Fate is supreme

Chapter 479, the Lord of the Earth

Dear friends, it's Monday, please ask for a guaranteed red ticket.


Mu Yun and Lan Xue looked at the open door and were stunned, as if what was happening in front of them was unreal. However, both of them were powerful practitioners and soon reacted. Lan Xue hesitated and took the lead in stepping into the entrance, but was dragged by Mu Yun and pulled behind him.

"With me, I won't let you take risks!"

Mu Yun echoed in Lan Xue's ear with strong and decisive words. Lan Xue followed Mu Yun and walked into the hall with sweetness in her heart.

The nameless hall is a relatively small hall in the architectural community, but it is still very large for Mu Yun and Lanxue. The whole hall is enough to accommodate two or 300 people, and nine thick stone pillars carved with dragons and phoenixes are evenly distributed on the outside of the hall, supporting the whole hall.

In addition, the hall is empty, which is cleaner than the robbery of thieves. The two looked at each other disappointedly. What if an empty hall could be opened? It doesn't mean anything to them.

"Don't you want to look for other halls?" Lanxue sighed, "I don't know what Emperor Longde thought at the beginning, why he left so many halls, but he couldn't be opened. It's hard to find a hall that can be opened, but there is nothing..."

She is a little speechless.

In the face of Lanxue's suggestion, Mu Yun did not speak. He looked around and was full of doubts. Suddenly, a burning breath gushed out of his fairy mansion and quickly filled his whole body. A purple bow involuntarily rushed out of his body and quietly suspended in the hall.

Mu Yun pulled Lanxue back and quietly looked at the purple bow that emitted Baohui, which should have belonged to the Dragon Emperor.

Time seemed to stand still, and the purple bow quietly suspended in the nameless hall. The whole body was full of treasure, and the purple gas surging, as if there was life.

Muyun and Lan Xue did not dare to say anything for fear of disturbing this divine bow, but half an hour later, the purple divine bow was still suspended in the air as before, without any change. Lan Xue asked in a low voice, "What does this bow want to do?"

"I don't know." Mu Yun shook his head. The purple bow rushed out of his body independently and was not controlled by him. "It seems to be waiting for something."

said this because he had a mysterious feeling in his heart, and the purple bow was waiting for something.

"What about trying to take it back into your body?" Lan Xue frowned.

"Good!" Mu Yun nodded slightly and agreed, and didn't want to continue to wait. His mind communicated with the purple god bow and wanted to take back the purple god bow to the fairy mansion. "No, it's resisting!"

"Well, let's continue to wait!" Lan Xue said helplessly, looked at Mu Yun and continued, "I don't know what's going on with Li Ye and the others? According to the time, you have almost finished checking all the halls, right?

"Send a message and let them come here!" Mu Yun hesitated and said.

"Hmm." Lan Xue immediately sent a message to Li Ye and others.

At this time, under the setting sun, a wisp of glow fell down through the window of the hall, intertwined with the purple airflow in the air, outlining a beautiful scenery.

Suddenly, the nine stone pillars in the hall glowed brightly, illuminating the gray hall.

"Quick retreat!" Lan Xue pulled Mu Yun back quickly and retreated all the way to the door of the hall. "There is a formation in this hall. I don't know what it is. We'd better be careful."

"Mu Shao..." At this time, the voice of Elder Li Ye came from behind them. Elder Li Ye saw the vision displayed in the open hall and the hall and exclaimed, "What happened?"

"We don't know either." Mu Yun shook his head and looked at Li Ye and others without any damage. He nodded slightly and said, "As long as you are okay. Longde Fairy Mansion is getting more and more strange. Be careful."

"I understand." Li Ye nodded and whispered to the Li family.

Mu Yun turned his head and looked at the hall. At this time, the nine stone pillars in the hall emitted the sunset red light, illuminating the hall. Unconsciously, the sunset red light emitted from each stone pillar gathered with each other, forming a beam of light, directly shining on the purple bow suspended in the air.

"This..." Mu Yun was a little at a loss for a moment, "What's wrong?" Lan Xue asked.

"I feel it... seems to be recovering." Mu Yun stam.

"Recovery? Has it ever been hurt? Lan Xue was a little uncertain, and suddenly her eyes narrowed: "It must have been hurt, otherwise it would not be so weak. Since it belongs to Emperor Longde, after being nourished by the Zhenyuanli of Emperor Longde, I don't know how strong it will be."

"Hmm." Mu Yun suppressed his emotions and waited quietly, with a trace of tension in his heart. The purple bow is very powerful, which can be said to be his most powerful force at present, and there is no mistake.

The time for the beams emitted by the nine stone pillars was very short. When the sun completely fell and the sky dimmed, the beam stimulated by the stone pillars gradually weakened and finally disappeared, and calmed in the hall.


