The Path of Immortals

Chapter 734 Poisoning

Ah! The flying girl's silver beads suddenly trembled, fell down, and spit out a big mouthful of blood, and dyed the front of her chest.

This woman is obviously injured, and she has been desperate to fly with all her strength all the way. She has already had a breath disorder and surging blood.

The girl forcibly suppressed the qi and blood in the [body], intending to stabilize her figure in mid-air, but the severity of the injury was beyond her own imagination. Although her wings fanned wildly, the mana could not be mobilized for a while. Finally, it fell into a weed and spit out a lot of blood.

The birth girl stabbed a few motions, and finally forcibly suppressed the qi and blood [Zhen] with magic power. At the same time, I don't know when there were two more silvery long cone thorns in her hand, which was her own treasure, snow silver double thorns.

, the "wow" girl spit out another mouthful of blood, and her face looked better. She waved her double thorns to push away the weeds, barely stood up, coldly looked at the three beasts chasing in the distance, and was unwilling to show weakness and raised the snow silver double thorns to meet the enemy.

There are a lot of blood stains on the snow silver wings, which are fresh and obviously belong to the girl herself.

In this time, the three beasts have been chased one after another. The Scorpion King laughed and said, "Why don't you run away! You have been hit by a poison scorpion tail hook. If you meditate quietly, or you can also drive out the scorpion poison, but the more you move the magic power, the more poison will attack. Let's see where you can go!"

, "King Scorpion, my father once stood up to save your Scorpion beasts, and finally died tragically at the hands of the human race! Now you are designed to deal with my silver-winged demon leopard family. Isn't it ungrateful!" The girl's eyes flashed coldly and she said coldly.

, "Don't talk nonsense. If your father is still there, I will be a little scrupulous. Naturally, I dare not fight the idea of the magic leopard clan: But you are a little girl, and you also want to maintain the power of the clan. Hey hey, it's not that easy!" The Scorpion King said with a ferocious smile, and at the same time, he opened his mouth and spewed out a long whip. Like the scales on his body, they were all black and shining like steel.

, "Two envoys, I don't have to talk nonsense to solve this woman quickly! She just wants to delay the time so that she can suppress the poison of the scorpion.

After saying this, the Scorpion King waved a long whip in his hand and rushed to the girl. One of his long tails was also suddenly dark, and the few feet of poisonous hooks at the end of the tail were ready to launch a fatal blow at any time.

Suddenly, around the Scorpion King, the space shook, and countless vines appeared out of thin air. These vines were woven into nets in an instant, entangling the Scorpion King.

At the same time, Zhao Di's figure emerged from the hidden state because he exerted a lot of mana. He was shouting loudly, and a golden broken golden fist struggled to hit the Scorpion King with a frightened face.

, "It's you!" The Scorpion King spit out two words with a deep sense of horror, and then burst into a huge force and turned into a blood fog. From then on, he was annihilated.

, "It's you!" The girl Yinzhu said these two words in the same way, and looked at Zhao Di, which was extremely complicated.

The other two beasts suddenly changed their faces and subconsciously retreated a few feet. "Where is sacred?" The old man exclaimed and looked at Zhao Di with his eyes shrank.

As a result, the old man only saw a pair of dark pupils, deep and bottomless, and the old man suddenly seemed to be in the boundless black hole, stunned in the nose.

Zhao Di was already like a golden meteor, rushed here in the blink of an eye, and completely killed the old man with one punch. The last beast Xiu, when he saw Zhao Di's anti-sky divine power, his legs were already weak. How could he dare to resist? He shouted and turned around and fled.

As soon as he escaped dozens of feet, he suddenly felt that he was shrouded in an extremely strong wind, and suddenly his body was stagnant and could hardly move.

He struggled desperately, and at the same time subconsciously looked back, he saw a golden magic gun, with amazing momentum, shooting at himself. The beast was extraordinary. At the last moment, he used his secret skills and dodged the stab of the golden gun, but was injured by the wind, and his body was one. Stunting. swayed.

Zhao Di once met him, and his fists hit out like a storm. In a moment, he took the beast's life.

In the face of three general strength in the early and mid-term beast cultivation, Zhao Di's thunderous means can be said to be irresistible, and he solved the three unlucky guys in an instant.

Zhao Di took the sun-killing magic gun, looked at the girl, sighed in his heart, and wanted to turn around and leave without saying a word.

, "Why did you save me? Do you feel guilty!" The girl suddenly asked leisurely.

, "I feel guilty, maybe some, but not a lot! After all, the human race and the orc are in the same situation. Either you kill your father or your father kills you. It's not too much guilt to kill the enemy in the life-and-death battle!" Zhao said blankly and lightly.

The anger in the girl's eyes flashed away, and then she smiled bitterly: "That's good! My father's skills are not as good as others! Your strength is so strong, and your magic power is so strange. It seems that there is nothing you can do with the secret method of burning souls!"

