The Path of Immortals

Chapter 21 Attack

As soon as the trading conference was over, Zhao Di packed up all his belongings and quietly left Liuyunfang City, where he had lived for more than seven years.

Zhao Di still wears a black gauze cloak and a hundred feather boots. The scale jacket was also put on close to the body, because the dress was very thin, and after putting on a gray robe, I couldn't see it.

He seemed to walk in a hurry, just like walking casually, but his speed was not slow. He walked more than 800 miles in less than two days and nights. Along the way, he carefully released his divine consciousness and listened to the wind and grass in the surrounding environment.

Since then, Zhao Di obviously feels that his divine consciousness is getting stronger and stronger. He can now put his divine consciousness out of about 500 meters, and put every move in this area, every plant and tree in his heart. If it is farther away, it will not feel so keen, but if a monk enters within 1,000 meters of his surroundings, it can still be easily felt.

At this time, Zhao Di sensed that two monks were standing in place not far ahead and motionless.

With his cautious personality, it is naturally better to take a detour and have no contact with other monks at all. But the position occupied by these two monks happens to be the place he must pass through. If he wants to take a detour, I'm afraid it will take a lot more time.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Di chose to go straight over. With the spiritual power fluctuation he sensed, the two monks should not be high-cultivated. If they were more cautious, there should be no danger.

A moment later, in front of a narrow valley, he saw these two monks, both of whom were seven or eight levels of cultivation in the gas refining period. One was a middle-aged man with a rough beard, and the other was a young man in white, with a white face and almost no blood color, as if he had been ill for a long time.

The two immediately saw Zhao Di. After glancing at the aura fluctuation on Zhao Di, they immediately showed different expressions. Most of the middle-aged men are surprised, while the white-faced young man is happy. The white-faced young man glanced at the young man. The latter was stunned and immediately squeezed out a few smiles. The two of them walked to Zhao Di and gave a deep salute. Zhao Di also replied faintly.

The white-faced young man took the lead in saying, "Do you plan to cross the Baiyun Valley from here and go out of the Liuyun Mountains?"

"Not bad. What do you think of the two Taoist friends? What's wrong with the change in the valley? Zhao Di saw that neither of them had a very high cultivation and did not hide it.

The white-faced young man and the middle-aged man looked at each other. The middle-aged man said with a strong nasal voice, "I also want to go to the valley with this white-faced brother. I don't know if I can walk with my Taoist friends. I heard that this valley is not peaceful, and many people take care of each other. I don't know what to do on purpose? It turned out that the two of them were fancy to Zhao Di's profound cultivation and wanted to take advantage of his prestige to walk through this dangerous valley together.

Zhao Di said coldly, "No, I'm used to being alone. I don't like the hustle and bustle." After saying that, he strode into the valley from the side of the two.

"Taoist friends, wait, this..." The white-faced young man also wanted to persuade a few words, but he didn't expect the other party to be so impatient that he didn't give him a chance to talk much at all.

Zhao Di has rejected three or four batches of monks who pulled him into the gang like this. Without knowing the identity of the other party, he dares not put this dangerous uncertainty around him.

This Baiyun Valley doesn't seem to be as dangerous as the two monks said. Zhao Di walked carefully all the way, but he didn't meet a monk. After two or three hours, he crossed the valley and was about to leave the range of the Liuyun Mountains.

Out of the Liuyun Mountains, basically even if you enter the secular world, the probability of meeting monks is very low, and the risk is even smaller.

At this time, Zhao Di's consciousness sensed that two lower-level monks appeared in front of him, and their cultivation seemed to be lower.

In two or three minutes, Zhao Di walked more than 100 meters in front of the two and stopped. This distance is a relatively safe range for gas refining monks.

Because within this distance, the monks can directly sense the other party's cultivation level through the reiki fluctuation, and at this distance, the magic weapon is difficult to attack directly. For the monks in the refining period, the proportion of divine knowledge required to operate the magic weapon is quite large, so it is difficult to control the magic weapon skillfully from a distance. Once the magic weapon is 70 or 80 meters away from the body, it becomes extremely difficult to operate.