The purple light flashed, and the purple bow rushed into Mu Yun's body, and the vision completely disappeared.

"Let's rest here today!" Mu Yun glanced at the people, entered the hall, leaned against a stone pillar, closed his eyes and rested.

Lan Xue understood that Mu Yun wanted to check the purple bow, but she didn't care. She greeted Li Ye and others and sat down beside Mu Yun.

The night was dark. Mu Yun opened his eyes and looked at Lan Xue beside him worriedly, with a smile on his face: "I'm fine. I feel very good. Our previous guess is right. The purple bow has become stronger."

"That's great!" Lanxue smiled, and Mu Yun's strength could be improved by one point. She was very happy. "When you understood, I thought about this array carefully, and now you can confirm two points. The sunset red light can repair the purple bow, and the second is that only the brilliance generated when the sun sets can start the array."

In the next half month, when the sun sets, the purple bow will autonomously float in the center of the hall, absorbing the red light stimulated by the nine stone pillars of the hall and repairing itself.

On this day, after the sun completely set, the purple god bow returned to his fairy mansion. Mu Yun kissed Lan Xue several times with satisfaction, which made Lan Xue complain.

"Li Ye and the others are back!" Lan Xue pushed Mu Yun away and looked at Li Ye and others. What she got was still not good news. The monster was still besieging the building community without any sign of leaving.

More than half a month of waiting has almost worn out the patience of the Li family, and Mu Yun can feel the irritability suppressed in their hearts.

"I will break into the herd tonight to see if I can break out!" Mu Yun said that the eyes of the Li family lit up leisurely, or Li Ye was more patient to let Mu Yun think about it and not to mess around.

The reason why Mu Yun intends to break into the herd is also to attract creatures hidden in the dark. It is really not a way to continue to wait. Although he can repair the purple bow, the time for him to meet San Shao is approaching, and he is still a little worried about Mu Sangzi.

When the night was dark, the monsters gathered around the building community also became quiet, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

At this time, a dark shadow rushed out of the door hall of the architectural community and flew to the node connecting the beast cave in the distance.


As soon as the shadow rushed out of the hall, it was found by a head of monsters. These monsters all emitted a surging atmosphere and roared like a scorching sun in the dark night, chasing the shadow.

Soon, the shadow fought with thousands of monsters, and the beast roared the earth, and all kinds of horrible attacks collided, disturbing the peace of Longde Fairy Mansion.

Muyun was surrounded by beasts. He fought hard. A powerful monster fell at his feet and blood flowed, but there were too many monsters. Although he was trying his best to kill, he could not rush out of the herd.

The battle soon ended, and Mu Yun finally found a bloody road and returned to the building community.

Looking at Mu Yun's blood flowing all over his body, he couldn't tell whether it was blood or a monster. However, this does not prevent the Li family from expressing their admiration for Mu Yun. Mu Yun is really strong. None of the Li family present have the courage to rush out, but he can kill in and out, and his strength is shocking.

After washing and resting for a long time, Mu Yun rushed out to fight again and killed dozens of monsters before returning. Several times in a row, the people completely dispelled the idea of rushing out. Even Mu Yun, a demon-like teenager, couldn't rush out. Why did they?

Unconsciously, it has been almost a month since the people came to Longde Fairy Mansion, and the beasts were still guarding them from leaving.

"Is it the moment when the hidden monster is breaking through, so let these beasts guard us from leaving?" Mu Yun guessed that his guess was supported by Lan Xue and Li Ye.

Next, Mu Yun tried to control some powerful monsters with the beast seal to deter the beasts, so as to get out of the Longde Fairy Mansion, but soon failed.

Although the monsters he controlled were powerful, they could not deter the heroes. Instead, they were torn to pieces by a group of weaker monsters.

However, during this period, Mu Yun's strength has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the crystallization of his body is about to reach the perfection of a generation of masters. In addition, his soul still reaches the peak of the earth venerable. It can be said that as long as he breaks through the perfection of a generation of masters, he can directly continue to break through and become a vener of the earth.

Thinking that after improving his strength, he might be able to rush out of the herd, Mu Yun began to retreat in the next few days and focus on transforming his power into a solid state.

When they were in Longde Fairy Mansion for a month, Mu Yun successfully condensed the original force in the Fairy Mansion into crystals, reaching the perfection of a generation of masters. After that, he began to attack the venerable people of the earth, and the power of his mind and spirit blended with Yuanli, feeling the road of heaven and earth.

Finally, his power continued to transform, integrated into the power of the mind and turned into the true power, and his soul also completed the qualitative change, and the power of the mind was transformed into the power of the moto god.

He finally became a powerful earth venerable.