Fate is supreme

Chapter 432, the soul swears

Dear friends, everyone is very happy when the festival is coming, but I still hope that you can pay attention to your health and be in good health...


The brilliant Tianlong looked at the three people in the canopy. His eyes trembled slightly and the corners of his lips were slightly raised. Although he didn't know what the three people in the cave were talking about, just by looking at the faces and attitudes of these people, he knew that the parents cared about their sons very much.

The son also cares about his parents very much.

That's enough.

After a few days of thinking, he has changed his mind. This time, if Mu Yun does not give a definite answer to join his command and become a member of the Tianlong Camp, he will use means to really use the safety of Mu Yun's parents to blackmail him.

Even if you can recruit him, you won't hesitate not to attract him.

There's nothing he can do. He can't wait.

The task assigned above has not been completed, and his Tianlong Camp has almost collapsed and has no time to wait. He must make a choice either to destroy the Tianlong Camp in the process of completing the task, or the anger from above to destroy the Tianlong Camp.

The results seem to be the same, but the former is more promising and can give him hope.

"I hope you don't disappoint me..." The canopy suspended in the air of Room 3 slowly dissipated, and the Dragon Vener muttered expressionlessly.


The cool breeze is blowing, the night is blurred, and the gauze-like mist surrounds the quiet valley.

The hazy moonlight reflected on Mu Yun, making him look a little cold. In the cave, he is the son of his parents, with a warm and happy smile on his face, but out of the cave, he has to run for his future and make choices for his future. At this moment, his expression can better reflect his feelings.

However, when someone appeared not far in front of him, the cold feeling had faded and returned to normal. He looked at the Shura Venerable who picked him up without saying a word. He quietly followed the Shura Venerable and walked on the mountain path illuminated by the hazy moonlight.

There are still three hours left in a day agreed with the Venerable Tianlong. It seems that it is not long, but in the eyes of his parents, it is very important, but Mu Yun cruelly cut off this period of time. His parents are too tired and almost on the verge of collapse.

He tried his best and used extraordinary means to put his parents into a deep sleep. This is the best way he can think of at present. He doesn't want his parents to be hurt at all.

Although it was still late at night, I heard that Mu Yun was about to reveal the answer. The Green Snake and Qingfeng Jianzun, who were very concerned about this matter, were already waiting in Room 3.

"Hey... Mu Yun, can you tell us the answer now? I look forward to you becoming one of us. Qingfeng Jianzun said with a smile on his face, and his eyes were full of kindness when he looked at Mu Yun.

Qingfeng Jianzun also risked himself. Even if he angered the Green Snake Venerable, he would not hesitate to do so. Of course, this is actually that he has angered the Green Snake Venerable. Now his performance is just broken. He hopes to get along well with Mu Yun and plan for his future.

"Muyun, as Qingfeng Jianzun said, you should give us an answer." Master Shura said in a low voice.

In order to attract this Mu Yun, Tianlong and he have paid a lot of effort and price. Now at the most critical moment, he is still a little nervous.

"Little beast, you'd better not join our Tianlong Camp..." The Green Snake did not hide his deep murderous intention, staring at Mu Yun with cold eyes and shouted in a low voice.

Muyun ignored the three people, looked up at the Venerable Tianlong and asked with a smile, "Thank you, Lord Tianlong, for your love. How can I, Mu Yun, treat you like this?"

Tianlong Venerable looked at Mu Yun and seemed to have noticed Mu Yun's intention, with a faint smile on his expressionless face: "You are very good. The master Dacheng can fight against the Green Snake Venerable. Such talent and strength are at the forefront even in my Ming Dynasty. As long as you can join my Tianlong Camp, I will pay It's worth the price."

"That's right!"

Venerable Shura nodded and echoed, "Mu Yun, our Tianlong Lord really cares about your talent, strength, and heart. As long as you join the Tianlong Camp and have the practice resources given by our Tianlong Camp, your strength will definitely be improved quickly."

"And you are now in the realm of master, with great plasticity. With our practice resources, you can not only quickly improve your cultivation, but also temper your foundation, and your future is unlimited."

"I don't know what kind of treatment I can get if I join Tianlong Camp? Of course, the more detailed the explanation, the better. Mu Yun said lightly.

Venerable Shura frowned, looked at Venerable Tianlong, and immediately said, "Brother Muyun, our Tianlong Camp has been established for 38 years. Originally, there were 108 brothers, all of whom are at the level of Earth Venerable. Our Tianlong Camp recruits personnel, and the minimum requirement is also the earthly realm. We give a master of the earthliness the cultivation resources of about 3 billion yuan a year.

"Thirillion yuan?" Mu Yun said sarcastically.

3 billion yuan is definitely a huge number for ordinary people, and even for a family, it is also a very large number, but for him, 3 billion yuan is indeed less.

With the evolution of the world of fate, the life art leaf is also evolving. He is now using a life art leaf, and the value of finding treasures is more than 10 million. In his eyes, 3 billion yuan is just dozens or hundreds of life art leaves.

