Fate is supreme

Chapter 443, Trap

"Vice of Tianzhen... Why do you look like this?"

As soon as the Venerable Tianzhen appeared, the faces of the Venerable Venerable of Tianlong Camp suddenly became extremely wonderful. At this moment, the Venerable Tianzhen were all over, his body was covered with scars and blood gushed. His right arm seemed to be broken, and his face was pale and scary. How could he have the demeanor of a rune master?

It's more called a begko than a begko.

It's more dead than a dead dog.

It's miserable and heartbreaking.

"No... leave me alone, quickly... quickly make a formation!" After saying this, after rushing to the crowd, the Venerable Tianzhen sat down cross-legged, took the healing elixir, and began to heal his wounds, leaving his eyes everywhere.

People are at a loss.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up!"

Venerable Shura saw the unusual from the words and miserable appearance of Venerable Tianzhen. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley and tasted it carefully. Suddenly, he was stunned to the extreme.

Who can have such a powerful power to make the Venerable Tianzhen so miserable? So pitiful?

But no matter who it is, it is much more powerful than them.

Thinking that they had the help of the Venerable Tianzhen, they killed King Jing and his guard with magma.

However, the Venerable Tianzhen was injured like this, which shows how terrible the enemy is.

Hearing this, the venerable men immediately became alert, and their hearts were also awe-inspiring. In fact, the impact of the venerable Tianzhen's injury was too strong for them.


At this time, a roar sounded, and the faces of the Venerable Shura and others became wonderful.

"Muyun? He...isn't he hurt?" The Venerable Shura was stunned. Wasn't Mu Yun disabled by Venerable Tianlong? How long has it been? Why are you so lively again?

Thinking of the picture of the war between Mu Yun and Venerable Tianlong, and then looking at the miserable appearance of Venerable Tianzhen, Venerable Shura was cold and trembling.

It's really too stressful.

What a star.

The Venerable Shura also had a thought and didn't have time to think deeply. There was nothing he could do. Mu Yun's attack began.

In the roar, Mu Yun gently plucked the purple bow, as if a purple sun rose. In the blink of an eye, a purple sun turned into nine rounds, forming a huge circle, shining purple all over his body, and the glory flowed, shaking the world.


The nine purple lights rushed by. Although the venerable men of Tianlong Camp had already sacrificed their own weapons to resist, urged their power, and used their own secret methods to enhance their defense, ten earth venerable men instantly collapsed, burned and turned into purple ashes.


The screams sounded one after another, and no one could resist it. The nine earth venerable only had time to scream and fell. Another earth venerity was unfortunately hit in the head by the explosion of his companion, and his brain splashed and fell down.

Death is an extremely horrible power with an incomparable sense of oppression, but Mu Yun's attack makes people feel even more terrible. Who has this ability?


Many of the land venerable people of Tianlong Camp reacted that although they were frightened by such power, they knew that they could not escape. Only death and close combat could they survive.

They can't compete with the divine arrow, have no ability to escape from the divine arrow, and their speed is not that fast.

Unconsciously, Mu Yun's power has penetrated into their bones.

Maybe they can still survive after this war, but they are likely to suffer the influence of heart demons in their future lives... Mu Yun is their heart demons.


A gorgeous light rose to the sky. These earth venerable people sacrificed their own weapons, took out their unique moves, and used all kinds of killing methods to form a thunderstorm wind and roll them up.

Mu Yun's eyes suddenly shrank. These venerable people are like trapped beasts. As the saying goes, the trapped beasts are still fighting and earth-shaking. These earth venerable people not only showed all their power, but also stimulated their potential and became more powerful.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill..."

The shouting of killing was earth-shaking and touching. In the blink of an eye, Mu Yun was hit by the wind of thunderstorm and besieged him. Seeing this, all the venerable people of the earth used their strength, and the power of the thunderstorm wind became more and more terrible.

"Let's work harder and we will definitely wipe him out..." Venerable Shura roared.

Hearing this, the venerable people of the earth gritted their teeth, and some of them really tried their best to spit out their own blood and sacrifice their weapons. The blood was permeated, and the wind of thunderstorms became more and more horrible.

Just as these earth venerable people fought for everything, the explosion of the king in a thunderstorm resounded through the sky, and the wind of the thunderstorm suddenly stopped, and then the extremely horrible shock wave rippled and was powerful.

All the venerable people of Tianlong Camp in the four directions are trembling. The teenager is simply a demon king. Unexpectedly, he can break their killing at this time, which is enough to deter their body and mind again.

"Ah... This is the devil, he can't be killed..." A venerable man of the earth broke down. He tried his best to kill everything, but he still couldn't kill the other party.

