Fate is supreme

Chapter 266, Life and Death

Dear friends, the update of Wu Sanqi has been restored, and 6,000 words are updated every day. In addition, Wu Sanqi wants to roar, but can he personally support Wu Sanqi? Wu Sanqi can't feel your existence...

Yang Fan, the parent of Yang, was very angry, holding Yu Jian's hands constantly trembling, and his face turned pale.

The Yang family actually had such children, and there were a large number of nearly 200, which made him angry and deeply shocked.

What's wrong with these children of the Yang family?

Suddenly, he felt that compared with the situation reflected by these children, Yang Qingshan's death was really not a big deal.

Yang Qingshan's talent is good. His death is a great loss for the Yang family, but the children of the Yang family did such a thing, which shook the foundation of the Yang family.

If all the children of the Yang family are like this, then the Yang family is not far from being destroyed.

"Master Tongyan City, everything is up to you. Don't worry, my Yang family will agree to all your requirements, and in the future, your Tong family and our Yang family will be an alliance..." Yang Fan made a condition.

The child's face is pounding.

Allied with the Yang family?

Although we can't get anything good in essence, it is very meaningful for their Tong family, which has only been passed down for decades, to form an alliance with a family like the Yang family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

This invisibly improves the status of the Tong family. Are you still afraid of no benefits?

Tongyan nodded secretly and passed the message: "Old Yang Fan, don't worry, my Tongyan will also risk it today. I will definitely kill Mu Yun and these guys!"


The child's face suddenly waved his hand, and all the jade slips were broken.

"Mu Yun, your evidence is simply false. Just now, the city owner sent someone to ask these children of the Yang family. They all said that they said something against their intentions without their knowledge. The city owner believes that they are talking to their own family and will not talk nonsense, so your evidence is not valid at all."

The child stared at Mu Yun majestically, and his tone was cold.

Mu Yun sneered in his heart.

Originally, Tongyan was not hostile to them, but after Tongyan and Yang's parents discussed something just now, Tongyan's clear air on top of her head turned into a ferocious beast, roaring up to the sky, roaring repeatedly, and a pair of blood-red eyes emitted a cold murderous murder.

The child's face is murderous.

What made Tongyan suddenly kill? Mu Yun knew in his heart that it was an interest.

It must have been the interests of the Yang family that made him flutter, so the childlike face looks like this, regardless of the seriousness and justice of Tianxuan's criminal law.

"Tianxuan criminal law is serious and fair, but the people who execute it are selfish, so the image shown in Tianxuan criminal law is also selfish..." Mu Yun thought silently.

"Mu Yun, do you have any other evidence?" Tongyan asked in a low voice.

Mu Yun smiled and said, "Master Tongyan City, is there any evidence that it's not the same here?"

The child's eyes were cold: "What do you mean? Are you saying that the owner of this city is not fair and strict enough?


Mu Yun laughed loudly, and the sarcasmous laughter flowed in the cold, humid and smelly prison: "Justice and strict? Tongyan City Lord, are you fair and strict enough? You know it in your heart. Do you still want me to say it?


The child's face is getting colder and colder.

Mu Yun stared coldly at Tongyan: "Presumptuous? Tongyan City Lord, I respect you as the Lord of Dade City, but I didn't expect that you, as the Lord of the City, did not respect the law and turned a blind eye to my Tianxuan Criminal Law. Is that how you enforce the law?

"No wonder that although Tianxuan's criminal law is strict, it protects the powerful class and targets ordinary people. I didn't believe it before and thought it was nonsense, but now... tut, I believe it!"

"Thank you very much, Lord Tongyan!"

"Mu Yun, do you know what your behavior is? You are contempt for the lord of this city. The lord of this city now represents the criminal law of Tianxuan. If you despise the lord of this city, you are contempt for the criminal law of Tianxuan!"

The child's eyes were cold, and he stared at Mu Yun and shouted, "If you dare to despise my Tianxuan criminal law, you have to bear the corresponding responsibility!" According to the Tianxuan Criminal Law, you are a death penalty! A complete death penalty! Today, the senior officials and children of the Yang and Li families are here to witness that you can't escape!"

"Death! This is a death penalty!"

Tongyan breathed a sigh of relief and finally gave Mu Yun'an a charge, which made him unable to refute.

"Alas... Lord Tongyan, have you really decided to give me this charge?" Mu Yun asked with a sigh.

A trace of vigilance suddenly rose in Tongyan's heart. Looking at Mu Yun's appearance, he seemed to have something to say.

"Little guy, it's not that Tong Yancheng mainly gives you this charge. It's really that you are too careless. Haven't you heard of this sentence?" In the crowd of the Yang family, Elder Yang Fan said with a blank face.

"Oh? Are you?" Mu Yun looked at Yang Fan. Although he knew that it was the Yang family, he still showed enough cultivation.

"Yang family Yang Fan!"

"Oh, it turned out to be Elder Yang Fan. I remember that the owner of Tongyan City just said that he would not let people speak, and no one could speak. Elder Yang Fan spoke recklessly. Should the owner of Tongyan City say something?" Mu Yun laughed.

Tongyan calmed down and didn't realize that Mu Yun had a chance to turn the table after thinking about it. Behind him was the support of the Yang family and the Li family, and he was not afraid of Mu Yun's turnaround at all. Thinking of this, he shouted coldly, "Can Elder Yang Fan compare with you? Elder Yang Fan is much more prestigious than yours. Even the owner of the city has to call him Elder Fan. If he says something unpleasant, Elder Yang Fan is qualified to reprimand the owner of the city, and you..."

"So that's it!"

Mu Yun nodded and said with deep understanding, "No wonder the Lord of Tongyan City's trial is so out of standard today that he can't even guarantee the most basic seriousness and fairness. It turns out that there is an elder..."

"E elder, okay!"

"Lord Tongyan City, you are also very good..."

Mu Yun's strange words came out, and the child's face became more and more ugly.

Elder Yang Fan shook his head slightly: "Little guy, you are still young and don't know that the world is sinister. It's useless to show off your tongue for a while. You killed my children of the Yang family, but there is not enough evidence that you are self-defense, so you have only one dead end, and you still despise the Tianxuan criminal law, and even one dead end. I really have no reason to quarrel with you.

"Yes! With Tongyan City Lord and your Yang family sitting here, even if I have evidence, there will be no evidence, and even if I am innocent, I will become guilty. In fact, in your hearts, no matter how I interrogate today, no matter what I say today, you already know the result, that is, me and my parents, mentors and fellow practitioners It's going to die, isn't it?" Mu Yun asked indifferently.

Elder Yang Fan remained silent with a blank face.

The owner of Tongyan City had nothing to say and remained silent.

Others also remained silent because Elder Yang Fan and Tongyan City Lord kept silent.

The atmosphere in the prison suddenly became dull.

"Because you are the powerful class, and I, Mu Yun, happened to offend you powerful class, so my grassroots, along with my family and friends, will be implicated, right?"

Muyun's sentence is like a knife.

"What an enviable Tongyan City Lord and the Yang family..."

"Well, no matter what you say about today, the result has been decided. You violate the criminal law of Tianxuan and deserve to be executed! Three days later..." Tongyan City Lord suddenly opened his mouth and settled the life and death of Mu Yun and others as soon as he opened his mouth.