Mishu's evil life

Chapter 90 Crazy Wolf

In the most magical country, in addition to some scattered robbers who use some basic magic and then make a living by robbing business troops who have not hired magicians and rich children who have not yet begun to learn magic, there are also some ferocious and bloodthirsty low-level monsters that cannot be underestimated. Although they are low-class, they are instantaneous. The ability to tear people into pieces.

And Mishu and his party walked towards the easternmost side. If they want to find the Warcraft Dragon, there is a group creature that makes ordinary people creepy - the goblosseum.

Thegos are really a headache. These guys are like rats, breeding in places not far from the dragon's den. Although they are short, they are smart and know how to live in groups near the dragon's den that no one dares to invade, but they definitely dare not get close to the dragon's den. Once a certain number of gobs come together, once a certain number of gobs come together Even powerful magicians will have a headache. They are veritable robbers. They grab, eat, wear and use everything.

They even eat everything.

If you are unfortunately caught by them, congratulations. Your meat will be dried, your bones will be ground into powder to make soup, and your hair will be made into blankets by those golls! In a word, the tops have a very excellent quality that even human beings lack - saving and simplicity!

After having dinner at a simple open-air station, Mishu and his party embarked on a journey again. There would be no such place to eat further. There was even no cottage for mountain villagers, and even people were rare, because Kunlunyuan was in front of them.

In the words of the mountain people of Kunlun Village, he took a shovel and shoveled out the soil in the wild, under which was the bones of the adventurer.

"Sister Xiaomi, do we really want to move forward? I heard that at night, when Warcraft haunts, in case I fall asleep, I will be..." Rilla took Mishu's hand, looked at the movement around with black eyes, and the palms of her hands sweated.

"Hmm! Coward, with this god pet, how dare other demons and monsters dare to approach!" Baika, who volunteered to walk in front of him to explore the way, put his hands behind his back and looked lively.

It is too small to walk on the ground. If you don't look carefully, you will really not be able to detect its existence. The weeds on the ground can't wait to pass its petite body.

"Oh~~That's because you are a demon..." The leopard-print rabbit in front of the white card, oh, it is called Tutu, taking the homonym of the rabbit, and rudely splashed a basin of cold water on the white card.

Mishu smiled helplessly. I remember that when the rabbit first saw Casa, it was like a cat seeing a dog. Although its hair was upside down to show fierceness, it was obviously afraid of Casa. It may be that the pets could feel each other, and Tutu also knew that Casa was very hard and dared not make trouble, but after getting along with each other, it seemed I'm not afraid of the white card at all, but I'm happy to complain about it.

"Dead rabbit, who do you think is a monster!" Baika stared angrily. Tutu ran and shouted, "Just say you... The cat is not a tiger or a tiger..."

"Hight! Don't run if you have the ability!"

"It's stupid not to run. Force..."

Casa couldn't help laughing and quietly looked at Mishu's expression. He found that she, with a calm face without any expression, seemed to bend the corners of her mouth slightly, and her face softened a lot. He couldn't help but feel good.

The past will always pass, but now it has just begun. He is confident that he can find the original lively and cheerful Xiaomi.

The group went to a small forest and found a small swamp. There were several black mud frogs in the swamp, very similar toads, but slightly larger than toads.

Mishu frowned and deliberately bypassed the swamp to prepare to move forward. But Casa stopped. He found a sharp branch, grabbed the mud frogs, and poked the liquid bags on the back of the mud frogs one by one with the branches. Mishu was disgusted and stood in the distance and asked him,

"What are you doing?"

Casa concentrates on his "work" and explains patiently, "This kind of little thing is a fool and can't move at all. It will only squat by the swamp and scream all day long. Even if you go up to catch it, it will not move. The sac in the liquid on the back of the mud frog is not too toxic, but it will make people produce If you feel paralyzed, you can use this kind of thing as a painkiller when you are injured.

Mishu was a little surprised. She never thought that a young master of Yuruonie, who had been holding a golden spoon since birth, would behave like this. In her impression, he seemed to be the kind of prince who didn't touch the sun and spring water.

