The Path of Immortals

Chapter 951 Defending Xianmu Island 14 Xianchenzhou

Most monks are very clear about the spirit stone and the victory or defeat. Therefore, only the two clans of people and demons can work together and take out the spiritual stone reserve of the strength of all parties for this battle!

The indiscriminate bombing continued. In the loud noise, the best spiritual petrochemicals ravaged the battlefield in order to attack with powerful spiritual power. In the army of the spirit clan, warships fell one by one, and although the two races of people and demons lost fewer warships, the continuous magic array was under more and more pressure.

If it weren't for the mystery of these ten thousand arrays, I'm afraid that several small islands would have been completely broken at this time, and there would be many gaps in the outer island chain.

On the island of the ginseng ape family where Zhao Di is located, the watering array is constantly sending out thousands of thousands of feet of high water walls to intercept the endless stream of inspiration bombs. The burst of each aura bomb is enough to destroy the water wall.

Fortunately, the water attribute is magical, which pays the most attention to continuous. There are so many ginseng ape demons to practice joint casting spells, and the source of mana is also relatively sufficient.

Zhao Di felt this huge battle and frowned slightly. If the time is too long, the mana of these demons will be weak. At that time, the island can only be guarded by the magic array.

Relying only on the magic array, even the most mysterious thousands of arrays will have a day of exhausting power. At that time, if the attack power of the spiritual army is still there, the two races of people and demons will be very dangerous.

Colorless and phaseless, two spiritual gathering magic arrays are being issued. Because of their skills, he and his wife can't directly join hands with the ginseng water ape demon cultivation at this time. They can only assist from the side and use the spiritual gathering magic array to gather a large number of heaven and earth aura, so that the demon cultivation

On the contrary, Yun Mengli is particularly important in this battle. She holds the witch spirit staff in her hand and keeps showing colorful glows. She will use Zhu Youshu on the nearby demon cultivation, so that the strength of these demons can be increased a lot. However, after all, she has only one person, and she can't let all the demon practitioners be assisted by Zhu Youzhishu. Her main goal is those high-level demon practitioners who play an important role in the sprinkler array.

A similar scene is more prominent on the island where Bu Yuanzong is located.

The Buyuan clan has absorbed many people of the strange witch clan. At this time, the monks of the Buyuan clan are divided into two parts. Most of the monks are jointly casting various large-scale spells, transforming countless ice and thunderstorms, and attacking the elight bombs: another small number of monks are the strange witches, who use

The monks of Daming Temple sat neatly on the island, each holding the Buddha's rite in one hand and knocking on the wooden fish in front of him with the other hand, and spitting out the uniform Buddhist scriptures in their mouths.

A series of invisible Sanskrit sound waves came from the wooden fish or monk population, converging into a vast invisible sound wave in mid-air, rippled forward layer by layer.

After those terrible aura bullets were shot into this invisible sound wave, they seemed to fall into an extremely sticky quagmire, and the speed became extremely slow. The huge power contained in the aura bullet gradually cooled down from the extreme of rage, and finally turned into invisible and disappeared in the sound waves.

This layer of Sanskrit sound waves seems to be much more effective than any means of defense. No matter how much spiritual light ejected, it is gradually degraded into invisible by invisible sound waves. Even this sound wave continues to expand, so that several surrounding islands are protected by sound waves, which makes the monks on the island feel relieved and look at the eyes Stunned.

A similar scene also happened in the spiritual army. The monks of the dark spirit clan somehow laid a huge, black hole-like light curtain. After the aurora bullet light column was shot into the black hole, it lost the following and did not cause any impact.

It's just that this layer of black hole light curtain has to be suspended for a while every once in a while, and then rearranged. Most of them are dark spirit monks who need a certain amount of time to rest.

The monks of both sides did their best in this pair of bombardment, showing all kinds of powerful skills one by one.

In the fierce confrontation, Ye Haolong, who was floating high in the air to command the battle, became more and more nervous. Although the current situation has no obvious disadvantage to the two races of people and demons, and the two races of people and demons have no obvious fw, he always has some bad feelings.

The reason is that the main initiator of this war, the spiritual ancestor of the virtual spirit clan, has not yet come forward. Why is this terrible and invincible existence in the spiritual world unwilling to appear? He disdains to command this kind of war, or waiting for the opportunity to have other plans. Ye Haolong can't help but be quite

"Elder Zhao has given up. I don't know if Mo Xuanzi is going well? The most important thing is to ask the heavenly Taoist friends when they can get out of the customs and how much of their cultivation can be restored?" Ye Haolong muttered to himself and couldn't help turning around and looking at Xianmu Island.

The peak he is most concerned about is still shrouded in thick clouds and fog. There is no vision at all, but there is a faint power of the law to gather the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth into the peak. Only his Mahayana monk who has been practicing for many years can feel a little.

