The Path of Immortals

Chapter 348 Thousands of Thunderstorms

Chapter 338 Thousands of Thunderstorms

Somewhere over the black mountains, Zhao Di was surrounded by a group of magic bats with hundreds of them.

Although Zhao Di only needs to sacrifice the Mengli sword to cut it, and he can easily cut a magic bat into two, but the magic bat seems to be continuous and not afraid of death, and can't be killed for a moment.

Although he used the Yanyu umbrella to protect himself in the red mask, if he was surrounded by these magic bats for too long, sooner or later he would run out of spiritual power and be in crisis.

Zhao Di had no choice but to move Lei Ling's split. Lei Ling held a thunder attribute magic weapon several inches in each hand, covered with a constantly jumping blue arc, which was a delicate small hammer and a thick and thin pointed cone.

Lei Ling knocked the small hammer on the top of the sharp cone. After a soft sound, it immediately made a crackling sound, and the tip of the sharp cone immediately shot out a blue electric python with a thin and flexible swimming arm.

The electric python shuttled through the magic bats and hit seven or eight magic bats in an instant. After a crackling sound, a mass of black gas and electric light rose everywhere. At the same time, a stench came, and the seven or eight magic bats were killed by the thunder python in an instant.

Lei Ling kept knocking on the magic weapon with both hands, and the electric pythons hit out one after another, making a blank space around Zhao Di in a moment.

Zhao Di took the opportunity to escape from the encirclement of magic bats, but in the mountains, it seemed that there were a lot of magic bats, and more magic bats flew out of the mountains, blocking his way.

Zhao Di had to open the way with Lei Ling, while guarding the Yanyu umbrella. At the same time, he manipulated the Mengli sword to split out a purple light, killed the magic bat close to him, and slowly walked forward.

"Ky, when did your split have such a pair of powerful thunder attribute magic weapons! It seems that it has not exerted its full power yet. Is it refined by ten-thousand-year-old thunder crystals? Huddled Yuanzi asked doubtfully.

"Yes, when I exchanged ten-thousand-year-old thunder crystals, there was such a small piece, so I refined this pair of treasures!" Zhao Di followed the other party's words and admitted.

"Furious things in heaven! Wasteful! It's just the magic weapon used in the Jiedan period. Is it so exaggerated to use the ten-thousand-year-old thunder crystal!" Hun Yuanzi said angrily, "You still have ten thousand years of thunder crystal. Why don't you tell me this! If you have ten thousand years of Yanyu, Bingyu, Leijing, plus the purple sword in your own hand, and then find a way to make up several other top-level materials, or you may refine a few imitations of the Jiugong mixed sword. Even the simplified version of the Jiugong mixed sword array, it is enough to make you invincible in the realm

"Nine Palaces Mixed Sword Array! I have never heard from my predecessors mention it before. Is it so powerful that the simplified version can run rampant among the monks in the Huashen period? Zhao Di said in surprise and joy.

Hampling Yuanzi shook his head and said, "The nine palaces mixed-yuan sword array is arranged with nine nine palaces mixed swords. The nine swords are gold, wood, water, fire and earth, one five-element sword of the five attributes, as well as a three-talented sword with three different attributes of wind, thunder and ice, The materials for refining these swords are not what the lower world may have at all. Even in the spiritual world, it is also a very rare thing.

"If it is the original Jiugong mixed sword, the power of the sword array displayed is absolutely not inferior to the top-level Tongtian Lingbao, and naturally it is not what you can reach and expect now."

"However, I have had some ideas in recent decades. Using some relatively clumsy materials to refine the nine imitation swords of the Jiugong mixed sword, like the mixed sword in your hand, can be used as one of them. If the nine sticks come out, you can give full play to the power of the nine palaces mixed sword array. Even if it is a trace, it is enough for you to cross the lower world.

"However, the worst material for refining imitation swords must also be pure attribute treasures such as Wannian Leijing and Wannian Yanyu. But in the lower world, these are already the top-level refining materials. It's hard to say whether you can make them together!"

"It's rare for you to have ten thousand years of thunder crystals. In addition to exchanging Kunpeng scales, which is very cost-effective, you even waste to refine magic weapons for the split. I'm really pissed off!"

Hampling Yuanzi was very sorry, and his words were quite dissatisfied.

The corners of Zhao Di's mouth slightly warped and said, "Senior, calm down! Fortunately, the younger generation knows where to get a bigger ten-thousand-year-old thunder crystal, and the younger generation will definitely change it at all costs. Please also ask the younger generation to tell the younger generation the imitation method of the Jiugong mixed sword, so that the younger generation will not make similar mistakes again.

"Can you change to Ten Thousand Years of Thunder Crystal? What do you use? Is it the last Xuanying elixir? Hmson asked curiously.

"Ha ha, what the younger generation is best at is trading, and the seniors don't have to worry about this." Zhao Di laughed and said.

