Yun began to deal with the chasing team in the psychedelic jungle.

In three days, he had contact with the pursuit team twice.

But he took the lead in killing each other two times.

Even if the other party can know his location through the guidance of the seal of the curse.

But it is impossible for the other party to endlessly check the guidance of the seal of the curse.

This gave him a chance to attack and kill.

However, when he was killed for the second time, he was first discovered by Li Fan and was besieged.

After a fight, he worked hard to kill the four masters of the fairy mansion.

At this time, the number of people chasing the team dropped sharply, leaving only 16 people.

"Lord Li Fan, that boy is too sinister, and his strength is unpredictable. If it goes on like this, we are likely to be destroyed..." A master of great success wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and said with a wry smile.

"Yes! This boy is simply not human! Obviously, his cultivation is not high, but his strength is scary. I suspect that he may be a fairy practitioner!" Another master of Dachengjing thought about it.

"Fairy Practitioner?" Li Fan chewed the meaning of this word.

Fairy body practitioners are different from fairy house practitioners. Fairy body practitioners pay attention to the practice of physical strength, and powerful fairy body practitioners are sharp weapons all over their bodies.

Moreover, immortal practitioners with profound cultivation can be reborn with broken bones, flesh and blood, etc.

The most important point is that the immortal practitioners of the Ming Dynasty are particularly rare, and it seems that only they are inherited in the army.

"Is this little guy from the military?" Li Fan turned his head.

Soon, he rejected the idea.

Because Mu Yun's information has nothing to do with him and the military.

If there is any involvement, it's just that he and Pingchuanwei's command of Hongyan is a fellow monk.

"Well, I have reported everything that happened here to the family, and I think the family will soon send personnel to support us." Li Fan said.

Hearing this, the two immortal practitioners in Dachengjing were relieved, and they became more and more admired Li Fan.

Li Fan is a cautious person. Even if he is already a master of great perfection, his style is still the same.

Be careful and never be greedy, which are all excellent qualities of Li Fan.

They are very relieved to follow such a captain.

"Has everyone had a good rest?" Li Fan got up and asked.


"Let's go!"

Li Fan gave the order, and the remaining 16 of them began to follow the guidance of the curse seal and approach the murderer step by step.

Li Fan held a token with a cold smell in his hand.

This token will convey the message of the curse mark and guide them to capture the murderer.

The murderers attacked and killed them one after another, making Li Fan have to be careful.

He held the token all the time to find out the location of the murderer.

Not long after they left, a beautiful shadow appeared on a big tree in the area where they had just been.

This woman's eyes are extremely clear, like a spring.

The woman stood quietly on a thick branch of the tree, with her clear eyes staring ahead.

That location is exactly the area where Li Fan fled.

There are stormy waves in Qingyu's heart.

In order to get the blood soul beads on Mu Yun's body, from the moment Mu Yun entered the psychedelic jungle, she hid in the dark and waited for the opportunity.

In the past few days, Mu Yun has brought too many shocks to her.

A little guy in a condensed vein, the immortals who slaughtered immortals in the fairyland are like slaughtering dogs, which sounds like a fantasy.

However, Mu Yun proved himself with practical actions.

"What on earth do you want to do with such a deep secret?" Qingyu's clear eyes looked ahead and muttered to himself.

"But it's nothing!"

"The blood soul beads are very involved and are of great use to my teaching. No matter what, I will get it!"

"The pursuit of the Li family will not stop here. This is my opportunity..."

Qingyu's heart flashed countless thoughts, waved her hand, a breeze brushed, and she disappeared from the big tree.

"Be careful, everyone. The murderer is in the valley ahead!" Li Fan's pace was steady and powerful, moving at a uniform and fast speed, and soon he found the location of the murderer from the token.

"It's not good! Quick retreat! We were fooled!"

At the moment they stepped into the valley, he felt very depressed and strong danger swept his heart.


But it's late!

Before they could retreat, a snow-white lightning horse with two horns rushed out.

This lightning horse is extraordinary, extremely fast, like a gust of wind.

The lightning horse flew like four hoofs and roared continuously. The two corners above its head constantly stimulated electric current, and its head was slightly low, hitting Li Fan and others viciously.