Fate is supreme

Chapter 394, torrent raging, stirring thousands of miles

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The mountain wind rises, the clouds are surrounded by clouds, and the atmosphere at the foot of the holy mountain in Wuyuan is a little strange.

More than 200 new students ran at the same pace and forcefully. No one said anything, and even their breath was controlled.

The speed of these new students is not fast, and they carry 8,000 kg of backpacks, how fast can they go?

But the old students who followed them also kept silent.

An old student couldn't help muttering to his companions: "Isn't this hell in March? Why do I feel that we have become the guards of these guys?

The companion sighed and said, "To be honest, if we had trained, someone who would have helped me, maybe I wouldn't have had such a painful experience..."

"Cut! You think everyone is Mu Yun... Oh, no... That's not what I mean... But I just think, why is this Mu Yun so powerful? Is he really a fairy practitioner?

It should be! You see, he now weighs more than 60,000 catties, close to 70,000 catties, but looking at his appearance, he is more skillful. What is this concept? What does it mean? It shows that this Mu Yunguang relies on the strength of the body and can surpass you and me..."

"That's...but I heard that this guy also has vitality. So, he is not terrible?"

"Yes! Although we are a freshman, we'd better be careful, otherwise we will be angry, and it must be us who will suffer..."

"This Mu Yun..."

Although the conversation between the old students is secret, some people still heard it. Everyone who heard it felt very reasonable and agreed with them. Unconsciously, a large number of the old students regarded Mu Yun as a more powerful person than them.

Advocating the strong is a rule observed by immortals.

If Mu Yun is a little better than them, and their group of people unite out of envy and hatred, they will ** Mu Yun.

But Mu Yun's strength is much stronger than theirs. When the two sides are not at the same level at all, they want to deal with Mu Yun's mind.

"Nima...isn't it just a freshman? What are you dragging? I don't believe in evil. Is he so powerful?" Suddenly, a disdainful reprimand broke out in the old group.

"That's it! We are here to abuse new students, not to be guards, but I spent a lot of money..."


A series of oily and jealous roars sounded in the old students, and some old students who had just risen up and were not embarrassed by Mu Yun were incited.


Stones were quickly popped out, perhaps the old students mixed with anger, so these people attacked very hard and hit people, and their skin immediately turned purple and blue.

"Ah... run!"

"It hurts..."

The new students running behind couldn't stand the pain and squeezed forward desperately, while the people in front of them squeezed forward...

For a while, screams kept ringing, and some students fell to the ground, were trampled by other students, and tripped over some people.

These people who fell down were soon caught up by the old students and were immediately beaten.

Mu Yun always observed the situation behind him. He saw dozens of new students being beaten by the old students and his eyes shrank. He slowly stopped. As he stopped, Gu Xiangyuan and others also stopped, and then they all stopped one by one, and 30 or 40 new students were not with them. Rushing to the front, the other new students stopped.

"Brothers and sisters, do you want to be abused?" Mu Yun's tone was low, and his throat made a thunderous sound.

"I don't want to!" All the people said in one voice.

Since we don't want to be abused, we have to unite! Only when we are united can our strength be the greatest!" Mu Yun's eyes turned red, swept over everyone, and shouted in a low voice, "Unity is strength! In order to vent their desires, these old students don't treat us as human beings at all. In this case, why should we treat them as human beings?

"They dare to hit us, why don't we dare to fight back? Yes, there are more of them than us! They are powerful and powerful, but don't forget that it is because of this that they are so unscrupulous! So cruel!"

Mu Yun's eyes suddenly widened: "If we want to maintain human dignity, we can only rely on our bodies and our beliefs to fight!" They are fierce, we are more ruthless than them, they are poisonous, and we are more right than them. I, Mu Yun, can't believe that I can't cure them!"

"Brothers, if you want to follow me, just follow me. If you don't want to follow me, it doesn't matter. You can leave now. We will help you delay for a period of time. Good luck!"

After saying that, Mu Yun carried eight backpacks through the crowd and rushed towards the fierce and crazy old students who were fighting.


Mu Yun, carrying eight backpacks, is like a hill, and with the speed of his charge, Dong Dong Dong... It seems that the mountain is shaking.

"Let's go, brothers! "Death them!" Gu Xiangyuan's eyes were blood-red and roared. He held his backpack in his arms and rushed behind Mu Yun.

"Fight!" Chen Zizhuang shouted in a low voice.


He Xiong touched the light and discerning brain and laughed, "It's delicious and interesting to live like this. Nima is chased and beaten. Who lives a life? The immortals are immortals. The immortals are powerful and the immortals are invinc. I, He Xiong, am immortals. Then I am invincible. How can the invincible He Xiong escape? Men will kill you..."

Looking at the strong He Xiong also rushed out, Jin Bingru turned her head and looked at Shangguan Qiuwan seriously: "Is that He Xiong just now?"

Yes! I think this is the real He Xiong!" Shangguan Qiuwan said lightly.

Jin Bingru nodded. She and Shangguan Qiuwan have been tutors and know that it is easy to teach students mental methods, techniques and skills, but it is the most difficult for students to have an invincible heart and have eternal faith.

But now, they see it in He Xiong, and even think that the students who can rush out at this time, even if they don't have invincible hearts and eternal beliefs, they have overcome themselves... They have overcome their own fear, their own confusion, and everything...

"Good man, it should be so! Fight!" A student rushed out.

"I also fought! I don't believe that those veterans are ironclad? Do you keep fighting?"

"That's it! Damn it, buddy, don't you believe that these old meats are not meat, and bones are not bones. Will they hurt if you hit them?

A student rushed out and turned into a torrent.

The torrent is raging, stirring thousands of miles, and the color of heaven and earth changes wherever it passes.