Mysterious Continent

Chapter 33 Hundred Poison Refining Body Magic Flower Ash

Xuanmo was silent for a moment. After thinking about it, he felt that this was not a bad thing. At least when facing a warcraft like a dead evil spider, he didn't have to be afraid of anything.

"Grandpa Spider Yuan, I have decided to accept your suggestion. I will cultivate the body of poisons in this poisonous pool." Xuan Mo Dao.

The spider smiled and nodded with satisfaction, as if affirming Xuanmo's behavior. "My king, then you can practice quietly here. I believe that after the immersion of these poisons, your level will also be improved. In addition, I will send someone to send it to you when eating. You must calm down to experience these poisons. The process of refining the body.

Xuan Mo shouted, "I will. Don't worry."

After that, the spider yuan left. After returning, he told the five elders and three elders about Xuanmo's cultivation in the evil poison pool. The eight people discussed with each other, as if they were planning something.

In the evil poison pool, Xuanmo worked hard to withstand the attack of hundreds of poisons. At first, there were only a few negative breaths, but with the passage of time, various negative effects followed.

Xuanmo first felt that his chest was extremely sultry, as if it was about to explode, and the black ** in the evil poison pool seemed to solidify. The oppression from all directions gathered to Xuanmo's chest, suffering from this huge pressure, and Xuanmo was even difficult to breathe.

This situation has lasted for several days. During this period, whenever Xuanmo is about to be unable to support it, he will get an invisible force to continue. Xuan Mo thought to himself, "Maybe this is the secret of the poisonous pool, but this process is really too painful."

Then, Xuan Mo began to feel that his body had become extremely cold, and an extreme cold air instantly invaded his body and his internal organs, as if it had frozen his mind. It was a kind of cold from hell, and even Xuan Mo was afraid of it.

lasted for a few days, and Xuan Mo began to feel a corrosive force began to erode his body. It was a kind of highly toxic corrosion. From his bones to his internal organs, the strong pain made Xuan Mo faint countless times, but in the end, Xuan Mo persisted.

Next, it was like ten thousand ants nibbling on Xuanmo's whole body. That feeling was like ten thousand sharp swords, stabbed back and forth on his body, which was extremely painful.

And the fire burned his body, the dark thunder exploded in his body, the heart-piercing pain, paraly unconsciousness, the paleness of blood solidification in an instant, the invasion of evil power...

Each kind of poison will torture Xuanmo for nearly two or three days, making Xuanmo wander on the edge of life and death again and again.

Since Xuanmo strayed into the evil poison pool to practice, the spider cloud came to deliver food for Xuanmo every day. Originally, the spider originally arranged for others, but the spider cloud had to deliver food to Xuanmo himself.

Every time the spider cloud sees Xuanmo's pain, there is always a dull pain in her heart. She understands the pain in it, and as a foreigner, Xuanmo has to bear ten times the pain of their evil spiders. Although Xuanmo is now the king of the evil spider clan, he is born to belong to the evil spider clan, and the ten times the pain naturally has to bear. However, spider yuan did not tell Xuanmo about this.

The spider yuan also comes to see Xuanmo every day. Whenever he sees Xuanmo coming over, the spider yuan will nod with satisfaction. In fact, the spider yuan also squeezes a cold sweat for Xuanmo's cultivation in the evil poison pool. For the people in their own clan, it is nothing at all, but For Xuanmo. This evil pool is indeed a dangerous place.

But the spider also hopes that Xuanmo can become a poisonous body. In addition, there are several of them. Even if there is any danger, the spider is fully believed that Xuanmo can be rescued.

Xuanmo didn't know how long it had been. The poisonous baptism made Xuanmo completely lose his sense of time. He only felt that he had experienced an extremely long battle journey, and this journey did not seem to be over.

On this day, a spider and a white-haired old man walked to the front of the stone wall. The old man was called spider Tao and was one of the three elders.

At this time, the spider Tao asked the spider, "Lao Yuan, do you really want our king to absorb this gray? This gray is a magic flower blooming in hell. It is a monster that jumps out of the top ten anti-drug list. Can we absorb this gray with the strength of our king?

The spider replied: "Although Huiling jumps out of the top ten anti-drug monsters, don't forget that this Huiling also has another name - Guiluo, which is the ghost flower planted by the great ghost god with their own drop of blood. It is also the king of ghost crying. I believe that even if you can't absorb the power of this Huiling, nothing will be fine, and And I also want to use this gray spirit to stimulate the ghost power in Wang's body. After all, his strength is still extremely weak.

Zuba Tao nodded, "Then let's do it."

After saying that, the spider took a deep breath and threw the gray in his hand into the evil pool. At first, there was no change, but after a moment, something terrible happened. A gray flower floated in the air in an instant. This gray flower was a gray flower, and the gray floated in the air. Suddenly, six The gray petals flowed out a circle of black halo, and then the black pool of the whole evil pool was instantly absorbed by it.

The whole pool of evil poison pool has been absorbed by the gray. You know, it is a black pool with hundreds of poisons. Who can imagine that this short gray pool is so terrible.

The spider outside the stone wall swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the spider said lightly, "It's protecting Xuanmo. I didn't expect this gray plant to be spiritual."

When the black pool all disappeared, Xuanmo fell to the ground, and he was also scared by the sudden situation. A short gray flower absorbed the black pool of the whole evil pool in an instant. "What kind of monster is that?" Xuan Mo was surprised and full of doubts at this time.

Huiling seemed to be staring at Xuanmo, and Xuanmo also looked at Huiling. Suddenly, the six petals of Huiling separated one petal, and then quickly flew in the direction of Xuanmo. Xuanmo lay there and was powerless to dodge at all. The petals of Huiling instantly disappeared into Xuanmo's left arm.

Suddenly, Xuan Mo only felt an extremely huge force and poured into every corner of his body from his left arm. The strange lines on his left arm seemed to be alive. He quickly climbed all over Xuan Mo's body, and then instantly disappeared into his body. Then, Xuan Mo felt that the power of his soul increased in an instant, and the whole The brain seemed to explode, screaming to the sky and fainting.

Seeing Xuan Mo fainted, the spider quickly ran forward, put his hand on his back, and quickly inputting a huge magic for him. However, after entering the magic, the spider originally had no effect.

At this time, the gray with only five petals left slowly floated in front of Xuanmo.