Mysterious Continent

Chapter 203 The Dance of Demons

Because above him, a huge sword completely condensed from dark golden flames stood straight there, nine meters long and about 1.5 meters wide, and the beating dark golden flame kept burning in the air. It seems that the sky can be burned out.

"Let me take this! Explosion! Fire demon burning blade!" Xuanmo's wild voice sounded again.

The next moment. One is nine meters long. The dark golden flame sword, about 1.5 meters wide, has been vertically cut at Satan.

Because Satan just withdrew his six black wings at this time, he ushered in a huge dark golden flame sword.

Moreover, the reason why Satan did not find that Xuanmo was condensing this skill, thanks to the cover of the divine hidden method, Xuanmo could successfully condense this skill under the cover of the divine hidden method.

And the Shura evil light chopping just now was created by Xuanmo, which is to eliminate Satan's vigilance and take back the six black wings that guard him, so that he can successfully cut the burning blade of the fire demon on Satan.

"Boom!" A sound.

The nine-meter-long flame sword has been cut to Satan, and suddenly the bursting dark golden flame exploded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

After a few explosions, Satan has been bombarded to the ground.

And Xuanmo stood on the back of the evil shadow and was already breathing a little.

He has just used the 70-level skill of the evolution of divine fire - bursting! The blazing blade is just a mutant skill inherited by the fire demon - explosion! Burning the blade!

Use the exclusive flame of the fire demon, the dark golden flame, and the power of the flame from hell, the flame power of the flame demon to gather the huge flame sword, and then gather the huge sword in the explosive state to launch a fierce cut at the enemy. Its power is absolutely comparable to the primary skill of rebirth.

However, can only the skill equivalent to rebirth hurt Satan? Of course, Xuanmo would not think so. Otherwise, this Satan is not worthy of the lord of the fifth circle.

It's dust and smoke and black deep pits, but this time it's no longer Xuanmo, but Satan.

"Evil Shadow! Desperate breath!" The next moment when the smoke rose, Xuanmo immediately ordered the evil shadow to release despair. Satan from the demon world was not so easily defeated.

"Oh! Poo! Poo! ••••”

More than a dozen black-gray ** quickly flew into the deep black pit. Because of the dust and smoke at this time, Xuan Mo could not see what was happening in it at all. However, with the power of his soul, Xuan Mo is completely sure that Satan has not been seriously injured. In desperation, Xuanmo had to let the evil shadow fly closer in order to better prepare for the next round of attack.

However, just as the evil shadow was about to fly 100 meters away from Satan, a gloomy and cold voice began to sound slowly.

" Appear! Group-Demon-Ran-Dance-Dance!"

This voice was obviously made by Satan, and when Xuanmo heard this sound, he couldn't help but breathe a few chills in his back. Unconsciously, Xuanmo had already foresaw the crisis and quickly lost his voice, "Evil Shadow, fly to the sky quickly."

He originally wanted the evil shadow to use teleportation, but because it had been used once, coupled with the unknown of the skill released by the enemy, Xuanmo did not dare to let the evil shadow use this life-saving skill.

In an instant, the next moment when Satan's cold voice disappeared, strange roars began to come one after another in the gray dust, and this roar was not made by another person, or it can be said that it was not made by a warcraft, which was very obvious. However, after responding to what Satan just said, the group-demon-ran-dance was actually like thousands of monsters roaring.

The next moment, endlessly-looking monsters began to emerge from the dust, with four corners, one-eyed, one with tongues, six hands, and wings. In short, only one word can be used to describe these monsters, disgusting.

For a moment, the ground was full of countless monsters, and those winged monsters all attacked the evil shadow and Feng'er. However, the monsters on the ground were not idle. They used all their abilities to attack the evil shadows and phoenixes in the air.

It was less than a minute, but the war was reversed again, and Xuan Mo obviously fell into a hard battle.

In the face of these monsters, Xuanmo can only constantly kill. However, a few minutes later, Xuanmo found that these monsters seemed to be unable to die. Every time they were killed, they came back to life. Some can even be cut in half and put together again. It's really surprising, even scary and disgusting.

At this time, just as Xuan Mo was fighting hard, Satan flew into the air again.

The black face has obviously become much more ferocious, and the cold black eyes seem to shoot electric light. He held the black sword tightly in his hand, and there were a few traces of blood on his body, which was obviously injured by the burning blade of Xuanmo.

"Bad boy, it's amazing that you can hurt me and this demon king." When Satan said these three sentences, his tone was completely full of play.

"However, it is precisely because of your surprise that it has completely angered me. I want you to really know the power of this demon king." Satan was in a state of complete anger when he said these words.

Then, he shouted again, "attack me, my most loyal servant, let all three beasts disappear!"

When Satan shouted these words, he almost became crazy. As the king of demons and the lord of the fifth circle, he was beheaded by an 81-level human as soon as he came up. He said that he could not accept this fact, let alone let Xuanmo and others go out alive, and he used this skill in anger - group Magic dance.

The next moment after Satan shouted, the demons had become more crazy, attacking violently one after another, but for a moment, several wounds had been left on the evil shadow and Feng'er's body.

At this time, Feng'er in the air is ready to use his proud skill - the destruction of thousands of shadows and phoenixes.

However, just as Fenger was about to release, she was stopped by Xuanmo.

"Feng'er, no! You and the evil shadow hurry back to the Mozhu bracelet. I have a way to deal with these monsters!"

For Xuanmo's order, Evil Shadow and Feng'er have always been obedient. Of course, it's the same this time. After receiving Xuanmo's order, Xie Ying and Feng'er didn't think much about it, so they immediately flew back to the Mozhu bracelet.