Fate is supreme

Chapter 252, lose patience

"Little, come back quickly!" Mu Yun's mother showed anxiety and took the little one into her arms.

I'm afraid that the little one will suffer at the hands of Yang Qingshan, the devil.

"What do you want? Let me tell you, don't think you caught us. There are many ways for my son to save us. To be honest, what the hell are you? Mu Ling stood in front of the mica and roared.

"Look for death!" Yang Qingshan had a murderous intention, and the stick in his hand fell down heavily, carrying a scream.

With a bang, Yang Qingshan was all over his body. He just felt that his eyes were blurred, and the stick in his hand disappeared.

"Hmm?" Yang Tianhuan, a middle-aged man, frowned. The little one's performance just now exceeded his expectations, and even his generation of masters did not see it clearly.

"This is a strange beast. Be careful. There should be a master's accomplishment! But somehow, the little guy is very fast!" Yang Tianhuan said.

Yang Qingshan's face showed a chill: "Kill it!"

Yang Tianhuan frowned deeper and deeper, and he was quite hesitant, but after all, he did not disobey Yang Qingshan's proposal and took action against the little one.

"Hmm?" The thing that had been hit suddenly changed. His eyes blossomed and the little one lost his trace.

Suddenly, he felt that he was cold all over, and the power in his body could not move.

At this time, no one noticed the surprise and satisfaction in the little eyes.

I'm full.

The little one is the little blood sent by the life elf to protect Mu Yun's parents.

The little blood fused with the blood soul beads has changed greatly and becomes cute and very pleasing to girls. Even Mu Yun's parents were fascinated when they saw the little blood for the first time. They took good care of it every day for fear that the little guy would not have enough to eat and wear warm clothes.

Treat it like your own son.

The little blood was fat, and his round body jumped in the air and rushed to Yang Tianhuan.

It is like an arrow from the string. Its body rubs violently with the air and makes a harsh sound. If you look closely, you will see little blood waving its limbs and saying words in its mouth.

"Hmm?" Yang Tianhuan's heart is getting colder and colder, and the little guy is a little weird.


Yang Tianhuan waved eight punches continuously, each of which caused a strong boxing wind, which raged and surrounded the little guy from all directions.

Yang Tianhuan's cultivation has reached the perfect state of a generation of masters all his life. He really can't imagine that a strange beast that is more than the master's perfect state will make him suffer?

But the fact was so cruel that he thought that he punched eight times, and there was no way to live, but in the banging sound, all this was shattered.

The little one survived and was very healthy.

With a sneer, his little sharp teeth bit his arm, and a sharp pain hit him, and Yang Tianhuan suddenly patted it with his right hand.

Bum! Click...

Yang Tianhuan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right arm, and his physical strength was passing rapidly.

"Uncle Tianhuan, what's wrong with you?" Yang Qingshan picked the little one away with his sword, and his face was pale. He was also shocked by the little boy's fierceness.

"I'm fine!" Yang Tianhuan got rid of the little one and relaxed a lot.

The little one is really too powerful.

"Let's go!" Yang Qingshan helped Yang Tianhuan and walked out, and the door was locked.

"This Muyun is not simple!" Yang Tianhuan took some medicine, and the sharp pain disappeared before he waved up with Yang Qingshan.

"Why did Uncle Tianhuan say that?"

Feeling! I feel that my body has suddenly become much weaker, and now I am still a little uncomfortable.

"Does Uncle Tianhuan think all this has something to do with Mu Yun?"

Although he feels a little far-fetched, he still believes in the housekeeper's intuition.

"It doesn't matter. I think Mu Yun will come soon, and then we will capture him." Yang Qingshan Road.

As the days go by, Yang Qingshan is unwilling to trouble them many times. If it is to trouble Shangguan Qiuwan and others, then Xiao Xue doesn't care, but if someone targets Mu Yun's parents, there is nothing to say. Xiao Xue will make their heads bleed, or even be killed.

A month passed like this, and Yang Qingshan's patience was also worn out little by little.

At dawn, he came to the atrium, bypassed Mu Yun's parents, and forced Shangguan Qiuwan and others.

