Fate is supreme

Chapter 425, adults are wise

"Three days is too short, and I need more time to consider..." As soon as the three days arrived, the Venerable Tianlong couldn't wait to summon Mu Yun and waited with confidence for Mu Yun to say that he would join the Tianlong Camp.

However, Mu Yun disappointed him and did not give a definite answer directly, but said that he needed more time to consider.

Looking deeply at Mu Yun, Tianlong nodded expressionlessly and said, "Since you need more time to think about it, I will give you enough time."

The Venerable Tianlong did not force Mu Yun to reply immediately, which showed that he had enough confidence that Mu Yun would eventually agree to become a member of the Tianlong camp.

However, Mu Yun wanted to meet his parents' request, but was ruthlessly refuted by Tianlong Venerable. Perhaps in the eyes of Tianlong Venerable and Qingfeng Jianzun, Mu Yun was a little more advanced. They have deliberately suppressed their anger and did not attack, but it does not mean that all their requirements for Mu Yun will be met one by one.

In the final analysis, Mu Yun is just their prisoner and gives him time to consider, instead of choosing to directly force him to join. He just wants to give up.

Back to the cold cave, Mu Yun sat cross-legged, feeling the surging of heaven and earth around him, and there was some contradiction in his heart. Happily, he has broken through the master's realm and can deeply feel the atmosphere of heaven and earth around him, just like a fish swimming in the water, relaxed and comfortable, full of comfort. However, what makes him feel helpless is that even if he breaks through the master's realm and improves his strength, he has no confidence to fight with the Dragon Vener.

The Dragon Venerable is worthy of being a veteran earth venerable, a strong man in the realm of great perfection, and his strength is unfathomable. Normally, his advanced master's strength has soared. Even if he is defeated by the Tianlong Venerable, he will not be too embarrassed, but the fact is not. In front of the Venerable Tianlong Venerable, whether he is advanced to the master, his feeling is the same.

The Dragon Venerable is like a vast sea, seemingly calm, but the inside is turbulent and surging.

And he is a flat boat in the sea, swaying, small and uncheckable, and the ship will overturn at any time.

He has advanced to the realm of master, and it is impossible to improve his strength again in a short period of time, so he has placed his hopes on the mysterious teenager, that is, the third prince.

But for three days, he has not received a message from the third prince, wondering if something happened to the third prince.

Just as Mu Yun was immersed in his practice, absorbed the spirit of heaven and earth into Yuanli, and enriched the fairy mansion, in Room 3 of Tianlong Camp, the Venerable Tianlong listened to the bad news facelessly.

In the luxurious No. 3 room, the special glowing stone emits soft light, making the interior magnificent and bright as day.

Venerable Tianlong leaned on the throne symbolizing the supreme command of Tianlong Camp, holding his chin with his right hand, his eyes as deep as the sea, his heart-plowing eyes beating inside, and listening to the report under him expressionlessly.

"The mission failed again? Are you sure?" After his men's trembling report, the Venerable Tianlong suppressed his anger and asked in a low voice.

His hands knelt on the ground, and his forehead was as smooth as a mirror, but as hard as iron. There was no temperature on the ground at all. His voice trembled and answered the question of Venerable Tianlong.

"Where is the Green Snake?" The Dragon asked.

The men did not dare to hesitate and quickly replied, "I'm retreating!"

Venerable Tianlong's eyes closed slightly and didn't know what he was thinking about. Suddenly, his eyes opened, and two rays of divine light burst out: "Go down, when the Green Snake Venerable comes back, immediately report!"

"Yes!" His men were finally relieved. After giving a respectful salute, they hurriedly left. At least he was also a venerable of the earth, but when the mission failed, the Venerable Tianlong was furious and brought him great pressure. How wonderful it was to leave Room 3 as soon as possible.

He doesn't want to stay any more.

You can imagine how angry Tianlong Venerable is at this moment.

The Shura Venerable deeply felt the change in the attitude of the Venerable Tianlong Venerable to him. Perhaps it is that the Venerable Tianlong is strong, or open and vigorous. After that conversation, as soon as he met him, he felt that the Venerlong regarded him as his confidant.

I'm excited.

There are more than 100 earth venerable people in Tianlong Camp, although the cultivation resources allocated to above every year can be said to be countless compared to those forces in the outside world. But the division on each of them is indeed a little limited.

The distribution of practice resources in Tianlong Camp has always been based on the strength of cultivation and the size of credit. Although he is known as the master of Shura and has the cultivation of the perfect state of the venerable of the earth, his real strength is only 20 or 30 in Tianlong Camp.

In Tianlong Camp, half of the practice resources are concentrated on the top 20 earth venerors, especially the first few.

