Fate is supreme

Chapter 421, solicitation

He ordered Meng Chun and his wife to settle Shangguan Qiuwan, Gu Xiangyuan and others, while Mu Yun pulled Lan Xue and Mu Sangzi into his bedroom.

"Brother Mu, I'm really sorry... It's my fault, it's my fault..." As soon as Mu Sangzi entered the room, he collapsed and threw himself on Mu Yun. He cried loudly and was full of guilt.

Lanxue also had red eyes and sobbed softly.

It's really too involved.

Mu Yun's parents were taken away under their protection. They didn't know it until they couldn't find Mu Yun's parents the next morning that something was wrong.

The vigilance is too poor.

"Well, it's none of your business." Mu Yun gently patted Mu Sangzi on the shoulder and sighed, "Actually, I'm relieved to see you safe and sound. Don't worry, your parents' lives will not be in danger now."

"How do you know?" Mu Sangzi pushed away Mu Yun and asked in surprise.

Lan Xue also stopped crying, looked up at Mu Yun, and was attracted by what Mu Yun had just said.

"Alan's family? Is it Lan's family?" Lan Xue suddenly asked.

"Humph... Let's go to Lan's house now!" Mu Sangzi's face showed murder.

Mu Yun stopped the two women and said helplessly, "Don't be impulsive. This may have nothing to do with the Lan family. It should be..."

Mu Yun told his analysis to the two women.

"Brother Mu, do you mean that it is likely that the eldest prince or the second prince kidnapped his parents?" Mu Sangzi and Lan Xue looked at each other and turned pale.

"I'm not sure yet, but I'm not sure!" Mu Yun sighed.

"What should I do now?" Mu Sangzi and Lanxue were really anxious. This matter also involved the eldest prince and the second prince of the Ming Dynasty. This matter is not a small matter. If they are not careful, they will suffer a devastating blow.

"Wait!" Mu Yun gritted his teeth.

"Wait?" Mu Sangzi's eyes shrank.

Lanxue asked urgently, "When do we have to wait?" I don't know whether my parents will live or die now... If something happens to my parents, I... I..."

"Okay! I will deal with this matter, and you can take care of yourself at ease, understand? Mu Yun took Lan Xue and Mu Sangzi's tender hands and comforted them softly.

After comforting the two women, the two women fell asleep. In the past two days, they were also exhausted, physically and mentally tortured and exhausted. When Mu Yun, the backbone came back, they relaxed, and their fatigue was like a flood, destroying their will.

Looking at the two women sleeping and frowning, Mu Yun said that it was false that he was not distressed.

After covering the bedding for the two women, Mu Yun walked out of the bedroom and came to the practice room in the backyard.

He sat down cross-legged, thought about it carefully, and finally took out a delicate token, which was given to him by the mysterious teenager when he was in the psychedelic jungle.

"Zhu Yangtian?" Mu Yun manipulated the token and found that there was only one contact, which was the mark left by the mysterious teenager.

Although he doesn't know the name of the third prince of the dynasty, his surname Zhu is enough.

"Youth..." Mu Yun described the disappearance of his parents and passed on the message. Then he breathed, calmed down, and waited for the teenager's reply.

At this moment, in the psychedelic jungle more than 100,000 miles away, it was dark. At this time, it should be a rest, because this is the time when many monsters come out to look for prey.

However, the mysterious teenager is fighting with a storm wolf in the realm of the venerable earth.

A powerful force broke out in his thin body, holding a shining silver sword in his hand, one split, and the silver light was like practice, cutting out a blood mouth on the storm wolf.

Wo! Oh! Oh! Oh!

His swordsmanship was very deep. His silver sword turned into a rain curtain. In the blink of an eye, he tore the storm wolf into pieces, and the scene was bloody.

In the distance of the battlefield, a strong man held a long cyan bow in his hand, and his whole body was shining. The cyan air flowed, and a cyan arrow had quietly locked the storm wolf.

