Mishu's evil life

Chapter 12 Bloodthirsty

Mishu was surprised, and the count didn't seem to have any intention of explaining. He just glanced at the magic wand in Mishu's hand and smiled unfathomably.

"Since you can have the exclusive water god blessing of Yorkia Sophie, the most experienced water magician in the Falling Moon Kingdom, must be very powerful, right?"

"Are you afraid to know the power of the divine war?" Mishu is obviously a little guilty. It's okay for her magic that she can't come up with. It's okay to play with her power on the earth. It's really blasphemy of Yorkshire's predecessor's magic. It's really childish to use this kind of pediatric excitement to win without fighting. "If you're afraid, take your people to run with your tail!"

The man laughed ghostly, and Mishu suddenly became more and embarrassed. He was somewhat ashamed to be laughed at by such a handsome man. He suddenly became angry and shouted at him fiercely,

"Don't talk nonsense. If you want to fight, just fight. Don't waste your time here." She was ashamed and angry for a moment and brought out such "fashionable" words on earth.

The count was slightly stunned, suspected of being hit, and did not think much about it. He calmed down,

"Or, I have heard that the blessing of the water god is gorgeous and powerful. Today, I have the honor to witness it, and I also want to experience it."

The war was successfully provoked, but Mishu was a little frightened. She never thought that one day she would fight against the man she had seen in the book and fight to the death. Why did her heart hurt a little at this moment?

It seems that this battle is inevitable. I don't know if the vitality of several elders has been restored. What are the chances of winning this war that determines life and death? What historical trajectory will the Magic Planet go on from now on? And will she never go back to the earth to be buried in this alien world?

Mishu took a deep breath. In any case, she must go all out. Since she has decided to change her fate to kill and stop killing, she can only hope that the ancestors of white magic and the popes can bless the Falling Moon Kingdom to defeat the evil forces. Yorkshire's predecessors can give her all the strength, so that she can also meet gods, kill gods, Buddhas and Buddhas. .

Turning around and trying to face the magicians of the vast falling moon country behind her with confidence, their eyes looked at Mishu with expectation in the moonlight. She seemed to be the goddess of victory that could lead them to victory. At that moment, she really felt the weight of the burden on her shoulders, and she You must also force yourself to become strong.

She shouted to the group of people,

"The bravest and strongest soldiers of the Falling Moon Kingdom, in order to defend our homeland and for the stability of tens of millions of people of the Falling Moon Kingdom, today we are going to fight to the death with the thieves of Rasha Kingdom. Are you afraid of death!"

The vast crowd opposite listened to Mishu's high shouts, and everyone's faces were full of perseverance than dying and fearless.

"We are not afraid!"

The sound was neat and loud, with the penetration of death, and there were thick echoes from the Yellow River.

Yaks and others stood in front of the team and looked at her with admiration and comfort as if they had become mature and responsible overnight. After healing, Casa, who seemed to have some complexion, also looked at her with a smile.

Mishu's eyes swept over them, and so many people's positive ** gave her confidence. She knew that she was not fighting alone, her body was full of power, and her voice was a little louder, raising her voice,

"Are you ready to face this life-and-death war!"


"Do you have the confidence and determination to win!"


Everyone responded to the call of Mishu with one voice, each of which was more powerful and high-spirited than the previous one. Then everyone raised their hands and shouted, "Vow to defend the home to the death, defeat the Rasha dog thief, and long live the falling moon country!" The slogan, the team is neat and majestic, the voice is loud and loud, like a broken bamboo, hovering over the moon country for a long time.

Mishu couldn't help but feel surging when she looked at this spectacular scene. When she looked at this kind of picture on TV, she once hated to understand why the soldiers had to recite these slogans like reciting their lines, and why so many people liked the feeling of leading the army to fight. At this moment, she fully understood-

The victory of a war has a decisive impact on the confidence and morale of the soldiers. When a general ** high-highly calls on the patriotic blood of the soldiers for the country they love, they have the goal of going all out and have the faith and confidence to win, which is to support an army on the battlefield. The important factor for the victory of killing the enemy is the indispensable morale of all soldiers, which is why there is an allusion of "one breath, then decline, three exhaustion".

When she really stood in this position, the leader's position had a sense of mission. She finally experienced the feeling of being a general. It turned out that this feeling was really wonderful. Hundreds of people in front of her bowed to you and responded to you. It was really an indescribable sense of satisfaction, and even she couldn't help it. I was infected by them, and my heart was full of blood and fighting spirit.

Mishu raised his head and pointed to the army of Rasha on the opposite side, shouting, "Kill!"

With an order, the sound of "killing" was accompanied by the murderous sprint of the mage army of the Falling Moon Kingdom, shaking the ground like ten thousand horses galloping. Under such a beautiful night, it is filled with the uncertain anger of life and death...

With the end of the spell, the colorful attribute magic was not blocked by the magic fog and roared in the direction of the army of Rasha. For a moment, the war was flying and the dust was flying.

Of course, the Rasha Kingdom will not sit back and wait for death. Previously, it had been in defense and did not attack because of the huge conspiracy of the magic fog. Now all kinds of deadly magic have been killed, and they are also ready to set up a formation and wave their magic wand to resist the attack of the Moon Kingdom.

The white magic of justice and the evil black magic fought fiercely in mid-air, shouting, the cracking sound of the ground, and the magic collision produced an electric shock-like "swish" sound. All the sounds mixed together, making this unpredictable war more intense.

Mishu also fought in person in the crowd, holding the invincible water god blessing battle, and was the first to kill him. At this moment, she is no longer the earthman born in the 21st century who received legal education in peacetime, but a magician who has a heavy responsibility and must kill only kill in the enemy's heart.

The blessing of the water god stroked in the air, and a blue sword like moonlight shone out, cut through the sky, and shot into the magical army of Rasha with unprehensive momentum. Some of them used the technique of teleportation to dodge the attack of the lightsa, while the people behind him dodged No, it directly penetrated the human body, and the person who was hit the arrow immediately spewed out a mouthful of red and purple black. He fell to the ground on the spot. The most horrible thing was that the light sword was not only cut as sharp as mud, but also indestructible. After penetrating from a flesh and blood body, it pierced into the body behind him without a trace of blood. The person behind him was taller. Short, the lightsaber directly penetrated his throat, the aorta ruptured, the blood overflowed, and a pair of fearful eyes were cut off...

In this way, the lightsaber penetrated the bodies of seven or eight black magicians at an extremely fast speed without resistance and died on the spot, while the magician behind him who thought he was smart used his defense against the lightsaber, but still searched his life without obstacles. No one dared to challenge the lightsaber and avoided it in panic. The originally neat team of time suddenly became a mess, and the transparent lightsaber returned to the blessing of the water god spiritually after completing the mission.

She killed someone! Her hands, which didn't even dare to kill chickens, unexpectedly killed nine living people in an instant. Her panicked guilt only appeared in a few seconds and was forced back by the blood of a fallen moon mage beside her. In this battlefield where either you died or I died, if she did not kill, she would be killed by the enemy.

It's like a death game. In order to survive, you must become inhumane...