Fate is supreme

Chapter 463, shake the foundation

Dear friends, the third update of Wu Sanqi has been completed! Let's give a red ticket! In addition, it's the beginning of the month, please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket! Just one...

The disciples of the Lan family still retreated far away, and the small courtyard under the battlefield had already been destroyed and razed to the ground. They could not compete with the air machine in the battlefield and deterred their lives. They could only retreat far away and watch the battle from afar.

They understand that this is not their battle. Although the teenager is small, his strength is terrible. This battle belongs to the earth venerable of the Lan family and to the figure standing at the top of the Lan family.

Yes, it's time for them to appear.

Mu Yun's shooting power is powerful, leaving an indelible mark in everyone's hearts. At this moment, in the face of the joint attack secret method of the two elders on the left and right, he put away the golden gun and sacrificed the purple bow.

Mu Yunyun, who held the purple bow in his hand, was light and light. In the face of the two elders who were gradually approaching, there was no surprise at all.

"Are you still trying to be presumptuous in my Lan's house? Humiliating the head of my Lan family?" The right elder with a dragon-killing gun was in front of him, and his thick and cold armor only showed a pair of eyes shining with deep light. He stood upright, his back was like a dragon, and his breath was particularly strong, like a scorching sun hanging in the air.

"Maybe you think it's presumptuous, yes, then be presumptuous! As for insulting the owner of your Lan family? Ha ha... I'm sorry, I can't see anything to insult him. A person who doesn't even know how to protect his own clan and wants to sell his clan for his own interests, which is also known as a family plan..."

Mu Yun showed contemptuousness and said with a sneer, "It's really surprising that your Lan family has such a best owner! What surprises me more is that you elders still support him so much. It seems that you are the same as him.


Mu Yun laughed loudly: "How can Lan's family prosper with you? How can it be strong? How can I jump out of Dade Hall and go to Tianxuan? Towards the Ming Dynasty? Even going to the Ming world?"

"There is no hope!"

Mu Yun's voice became cold: "There is something wrong with your vision and your mentality. That's why you abandoned Lanxue and sold her as a goods. It's an opportunity for you to bury the rise of the Lan family.

"You still don't know how to repent and hold on. It's really good or bad!"

"At a young age, you are so eloquent and eloquent, but this can't erase your ambition to take my Lan family as your own! Don't say these disgusting words here. How about our Lan family? It's not your turn to be an outsider to evaluate!" Next to him, an elder scolded coldly.

Mu Yun smiled dumbly and said, "It seems that you people are really going to hold on and change your mind? Well, your words and deeds at this moment make me more aware that I can only continue to kill for my fiancee and her beloved Lan family!"

"Kill until you are scared, until you change!"

"Hmm... I don't know what to say! Lanxue is not at our Lan's house. Who knows if you detained Lanxue and came to my Lan's house to do evil in the name of her fiance? The elder is also a clever and eloquent person. He sneered and said, "You come to my Lan's house to go back to Lan Xue, and our Lan's family also wants you to hand over Lan Xue."

"Not bad! Quickly release Lan Xue and Lan Shuang'er and kneel in front of us. Maybe we will leave you a way to survive!" Another Lan's parents always scolded.

Mu Yun smiled coldly and said, "It seems that your heads are really funny, or are you dumbfounded by the door panel? At this time, you still say such a thing! In this case, you all go to hell!"

"If a family wants to be strong, it should sacrifice the lives and honor of some people, which is what every member of the Lan family should pay. I, Lanshan, have such an awareness, and the elders of our Lan family also have such an awareness. Our Lan family understand this is incumbent on us! Is it special for all this to come to Lanxue?

Lanshan, who had not spoken, suddenly opened his mouth and said calmly, "Look at our Lan family around you. Who hasn't died tragically for the family? Who has no brothers or sisters to give up everything for the benefit of the family?

Lanshan pointed to those Lan family one by one, and all the Lan family members pointed to by him were full of tears and excitement. Yes, they should be proud of it.

"Haha..." Mu Yun laughed loudly, and his back color gradually sank down and shouted, "What a high-sounding reason, what a righteous tone."

"This is the truth!" The owner of the Lan family had deep eyes and said calmly.

"Is this really true?" The purple bow in Muyun's hand flashed, and a purple arrow flashed with a cold murder. He aimed at Lanshan and said, "Because of your so-called family interests, my fiancee was forced to run away from home and live alone. Do you know the pain in her heart? Even so, you still won't let him go and sell him to Ronghuatang for your so-called family interests, haha... This is your bullshit family interests!"

"Good! Since you care about the interests of the family so much, then I will ask you... Have your Lan family ever risen after sacrificing so many people? Have you ever been strong?" Mu Yun's eyes were bright and sarcastically swept over the venerable people of the earth.


Mu Yun did not give these people a chance to speak at all and sneered, "The power of your Lan family has not improved, and how much of the benefits you sacrificed in exchange can be fed back to your people? I'm afraid there's not a tenth of it, right?"

Mu Yun suddenly turned around, pointed to Lan Shuanger in Gu Xiangyuan's hand, and sneered, "Where are so huge resources used? It's used on your daughter, on you high-ranking guys. Why do you think Lan Shuanger has her current strength at this age? Don't say that she is extremely talented. Compared with Lan Xue, she is a scum... Her achievements today depend on the sacrifice of the Lan family in exchange for resources.


Before Mu Yun's voice fell, there was an uproar in the Lan family. It was really Mu Yun's words that just said their hearts. They are not fools. How can they not know this? It's just that those who suffer from controlling these are the strongest in their family, and they don't have the ability to resist at all.

Of course, it may have the ability to resist, but it requires everyone to work together, but in the face of a stronger wolf than them, who has the ability to integrate their flock of sheep?

"You and your disciples unscrupulously consume the resources that originally belonged to the Lan family, but they have not cultivated the rightful pillar for the Lan family. Those talented children can't get much resources because they don't belong to your camp, and even You will be suppressed and hurt by your children, but if there is resistance, you will be punched and even killed alive! Is there still little such a thing in your Lan family?

The noise in the Lan family is getting louder and louder.

Mu Yun sneered in his heart. Lan Xue once said these things. Lan Xue also said that if she became the head of the family, this situation must be eliminated. Anyone in the Lan family who gets resources must pay accordingly. The more she gives, the more she gets.

Although Mu Yun felt that Lan Xue's idea was naive, he knew that as long as he had enough strength and prestige, it was not difficult to do this.

"Worse!" Lanshan's face changed and knew that he could no longer argue with Mu Yun. Their Lan family had inherited it for thousands of years and certainly dared not say that there was no problem, but hundreds of years and thousands of years had come down like this, and no one said anything. At this time, Mu Yun said this nakedly, which had shaken the foundation of their rule.

"In the end, our Lan family should be in charge of the affairs of the Lan family! You are not qualified to intervene, and you killed our Lan family today and killed our Lan family. In order to avenge our Lan family, we must send you on the road today!" Lanshan shook his head and roared sharply: "Left and right elders, send him on the road!"