Fate is supreme

Chapter 482, the real face

Finally, he looked at the Longde Fairy House behind him. Mu Yun stepped into the channel with a complicated face. The next moment, he returned to the monster valley.

"Mu Shao? Are you... all right?" Li Ye was the first to see Mu Yun and exclaimed, "What just happened? Why didn't you come out?"

"Brother Mu!" Mu Sangzi exclaimed, rushed over with tears in his eyes, and cried loudly: "I... I thought... I thought I would never see you again!" You...how can you do this... You clearly promised that we would not leave us alone... How can you do this?"

"It's okay! It's really okay! Don't you think Brother Mu is fine?" Mu Yun hugged Mu Sangzi tightly and gently patted her on the back. While comforting him, he looked at Lan Xue with a frosty face in the corner of the cave. From beginning to end, Lan Xue did not look at him, which made him quite helpless: "Good boy, okay, Brother Mu is really fine. What's wrong with Lan Xue?"

Mu Sangzi's crying slowly weakened and pushed Mu Yun away. Mu Sangzi looked at Lanxue and shook his head slightly: "I didn't pay attention to her either. Just now, a group of them suddenly came back. Lan Xue seemed to shout like crazy, and then hid alone in the corner. I'm worried about your safety and don't care about her.

"Ead Elder Li Ye, you can rest in other caves for a while, and then we'll talk." Mu Yun smiled and guided the Li family to the cave where they had stayed before. When he returned to the cave, Lan Xue was still hiding in the corner, with a frost on her face, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Hey! B stinky, what's wrong with you? You are not handsome and not considerate to people. Why do my master and Sister Lanxue like you so much? Li Xianer pouted and looked disdainful. If Mu Sangzi hadn't stopped her in time, Mu Yun would have had an impulse to beat her. "That's right! Am I wrong?" The little girl was still very dissatisfied with Mu Sangzi's drinking, showing aggrieved look, and she was about to cry.

"You..." Mu Sangzi was also quite helpless. He shook his head and ignored her, and his eyes signaled Mu Yun to coax Lanxue quickly. "Xue should be angry with you. Just coax her!"

"You have to help me from the side!" Mu Yun knew Lan Xue's temper very well. He knew that it completely angered Lan Xue this time. He wanted to make Lan Xue smile again, but it was not that simple. "Then I'll go!" With Mu Sangzi's affirmation, Mu Yun summoned up his courage to walk to Lanxue.

"Sister Lanxue! Are you...are you all right?" Squatting in front of Lan Xue and looking at the big beauty with a frosty face, Mu Yun's heart was slightly shocked. What did he see? Sister Lan Xue? You..."

His face became ugly, and his eyes were full of regret. He saw that Lan Xue's eyes were full of despair. Yes, real despair. He only saw this kind of look when he first met Lan Xue, but later Lan Xue gradually became cheerful, and he never saw it again. He didn't expect that one of his actions made Lan Xue so angry.

"Sister Lanxue..." Mu Yun wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't say anything. He felt very uncomfortable. At the same time, he also realized how much Lanxue loved him. "Sister Lanxue, it's okay. It's really okay. We're safe. At that time, the reason why I asked you to come back first was not that you were in danger, but that you were in danger... No, yes..."

"No need to say!" Lan Xue came to her senses as if she had just woken up. She looked at Mu Yun and said coldly, "Let's go!" Get out of here!"

Mu Yun was stunned, "Okay! OK! We'll leave right away!" Giving Mu Sangzi a wink, Mu Sangzi nodded slightly. When Mu Yun went to pick up the Li family, she comforted Lan Xue and adjusted Lan Xue's mood.

"He really doesn't understand our intentions..." In the face of Mu Sangzi's persuasion, Lan Xue said such a faint sentence. Mu Sangzi was silent for a long time and nodded slightly: "But I will choose to forgive him!"

"But I won't!" Lanxue said coldly.

At this time, Mu Yun returned, and the conversation between the two women stopped. Mu Yun looked at Mu Sangzi and wanted to see something from Mu Sangzi's face. Mu Sangzi shook his head directly, which made Mu Yun's heart sink, and he couldn't help being irritable: "Let's go!"

There were many monsters in the monster valley. Along the way, Li Xianer screamed in fear and almost jumped on Mu Sangzi. When she came, Li Xianer looked like this, and Mu Yun was still in the mood to make fun of her, but now Mu Yun was silent and walked ahead.

With Mu Yun's leading the way, soon they came out of the monster valley and stepped out of the psychedelic array. Li Ye controlled the empty boat and took everyone to Dade City.

Along the way, the atmosphere of the airship was a little dull. Li Ye and others knew that Mu Yun and Lan Xue were having a conflict. They sat aside in a muffled voice and did not make up. In the empty boat, there was only the sound of Mu Sangzi disenging Lanxue.

