The Path of Immortals

Chapter 42 Fire Raven Pot

Under the fire crow's pecked at the golden sword, the golden light of the golden sword suddenly dimmed a little, and at the same time, it made a "buzzing" sound. The flight track was also hit by this, swinging away and failed to threaten Li Qing.

Li Qing is secretly proud of himself. His fire crow pot magic weapon is an imitation of a famous ancient magic weapon, which is more powerful than the ordinary top-grade magic weapon. What's more, the opponent's long sword is obviously a metal magic weapon. Under the five elements, in front of this fire crow, the power of the golden sword will be discounted by three points. In this way, in this seemingly evenly matched match, he felt that he had already won.

Sure enough, as Li Qing imagined, Li Qing had gained obvious advantages in several confrontations between the fire crow and the golden sword. It's just that the golden sword always hides around and keeps changing its direction and flying everywhere. The fire crow could not swallow the golden sword directly for a moment. If Li Qing commanded the fire crow to attack Zhao Di himself, the golden sword would quickly stab him, but he had to recall the fire crow to defend the golden sword again.

In this way, the magic weapons of the two sides are entangled together. However, in most cases, the golden sword is running away, and the fire crow chases after him. If it is chased, the golden sword will make a "buzzing" low sound, and the golden light emitted by the sword body will be weaker.

If it goes on like this, sooner or later, the golden sword will be exhausted and destroyed by the fire crow. But on the other hand, Zhao Di did not show any nervousness or worry at all.

Li Qing is a little impatient. Although the power of his crow pot is powerful, the spiritual power consumed is not small. If it is consumed for such a long time, his spiritual power will be a little insufficient.

He made a luxurious decision. He took out a piece of red middle-level fire spirit stone, held it in his hand, and constantly and quickly absorbed the fire spirit power in it. At the same time, he injected more spiritual power into the small pot.

"Ah-ah" The fire crow hissed happily twice, and the outline of the feathers on his body was a little clearer.

The speed of the fire crow also suddenly accelerated a lot, and after a sudden leap, it bit the golden sword in its mouth. The golden sword kept wailing, and its golden light was slowly fading and darkening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Zhao Di also held a light yellow middle-level golden spirit stone in his hand. Seeing that the golden sword was held by the other party's fire crow, he hurriedly urged his spiritual power to the golden sword. Under the golden flash, he finally got out of the control of the fire crow and flew back to Zhao Di's hand. Zhao Di didn't look at it, so he put it in the storage bag and offered a round shield that was also golden.

The shield inspired a golden passport to protect Zhao Di.

Li Qing sneered. Under his command, the fire crow flew towards the golden round shield. The golden shield does not avoid, and the fire crow can't hold on to each other for a while.

Although the golden sword and the golden shield are both metal top-grade magic weapons, the golden shield is a special defense magic weapon, which is engraved with several special defense spells. Also under the attack of the fire crow, the golden shield did not appear to be out of support from the beginning, but the golden mask was also slowly weakening.

As a result, the two sides fell into a stalemate in the competition for spiritual power. If Li Qing's spiritual power is better, he can burn the protective light shield stimulated by this small shield and win the test.

On the contrary, if he is exhausted and can't break through the opponent's defense, the next step is to surrender and admit defeat.

However, generally speaking, in this case, the attacking side is the one who wins.

After all, the defense magic weapon protects most of the body, while the attack magic weapon only attacks a little. Of course, the defense magic weapon consumes more spiritual power.

Zhao Di had an expression without panic. Obviously, he would not sit like this and wait to be killed.

He gently wiped his left hand around his waist, and there were three more "fire snake charms" in his hand. Then he offered the fire snake charm without stopping.

Three runes turned into three three-foot-long fire snakes in the air and rushed to Li Qing from different angles.

The other party's face suddenly turned blue and became a veritable Li Qing. He is in a dilemma at this time. The other party has a top-quality magic weapon like the small shield. If he wants to win the game, he must break the defense shield of the small shield. However, the rune attacked by the other party is not something that the King Kong rune on his body can resist.