The broken intestines are sweeping the mysterious teenager.

As long as the mysterious teenager is a little bad, the sharp arrow in his hand will become a sharp weapon to destroy the storm wolf.

"Haha... It's fun! It's really enjoyable!" The mysterious teenager laughed and was quite proud between his eyebrows.

The mysterious teenager put away his silver sword and then strode towards the broken intestines and running water.

As soon as he took two steps, he stopped and took out a token exactly the same as Mu Yun. After a moment, his eyes were cold and flashed with cold light.

"San Shao, what's wrong?" Looking at the appearance of the mysterious teenager, he realized what had happened.

"Mu Yun's parents are missing." The mysterious teenager snorted coldly.

The broken intestines and flowing water's face became solemn, and his eyes flashed with blue light: "Can you be sure that they did it?"

The mysterious teenager hesitated and shook his head slightly.

"It doesn't matter. I'll arrange someone to investigate. There will always be news." Broken bowel flow waterway.

"I'm in trouble..."

Mu Yun quietly waited for the reply of the mysterious teenager Zhu Yangtian. It was not until the next morning that he received the news that he should not act rashly. He would arrange his parents' affairs.

When he got the news, Mu Yun's eyes flashed cold. At this time, he could really make sure that this matter was related to several princes.

It's very involved, but these people should not blackmail him with his parents.

For three consecutive days, Mu Yun didn't leave the house and waited at home.

Since Zhu Yangtian said that this matter was arranged by him, although Mu Yun was worried about the safety of his parents, he could only wait. On the other hand, he is also waiting for news from the other party.

Since they have taken away his parents, they are bound to ask for something and contact him.

That night, Mu Yun was talking with Lan Xue and Mu Sangzi in the living room and felt something wrong. When he checked it, he saw a ferocious and horrible beast roaring and rushing at him with its teeth and claws.

"It's not good! Enemy attack!" Lan Xue suddenly got up, stepped on the nine palace steps, and her eyes flashed murderous.

"Ji Jie..."

A strange smile came, and Mu Yun felt the gloomy atmosphere around him, which was horrible and chilling.

Suddenly, a figure emerged. The man was covered in a black robe, revealing only a pair of eyes shining with evil blood, and a strange smile in his mouth. The atmosphere was extremely horrible.

Mu Yun looked at this man and was sure that he was a strong man in the perfect situation of the venerable of the earth. His strength was extremely strong, and a heavy pressure came to his face, which was less than the Qingfeng Jianzun.

Protecting the two women behind him, Mu Yun calmly looked at the people.

"Little guy, aren't you afraid of me?" The man in black sneered.

"Are you afraid? Why are you afraid? Just because you are not a ghost?" Mu Yun replied coldly that he really didn't like these people. These people had no bottom line and dared to target his parents, which was not tolerated by him.

"Ky is looking for death!"

The man in black shouted angrily and waved his hand. A python with evil spirits roared and opened his mouth to swallow Muyun into his abdomen.

"Hmm!" Mu Yun snorted coldly and punched. The python burst in an instant and turned into evil spirits again.


The man in black was shocked, and the strength shown by Mu Yun obviously did not match the intelligence.

"I didn't expect you to hide your strength! No wonder you can kill the gorgeous tiger king!" The man in black shouted coldly.

Suddenly, Mu Yun had an extra bow in his hand, which was the Wuyue Tianang bow. The bow was equipped with a sharp arrow and the Hengshan sword, which was famous for its strangeness and unpredictable.

Hengshan's arrow suddenly disappeared!

The black robe man's eyes were bloody, his whole body was black, and his black robe was bulging, and his whole body seemed to have risen a circle.


With a sound of explosion, the black robe seemed to be discouraged. The blood in the eyes of the black robe man faded, but the murder in his eyes soared.

Mu Yun actually injured him.

"Looking for death! [ Yecha modified the array]!" The man in black snorted, and his whole body became more and more black, and an invisible pressure suddenly oppressed Mu Yun and the three.

