Mysterious Continent

Chapter 232 Surprise the City of the Sky

"Lord Xuanmo, I think you must know the Soul Fighting Hall, and it is this so-called second sect on the mainland that was destroyed overnight."

"What?" Hearing this, Xuanmo's heart can no longer calm down. Of course, he knows that the power of the Fighting Soul Hall is naturally very clear. It is a sect that can almost match the strength of a country, and such a strong person is always afraid of being destroyed overnight. What kind of strength is needed to do this?

At this time, Xuanmo thought of a word, Miwu City, yes, I'm afraid only this so-called most mysterious and powerful Miwu City on the mainland can do it!

"Is it done by Miwu City?" Xuanmo asked coldly.

Dong Yuan nodded deeply, "Yes, it is the so-called most mysterious sect on the mainland, which was killed in the Wucheng, and not only the Soul Fighting Hall, but also the Refinery Sect and the Temple Tower. The Temple Tower is better, while the disciples of the Refinery Sect almost all destroyed the clan and may be able to escape a few, but as far as I know, There are no more than ten at most.

Xuanmo never thought that Miwu City was so strong, but in just one month, four sects were destroyed. What on earth did they want to do and what purpose they have? Xuanmo thought secretly.

"Do they want to unify the mainland?" Xuan Mo Dao.

"Yes, what you said is correct. As far as we know, Mi Miwu City wants to unify the whole continent, so it took the lead in destroying the most powerful soul fighting hall in an instant."

Xuanmo said that this problem was just his own conjecture, and now, he has to admit that the ambition of Miwu City has opened up to unify the mainland, and perhaps only sects like Miwu City can do such a thing.

"What about the countries on the continent? Didn't they gather to deal with Wucheng? Xuanmo immediately asked again.

If the purpose of destroying the sect in Miwu City is to unify the mainland, then you must have the power of the country. After all, it is a war. Xuanmo can only think of this at this moment. In his heart, he has never had any good impression of Miwu City.

"Among the five major countries in the mainland, two of them have defected to Miwu City, namely the most powerful Tianyang Empire and the Yulin Empire attached to the Tianyang Empire, while the other four countries are allied with Miwu City."

"This is the basic situation on the mainland. It can be said that the war is likely to be on the verge of breaking out. People on the mainland have all begun to panic, and some have even fled to small villages to avoid the upcoming war."

At this time, Xuanmo was naturally worried about the dark city. If Miwu City wants to unify the continent, then the dark city must also be the target of their destruction.

"What about the dark city? Do you have any news about them?

"Well, among the sects opposed to Miwu City this time, there is the existence of Dark City. The Dark City and Tianmen and the Temple Tower, which are half dead and injured, are allied to deal with Miwu City together. It is said that they jointly created a sect called the destruction of Wuzong. As the name implies, its purpose is to destroy Wucheng.

Dong Yuan's explanation shows that the dark city has not been attacked by the Miwu City, so they must have gathered their strength in the Sintan Empire now. However, even so, Xuan Mo knew that there must be a big gap between the newly built martial arts city and the Miwu City. Isn't it so easy to destroy the Soul Hall overnight? Fu, and even Xuan Mo guessed that there must be a divine master in the mysterious martial arts city.

At this time, Xuanmo thought of Falin, because in the explanation just now, Dong Yuan did not mention his sect, Falin.

"Excuse me, Master Dong, which faction are you from?"

When he said this sentence, Xuanmo deliberately added a bit of a playful tone.

"Lord Xuanmo, as you know, the Yulin Empire is on the side of the Miwu City, and we are in the Yulin Empire. If we defect, I'm afraid that we will be in danger of extinction. I don't want to be the sinner of Falin, so I took this and stood on the side of the Miwu City."

"However, in fact, every disciple of our Farin hates Wucheng, but we have no other choice in the current situation."

"You have!" After Dong Yuan finished speaking, Xuan Mo immediately said firmly.

"If I say that with two god-level strongmen and four ancient holy peak strong men as your backing, will you stand on the side of destroying Wuzong?"

Dong Yuan was surprised enough to hear Xuan Mo say that the two god-level strongmen Dong Yuan. When he heard the four ancient holy-level peak strongmen again, Dong Yuan trembled all over.

I couldn't help but stammer: "Really...rely, it's really two god-level strong men..."

Before Dong Yuan finished speaking, Xuan Mo immediately stood up and said to Qianyue next to him, "Miss Qianyue, can you release your breath!"

Qianyue looked at Xuanmo angrily, "This is going to use me, right?"

He hummed dissatisfiedly, but Qianyue still released her divine breath according to what Xuanmo said. Suddenly, the divine pressure rushed to Dong Yuan again in an instant.

Dong Yuan snorted coldly and almost knelt down again. Fortunately, Qianyue took back his breath in time.

Then, Dong Yuan immediately said, "I believe, I believe you, and I will be on the side of destroying Wuzong." At this time, Dong Yuan's whole body was trembling, and even what he said kept trembling.

Xuanmo sat down again and then asked, "Don't worry. Since we promised to be your support, we will send you safely to Wuzong."

Dong Yuan nodded.

"by the way, there is another important question, where is the specific location of Miwu City?"

From beginning to end, Xuanmo has never known where the Miwu City was built. Even the owner of the Dark City did not know. He was really curious about where this Miwu City was built.

However, Dong Yuan's next answer did not make Xuan Mo think of it.

"Miwu City is in the capital of the Tianyang Empire, and the sky above Tianyang City is a city in the sky!"

At this point, Xuanmo stood up again.

was actually built in the air. How can it be possible? How can it survive in the air for hundreds of years? What kind of strength does it take to do this?

At this time, Xuanmo had to reassess the strength of Wucheng. Unexpectedly, it can make a city float in mid-air. Who has such strength except the divine master?

Moreover, this must also be an extremely powerful divine master. He may have reached the divine level since 500 years ago.

However, this is only Xuanmo's own guess.

Take a deep breath and sit down slowly. So r, if Miwu City is really a city in the sky, then it can also explain why people have been looking for him for hundreds of years, but only traces.