However, it didn't seem to work well. When they saw the figure of Dadetang, they didn't see Lan Xue smile. Mu Yun sighed in his heart, but there was no good way.

"Master Mu, the master of the family asked you to meet at Huaxiang Pavilion!" Li Ye put away the empty boat, looked at the towering Dade City not far away, and said, "I have truthfully reported everything we saw in Dade Hall to the head of the family and the family elders. I hope Master Mu doesn't mind!"

"You didn't say this until you reported it?" I was already in a bad mood. I looked at Li Ye coldly, hummed, and turned to the wheelb. Li Ye looked at the charm car entering Dade City with a complicated face, shook his head slightly, and made up his mind to keep the family and Mu Yun maintain a good relationship.

Entering Dade City, Mu Yun did not go directly to Huaxiang Pavilion. He sent Lan Xue and Mu Sangzi home first, and told Mu Sangzi to continue driving to Lanxue, and then he went to Huaxiang Pavilion to meet Li Ziluo.

and Li Ziluo didn't say anything, but told him the news of Li Xi and others' death, discussed for a while, and decided not to send anyone into Longde Fairy Mansion for the time being.

When Mu Yun returned home, when he saw Mu Sangzi looking at him with apologetically, he suddenly understood something and sighed, "It's not your fault! If she wants to leave, let her go. It's okay to calm down first.

Mu Yun also has a temper.

"Brother Mu, Lanxue is a woman anyway. You have to let her and coax her." Mu Sangzi saw the anger in Mu Yun's tone and sighed, "You are the strong side, and Lan Xue is also the strong side. If you want to get back together, you must put down your face." Looking at Mu Yun's eyes, he continued, " Lanxue's three good girls, you should cherish her!"

"Hmm." Why doesn't Mu Yun understand these truths? He understood very clearly, "I'm going to Lan's house now!"

"Well, be careful and say more good words!" Mu Sangzi smiled. Mu Yun looked at it and his heart trembled. He hugged Mu Sangzi for a long kiss before leaving.

"It seems that you really fell in love with him!" A cold voice came from behind. Mu Sangzi's body shook and turned his head to look at Li Xianer calmly. There was no trace of love in his eyes, only endless pain. "You don't understand at all!"

"I don't understand?" Li Xianer's voice was a little sharp and sarcastically, "You, an old woman over 100 years old, actually eats tender grass. I, Li Xianer, am really blind to be your apprentice!"

"Enough!" Mu Sangzi stared at Li Xianer coldly and shouted, "If you have anything to say, or get out!"

"You!" Staring coldly at Mu Sangzi, Li Xianer said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Hmm!" With a cold hum, Mu Sangzi looked at Li Xianer sarcastically: "Are you willing to let me die?"

"Not bad! You're right!" Li Xianer sneered and said, "You're right. How can I let you die? You who are alive are more valuable than you who die! But we can torture you!"

"Yes! Torture you, torture you fiercely!" A crazy voice came from outside the hall. A man rushed in with a crazy face, looked at Mu Sangzi's plump body, licked his lips, and smiled: "Holy lady, can you give her to me? Let me torture her hard! I must make her want to die!"

"Hee..." Li Xianer smiled mysteriously, looked at Han Xihao and said, "If I give her to you, then I, the position of saint, is your Han family?"

"Don't worry!" Han Xihao patted his chest and said loudly, "As long as the fresh saint gives her to me and let me torture, I will definitely persuade the family elders to support you. At that time, you can stand out from the prospective saint and become the real saint of my Ming religion!"

"But your fiancee is also a prospective saint now. Will you help her?" Li Xianer thought of something and gritted her teeth and asked.

"How is this possible?" Hearing this, Han Xihao's face was crazy and gritted his teeth and said, "Let's not say that bitch likes Mu Yun. Even if she doesn't like it, I won't agree with her being a saint. She can only be Han Xihao's woman!"

Once **, the prospective saint can't become a saint. Li Xianer knows this deeply and nodded and said, "Okay! In that case, give her to you! I hope you don't go against your promise!"

"Don't worry, I will never break my promise!"

After being assured, Li Xianer looked at her master coldly and hummed, "Don't blame me. Who let you leave me alone? If the Ming religion hadn't saved me, I would have died a long time ago. You don't know what loneliness is like..."

"Torture her! She is so cruel! Let me see how your skills are!" Li Xianer shouted abnormally.

"Here?" Han Xihao was a little hesitant. After all, it was not so comfortable to be watched to do that.

"It's right here!" Li Xianer stared at Han Xihao coldly, "You'd better move faster!" There is no one else in this house now, but it doesn't mean that no one will come.

"Okay! Right here!" Han Xihao laughed twice and walked slowly to Mu Sangzi.

However, Mu Sangzi was not afraid and stared at the two coldly, as if he didn't care about what he might happen next.