"In this case, for the sake of finding a suitable body for me, I will tell you these methods. This is also what I have carefully learned after I have reached the lower world. Although I have not practiced it, it should be feasible! It happens that your refining method is really good. If you have the opportunity to refine it, you can also confirm my theory. Hmblem Yuanzi said with a smile.

His practice not only returned Zhao Di's favor, but also verified and improved the refining method of the imitation of the nine-gong mixed sword with the help of Zhao Di's hand, which can be said to kill many birds with one stone.

"Thank you, senior!" Zhao Di didn't seem to understand Huddle Yuanzi's selfishness, was extremely sincere, and at the same time, he was very excited.

Hampan Yuanzi smiled and passed on the ideas he had understood for a long time into the divine consciousness of Zhaodi.

How could Hun Yuanzi think that this set of imitation sword array materials, in his opinion, is almost impossible to collect in this world, but in Zhao Di's view, more than half of them can be easily obtained through the mysterious tripod!

After the two completed these exchanges almost in an instant through divine consciousness, Zhao Di did not dare to be distracted, but concentrated on getting rid of the magic bats.

Suddenly, the surrounding space shook violently, and there was a flash of inspiration in the distance. Then, a huge sound came from there. Obviously, there was a great change.

"Trough cake!" Zhao Di's face darkened, and there was no trace of excitement and joy. Judging from the direction of the flashing light, it was exactly where he was going!

Does anyone know the secrets of Qianjizi and Tongtian Tower from other channels and want to take the treasure first?

Zhao Di immediately flew there with all his strength, but the airtight magic bats surrounded Zhao Di again after being shaken by the violent shaking of the space.

At this point, Zhao Di has to use his killer!

"Senior, calm down, I have something secret to do!" After saying this, without waiting for the other party to ask, he played a trick for Nuan Shenyu.

"What are you going to do again..." Hun Yuanzi only had time to spit out these words, and was sealed in the warm jade by Zhao Di, unable to detect a trace of the outside world.

Zhao Di looked at the group of evil magic bats. A trace of murderous intention flashed in his eyes, and then Bai Xia flashed in his hand, and there was an extra two-foot-long blue staff.

This blue staff is a lifelike blue dragon, hovering from the bottom up, with its mouth open up, containing a translucent blue spirit stone.

Whether it is the blue dragonfly or the spirit stone in its mouth, it is densely covered with a thin and constantly jumping blue arc, and a slight "crackling" sound keeps coming out. It makes the whole staff, like a blue arc wrapped in a layer, very gorgeous.

This is the thunderstorm sceptre, one of Zhao Di's final treasures. Today, he is going to kill this scepter!

Zhao Di just waved the thunderstorm sceptre in his hand, and suddenly there were arcs with thick fingers coming down on the sceptre. The large and small, bright and dark complex ancient runes kept flashing on the sceptre. The number was amazing.

A moment later, countless blue arcs shot out of the top of the scepter in Zhao's hand, with different thicknesses.

The thickest one is like an arm, and the thinnest one is the thickness of the fingers, which is huge and continuous.

Zhao Di just waved his thunderstorm scepter in all directions, and suddenly hundreds of thousands of blue arcs rushed out and rushed to those magic bats. In a moment, a dense flash of lightning and thunder came out. It was just a few breaths. Nearly a hundred magic bats within two or three hundred feet around were suddenly thunder and lightning. During the attack, it turned into a group of black gas and a miserable scorched corpse.

Some magic bats were attacked by arcs as thick as arms, turning into a burst of ashes and smoke on the spot. Except for a stench, there were no bones left.

After more than a dozen breaths, thousands of thunderstorms ran out of energy, but at the same time, the magic bat group had already been swept out of a large blank area by Zhao Di's hand waving its scepter.

Although the magic bat was not very intelligent, he was also shocked by the terrible scene in front of him. Finally, he had the expression of extreme fear, and he made a cry like a baby crying one after another and hid back in the mountains.

Zhao Di took the opportunity to turn into a purple light and went forward.


In the canyon surrounded by mountains, the monks of Xueyimen are staring nervously at somewhere in the center of the canyon.

There is a hole more than ten feet in size, which is dark and unfathomable, and a mass of thick black gas emerges from the hole.

And around it, a large area of nearly a hundred magic arrays that stimulated all kinds of aura are running crazily, and they can't help shooting various color beams of water tank thickness into this hole.

With the roar of huge crosstalk, the hole is gradually expanding, and the speed of black gas is gradually accelerating.

"Ah!" A master in the early days of the elixir who manipulated the formation was closest to the black hole. He was accidentally shrouded by a black gushing out. Suddenly, the protective light on his body dispersed, and after a scream, he himself fell to the ground and fell into a ball of mud.

Others suddenly felt timid and retreated one after another, and many monks frowned and had all kinds of doubts in their hearts.

"The magic circle is not allowed to stop! Hold on for a moment, it's time for me to get the big work done!" Looking at the thick black gas constantly gushing out, the old man in the later stage of Yuanying flashed a trace of madness on his face.

(First update) RO