Mysterious Continent

Chapter 12 Back to the college and practice hard

Back to the dormitory, because the class has just come off, Wang Zhi and four of them are staying in the dormitory. When they saw Xuanmo, they were both surprised and excited. The silver wolf first said, "Xiao Mo? Why did you come back so soon? You don't miss us, do you?"

There was no change of expression on Xuanmo's face. He put his luggage on the original seat and said coldly, "My mother is dead."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Zhi and the four of them were all stunned, and the silver wolf, who had always been joking, was also stunned there in an instant. After a moment, Wang Zhi came forward and sat next to Xuan Mo and asked with concern, "What's going on?"

At that moment, Xuanmo told them everything he met, saw and knew in Dark Moon Village. I just concealed something Xuanye said.

After listening to what Xuanmo said, Wang Zhi and others couldn't help sympathizing with the experience of Xuanmo's ears. Wang Zhi patted Xuanmo on the shoulder and comforted him, "Xiao Mo, don't be sad. There are still four of us with you."

Xuan Mo smiled and said, "Thank you. Don't worry, I know what I should do and shouldn't do. From today on, I will practice harder, and one day I will avenge my mother.

The four people looked at Xuanmo and didn't say anything, but their hearts were praying silently for Xuanmo.

The next day, Xuanmo still ran with Lianyue to exercise his physical strength. But today, Xuanmo got up an hour earlier and then went to the playground to start exercising. When Lianyue arrived there, Xuanmo had run 42 laps. When Lianyue saw Xuanmo, she sighed and didn't ask Xuanmo much, because she understood Xuanmo's current mood, and then she exercised with Xuanmo together.

In the morning, it is still Xia Yu's theoretical class, and in the afternoon, it is a practical practice class. While listening carefully and practicing hard, Xuanmo will find some books to read in his spare time. At this time, Xuanmo does not want to waste a minute.

That's it, and another two weeks passed. For two weeks, Xuanmo was overloaded with practice and study almost every day. However, the reality is still very cruel. Xuanmo still has not broken through the second level and is still a first-class fire warrior.

There are no classes this Sunday, and Lianyue also went home because of something. Xuanmo is still practicing desperately. In the past, Xuanmo just wanted to be a fighter, but now, there is only one belief in Xuanmo's heart, working hard to improve his strength and avenge his mother.

At this time, there were several sound of banging on the wall from the teachers of Class 2 of the Fire Department, "Damn it, I still can't break through. Why? Why is it like this?" The teenager who beat the wall gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

The teenager is Xuanmo, and Xuanmo wants to try to break through today. However, contrary to expectations, it still couldn't break through. When Xuanmo was anxious, Feng Yang came in from the outside.

When he saw Xuanmo, he couldn't help but feel a little pity. He also knew what happened in Xuanmo's family a few days ago, but he had never had a chance to comfort Xuanmo. Today, he happened to pass by the classroom of Class Two, but he heard a sound in it. When he came in, it turned out to be Xuanmo.

Feng Yang walked to Xuanmo's side and comforted him, "Xiao Mo, don't worry, take your time."

Xuanmo turned his head and said loudly, "How can I not be in a hurry? How can I not be in a hurry?"

Feng Yang did not respond. After a moment, Xuanmo calmed down a little and said to Feng Yang, "I'm sorry, Uncle Feng, I'm just too anxious to talk to you so loudly. Please don't worry about it."

Feng Yang touched Xuanmo's head and said with a smile, "Silly boy, Uncle Feng knows your current mood. Uncle Feng won't blame you."

Xuan Mo calmed down and suddenly seemed to think of something again. He asked Feng Yang, "Uncle Feng, do you know Miwu City?"

Hearing Miwu City, Fengyang's expression fluctuated significantly. He said lightly, "Miku City is the earliest sectarian organization on the mainland. No one knows its origin, and this Miwu City is also one of the most mysterious places on the whole continent."

Xuanmo asked, "One of the most mysterious places?"

Feng Yang continued: "Because Miwu City has enough strength to compete with any country on the mainland, but no one knows where Miwu City is located?"

"Don't you know the address of Miwu City?" Xuan Mo asked in surprise.

"Well, someone once tried to travel through the whole Tianyang Empire, but failed to find a trace of Wucheng. Who can imagine where such a powerful sectarian organization would be located?"

"Will it not be in the Tianyang Empire?" Xuanmo tried to say.

"This is impossible. Part of the reason why the Tianyang Empire is so powerful is because of the existence of Wucheng. However, in any case, Miwu City is an extremely powerful sectarian organization and a paradise that all practitioners dream of. Xiaomo, since your father doesn't want to tell you this, and Uncle Feng doesn't want you to know too much about it, it's not good for you now, as long as you practice well.

At this time, Xuanmo had a new understanding of Wucheng. He said to Feng Yang with some disappointment, "Uncle Feng, I really want to practice well, but... Forget it, Uncle Feng, I want to go out for a walk."

Feng Yang looked at Xuan Mo's disappointed expression and had no choice but to make way for Xuan Mo. "Xiao Mo, go for a walk. Maybe you will think of a lot of things."

Xuanmo went out silently and turned around, but he turned to the playground. In the past, there was only one purpose of cultivation every time I came here. Today, I came here for a walk with a relaxed mood. Xuanmo hopes that he can completely relax.

Xuanmo walked quietly on the playground alone, trying to relax his mood. Slowly, slowly, Xuanmo's eyes gathered again to the abandoned bamboo forest - forbidden land, wind and moon forest.