Fate is supreme

Chapter 470, Meet

Lanshan, the owner of the Lan family, abdicated, and the position of the head of the family was inherited by a woman named Lan Xue... As soon as the news of the replacement of the Lan family was broadcast, the whole Dade Hall was shocked, and even Tianxuan's headquarters was concerned about the development of the situation.

In fact, other families have also heard of what happened to the Lan family. After all, their spies are not idiots. Mu Yun killed the Lan family, killed the seven earth venerable people of the Lan family, and abolished Lanshan has long been discovered by these families. With Mu Yun's harmony, it is not difficult for other families to imagine that Lan Xue will become the next generation of Lan family owners.

However, once this news is disclosed and confirmed by the Lan family, it is inevitable that people will sigh.

After the news of Lanxue's succession to the head of the Lan family was announced, another major event absorbed everyone's attention - the Hua family, where the owner of Tianxuan Ronghua Hall was located, was severely changed. Except for the head of the Hua family, all the respected people of the Hua family died in battle and were wiped out by the Zhou family.

Because the owner of the Hua family escaped the disaster because he was the owner of Ronghua Hall. After all, the owner of the Hua family is the owner of Ronghua Hall and the owner of the hall recognized by Tianxuan headquarters. Tianxuan, a lobby owner, was killed, which was also a great event in Tianxuan.

Although the Zhou family is full of resentment against the Hua family, they also know who should be killed and who should not be killed.

In this battle, the Zhou family not only showed their strong background and strength, but also got many benefits from the Chinese family.

The Zhou family and other families suck blood and eat meat on the Hua family. The Hua family naturally became much weaker and reduced to a second-rate force. This is because their owner is the owner of Ronghua Hall, otherwise the Hua family can only be reduced to a third-rate force.

Of course, according to the latest news, the position of the head of Ronghua Hall will change soon. At that time, without the sunshine of Tianxuan's headquarters, the Hua family will fall faster.

With the passage of time, the inside information of the change of the Hua family has gradually been disclosed. What is shocking is that the change of the Hua family is directly related to the change of the Lan family, and it can be said that the change of the Lan family has affected the change of the Hua family.

The reason is that Mu Yun not only killed the earth venerable of the Lan family, but also killed the earth venerable of the Hua family, not one or two, but five.

The five respected people of the Hua family died because of Mu Yun, and the strength of the Hua family suddenly weakened a lot.

So, the name Mu Yun shocked people's hearts like a tsunami, and his reputation was shocked. At this time, if someone says that he doesn't know Mu Yun and doesn't know the name of Mu Yun, then he will probably be drowned by everyone's spitting stars.

Mu Yun disturbed Dadetang and Tianxuan, but Mu Yun, the originator, also had this awareness and became very low-key. It can't even be described as low-key, because Mu Yun has never appeared since the war.

However, the children of the Lan family knew in their hearts that the demon-like teenager was in their Lan family. At this time, instead of feeling fear, they felt safe. It seems that demon-like teenagers can keep their hearts at peace in Lan's house.

There was a busy scene in the Lan family castle. The war that day caused serious damage to the Lan family castle. The courtyard in the castle was almost completely flattened, and only the Lan family hall, which had a strong forbidden guard, was only slightly damaged. The children of the Lan family repaired the castle building in an orderly manner.

For other families, it is not difficult to repair these buildings, but the consumption is really amazing. However, for the Lan family, which has been passed down for thousands of years, this does not exist. They can completely afford it.

Under the order of the owner of the Lanxue family, all kinds of resources gathered in the hands of your children. However, in half a month, the Lan family's castle has taken on a new look. Although there are still some shortcomings, it is much better than the ruins.

The back mountain of the Lan family is like a forbidden place in the eyes of the children of the Lan family, because only the heads and elders of the family can enter and leave here. Even if they were as arrogant and domineering as Lan Shuanger at the beginning, they did not dare to break in without permission.

However, if the children of the Lan family come to the back mountain and pass through the lush jungle, they will find that there is a unique cave here, and a square valley is suddenly in sight.

The valley is full of all kinds of flowers and plants, which are different from the chaos in the jungle. The flowers and plants here have obvious artificial traces. In this valley, there are more than a dozen small courtyards, each of which is relatively far away.

At this time, in a plain courtyard in the middle of the valley, a teenager in a white robe was tasting tea under the tree. The teenager's breath was indifferent, his black hair danced in the wind, and his whole body looked extremely elegant.

"Yun Di!" With a soft call, a graceful woman rushed into the courtyard and looked at the white-robed teenager with slightly red eyes: "You guy, finally got out of the customs."

Mu Yun suddenly got up, stretched out his arms with a smile, and took Lan Xue into his arms. The familiar fragrance came to his nose, and the familiar body temperature also bloomed from his chest.

His woman.

Bang bang!

Suddenly, Lan Xue pushed Mu Yun away, pounded Mu Yun in the chest, and said hatefully, "You know that people are worried about you, why don't you leave the customs as soon as possible? It's been more than half a month after closing. Are you trying to worry me to death?"

