Fate is supreme

Chapter 335, Crash

At this moment, Mu Yun is like a monster, infinity

Endless black airflow entered Mu Yun's mouth, and in the blink of an eye, the evil spirit swept away.

Master Zhou was inexplicably frightened.

What kind of means is this?

This is evil!

I don't know how many thousands of years these evil spirits have gathered in the cave. He used the feng shui array to gather these evil spirits together to form a strange but extraordinary powerful force.

This power is the foundation of his strength.

Since he studied feng shui, he has never seen anyone have the ability to swallow the evil spirit like nectar.

"Brother Mu, are you all right?" Mu Sangzi's face was full of worry. Mu Yun's behavior was too strange. She had never seen or heard of Mu Yun's ability.

Is it magical again?

Mu Sangzi thought silently in his heart that it was really almighty magic power.

Mu Yun sucked up all the evil qi. It seemed that he deliberately wiped his mouth and grinned, "It's okay. How can Brother Mu have something wrong?"

Strong confidence bloomed from his face.

"Who the hell are you...? How can you absorb the evil spirit? Master Zhou was deeply shocked by Mu Yun's behavior.

"You don't care who I am. Now tell me who you are? You should be a rune who can manipulate evil spirits, right? It's just that there are some differences between your means and the rune master. Tell me, why is this? Mu Yun asked.

"Of course, you don't have to say it, but I promise that your end will be very miserable... I won't let you die in pain, but I want you to live worse than death."

Looking at Master Zhou's hesitation, Mu Yun sneered and forced Master Zhou.

As time went by, Master Zhou closed his eyes slightly, and his trembling body showed that he was suffering from severe pain.

"It seems that you choose to live rather than die..." Mu Yun sighed quietly.

Master Zhou's face trembled, but he still resisted not opening his mouth.

Mu Yun didn't expect that Master Zhou was quite backbone at this time, but even if he was too tough, it would be useless for Mu Yun.

Master Zhou's hrill howl resounded in the cave, and Mu Yun sneered and was unmoved.


Master Zhou's limbs were broken, which was quite miserable, but Mu Yun ignored this. In the blink of an eye, his feet were slightly hard, and his legs became mud.

"Do you still want it?" Mu Yun grinned and stared at Master Zhou. As long as Master Zhou's answer made him dissatisfied, he would continue to let Master Zhou enjoy what pain was.

Master Zhou is not a hard bone after all. He succumbed and obeyed.

"Are you a master of feng shui? Are you practicing [the two qi seal formula of yin and yang]? Mu Yun frowned.

Master Zhou howled repeatedly: "Yes... [Yin and Yang two qi seal formula], what I practice is [Yinyang two qi seal formula]. The little brother must forgive me, the little brother must forgive me..."

Mu Yun sneered, took Mu Sangzi's hand and walked out.

"Brother Mu, he..." Mu Sangzi just wanted to ask how to deal with Master Zhou, but he was pulled out by Mu Yun.

"Help! Help..."

"I said... I said everything... Little brother, save me, don't leave me..."

Master Zhou was frightened and watched Mu Yun and Mu Sangzi go further and further. He was panicked. Now he has become this appearance. How can he still have the ability to get out of this cave?

As a master of feng shui, he deeply understands the horror of yin and evil spirits.

He dares to say that as long as he stays in this cave for more than two days, he will be eroded by the evil spirit in the cave and die.

"No... Come and save me..."

Master Zhou was very frightened.

However, no matter how he howled, Mu Yun and Mu Sangzi just didn't tell him and made him despair.

"Brother Mu, can you go back now? Otherwise, that guy will be scared to death and we won't get anything. Mu Sangzi listened to the oozing screams and comforted in a low voice.

Mu Yun shook his head slightly and said calmly, "Master Zhou has no real despair. We won't go until he is really desperate, so that we can get a miraculous effect."

Although Mu Sangzi was a little unbearable, he was even more unbearable to refute Mu Yun and waited obediently and silently.

Mu Yun sat down and refined the evil spirits inhaled in his body to make these evil spirits more pure, and then refine these evil spirits and become part of his power.

Mu Yun sneered in his heart.

Master Zhou looks up to himself too much and is too careless. His feng shui array is really wonderful, very strange and mysterious, but it does not mean that this feng shui array is invincible.

Master Zhou never thought of the feng shui array he arranged, and the endless evil spirits gathered were the best tonic for Mu Yun. These evil spirits are an important part of Mu Yun's original power.

Master Zhou wanted to use these evil spirits to deal with Mu Yun, but he had to say that he had found the wrong direction.

can only end in failure.

And he can't afford to fail at all. Once he fails, it means death.

Now, he is tasting his own failure and the taste of death.

"Ah...Help...Is there anyone...Help..."


Time passed by minute. Unconsciously, three hours passed in a flash. Mu Yun woke up from his practice, listened to Master Zhou's wailing that had not come for a long time, and smiled indifferently. Master Zhou's spirit had collapsed.

"Brother Mu, shall we go there now?" Mu Sangzi has also been repaired, and his mental state is very good.

Mu Yun nodded and said, "It doesn't matter what a feng shui master is, but this [yin and yang two qi seal formula] is very important to me. I will get it anyway."

Mu Sangzi thought about Master Zhou's unpredictable ability and had a lingering heart. Fortunately, Mu Yun could restrain Master Zhou, otherwise they would have been killed by Master Zhou.

"Master Zhou, do you still want to live?" Mu Yun looked at Master Zhou like a pool of mud without any pity. He knew that if he hadn't made Master Zhou look like this, he was probably more miserable than Master Zhou.

Master Zhou's method is extraordinary. Why did he fall into Mu Yun's hands?

It's not because Master Zhou did evil, and there are many innocent people who died in his hands. His luck is filled with a head of ferocious beasts, which are his life-threatening charms.

After Guiyun devoured these evil beasts, Master Zhou's luck suddenly changed. He still couldn't adapt to it. Mu Yun seized the opportunity to take him down.

"I want to live... I really want to live... Little brother, what do you want? As long as I can give you, I will definitely give it. I have a storage pendant in my neck, which contains the things I have accumulated over the years, all of which are yours... It's all yours..."

Master Zhou's face was full of prayer.

Mu Yun held the pendant in his hand, swept the pendant, smiled happily, handed the pendant to Mu Sangzi, and then looked at Master Zhou coldly: "I still want [Yin and Yang two qi printing formula]..."