Although he had a few thoughts in his mind for a while, Li Qing quickly made defensive measures. He sacrificed a small fiery red square shield in front of him, and injected the few remaining spiritual power into the small shield.

"Boom" three bursts, and the three fire snakes did not hesitate to hit the red light mask stimulated by the small shield of the four directions and burst. The red mask was blown around and almost torn apart.

Originally, it was only the Sifang Red Shield of the Chinese magic weapon, but because the spiritual power injected into it was really limited, it was almost defeated directly under the attack of three fire snakes.

But the next scene made Li Qing's face even worse.

Because he saw it, Zhao Di took out three identical runes and turned into three fire snakes to rush towards him.

People's calculations are not as good as God's calculations. He neither expected that the other party would have high-quality defense weapons, nor did he expect that the opponent's attack runes would be so generous that three cards would be smashed. At this time, he can only fight for the last time.

He put his only two gold shields on his body, and at the same time sent a small number of all his spiritual powers into the fire crow pot magic weapon.

Zhao Di doesn't have much mana left at this time, but he understands that the other party has to be distracted to deal with the fire snake charm, and the situation will only be worse than himself.

After several explosions, Li Qing's red mask, several layers of golden mask and three fire snakes died together. Li Qing and his thrilling people were not injured.

And the fire crow, which he urged desperately, finally consumed the golden mask of the golden shield, but then the fire crow, which lost its spiritual supply, also turned into a little red light and disappeared into the air.

Because the spiritual power of both sides is almost exhausted, a seemingly draw has been formed.

Li Qing also secretly said a fluke. If he made a slight mistake in calculation just now and his shield could not resist the attack of three fire snake charms, then he was inevitably seriously injured this time.

However, Zhao Di's next move made all this seem superfluous.

Zhao Di actually took another golden shield on himself, and then turned his left hand over, which was another "fire snake charm"!

Looking at the fire snake slowly flying towards him, who swallowed a few inches of fire letter, Li Qing, who was unwilling but had no power to fight back, could only choose to admit defeat.

Zhao Di finally won this long tug-of-of-war and entered the third round. At this time, Jian Xiner, who watched the test under the stage and secretly pinched a handful of sweat for Zhao Di, finally gave a breath, showing a bright smile full of spring breeze.

Zhao Di, whose spiritual power is almost exhausted, can't even drive the flying feather magic weapon back to the refinery room. He can only find an uninhabited corner at will, hold a middle-level water spirit stone, and meditrate to restore part of the spiritual power first. Jian Xiner's test was still early, so she stood silently to protect Zhao Di.

Zhao Di, who is used to using high-level spiritual stones, feels that it is too slow to restore spiritual power in this way. He just meditated for half an hour. After recovering less than 20% of his spiritual power, he said goodbye to Jian Xiner and went to the refinery room to meditrate and rest with a high-level spiritual stone. In the second round of Jian Xiner's test, he didn't have time to watch it.

On the second day, Zhao Di, who had already completely recovered his spiritual power, hurriedly found Jian Xiner and asked her about the second round.

As a result, he was relieved that Jian Xiner's opponent in the second round was an eleven-level monk with only Chinese magic weapons. Jian Xiner, who is obviously much higher in spiritual cultivation and the quality of magic weapons, easily won the test and entered the third round.

Jian Xiner also told Zhao Di that a pair of monks on the thirteenth floor of the gas refining period were unlucky to draw the same group in the second round, and both of them were pregnant with several top-grade magic weapons. This battle is dark and can only be described as tragic. Finally, one of the slightly shorter monks suddenly exerted his strength and cut off the other party's legs to the knees, making the other party faint, and finally won the match. And he also hit hard before the opponent was injured and his left arm was cut off. It can be said that both sides are hurt. Although the master of the foundation-building period soon took action and took back the amputated limbs of the two people, the strength of the two people was inevitable.

For immortals, it is not difficult to continue the limbs, but it will take some time to recover as before. Although the short monk won the test, it was inevitable that it would be difficult to decline in strength in the third round.

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