The life skill Ye is precious, but compared with his freedom, it is incomparable.

Freedom is more valuable.

Siror Shura's cheeks turned red. How could he not hear the sarcasm in Mu Yun's words? There is a burst of anger in my heart. You don't know too much about heaven and earth, do you? 3 billion yuan, that's 3 billion yuan.


Qingfeng Jianzun saw the embarrassment of the Venerable Shura, coughed twice, stepped forward, looked at Mu Yun with a smile and said, "The three billion Mingyuan is naturally less for the little brother, but these 3 billion Mingyuan is the most basic welfare of the newcomers of our Tianlong Camp, which can be said to be the most basic guarantee."

"Our Tianlong Camp will give new personnel a chance to choose more than seven-star mental methods and techniques." Qingfeng Jianzun saw Mu Yun's eyes lit up and knew that Mu Yun was moved. Is it so easy to get the mental method and technique above seven stars?

"You are still in the realm of master. If you can get the mind or technique of seven stars or above, the foundation will be extremely far-reaching, much stronger than us old guys. Don't be afraid of your digestion. I also joined the Tianlong Camp when I was in the realm of the earth. Get a chance to choose the mind and techniques, and my [Qingfeng Sword] is eight stars.

"It took me 50 years to practice this mixed skill of mind and technique to 60% of the situation."


Qingfeng Jianzun's face is full of amazement: "With your current realm, it can be said that you have just begun to practice the spirit of heaven and earth, and you can get an eight-star heart method. When you reach this realm, you may have the ability to have the golden elixir saints to fight."


The Green Snake Venerably snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with Qingfeng Jianzun's boasting Mu Yun so much, but she also admitted that Mu Yun could indeed do this step.

Looking at Mu Yun nodding and observing the extraordinary Qingfeng Jianzun, Shura Vener didn't want Qingfeng Jianzun to get cheap and timely interrupted: "Muyun little brother, in addition to the basic guarantee, the people of Tianlong Camp will also participate in many tasks in a year, and every time they participate in the task, they will get a lot of rewards. As long as you have strength, not to mention tens of billions, hundreds of billions of rewards are possible.

"The higher your strength, the more rewards you will get for participating in the mission. Where can you find such a good thing?"

said everything that should be said, and the conditions that should be opened were also opened. Qingfeng Jianzun and Shura Zun quietly waited for Mu Yun's answer.

"Mu Yun, I think you have amazing talent. Well, how about you first joined my Tianlong Camp and give you one more opportunity to choose mental methods and techniques?" The Tianlong Venerable, who had been silent, suddenly opened his mouth and offered more favorable conditions as soon as he opened his mouth.

Mu Yun is still a little confused about the value of seven stars and above skills. Let's not talk about anything else. Looking at the envious expressions of the Shura Venerable and Qingfeng Jianzun beside him, you can know that the Vener Tianlong has just made a hard time.

"Have you thought it over?" The Venerable Dragon urged.

Mu Yun was silent for a long time and looked up at the Venerable Tianlong: "If I don't join, how will you treat me?"

Suddenly, the atmosphere in Room 3 was a little dull.

"Mu Yun, don't make a toast and don't eat punishment!" Venerable Shura was depressed to death. He said so much about his feelings, but this Mu Yun didn't listen to half a word?

Qingfeng Jianzun's face is blue and says to himself that he has offended the Green Snake for you. You are not worthy to play with me now. Isn't this to frame me?

Tianlong Venerable stared at Mu Yun with his eyes and shouted in a low voice, "Don't you want to join my Tianlong Camp?"

"Hmm... little beast, is this your choice? I will make you live or die, and let you taste the torture of the world..." The green snake's eyes jumped with sparks, and his heart pounded, and he really wanted Mu Yun not to join the Tianlong Camp.

In this way, she can avenge her man without hesitation.


Mu Yun coughed softly and said helplessly, "Can't I ask? I'm just asking, okay, I'll join the Tianlong Camp.

"Hey... That's right. We will be a family in the future. Don't worry, your parents will be well taken care of." Qingfeng Jianzun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Venerable Shura and Venerable Tianlong looked at each other and saw a strong joy in each other's eyes.

"Mu Yun, you will be grateful for your choice!" The Dragon said in a low voice.

"Hmm." Mu Yun nodded and did not intend to be too entangled in this issue.

"Hey... Now that the little brother Mu Yun has promised to join our Tianlong Camp, we can hold an entrance ceremony." The Venerable Shura said with a smile.

"Is there any entrance ceremony?"

"Of course." His face was full of pride: "Our Tianlong Camp is famous. Naturally, we have our own rules. Of course, it is also very simple. We happen to have four earth venerors here. According to the rules of our Tianlong Camp, as long as three earth venerable people are present, we can hold an entrance ceremony."

"How to hold it?"

"It's very simple. You just need to swear with your soul that you won't betray our Tianlong Camp..."

"Do you still want the soul to swear?" Mu Yun's face suddenly changed.