"Ouch..." Mu Yun pretended to cover his chest in pain and looked pale.

"What's wrong with you?" Tears flowed from Lan Xue's frightened eyes and groped on Mu Yun: "What's wrong with you? Haven't you recovered yet?"

"Haha..." Mu Yun suddenly laughed and pointed to Lan Xue and said, "I lied to you!"

"You--" Lan Xue pointed to Mu Yun, stamped her feet angrily, and turned to ignore him.

Mu Yun smiled and knew that he had gone too much. He quickly said, "Well, Sister Lanxue, I'm just joking with you. You won't be angry, will you?"

"Humph..." Lan Xue still ignored him with a cold hum.

Mu Yun's bitter face, thinking about Lan Xue's style, secretly regretted that he didn't remember to eat or fight, and then made Lan Xue unhappy?

"Sister Lanxue." He gently called Lan Xue, and he smiled bitterly and said, "You're not so stingy, are you? Anyway, you are all venerable of the earth. You should have the heart of the venerable earth...!"


Lan Xue lost her voice and smiled. Suddenly, she realized that something was wrong and quickly covered her mouth. When she saw Mu Yun staring at her with a smile, her cheeks were as shy as an apple. She glanced at Mu Yun and hummed, "Bad boy, are you completely cured?"

Lanxue is really worried.

Although she did not watch the scene of Mu Yun fighting with those venerable earth, it did not prevent her from knowing the scene at that time. The Lan family's guard array also had an image recording function, and the war that day was recorded in detail by the guard array.

Lan Xue, the new head of the Lan family, was naturally entitled to view the image at that time. Although she shouted that Mu Yun had been closed for more than half a month before she came out, she was worried about Mu Yun's injury.

"Look!" Mu Yun stretched out his arms with a smile, punched him twice, kicked his legs, and said, "Do I seem to be sick like this?"

"Hmm!" Lan Xue stared at Mu Yun an angry look and said, "That can't be careless. Let me have a look!"

"What do you want to see?" Mu Yun smiled shamelessly and stared at Lan Xue with a smile.

"You..." Lan Xue looked at Mu Yun with tears and laughter. She was worried to death. Mu Yun was still in the mood to tease him... It's really hard to change her nature.

"Sister Lanxue, can you let me hug you?" Mu Yun looked at Lan Xue with eager eyes and said, "I haven't hugged you for a long time!"

Lan Xue threw herself into Mu Yun's arms and felt the familiar temperature and body temperature from Mu Yun. Lan Xue's impetuous heart calmed down and hugged Mu Yun. She felt that she was holding a sense of security.

The wind blew the long hair and clothes of the couple, and the fallen leaves fell on the two people and drifted away. The two were immersed in this world of two people and felt each other's heartbeat, which was particularly real.

"Sister Lanxue, I really miss you..." Mu Yun said from the bottom of his heart.

"Hmm." Lan Xue answered.

Mu Yun gently pushed Lan Xue away, looked at the tears flowing from Lan Xue's eyes, and suddenly became nervous: "What's wrong?"

Lan Xue shook her head and said, "Nothing, I miss you too."

"Are you still crying?"

"I'm not crying, I'm crying with joy!" Lanxue Road.

Mu Yun reached out and scraped Lan Xue's beautiful nose and said with a smile, "I'm crying like a big cat."

"What's wrong with the big cat?" Lan Xue instantly showed the unreasonable side of the woman. She put away her tears and snorted coldly, "Do you still want it?"

"Hey, what will happen if I don't want it?" Mu Yun asked an unknown question.

"Hum...what do you think?" Lan Xue hummed twice and stared at Mu Yun angrily. The charming eyes almost melted Mu Yun.

The two snuggled together and told their hearts. I don't know how much to say.

"Mom and Mom... still haven't been saved?" In the end, Lanxue still shifted the topic to this, although she didn't want to.

"Hmm." Mu Yun nodded in pain and said, "I left Dade City that day..."

She told her what happened after she separated from Lanxue. Lan Xue listened very carefully. When she talked about Mu Yun's parents, Lan Xue's eyes were red and tears kept dripping.

"I'll go to the imperial capital with you!" Lan Xue suddenly looked up at Mu Yun.

"Let's talk about this later." Mu Yun was no longer entangled in this question and asked, "What has changed outside after I have been closed for so long?"

"Hee hee, it has changed a lot!" Lan Xue smiled and her eyes sparkled with cunning light: "You are now a big celebrity. I heard that many Huaichun girls are your fans, which is really enviable."

"Fans?" Mu Yun smiled bitterly, and Lan Xue's mocking tone made him quite uncomfortable, as if he had done something terrible... But the problem was that he didn't do it.

"Well, beautiful female fans!" Lan Xue continued to tease Mu Yun and said with a smile, "Do you want to see him?"

"Can I see you?" Mu Yun's eyes showed surprise.

"Hmm... how dare you!" Lan Xue looked like a tigress and fiercely rushed to Mu Yun.