Fate is supreme

Chapter 269, discuss countermeasures

The child's heart is very frightened and annoyed.

Usu brought him too much pressure, and a sharp question almost made him breathless.

He has an unbearable feeling.

However, he can't give up. Once he gives up and is caught by Wusu, he, the lord of Dade City, will also give up the position of the virtu, and even he himself will be punished by Tianxuan Criminal Law.

Once he loses the position of the owner of Dade City, it is not only himself who will lose. Their children's family will be implicated and suppressed.

Over the years, he has sat in the position of the lord of Dade City, and there are absolutely many people who have offended him. Once he has no power and his strength is not taken seriously by these people, it is definitely something these people are very willing to do to suppress him.

The loss is too great.

He looked at the Yang family like asking for help and stared at Elder Yang Fan, praying for help, even if it was comforted.

But at this time, Elder Yang Fan did not calm down as before. He squeezed his mouth, lowered his head, and bowed his body. Suddenly, he seemed to be ten years old. He was completely an old man next door. How could he have half the momentum of the Yang family?

"What a waste..." He scolded in his heart, and Tongyan turned his head to look at the Li family area, but what made him frustrated was that Elder Li Min didn't look at him and kept chattering with the young woman next to him. He admitted that the young woman was more attractive than him, but it was time to die. Can you be serious? Some? Don't just think about picking up women, okay?

After a walk, he was the only one who dealt with Wusu in the end.

"Master Tongyan City, as a special envoy of Tianxuan Penalty Hall, I have the right to consult all the cases in Tianxuan territory and question every interrogator." Wusu's hoarse voice was like a sharp knife piercing Tongyan's heart, and it continued to deepen with the sound of him rotating like a gear.

It made him feel unstined.

"Now, please explain to me why you judged the case of Mu Yun and others like this? I need your explanation."

The child's face is fixed, and you can speak slowly and look calm: "Lord Wusu, you are the special envoy of the Penal Hall, and you have the right to question me, but naturally it makes sense for me to be sentenced like this."

"As for what the reason is, I will naturally explain it to you, but this is a big prison. Shall we change places? I think with you, Mu Yun and others don't dare to mess around. How about we go to the execution hall?

Wusu pondered for a long time and nodded and said, "Okay."

Tongyan sneered a few times in his heart, and he knew that Wusu would agree that people like Wusu, who extremely advocate the Tianxuan Criminal Law, are dogmatic and rigid. Since the Tianxuan Criminal Law stipulates that the trial is best in the prison, he will naturally abide by it.

asked the black-faced Hu Lin to arrange it, while Tong Yan hurriedly discussed countermeasures with Elder Yang Fan.

This is the reason why he changed the interrogation place. Why do you have to find an opportunity to discuss countermeasures?

"Those who come are not good!" As soon as Tong Yan pulled Elder Yang Fan aside, he heard Elder Yang Fan say these four words solemnly. He rolled his eyes and said to himself, "Isn't this nonsense?"

"Those who are good don't come, those who come are not good! The arrival of Wusu must be a conspiracy!" Elder Yang Fan continued.

"Is there anyone in this Muyun or Muyun's companion who knows Wusu and is even familiar with it?" The reason for the urgent analysis of the child's face.

Previously, Mu Yun was too calm and even dared to threaten him when he finally sentenced, which shows that Mu Yun has confidence. Did he already know that Wu Su was coming? Or does his confidence come from Usu?

"No." Elder Yang Fan directly rejected the idea. While Wu Su was silent, he had been carefully observing the reaction of Mu Yun and others. He found that Mu Yun had previously knew nothing about Wu Su. Only one of Mu Yun's companions seemed to know something, and the other people's knowledge of Wu Su was also blank.

Elder Yang Fan pondered for a long time and shook his head slightly and said, "If Mu Yun and Wu Su had known each other for a long time, Mu Yun could come out directly, and we dare not mess around."

Tongyan snorted coldly: "Since he has a grudge against your Yang family, he is naturally willing to cheat you..."

He is full of anger. Mu Yun doesn't want to miss the opportunity to rectify the Yang family and the Li family, but he can't involve him, can he? Now he has completely fallen into this pit and doesn't know how to climb up.

It's a trap!

Mu Yun... Nima is too tricky...

And he also found that at this time, if Wusu is held, he is likely to become a victim. The Yang family and the Li family will definitely be clean. After all, he is the one who tried the case, and the person who made the judgment is also him.

He was almost trapped to death.

"E Elder Li Min, what do you think?" Watching Li Min come over, Tongyan looked at Li Min as if to save his life, hoping that Li Min could give good news.

I didn't expect that Li Min was not funny. He looked regretful and hateful and said hypocritically, "Actually, the reason why our Li family did not want to nail Mu Yun at this time was that there were considerations in this regard!"

"Alas... Both of you both know that a son of my Li family is a deacon in the Law Enforcement Hall of the Penal Hall. A few days ago, he received news that Lord Wusu was secretly investigating the case of blood refining madness, so that our Li family should restrain ourselves and don't be beaten by his black hands. How could he think of..."

After saying that, Li Min also sighed, "The years are not good! Unfavorable years!"

Tongyan and Yang Fan looked at Li Min's appearance and hated it. Why didn't Nima say this news earlier? It's not until now that you Li's family is too much of a thing.

But have the two of them ever thought that even if Li Min had said this news earlier, would they pay attention to it?

Li Min's explanation confirmed that Mu Yun and others had nothing to do with Wusu.

"Huh? By the way, it seems that Mu Yun seems to be a key figure in the case of the blood refining madness. At that time, when he killed the blood refining madness, his amazing archery once helped several generations of masters..." Tong Yan seemed to remember something and said slowly.

Yang Fan's eyes shrank: "It seems so."

A sneer flashed in Li Min's eyes, but he said, "You two mean that Lord Wusu is doing the case of refining madness, so you don't want Mu Yun and others to die?"

Tong Yan and Yang Fan looked at each other and couldn't figure it out.

"Forget it, I guess the prison is ready. Let's go quickly, lest Lord Wusu wait." Li Min looked at the sky and urged the two to say.

Tongyan is extremely depressed. Nothing has been solved, and she has to face that evil spirit. This life is really not a human life.

Yang Fan also felt very tricky when he looked at the child's face. He whispered beside the child's face, "You succeed first, and our master will come soon..."

Tongyan's eyes lit up, nodded fiercely, again full of fighting spirit, and walked firmly to the execution hall.

Li Min, who followed him, looked at their backs and sneered in his heart.