Even if it is manipulated around, with the divine consciousness of the refining monks, they can generally use up to one or two magic weapons. Otherwise, with Zhao Di's family, he can buy a bunch of middle-grade magic weapons and attack the other party when he is in danger. Because of the quantity limit, magic weapons are all for refinement rather than more.

Zhao Di was a little puzzled. One of the two monks in front of him was a beautiful young woman on the third floor of the refining period, and the other was a black-faced man who looked like the second floor of the refining period. How could such a low-level monk come to participate in the trading conference in Liuyunfang City? Moreover, both of them have a bulge in the waist, which is obviously the appearance of a storage bag. Aren't they afraid of being targeted and killing people?

When the two low-level monks saw Zhao Di coming, they quickly held their fists and saluted. The black-faced man said loudly, "I don't know where you are going. Can you go with the couple?"

"No need, I'm used to going alone. I don't like the fun." Zhao Di coldly refused, and after saying that, he strode over.

"Taoist friend, please stay, Taoist friend..." The young woman still wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zhao Di's wave of hand.

It seemed that after being rejected so rudely, the young woman felt a little embarrassed, her face turned slightly red, and the hands that had originally clenched their fists and bowed down in front of her.

The same is true of the black-faced man, with a self-deprecating smile on his face, and his hands unconsciously rubbed on the outside of his thighs.

Zhao Di has never relaxed his vigilance, and these subtle actions have fallen into his eyes.

Suddenly, the man waved his hand unexpectedly, and a golden light came with the roaring wind, and it arrived in front of Zhao Di in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Di seemed to be ready. At the moment when the black-faced man raised his hand, almost at the same time, a small black shield the size of a palm floated in front of him, and his figure soared to one meter long and width. The little shield emitted a faint dark light around his body, protecting Zhao Di.

At this time, the golden light attacked the dark light, and the two burst into a dazzling light. The golden light was blocked by the black light, and it could no longer get close to Zhaodi.

At this time, the inspiration of the beautiful young woman and the black-faced man is moving. It is not the low-level qi refining period monk. Obviously, it is the cultivation of the high-level monk in the qi refining period. The black-faced man is the cultivation of the eleventh floor of the qi refining period, and the woman Previously, the two of them didn't know what kind of strange secret technique they used to hide their cultivation, but Zhao Di didn't find any flaw at all.

The black-faced man used the "golden line spear" magic weapon to attack Zhao Di but failed, and he was in a stalemate with Zhao Di's Xuanwu Shield for a while. And the beautiful young woman did not seem to be in a hurry to join the regiment. Instead, she sat cross-legged, with her hands constantly changing into various postures, and her mouth also spit out obscure spells in a low voice.

Seeing that the black shield easily resisted the other party's sneak attack, Zhao Di was slightly relieved, and his right hand casually patted two "earth armor charms" on his body, forming two layers of dark yellow light masks in the dark light.

The black-faced man did not seem to be in a hurry after he failed to hit, but constantly urged the golden thread spear to attack Zhao Di from all angles. And the beautiful young woman finally had a new move. She gently patted her waist, and the yellow light flashed, flying out a square jade seal-like magic weapon, and then crazily injected the spiritual power of her whole body into the seal. The volume of this jade seal magic weapon, driven by the spiritual power of the young woman, has grown extremely fast. In just a few breaths, it has risen to two or three meters long and wide, and it is still growing.

Although Zhao Di has never seen this kind of seal magic weapon before, judging from his spiritual power, if he is hit by it, his mysterious shield may be difficult to resist. He quickly sacrificed the fine copper ring. While the manipulator Xuanwu Shield resisted the attack of the golden thread spear, he commanded the copper ring that rose to more than two feet long and hit the young woman.

He has seen that the other party's trump card is on the seal magic weapon controlled by the young woman. At this time, the young woman is trying her best to send spiritual power into the seal magic weapon, which is a good opportunity to attack her.

Unfortunately, with a muffled sound, a golden shield crossed in front of the young woman and resisted the fine copper ring. It was the black-faced man who protected the young woman in time.

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