"Be careful! [ Yecha Shura array] is not only a big attack array, but also an attack technique. It is based on the human body, unpredictable and powerful!" Lan Xue said solemnly.

"Ji Jie... I didn't expect anyone here to know this formation. The little girl doll is good." The man in black smiled strangely.

"Be careful!" Mu Yun suddenly turned into a light smoke and appeared beside Lan Xue, with his hands turned into fists and waved fiercely.

"Ah..." A strange cry sounded, and Mu Yun saw a tall and thin body, but the dark and busy Linlin's eyes sparkled with blood, and a strange sound in her mouth, hidden in the black airflow.

"Return to the cloud!" Mu Yun roared and summoned Guiyun.

As soon as Guiyun appeared, Yecha's eyes flashed with panic, and his body retreated repeatedly.

Gui Yun was dressed in white, pale and indifferent, and rushed towards the night fork step by step.

"What?" Feeling the fear of Yecha, the man in black was shocked and didn't know what had happened.

Suddenly, he saw that the night fork he manipulated fell down, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, and his yuan god was also swallowed up clean.

I suddenly realized that it was not good.

Just when he was in chaos, Mu Yun opened his mouth and took a deep breath. The black airflow seemed to turn into a long black river and entered his mouth. In the blink of an eye, he used his own power to run the changed heaven and earth into evil spirits. These evil spirits were swallowed up by Mu Yun. Most of them.

The large array was destroyed by this force, and the man in black robe spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the blood in his eyes became darker and darker.

And Mu Yun did not stop, constantly sucking, and all the black airflow was sucked into his mouth and turned into his own power.

The man in black staggered and seemed to fall down at any time.

"Old Shura, am I right? This boy is not easy to deal with!" A familiar voice came, and Mu Yun saw Qingfeng Jianzun slowly coming in and looking at him with a smile.

"Humph..." The man in black snorted coldly and did not speak, obviously agreeing to Qingfeng Jianzun's words.

"Qingfeng Jianzun, my parents were abducted by you, right?" Mu Yun shouted coldly.

Qingfeng Jianzun looked at Mu Yun faintly: "Little guy, you are not honest."

Mu Yun frowned and said coldly, "Tell me what you want, and return my parents back quickly."

"Don't worry, your parents are doing well and safe now. We are here today to pick you up. How about that? Do you still need to consider it? Are you going with us now or?" Qingfeng Jianzun looked like he was determined to eat Mu Yun.

"I'll go with you!" Mu Yun shouted coldly without any hesitation.


"We'll go too!" Mu Sangzi and Lan Xue shouted.

Qingfeng Jianzun turned his head and looked at Mu Yun, as if to say that it was up to you.

Mu Yun was very moved, but he didn't want the two women to take risks. He stepped forward and took them into his arms and whispered, "You wait for me to come back at home. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Instead, you follow me. I can't guarantee your safety..."

Mu Yun stared at the two women with a very charming smile on his face.

"Be careful..." Mu Sangzi gritted his teeth.

"Be sure to bring your parents back..." Lan Xue stopped talking.

Mu Yun smiled and turned his head to Qingfeng Jianzun, "Let's go!"


Qingfeng Jianzun smiled indifferently and took out a palm-sized, round jade ring. Suddenly, he urged the jade ring. A strong space force flowed in the living room, and the space rippled. In the blink of an eye, a door was formed.

"Transmission array?" Lan Xue exclaimed.

Qingfeng Jianzun smiled, looked at the man in black and took the lead in walking in. Then the man in black followed closely. Mu Yun finally looked at the two women and also walked into the door and disappeared.

"What should I do? Do we really have to wait here?" Seeing the door closed, Mu Sangzi looked at Lan Xue with tears in his eyes.

Although Lan Xue is also worried, she is much stronger than Mu Sangzi. "What we can do now is to take care of ourselves. In addition, we should also do something and wait for him to come back."

"What?" Mu Sangzi was stunned.

