Mysterious Continent

Chapter 133 Fly! Thousands of punches!

The prisoner condensed in his hand again, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" After several violent collisions, Xuan Mo stepped back, and there was another burst of blood in his body. The previous injury caused by the explosion of the ghost girl and the skull reduced his combat effectiveness to only 80%. Obviously, he did not have the upper hand this time.

And Morgan has no feeling at all. It is clear that he is not afraid of pain at all, just like the corpse thief.

A minute later, Xuanmo's prisoner disappeared. Without the prisoner, it means that he has no weapons to attack and defend, while the cooling time of the prisoner's skills takes three minutes. Obviously, within these three minutes, Xuanmo's combat effectiveness has decreased by another 10 percent.

Xuanmo, who had no weapons, immediately dodged into the distance, while Morgan chased him closely, and his speed was no less than Xuan Mo.

"Xiao Mo, this guy is comparable to the strength of human beings above level 60. You have to be careful!" Shupugas quickly reminded.

In fact, in the minute of the collision with Morgan, Xuanmo also felt its strength. In terms of attack power, speed and defense, Morgan was enough to reach the level of a human 60 fighter, and most importantly, Morgan was not afraid of pain and only knew endless attacks. Originally, Xuanmo was ready to Use thousands of punches, but in this situation, Xuanmo has no time to condense thousands of punches.

Another minute later, Xuanmo has completely fallen behind, leaving Morgan's black scratches on his left shoulder and right arm.

As the lord of the shallow land, Morgan's grip must carry a strong evil power, or how can it be called the title of Morgan of resentment.

Facts also proved that when Xuanmo was scratched by Morgan's Li, he quickly invaded an evil erosion force from the wound. This evil erosion force not only weakened Xuanmo's combat power, but also eroded the dark fire magic in his body. Half a minute later, his overall combat effectiveness was enough to decline. It's about 50%. But Morgan is still chasing Xuan Mo. It makes Xuanmo unable to release some high-level skills, let alone call ghost tears or Shura.

At this time, Morgan actually stopped. Just when Xuanmo thought it was going to stop attacking, Morgan actually looked up to the sky and made a very strange cry. After the sound disappeared, an evil death power appeared on Xuanmo's body in an instant. Obviously, Morgan did not stop attacking, but he did not want to be so deadlocked with Xuan Mo, so that he could release his unique skill - the death curse.

The curse of death uses the unique power of its cave to generate an evil curse of death, and curses the death of its living objects. Don't underestimate the skill of death curse. As long as the life object is cursed by death, his life will pass at a very fast speed. In about half an hour, no matter how tenacious vitality is, it will be cursed to death. If you have to compare with human skills, then this death curse is enough to be comparable to level 60 heavenly skills. How to deal with the 60-level heavenly skill, Xuanmo with only 50% power? No one knows.

At this time, a dead gray skull shadow slowly appeared on the head of Xuanmo, who was cursed by death, just like the white skull shadow brought by the ghost shadow of ghost crying, but the color is different. The next moment, Xuan Mo only felt that his vitality was passing quickly, and panic immediately appeared in Xuan Mo's heart. You know, the rapid death of life can be different from the damage of those magical attributes, and it can no longer be recovered after the passage of life.

And Morgan finally stopped attacking Xuanmo. He seemed to be watching how Xuanmo would die little by little.

At this time, Xiupu Gas in Mozhu sighed, "Xiao Mo, why are you so stupid? Is this mutant fire phoenix in Mozhu a dry meal?"

After receiving the reminder from Xiupugas, Xuan Mo immediately lit up, "Yes, and Feng'er, why did I forget her?"

In fact, Xuan Mo can't be blamed. After all, she has never fought with Feng'er before, and Feng'er was only just born. In such a tense battle, Xuanmo forgot Feng'er for a while.

"Xiaomo, you quickly kill Morgan with Feng'er's flying ability. Only by killing it will the power of your death curse disappear, otherwise it will continue to curse your life to death."

Xuanmo hummed, and his thoughts were driven. Suddenly, a dark red bird appeared in front of Xuanmo in an instant. It was the shadow fire Phoenix Feng'er. Feng'er appeared again. Her body was obviously a little bigger, and the breath from her body was also a little stronger. Obviously, this was due to Xuanmo's strength. Only then will there be such a change in growth.

From this moment, Xuan Mo also compressed the ultimate fire magic with all his strength. It was precisely to condense thousands of explosive fists and could not hurt his external body. Xuan Mo had to use thousands of explosive fists to attack from Morgan's body, just like killing the corpse thief just now.

The next moment, Xuanmo has stepped on Feng'er's body, and his only 50% of the fire magic is rapidly compressing to the extreme. With the rise of a dark flame, Xuanmo has stepped on the shadow fire Phoenix Fenger and flew into the air.

At this time, Morgan was also extremely depressed. The moment he saw Feng'er appear, he was ready to attack, but the next moment, Feng'er flew into the air, which made the shallow lord seem a little helpless.

Thirty seconds later, Xuanmo still stepped on Fenger's back and tried to compress the fire magic. You know, Xuanmo is now under the double pressure of compressing thousands of punches and death curses. The passage of life brought by the death curse has made Xuanmo's body look much weaker, coupled with the pressure brought by compression of thousands of explosions. Xuanmo's face has completely turned pale.

Thirty seconds later, that is, after a whole minute of compression, Xuanmo suddenly shouted, "Fly!" Thousands of punches!"

Seen, Feng'er rushed to Morgan with Xuan Mo on her. Because of the equal contract signed by Fenger and Xuanmo, she certainly knows Xuanmo's thoughts.

The next moment, Xuanmo stepped on Feng'er and came to Morgan, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ..." The long-standing thousand explosive fist finally burst out at this moment, like a volcanic eruption. Morgan actually flew straight back and then hit the wall fiercely.

You know, this is a thousand bursting fists that have been compressed for a whole minute and hit Morgan's body at the same time. Compared with the thousand bursts made by the last attack on more than 20 corpse thieves, it can only be too much.