His cultivation strength can rank 20 or 30 in Tianlong Camp. He is reasonable enough to be proud, but looking at the resources obtained by those venerable people who are stronger than his own, his heart is unbalanced. He is also practicing hard and working hard, but he is not idle, is he?

This time, it can be regarded as a confidant by the Venerable of Tianlong, which means that the Venerable Dragon will pour the cultivation resources on him. Of course, there is no need to pour too much. It is enough for the Venerable Dragon.

So at this time, the Tianlong summoned him to discuss things, and Gujing Wubo's heart beat. If he hadn't been good at nourishing his energy, he would have trembled.


"Mu Yun hasn't given a definite answer yet?" A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Venerable Shura and said coldly, "Lord Tianlong, this Mu Yun is a rare talent, but this little guy is deep-minded, coupled with his youth and vigor, it is not easy to give in!"

"Well, I understand."

Venerable Tianlong nodded and hummed blankly, "The reason why he didn't give a definite answer and said that he needed time to consider it was nothing more than delaying time. He wanted to delay the time, so I gave him this opportunity. I wanted to see how many more days he could jump.

Venerable Shura nodded slightly, and Venerable Tianlong's words were very clear. Mu Yun toasted and did not eat punishment wine. He was ready to destroy this genius.

His goal has been achieved.

From the first sight of Mu Yun, he was very unhappy. He was very happy to give Mu Yun some eye medicine in private.

"How long is Lord Tianlong going to give him time to consider?"

Venerable Tianlong frowned. Obviously, he had not thought about this problem and said coldly, "This pursuit mission has failed again."

"Failed again?" The Lord Shura's face turned white and his heart trembled.

The mission failed.

This is easy to say, but he can deeply feel the information contained in this word, which must be a bloody storm and the fall of his companions.

"18 more died this time, 18... We don't have enough people, and we don't have time." The Dragon sighed.

The Venerable Shura is deeply convinced.

When their Tianlong camp was full, there were 108 venerable people, but in the past few months, they have been damaged repeatedly. In addition to 18 this time, there are still 43 venerable people in the whole Tianlong camp.

65 people have been lost.

Such a loss rate is amazing.

"Lord Tianlong means that this Mu Yun wants to delay time, but we can't give him much time?" Venerable Shura said carefully.

He looked up at the Venerable Shura and pointed to the iron-wood chair next to him, which meant to let the Venerable Shura sit down and speak. Venerable Shura was surprised, which showed that he had figure out the idea of Venerable Tianlong and sat down on an iron wooden chair. Although it was not as soft and comfortable as the sofa, he was able to sit and talk to Venerable Tianlong in Room 3. In Tianlong Camp, not everyone has this qualification.

Sitting upright and coughing twice, Shura said carefully, "Since we can't give this Mu Yun much time, we have to find a way to make this Mu Yun make a choice as soon as possible."

The Venerable Dragon nodded without any doubt.

The Venerable Shura is right. He knows that this is the key. The reason why Venerable Tianlong summoned him today is not to listen to him show loyalty and talk nonsense, but to let him give advice and make this Mu Yun give in.

He also saw that this Mu Yun is very important to the Tianlong Camp at this time. At the same time, this Mu Yun is also very difficult to join the Tianlong Camp.

But if the difficulty is small, does the Dragon still need him?

This is the time to show his value.

"If you want to make a person succumb, Lord Tianlong has done a very good job. If you let your subordinates do it, you will certainly not be as lightly as adults..."

After giving a flattery, Venerable Shura said with a smile, "But I think we can continue to write on these four words, such as hard words, and we will fight with this Mu Yun to let him understand that we really dare to kill him. Then he used his parents to work hard on this soft word... Don't worry that he won't agree."

Venerable Tianlong nodded slightly, with no expression on his face, and it was not clear whether he agreed with or disapproval of the idea.

The Venerable Shura's eyes flashed, and he said, "Lord Tianlong, I don't know if this mission failed, what happened to the Green Snake Venerable?"

"Safe and sound."

The Venerable Dragon's eyes suddenly lit up and smiled at the corners of his lips: "Do you mean to use the Green Snake Vener?"

The Venerable Shura nodded with a smile and said, "If you want to talk about my Tianlong Camp, no one can compare with the Green Snake Venerable on the fierceness. Moreover, I believe that the Green Snake will be very happy.

Venerable Dragon nodded happily and looked at Venerable Shura with approval. This Venerable Shura's head was really good, and he also knew how to welcome him. Such subordinates did not pay attention to it before, which was really his mistake.

Although the Venerable Shura did not say it, he understood the other meaning of Venerable Shura. Summoning the Venerable Green Snake to take action can also relieve the resentment of the Venerable Green Snake Venerable, which is a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

"Just do what you want, but it's better to let the Green Snake make his own decision..."

The Venerable Shura suddenly got up, his face was full of admiration, and said respectfully, "Your excellence is wise!"