Lan Xue took a look at Mu Sangzi: "I'm going to Lan's house..."


After entering the door and turning around, Mu Yun found himself landing in a valley. The top of the lush valley was foggy, as if the valley was on the top of the mountains.

"Lord Qingfeng, Lord Shura, Lord Tianlong is waiting for you two in Room 3!" A middle-aged man who looked like a housekeeper respectfully saluted Qingfeng Jianzun and Shura, and looked at him with curious eyes.

"We're going there!" Qingfeng Jianzun nodded with a smile, looked at Mu Yun, and strode on the winding path of the valley.

"Go!" Shura's blood-red eyes stared at Mu Yun, snorted coldly, and followed Qingfeng Jianzun.

Mu Yun looked at the housekeeper and followed.

The valley seemed to be small, but in fact it was not. After walking for a quarter of an hour, the three came to Room 3 mentioned by the housekeeper.

Room 3 is a cave that has been chiseled on the mountain wall. It is plain and unpretentious outside, which is no different from ordinary caves. However, as soon as he enters the cave, Mu Yun knows that it is different. The interior decoration is luxurious and very magnificent. This cave is decorated with a very powerful formation.

Although he is not a rune, Mu Yun can also feel the power of the formation.

After walking along the luxuriously decorated channel for a moment, a very luxurious hall appeared in front of him. At the top of the hall, a young-like majestic man sat on the Moyu power seat with his eyes slightly closed.

"See you, Lord Tianlong!" Qingfeng Jianzun and Shura Zun respectfully saluted, and Mu Yun could see the fear of young people in their eyes.

"Are you back? Huh? Shura, are you injured? Did he hurt you?" The young man suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of divine light suddenly appeared. Mu Yun seemed to see a powerful and invincible dragon in the world that woke up.

"Hmm!" Shura snorted coldly and did not answer. How did he answer such a shameful thing?

"Are you Mu Yun?" As for the rudeness of the Venerable Shura, the young man had no expression and turned his head to Mu Yun and asked.

The majestic voice resounded in the hall.

"You ordered my parents to be arrested?" Mu Yun did not answer the young man's words, but asked rhetorical.

The young man frowned and looked deeply at Mu Yun: "You are very strong!"

"Generally, how dare I compare with you?" Mu Yun sneered.

"Yes, your parents were brought back by my order. If you want, you can see them at any time." Youth Road.

"Then I want to see them now!"

"No problem!" The young man said lightly.

"Mun, please follow me!" I don't know when the middle-aged man who looked like the housekeeper just appeared behind him, heard the words and greeted Mu Yun to walk out of the hall.

Mu Yun snorted coldly. Although he didn't understand why the other party let him see his parents so easily, he did want to confirm his parents' safety at the first time, so he didn't think about it.

Until Mu Yun went out, the Venerable Shura snorted coldly, "Lord Tianlong, this Mu Yun is not easy to deal with. If you let him see his parents so easily, isn't it more difficult for us to subdue him?"

"Ha ha, Venerable Shura, subdue a person is not only for him, but also for his heart. With his parents, he can indeed serve us, but he can't get his heart. A person who can't do things sincerely, no matter how capable he is, has a very limited role in us.

Shura tasted it carefully and nodded slightly.

"Lord Tianlong, is this Mu Yun really worth paying so much to find it?" Qingfeng Jianzun asked doubtfully.

He is really puzzled. Mu Yun's strength is good, but their team is very special. Those who can join here must be the venerable of the earth. Mu Yun is just a small master. How can he be qualified to join them?

"Ha ha, no matter what his cultivation is, he can kill the gorgeous tiger king and hurt Shura. Such a person has met the conditions to join us..." The young man smiled faintly.

In fact, he still has one sentence that he hasn't finished, that is, Mu Yun still has strong plasticity.

After all, Mu Yun is only 18 now. At this age, he can fight with the venerable people of the earth. The future is unlimited. It is also a great good thing to recruit this genius as early as possible.