Mysterious Continent

Chapter 96 Complete Victory

The next moment when the snow-white halo appeared in an instant, ten people raised the ice blade sword with a snow-white halo at the same time, and then suddenly chopped to the ground with a few traces of tension, fear and prayer. Suddenly, ten small icebergs flew out of the swords of ten people, quickly rubbing the ground, and then attacked at the same time. Xuanmo in the center.

Xuan Mo looked at the small iceberg flying in all directions and snorted arrogantly, "Do these forces also want to hurt me? Ignorant and humble human beings, I want you all to go to hell!" At this moment, Xuanmo can be said to be himself and the real Yanwang, because after all, he has also called the consciousness and soul of Yanwang to himself. How could Yanwangwang pay attention to these weak forces?

Then, Xuanmo raised his right hand burning with golden red flames, and the dazzling golden red was like a burning sun. Suddenly, Xuanmo's raised right hand soared a few points. Then, he clenched his right fist, shouted, and suddenly pounded the burning golden red right fist to the ground. At this time Eight small icebergs are only 50 meters away from Xuanmo.

Son the moment Xuanmo hit the ground, the spectacular side began to appear in front of everyone. With Xuanmo as the center, a two-meter-high circular golden red flame instantly appeared around Xuanmo, and the next moment, the two-meter-high golden red flame quickly spread around. Imagine that in this world of ice and snow, in this white world, a two-meter-high ring golden red flame suddenly appeared. Isn't it spectacular enough?

In less than a second, ten small icebergs, that is, the ice brakes in the mouth of the sky, collided with the two-meter-high golden red flame. However, what is horrible and surprising is that when the ten ice brakes touched the golden red flame, they melted instantly, or can be said to be swallowed up. In the face of the magic flame of the demon king, ten small ice brakes are nothing.

However, of course, the magic flame will not end like this. The two-meter-high golden red magic flame still rushed to the ten people around like waves. The next moment, the golden red magic flame has swallowed ten people. Two seconds later, the golden red magic flame disappeared, followed by ten Tianlian people around Xuanmo.

At this time, a minute happened to pass. Xuan Mo raised his head and stuffed a magic core into his mouth. The magic core was specially given to him by Klein when he left the mysterious forest. Of course, it came in handy at this time.

Xuan Mo was still standing in the middle position surrounding him. The demon king's body had disappeared, Xuan Mo also returned to his normal body shape, and 25 scars on his body also appeared on him. However, with his super physical strength and physical strength, coupled with the recovery of his magic core, Xuan Mo quickly turned the fire magic wheel into dark magic, so that he could repair his injured body more quickly. At this time, it also reflects the benefits of the magic rotation method,

About ten meters away from him, Tianyin knelt on one knee, with a frightened expression and a big gasp. His hair, eyebrows and clothes have all turned into coke, while the ten Tianlian people in front of him have disappeared cleanly. Obviously, all this was caused by the golden red magic flame.

With a wow, the sky spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the body shook and almost fell down. He really can't imagine that what happened in front of him is real.

A dark fire double fighter with only level 43, facing 20 ice fighters above level 30, five ice fighters above level 40, and an ice fighter who reached level 50 turned out to be a complete defeat. Although the body of the demon king has disappeared and the breath on Xuanmo has also converred a lot, it is obvious that he still has the power to fight again at this time, but Tianyin's own internal body has been severely damaged. He never thought that Xuanmo could exert such a terrible attack power.

Before that, Tianyin did not fight with Xuanmo in a real sense, and even today, there is no head-on battle with Xuanmo. He just heard that Xuanmo killed Qingyun in an instant. In his opinion, it was just a coincidence. However, when the fire demon king came, he really realized that it was bad and felt unprecedented fear. However, the speed of Xuanmo was too fast and the explosive power was really terrible. With just a few blows, 25 Tianlian people have been killed. Naturally, he was also impacted by the magic flame, but because of the distance, he did not hurt his life.

At this time, Xuanmo slowly walked to Tianyin. Although there was no fire demon king's body, Xuanmo was still as arrogant as a mountain, and the 25 blood stains on his body could highlight Xuanmo's hegemony. He looked down at Tianyin, who was half kneeling on the ground, slowly raised his right hand, and the dark claws quickly condensed.

"Now, are you still going to arrest me back?" Xuanmo said coldly.

"No! I dare not! Please forgive me. I was also forced by the old man of the Lotus Emperor. The sky was cloudy and bitterly pleading.

"Haha!" Xuanmo suddenly laughed loudly and said, "Why didn't you let me go just now?" After saying that, Xuan Mo was ready to extend the dark claws to his heart.

"Wait a minute, Xuanmo, I can tell you a secret. We actually came to Sycause this time for this secret." The sky was overcast and said eagerly.

Tianyin has been seriously injured, and Xuanmo is not afraid that he will play tricks. He slowly withdrew his dark claws, "What secret?"

Tianyin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Actually, we came to Syly City this time to find a sacred weapon."

"What sacred artifact?" Xuan Mo asked.

"The supreme holy weapon of ice magic - the ice soul sword. It is said that he is hiding in the ice cave of the snowy mountains. If you can have a sacred artifact, aren't you even more powerful?

"Are you kidding me? Don't you know that I'm a dark fire? What's the use of ice weapons? Besides, who knows if what you said is true or false. Xuan Mo said harshly.

Hearing Xuanmo say this, Tianyin quickly took out a cowhide drawing from his ragged clothes and handed it to Xuanmo, "Look, what we got is absolutely true, and even if you are not an ice magic, you will never lose if you can get a holy weapon. You know that the holy artifact is absolutely priceless." Tianyin tried his best to persuade Xuanmo. Of course, he hoped that Xuanmo could let him go, so he did not hesitate to tell him this secret.

In fact, Xuanmo has wanted to have a weapon of his own for a long time, but for various reasons, he has not been looking for it. At this time, when he heard Tianyin say this, Xuanmo was naturally moved. He was right. Even if it is not a sacred weapon of the same attribute, it is priceless for him. If he can really get the ice soul sword mentioned by Tianyin, it is certainly the best, Xuanmo thought.