"You are all good-looking. You will all be young women in the future. You should enjoy you well!" Yang Qingshan smiled**.

"Hmm! What a lot of bullshit!"

"Yang Qingshan, you are not as good as a beast."

"Yang Qingshan, one day, you will be punished."

"Haha... Come on, retribution, let me die without burial!" Yang Qingshan laughed loudly.

"Hey... It seems that God is not on your side!" Yang Qingshan touched his body and seemed to say that you saw it. I was fine, and God didn't accept me... His tone was full of contempt.

"Since God didn't help you, you can be unscrupulous." Yang Qingshan's face was full of ** smiles, and his handsome cheeks were twisted. He stared at Shangguan Qiuwan, the woman he once loved, who almost became his fiancee.

"Yang Qingshan, what do you want to do?" Shangguan Qiuwan was very uneasy to be stared at so unscrupulously by Yang Qingshan.

Although Yang Qingshan was fake in the past, he still had a lot of scruples and would not mess around.

But now Yang Qingshan has changed a lot. Everything is unscrupulous and frightening.

"What do you want to do? What do you think Ben Shao wants to do? Yang Qingshan** smiled and forced Shangguan Qiuwan into it.

With a bang, Shangguan Qiuwan suddenly took action, her hands turned into claws, and the power was stimulated. The light that exuded a strong breath covered her hands and grabbed them fiercely!

If this claw is grasped, Yang Qingshan will be peeled off even if he does not die.

However, Yang Qingshan had been prepared for a long time. He twisted his body and avoided Shangguan Qiuwan's hands with ten fingers. His body rotated and his right leg was smashed high.


Shangguan Qiuwan was kicked, shot out, hit the wall heavily, spewed out a mouthful of blood, and was traumatized.

"Shangguan tutor..." Shui Ruoqing roared and was furious.

"Beast! Yang Qingshan, you are a beast!" Sun Luoxue's face was cold and extremely angry. Yang Qingshan was too much.

"Haha... what about beasts?" Yang Qingshan smiled unscrupulously, laughing and tore the clothes of the Shangguan tutor, as if he wanted to fuck the Shangguan tutor on the spot.

" Stop it!" Shui Ruoqing's face was full of frost and attacked and killed.

But it was blocked by Yang Tianhuan.

Shui Ruoqing was furious, and Gongsun Cai and Sun Luoxue were even more eager to attack Yang Tianhuan desperately to rescue Shangguan's tutor.

But Yang Tianhuan is very powerful. The strong man of a generation of masters is not covered. No matter how the three people attack, Yang Tianhuan always resists it, making the three people unable to get close.

" Stop it!" Mu Ling's eyes were about to crack and rushed out with a roar.

Yang Qingshan sneered and was about to kick Feimuling, but he was resisted by the little one.

"Haha... No one can save you today. Ben Shao wants to accept Shangguan Qiuwan in front of you. Isn't Mu Yun not coming to save you? Do you think your behavior is worth it? Yang Qingshan smiled happily.

After waiting for a month, Mu Yun did not come to save his companions. Although he was a little disappointed and could not kill Mu Yun with his own hands, he was more happy. The efforts of Mu Yun and other fellow practitioners were not rewarded.

"Do you see who Mu Yun is? Tut... As long as you beg for mercy, then take off your clothes, and be lucky to be a young woman, I will guarantee your safety and that you will eat delicious and drink spicy food in the future." Yang Qingshan laughed.

"Bullshit! Captain Muyun can't leave us. He knows that this is a conspiracy. Maybe he is hiding around and waiting to give you a fatal blow!" Shui Ruoqing shouted.

"Is it?" Yang Qingshan turned his head sarcasticly and looked around, looking at Yang Tianhuan and said, "Uncle Tianhuan, do you feel that there are people around here?"

Yang Tianhuan closed his eyes slightly and shook his head.

"Hey... It seems that you are still unwilling! In this case, Ben Shao will first use strength to your tutor and teach you a lesson..." With that, he began to tear the clothes on the official tutor.