Mysterious Continent

Chapter 207 Annihilator--Destroying the Flame Bomb

In an instant, Satan's left hand had another black magic thunder ball, but obviously this magic thunder ball is much larger than the one that attacked Xuanmo last time, with a diameter of 30 centimeters, and the energy emitted is also extremely huge, especially a kind of lightning adsorption.

Then, Satan quickly raised the huge magic thunderball in his hand above his head, and the raging black thunder and lightning kept roaring, crackling one after another. At this time, the magic thunder was like a black hole, constantly devouring everything around him.

The next moment. Hundreds of shadow fire phoenixes have swooped towards Satan.

However, how could the demonized Satan let the destruction of the shadow phoenix hurt him again? When the first round of shadow fire phoenix dived on his head, it was instantly absorbed by the magic thunder ball he held high, and the magic thunder ball was like a bottomless black hole, devouring the flying shadow fire to its heart's content. Phoenix.

After more than ten seconds, hundreds of shadow fire phoenixes have been sucked into the magic thunderball in Satan's hand, and the magic thunderball, which was originally only 30 centimeters in diameter, has doubled, and the energy emitted is also greater, many times stronger than the previous magic thunderball. The black thunder magic is also accompanied by the mutant dark fire magic, which is obviously the energy of the thousands of shadows and phoenixes released by Feng'er.

holding high the magic thunder ball at this moment, a few drops of sweat have flowed from Satan's forehead. A pair of black and gray eyes stared at the phoenix hovering in the sky, and an evil smile appeared in his mouth.

"Bad bird! I will still give you back your energy!"

After saying that, Satan suddenly threw the magic thunder ball in his left hand in the direction of Feng'er. At this time, the magic thunder ball was by no means the magic thunder ball at that time. You know, the current magic thunder ball contains the energy of the destruction of thousands of shadows and phoenixes. Coupled with the real energy belonging to the magic thunder ball, Feng'er can't avoid it at all, and even this blow is likely to endanger her life.

However, just then, an arrogant voice came from the ground.

"Go! Annihilator, destroy-destruction-Yan-Tian-blam!"

The sound disappeared, and only a bang was heard, and a huge dark red fire bomb flew out of the dust. The fire bomb was oval and only 15 centimeters in diameter.

However, don't underestimate this relatively petite fireball. At the moment it appeared, all the fire magic in the air was emptied in an instant, and even the other magic in the air trembled slightly.

When the fire bomb quickly passed by Satan, even the demonized Satan couldn't help shivering. You know, the demonized Satan has definitely reached the peak of the holy level, but he will be afraid of this small fire bomb, which is enough to see the power of destroying the flaming bomb.

While Satan trembled, Nannan, who was also unbelievable, said, "This... is actually the fire of ancient chaos?"

Then, the destruction bomb bombed the magic thunder ball thrown by Satan at an unimaginable speed.


Another roaring sounded through the world, like a volcanic eruption.

The collision between black thunder and lightning and ancient fire, the raging black thunder and lightning roared in the air, and the destruction bombs from ancient fire burned a sea of fire in the air.

After a few minutes, when the last trace of black electricity disappeared and the last trace of ancient fire was extinguished, the collision between the two forces finally ended. The result is to offset each other, or it can be said that Satan and the person who sent out the bomb of destruction were hurt at the same time.

And obviously, it was Xuanmo who sent out the destruction bomb.

The moment he saw Satan absorbing Feng's thousands of shadows and phoenixes, Xuanmo was ready to use the annihilator.

And after his rebirth, the first skill of the annihilator also entered his mind, which was to destroy the flame bomb. The destruction flaming bullet is a fire bomb gathered by the ancient chaotic fire. Its power is comparable to the rebirth heavenly skill, or even more powerful.

However, the cost of using the destruction of the flare is to consume all his magic, that is to say, Xuanmo no longer has the power to fight again. He was originally lost for the last use, but when he saw Feng'er in danger, Xuanmo didn't care so much, so he immediately used the destructive flaming bomb.

However, because Xuanmo has just reached the realm of rebirth, the lack of magic has been unskilled in the use of annihilators, so that he cannot fully exert the real power to destroy the fire bomb.

At this time, he only used 60% of the power to destroy the Yantian bomb. That's why it offsets the power of Satan's magic thunderball.

Satan snorted and slowly flowed a trace of blood from his mouth, which was obviously impacted by the energy of destroying the flaming bomb. However, this is not enough to hurt Satan's life. So the next moment, Satan showed a demonic smile.

"Good boy, you really surprised me too much. Even I would be hurt by you after demonization. I didn't expect it!"


Due to the impact of the magic thunder ball energy, Xuan Mo has been seriously injured, coupled with the use of destructive flaming bombs to drain the magic in the body, so that it is difficult for Xuanmo to quickly repair the injury on his body.

reluctantly supported his body with the underworld knife, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and still had a confident face.

"Satan, I said, I will definitely defeat you!"

However, when Xuanmo finished this sentence, there was a burst of blood in his body, and then he couldn't help kneeling to the ground.

This situation naturally caused Satan to laugh, "What are you talking about? Do you still want to beat me? You can't even stand up now. Do you still want to beat me? What a dream!"

When he finished saying the last sentence, Satan deliberately used a contemptuous tone. In his opinion, Xuanmo had no more fighting power after using the destruction of the fire bomb. Without magic, it is equivalent to shooting without bullets and bullets. No matter how Xuanmo defeats him, this is just a joke.

In fact, Xuan Mo also knew his body. He knew that the magic in his body had been almost exhausted. If he fought again, it could be said that there was no chance at all. However, the belief in his heart told him not to give up. There must be a way before the car reaches the mountain and believe in himself.

However, at this time, Satan in the air seemed to become angry again, his ferocious face stared at Xuanmo, and the black-gray airflow around his body became stronger and stronger. Even the sky began to change with his mood. Then, Satan began to slowly lift the trident in his right hand.