Casa was ready and simply cleaned it with the water in the swamp. Looking at Mishu's surprised expression, he smiled and explained,

Do you think I can't know the knowledge of survival in the wild? When I was a child, my father would take me to various places to collect materials for refining blood essence soup, exercise my ability to survive in the wild, and teach me a lot of knowledge that I would not usually learn in school. I remember once, we met a five-level Warcraft in the mountains and forests. I was bitten by Warcraft and the blood kept bleeding. My father walked behind my back. It took a long way to find a swamp and collect the sad cysts of the mud frog to stop the bleeding and reduce my pain.

Casa seemed to recall that time without any fear, but focused on how nervous his father was.

Mishu was silent, and she didn't want to say anything more about the blood essence soup. Along the way, Rilla also said something about what happened to her in the magic palace, and Mishu also told Casa roughly about the source of magic, about the crazy men and women hundreds of years ago, and the reason why she came here, but did not tell him his true identity.

She didn't know how to tell him that the Pope who was swallowed into his stomach by the devil that day and had no bones left was actually his biological father.

In fact, people who know this truth are no longer in the world. The Pope is dead, and the Demon Lord is dead. Even Gasil, who does not want to admit that he is his blood-linked relatives, is no longer there. This secret, let it be buried forever with the departure of those people. Some truth, if only makes people Pain, then it's better to pretend that it doesn't exist.

Juronel Red must have been in the dark. After the last time Casa drank blood essence soup but was safe and sound, he also knew the true identity of Casa, but he has never revealed the truth, which is not difficult to understand. From childhood, he has treated Casa as his own son. Love is not pretended. He has always had great hopes for him to become a talented man and become a more brave and powerful man than him.

In this case, why should such a rare balance be destroyed? Pretending not to know is the best ending for everyone.

Mishu smiled and continued to move forward. Not long after the group left, there was an inexplicable gust of wind in the woods, with a fishy smell in the wind.

Suddenly, Casa's whole body pounced on Mishu. The powerful momentum entangled their bodies and rolled out a few meters away. Before Mishu could react, he heard a creepy "woo" sound next to him!

On one side of Mishu's surprised head, she saw a large mouth, with residual blood stains on her sharp teeth, her long tongue covered with hair, and some terrible mucus ticking under the corners of her triangular mouth...

Mishu was so shocked that she stood upside down. Although she had long been prepared to take risks, she would definitely encounter all kinds of horrible monsters. It was a warcraft that made the beasts in Atlantis in the Falling Moonland not worth mentioning, but when she really saw it, she was still afraid.

The fierce guy stood there staring at him, scratching his claws on the ground and ready to move. This is a bloodthirsty wolf, and it is a big adult guy. His majestic physique is like a calf. The brown spear on its back has been erected, as if it is full of sharp thorns. A pair of wolves are red eyes, full of killing and greed. Most importantly, the wolf's front paws are like iron hooks.

Mishu saw that there was still a trace of blood on the tip of the guy's claws... She immediately understood what had just happened...

She stood up quickly and looked nervously at Casa, who had never frowned. She ignored Casa and stubbornly checked Casa's back. If you don't look at it, it's not tight. At this look, Mi Shu opened her mouth wide in fear--

On his back, two deep blood marks were almost pulled from his shoulder to his waist. The thick leather robe had been scratched, the muscle skin inside was open and bloody, and the wound was full of a finger deep!

The bloodthirsty wolf was so fast that before she could react, she had jumped over like her... If Casa hadn't reacted quickly and blocked the fatal blow for her, she would have been disembobled by now...

The effect of blood essence soup on her has disappeared with the release of the toxin, which has returned to a normal level a hundred times sharper than ordinary people's hearing and vision, and it is really unimaginable that blood essence soup has improved the ability of Casa, the "right master". His reaction just now has clearly illustrated this point.

However, even so, maybe no matter how slow the reaction is, he will splash blood on the spot. She can't bear anyone dying because of herself!

Mishu looked at the bloody wound without saying a word and bit her lower lip tightly. Casa did not dare to relax at all. He observed the bloodthirsty wolf's behavior and was always ready. He sensed Mishu's reaction and thought she was worried about him, so he smiled handsomely. "Look, the mud frog sac liquid just collected came in handy."

Mishu was silent and dared not move, for fear that the bloodthirsty wolf, which could not be underestimated, would jump over again.

Rella, who was beside her, had already scared her pale face. She wanted to cry for fear of attracting the monster's attention, so she had to stand in the distance with a stiff face and choked in a low voice, "Wow... What is this? Will we die here..."