After seven days and seven nights, the bombardment continues. The spirit clan is innocent and still hasn't appeared.


At this time, nearly one-third of the spirit warships have been damaged, and the two races of people and demons have also lost some warships, but the number is much less than that of the spirit clan.

It seems that the two races of people and demons still have the upper hand, but on the side of the spirit clan, almost only used a means of warships. I don't know if there is a secret backhand.

More importantly, the chain magic array on the outer island chain is under increasing pressure. Once the magic array is not supported, the two races of people and demons will face huge casualties.

Suddenly, in the array of the spiritual army, there was a shocking sound of war drums, rumbling over the sound of warships.

The spiritual army no longer stopped in the sea to bombard the two races of people and demons, but rushed to the outer island chain very fast.

closer, the two races of people and demons have more means to deal with these warships, and the nearby spirit monks. When they did not break through the outer island chain defense, the spiritual army rushed so adventurously, which was simply looking for its own way!

Ye Haolong frowned, and there was no joy in his heart. For the innocence of the ancestors who were good at war and fought everywhere in their early years, he would never make such a low-level mistake.

In the middle of doubt, a terrible breath suddenly appeared in the rear of the spiritual army. From afar, it was just a vast and magnificent warship behind the army, and there was an insignificant blue shadow, which made Ye Haolong's heart a fore.

This green shadow is the first monk in the spiritual world who is the most afraid of the spiritual ancestor and the demon clan, and the immortal messenger who fell from the sky! Not only Ye Haolong, but also the rest of the Mahayana monks also noticed this seemingly insignificant scene in the war. Each of them changed slightly under Ye Haolong's eyes without blinking. The spiritual ancestor did not know what kind of space treasure he had opened. Suddenly, the glow flashed, and there was a golden flying boat under his body.

From a distance, this flying boat is about a hundred feet long and about 20 feet wide. The surface is engraved with a lot of mysterious golden runes, making the whole flying boat shine with gold.

Above the flying boat, there are several masts and several barrels several feet in size. On the barrel, there are also golden runes.

"Xianangwen!" Zhao Di was shocked!

Also shocked, there were Ye Haolong and others.

"It's Xianchenzhou! Fairy War Boat!" A woman's exclamation sounded beside Ye Haolong, which was the dream of a fairy. Ye Haolong paid too much attention to the innocent every move of the spiritual ancestor, and he didn't know when the woman rushed to the vicinity from Xianmu Island.

"I didn't expect that in these hundreds of years, this man had made an imitation of a fairy boat!" The dream returned to the fairy with a solemn look.

"Does the fairy recognize that this is a fairy boat? It has never been recorded in the classics!" Ye Haolong asked in surprise, if the other party can fight by the means of immortals, they can't resist it anyway!

"I won't admit my mistake! I just hope that the effect of imitation of this boat is average, otherwise this continuous array, which has been consumed a lot, can't stop the attack of Xianchenzhou at all!" The dream returned to the fairy and said in a low voice.

Under the cover of warships, the spiritual army quickly approached the two clans of people and demons. Countless light column artillery fire and various spells, sword arrays and other attacks were ruthlessly killed in the spiritual army, which immediately caused great casualties, but these still did not stop the progress of the spiritual army.

Lingzu Innocence also gradually flew closer with the army, and the golden fairy boat was particularly dazzling in mid-air.

The Mahayana monks of the spiritual clan, in addition to the giant sky, have turned into a shocking rainbow at this time and accurately landed on the Xianchen boat. In addition, more than a hundred high-level monks of the "Baidu Tieba Sailing Text" in the combined period also flew here. Obviously, they wanted to join hands to display a kind of

Under the innocent leadership of the spiritual ancestor, these spiritual monks poured their power into the fairy boat one after another. Suddenly, the golden runes on the fairy boat flashed and faintly, as if they were alive. Then, a harsh sound of breaking the air sounded. With the sudden shock of the Xianchenzhou, several dazzling golden lights shot out of the muzzle of the cannon on the boat. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a hundred feet thick and hit the serial magic array at an incredible speed.

The aurora bombs, sword gas, water walls, and even the powerful invisible Sanskrit sound waves launched by the human and demons failed to stop this piece of golden light. Instead, after touching the golden light, they collapsed and disappeared one after another. The golden light bombarded heavily on the ring array. Suddenly, the magic array light mask of the entire outer

After these golden lights passed, there are countless golden runes on the mask of the serial magic array, which are crazily enniaging on the power of the magic array.

The power of this attack is even more terrible than the neat bombing of several rounds of warships.

Under the shaky magic array light mask, among the two races of people and demons, there have been some riots because of fear!

"Ye Daoyou, immediately ordered to retreat back to the inner island chain. It may be too late!" The dream returned to the fairy's heart and said hurriedly.

(Second update) (to be continued)