Fate is supreme

Chapter 271, take a step back?

"Why hasn't the master come yet? In this way, if Wu Su is interrogated, Mu Yun and others will be released innocent..." Yang Qingzhu rubbed the corners of his clothes with his hands, and his face was full of anxiety.

Hearing the words, Elder Yang Fan sighed. Why didn't he hurry? Seeing that he has been convicted, the case will be overturned in less than an hour, which is also a record in the history of Tianxuan's trial, right?

If this matter has nothing to do with the Yang family, he will naturally be happy and happy to watch the fun, but the problem is that this matter has a great relationship with the Yang family now.

"No, I still have to urge the master..." Yang Fan secretly took out the token and urgently passed on what happened here to the owner of the Yang family, hoping that the owner of the Yang family would make a decision. Even if he doesn't come, it's better to show him the direction, right?

Just after sending the message, Yang Fan felt that it was still inappropriate. Didn't you see the message if there was something urgent?

So he quickly forwarded the information to every senior management of the Yang family, hoping that these senior officials could discuss collectively or discuss with the owner of the family and give him a definite answer.

with a bang!

Wusu slapped a piece of jade on the table. Fortunately, the table was strong and not damaged, but Yujian turned into powder in an instant. Wusu's face was serious and could be said to be a little cold.

This sound resounded in the hall, and Tong Yan suddenly felt the world spinning, and his world became gray. It's over... It's over, it's really over...

Usu is going to be angry.

Just when everyone was nervous and couldn't wait to rush out of the prison immediately. He didn't want to come in for the rest of his life, thinking that Wusu was furious and would definitely settle accounts with Tongyan, but Wusu said, "I have to investigate the authenticity of these evidence carefully to make sure whether it is true or false."

"It should be." Mu Yun smiled.

Usu Sen's cold eyes swept over Mu Yun and nodded and said, "Well, if the special envoy is sure that the evidence is true, he will naturally let you go. Please stay here for a while during this period of time."

"Everything is arranged by adults."

Wusu nodded indifferently, turned his head to look at Tongyan, and said coldly, "Master Tongyan, in the past few days, please arrange a residence for Mu Yun and others. There is no need for the prison, do you understand?"

Tongyan wiped the cold sweat on her forehead and quickly agreed.

Seeing that the trial was completed and Wu Su had a decision, Elder Yang Fan sighed in his heart that the situation was irreparable... The situation was irreparable.

It seems that Wusu still needs to determine the authenticity of the evidence, but in fact, he already believes in the evidence given by Mu Yun.

With Wusu's reputation, Yang Fan is not sure whether the Yang family can resist it. Fortunately, this evidence is false, but if it can't be resisted, it goes without saying that Yang Tianhuan and Yang Qingshan may even implict the Yang family.

The senior management of Dadetang also has a fight, and the fight is extremely fierce. If other high-level officials are caught, their Yang family's interests are bound to be damaged, which is what he doesn't want to see.

until Wusu announced his retirement, the head of the Yang family did not appear, not even reply to a message, and did not give him a definite answer. The senior officials of the Yang family did not know what had happened and did not reply.

This made him very anxious.

So after the court was closed, he didn't have time to greet Tong Yan, so he hurriedly left.

When he returned to the Yang family, he found that the head of the Yang family and the senior officials of the Yang family were sitting in the council hall.

When he entered the council hall, he felt a sense of depression. The owner of the Yang family leaned on the white jade seat, which symbolized the position of the head of the family. When he saw him come in, his cold eyes just swept him and ignored him and ignored it.

Looking at the faces of other high-level officials, whether they are hate or worried, or gloomy or cold, they are not good. He understands what happened to the prison hall. These guys are clear, and they seem to have discussed for a while, but they didn't think of a good way against Wusu, so they are sulking here.

"What a Wusu..."

Yang Fan secretly sighed in his heart that having a good teacher is different. What the Yang family is afraid of is not the strength of Wusu, but of Wusu's *. I heard that the closing disciples of the Lord of the Penalty Hall are still very trusted and loved by this lord. How can the Yang family have the courage to provoke them? I don't even dare to say anything hard.

The Yang family is a rich family in Dade Hall, but they have no choice but to face people like Wusu.

"E Elder, what do you think?" Maybe it's too dull. The owner of the Yang family, a handsome middle-aged man, fixed his majestic eyes on Yang Fan.

Yang Fan calmed down and sighed, "If we can't target Wusu, then we must be ready to give up!"

The head of the Yang family suddenly looked ugly.

Yang Fan sighed in his heart. He knew the owner very well and knew that the owner was not unable to withstand such a blow, but because what he said was so blunt that the owner could not accept it.

But at this time, what is needed is to be direct, and what is needed is to make the owner unable to accept it. Only in this way can the owner clearly realize the horror of Wusu.

Only in this way, the head of the family will not want to fight against Wusu.

"It's just a pity for Tong Yan..." The owner of the Yang family had a gloomy face and sighed quietly after a long time.

"There is no need to regret. The reason why Tong Yan is willing to help us is that he can form an alliance with my Yang family after everything is done. This is the interest, that is, his reward. Since it is the reward, then Tong Yan should think of the danger contained in it..."

He got up and talked about another elder of the Yang family, whose status was still above Yang Fan, called Yang Wei.

Elder Yang Wei was dressed in a white robe. Although he had lived for more than 200 years, he looked like a young man. The jade tree was in the wind and fascinated thousands of girls.

"Now he is unlucky. He has met Wusu and has not escaped danger, so he deserves it. The current loss of our Yang family is just a Yang Tianhuan and Yang Qingshan. Yang Tianhuan is a generation of masters. Although the losses are heavy, Yang Qingshan has a good talent, but he has never grown up. Relatively speaking, Yang Tianhuan's death is a greater blow to my Yang family!"

"The reason why we want to nail Mu Yun and others is to cover up Yang Qingshan's mistakes and prevent other senior officials from causing us trouble. But now that Wusu appears, it is impossible to cover up Yang Qingshan's mistakes. It's better to admit Yang Qingshan's mistakes generously and then find a way to make it. Solve the difficulties of other high-level officials!"

"As for Mu Yun and others, hum... As long as they don't die for a day, we still have a chance to punish them!"

Elder Yang Wei's analysis resounded in the lobby, and the elders fell silent.