Mysterious Continent

Chapter 67 The Story of the Fire Phoenix

Looking at the sad Klein, Xuan Mo comforted, "Aunt Klein, don't be sad! What the hell is going on? Why hasn't your daughter come out of the shell for 97 years?

Klein slowly raised his head, seemed to recall something, and said lightly, "It was a night 97 years ago, and that night was exactly the time when Feng'er was born, but at this time, just as I was about to give birth to Feng's eggshell, my enemy came."

Hearing this, Xuan Mo frowned. Who would be the enemy of the nine-level holy beast? Xuanmo naturally wanted to know, and then asked, "Who is your enemy?"

"It's the same as me, which belongs to the ninth-level holy beast, called Huoyang Jinwu. They are happy and belligerent. They have always thought that they are the king and holy beast in the magic of fire, so they have been fighting with our phoenix family. Originally, I was not afraid of him at ordinary times. But that despicable Jinwu actually came to attack me when I was about to give birth to a phoenix eggshell and when I was most weak. Speaking of this, Klein's emotions became obviously excited, and anger arose spontaneously.

Xuan Mo hurriedly said, "Aunt Klein, don't be excited and talk about it slowly. What about after that? What happened after that?"

Klein calmed down her emotions. As a nine-level holy beast, her thoughts and emotions are exactly the same as human beings. Then he tried his best to kill me, so that he could get my holy crystal nucleus and hit the field of level 10 mythical beasts, you know? He has killed four of us, that is to say, he has devoured four holy crystal nuclei, and his strength has almost reached the peak level nine. If he kill me again and devour my holy crystal core, then he is fully capable of attacking the field of level 10 mythical beasts. For this desire to become a god, he began to be unscrupulous. Duan wants to kill me."

Xuanmo has no idea about the ten-level mythical beast, but looking at Klein in front of him, Xuanmo was also embarrassed to change the topic, and then asked, "Then what? Why did your daughter's second generation become like this?

"When he kept attacking me, I tried my best to resist and protect my phoenix. Finally, I gave birth to her intact, but at that moment, when I was the weakest, Huoyang Jinwu tried his best to hurt me. Just when I thought Feng'er and I were about to die, three of my people came, and I was finally relieved. However, when Huoyang Jinwu saw the other three fire phoenix coming, he seemed to know that it was impossible to take my life, so he quietly took my phoenix away. At that time, I was really crazy. Feng'er can be said to be all I have. How could I lose my phoenix. Speaking of this, Klein seemed to recall the scene of that night and looked back at Feng'er in the Dome from time to time.

"What about the phoenix? What's wrong with her?" Xuan Mo continued to ask.

Klein continued, "Looking at Huoyang Jinwu taking away my Feng'er, my heart is in severe pain, but at the speed of Huoyang Jinwu, I can't catch up with it at all. The next day, when I was almost recovered, I immediately looked for Feng'er with my clan. We had been looking for Feng'er for more than eight months, but we still couldn't find the trace of Huoyang Jinwu and Feng'er. I was almost crazy at that time. When I was about to despair, I finally felt the smell of Feng'er in the dark cave, and then I went deep into the cave desperately to look for my Feng'er, until I finally found Feng'er's egg in a black pool. At this time, Klein seemed to have a faint smile, just like the moment when she finally found the phoenix egg.

Listening to what Klein said, Xuan Mo asked tentatively, "Then Feng'er can't get out for no reason, right?"

At this time, Klein seemed to return to her previous sadness, "Yes! Originally, I thought Feng'er had really been saved, but when I rescued her, I found that things were not as simple as I thought. Because I found that Feng'er's body has been integrated with dark magic, and she has been falling into a deep sleep. No matter what I do and what I do, I can't hatch Feng'er, and the eggshell has no sign of cracking. Now, 97 years later, I can't hatch my Feng'er.

Xuan Mo continued to ask, "The sudden high temperature in the forest is also related to Feng'er, right?" Xuanmo made such a guess because of the remaining flame smell on the Dome. Unconsciously, Xuanmo has learned to observe the small things around him.

Klein nodded, "You are very smart, it's true. From that day, I gradually found that the fire magic in the phoenix egg was slowly eroding her fire magic. You know, the fire magic is the natural magic of our Phoenix family. At that moment, it was slowly eroded by the outer dark magic. At that time, I was both surprised and worried. From that day on, I entered my fire magic for Feng'er from time to time, so that the dark magic would be slowly forced back, and Feng'er would not have any unexpected situation because of losing fire magic.

At this time, Xuanmo really began to admire the huge fire phoenix in front of him. "In 79 years, I have never given up Feng'er, and I have been looking for various ways for him. What kind of perseverance does it take!" Perhaps this is the greatest maternal love in the world. Xuanmo thought quietly.

"So Feng'er has been sleeping for 79 years?" Xuanmo continued to ask.

"Ha ha," Klein smiled indifferently, "In the past 79 years, my phoenix has only woken up eight times, only eight times. Do you think this is a deep sleep?"

"eight times?" Xuanmo opened his mouth wide and looked full of surprise. He only woke up eight times in 79 years, which is equivalent to waking up once in nine years. Which mother will suffer such a blow? Watching his child there, but he couldn't speak or come out. In this way, he has been experiencing 97 years of storms. Listening to this, Xuanmo will always think of his mother. At this time, Xuanmo was secretly determined to help this great mother. Not for anything else, just for that maternal love.

"Aunt Klein, how on earth can I save Feng'er?" Xuanmo asked.

At this time, Klein looked at the Dome in the distance and seemed to say reluctantly, "Actually, I have always known this method, but I don't want to use it, afraid of using it, and I have no conditions to use it, so I have been waiting until today." Then, Klein looked at the Dome and was silent for a few minutes, and then said, "It's just to let my Fenger sign an equal contract with you!" Let the power of the contract force Feng'er out.