When the girl said this, suddenly sadness came from it. Wow, another mouthful of blood spewed out. As soon as her body was soft, she was about to fall to the ground in a coma.

Zhao Di quickly rushed forward and held the unconscious girl, intending to find a suitable place to place it properly.

After all, there may be other monks of the cross-border business alliance here at any time. If you see this orc girl unconscious, I'm afraid nothing good will happen.

Zhao Di hugged the girl and was about to fly out of the swamp. He planned to find a barren mountain at will and place the woman in the cave.

However, at the moment when Zhao Di just hugged the woman, the woman actually woke up and saw Zhao Di hugging her. In shock, she waved both thorns in her hand and stabbed at Zhao Di's chest.

Although Luo is very close, Zhao Di has covered her body with divine power. Under the girl's thorn, she only cut Zhao Di's clothes and hurt a little skin.

At the same time, Zhao Di also loosened the girl and flashed aside.

, "Although you murdered your father, you also saved the crisis of your own clan. From now on, I don't want to see you again!" The girl said coldly with her back to Zhao Di, and then flapped her wings.

At this moment, Zhao Di cooed and fell to the ground!

The girl was shocked and looked back, but saw Zhao Di lying motionless on the ground, with a painful expression and a dark face. Obviously, she was poisoned!

, "Is it blood poison? This person's body is so strong that blood poison should not be enough to threaten this person!" The girl's face changed slightly, and her mood became more complicated.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally turned back and said to Zhao Di, "Are you all right!"

Zhao Di is naturally motionless, but in fact, he is ecstatic.

It is true that he was poisoned, and the poison was extremely domineering. Although he was only contaminated with a trace, the poison spread endlessly as soon as he encountered blood.

This is the strange characteristic of "seeing blood poison" in the rumor, but seeing blood poison is not enough for Zhao Di, and it can be easily refined, and the strange poison in him is extremely fierce and difficult to resolve!

If other people are poisoned, it is naturally extremely afraid, but for Zhao Di, it is a chance, because this kind of poison, after being thoroughly refined, is beneficial to his body.

The more threatening he is, the more poisonous he is. After refining, the greater the stimulation to the body, the more it can be refined by the body and raised to a new height!

For Zhao Di, it is common for him to use highly toxic and quenched, but there is almost no highly toxic that can make him have such a big reaction.

Even if there is, it is still a rumored existence. It is worthless, and Zhao Di can't get it.

Now that he has unexpectedly encountered a strange poison, of course Zhao Di will not miss it.

Unfortunately, this poison is extremely domineering. He can only use his power to protect his heart for the time being. His limbs can't move at all, and then refines the inexplicable poison.

The situation at this time is extremely dangerous for others, because there is no power to fight back, but Zhao Di doesn't have to worry. Although his magic body can't move, he still has a lot of means such as the body, and self-insurance is more than enough.

, "What kind of poison is it? It can be so powerful!" Zhao Di said in her heart that judging from the girl's expression and behavior, she did not understand why Zhao Di was so poisoned so deeply.

, "Is it that the two thorns, in addition to seeing blood poison, are also stained with other poisons, causing a huge change in blood poison?" Zhao Di analyzed it carefully, and there seemed to be no other explanation.

Zhao Di glanced at the double thorns in the girl's hand, and at the same time saw the girl's entangled look.

Killing the father's enemy is also a savior. He lies motionless in front of his eyes. Whether to kill or turn around and leave, I'm afraid there is no more difficult choice than this.

Zhao Di also had a precaution. If this woman decides to kill his father, he can only let his body take action!

But now Zhao Di's mind, in addition to refining the strange poison, is used to find the root of the strange poison.

There are a lot of blood stains on the double thorns in the girl's hand, mostly from the girl herself.

Is it the girl's blood that makes the blood poison extremely domineering? Zhao Di wiped out this possibility with a little thought. Seeing that blood poison is also famous in the human race, it is very clear in the classics. Seeing that blood poison can only spread the poison along the blood. I have never heard that the toxicity after seeing blood has such an earth-shaking change, otherwise it would be extremely powerful to see blood poison!

It's not a girl's blood, so what is it?

Zhao Di was extremely confused and explored the thorns more carefully.

On the silvery double thorns, in addition to blood stains, there are also some speckled stains, which are very rare and very unobtrusive, like some juice marks.

, "What else have these thorns touched?" Zhao Di recalled carefully that with the unforgettable ability of immortals, he carefully recalled the girl's appearance and scratching him.

, "Ah!" Zhao Di exclaimed in his heart and suddenly thought of something. God's consciousness swept through the weeds all over his body, and he really found a familiar magic grass.

This magic grass bears grape-like fruit, but some of it has been destroyed by sharp weapons. It has an unknown name!