Although the other venerable people of the earth did not collapse, they also looked pale and did not have the previous momentum, as if they were suffering from a serious illness and were listless.

Although they have not broken down, they have no momentum in their hearts and have thought that Mu Yun is invincible.


A sharp arrow is like the sickle of death, harvesting life, and the venerable of the earth is unwilling to fall down or annihilate ashes unwillingly.

Screams come one after another, and this place has become a hell on earth. Every practitioners here are a strong and trembling existence, but now, they are dead dogs, the meat on the cutting board, killed by hunters without mercy.

In the blink of an eye, there are only a few people left.

Venerable Shura has given up resistance and quietly waited for the divine arrow to shoot. His heart is like ashes, and his face is full of gray and defeat. Although Mu Yun only has the realm of master, he is an invincible person. There is no way to live against such a person.

There are fewer and fewer companions around, and in the end there is only one left.

"Why don't you...do it yet?" The Venerable Shura asked bitterly.

Mu Yun smiled indifferently: "Because I don't want you to die so soon."

Venerable Shura's face suddenly collapsed, with two crisp clicks, his legs disappeared, and two soft sounds, his arms also disappeared, and his whole body fell to the ground.

Mu Yun was like a demon god, with silent eyes, quietly staring at the venerable Tianzhen sitting cross-legged: "Don't you escape?"

The Venerable Tianzhen ignored him.

Mu Yun's indifferent eyes flashed with a trace of light, and his right hand was put on the bow string. With a sneer, the arrow was like electricity, shooting at the head of the Venerable Tianzhen.


There was no resistance or dodge. Venerable Tianzhen suffered this arrow so abruptly, and the consequence was that the arrow shot him in the head.

Gently relieved, Mu Yun suddenly felt weak, and the bulging fairy mansion was also empty. All the way to this war, his power was terrifying, but the consumption was also chilling.

Sitting on the ground, suddenly he felt something was wrong.

Why hasn't the Four Seasons Chart been removed?

The Venerable Tianzhen is dead. As the controller of the Four Seasons Map of Heavenly Power, once the Venerable Tianzhen dies, the array will collapse.

But now the Four Seasons Map of Tianquan is still in operation, and there is no sign of collapse. He even feels that there is no heaven and earth around him, and it seems that this place has become a forbidden space.

His face suddenly turned pale.

Because the corpse on the ground slowly integrated into the earth, after a while, he could not see any corpse and immediately realized that he had been deceived.

"Mu Yun, you are really powerful, but don't you think it's too easy for you to kill us guys?" The cold voice of the Venerable Shura sounded, and his words were full of resentment.

Although Mu Yun did not shoot him, Mu Yun's fierceness towards him made him chill and full of resentment.

Thinking that if Mu Yun shot the real himself, wouldn't he be very miserable?

"Don't talk nonsense with him, just kill him! This guy is too dangerous!" The voice of the Venerable Tianzhen sounded, and only the Venerable Tianzhen knew Mu Yun's horror, so he set such a big picture and waited for Mu Yun to jump in.

"How did you do it?" Mu Yun suddenly asked.


The resentful laughter of the Venerable Shura sounded in his ear, "It's very simple, because the Venerable Tianzhen found that you are really powerful and can crack the Four Seasons Map of Heavenly Power, so we all discussed and consume you first according to Lord Tianlong's instructions, and then kill you."

"I didn't expect you to fall into our trap so easily with such confidence."

"Hum... Don't blame us. It's really that you are too ignorant and too confident..."

The Venerable Shura laughed wildly while remanaging Mu Yun and venting his deep resentment.

"Enough, solve him quickly. Although Lord Tianlong has the upper hand, if you want to kill the mysterious man, you still need to work together..." The indifferent voice of Tianzhen Zunzhe sounded.

"Good! Mu Yun, we'll take you on your way!" Venerable Shura roared

Suddenly, a golden dragon landed in the sky, and the sound shook for nine days. The sky and the earth were trembling and appeared above Mu Yun's head.

The golden dragon swings its tail and hits Mu Yun in the roar.


Mu Yun's feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and his whole body avoided the dragon tail, but was still swept by the strength of the dragon tail and flew out.


The golden dragon was furious, the golden glow on his body was vigorous, Baohui flowed, and his combat power was like a wave, rolling up the remnant clouds, and he wanted to kill Mu Yun.

Mu Yun struggled to avoid, many times it was dangerous and dangerous, and he was killed on the spot.

However, the strength of the golden dragon is exhausted, and the attack is getting weaker and weaker. The attack of the golden dragon also needs the support of heaven and earth, but this world has become a forbidden space, which is effective for Muyun and for the golden dragon.

Mu Yun can finally breathe a sigh of relief.