Mysterious Continent

Chapter 240 Goodbye Night

"How is this possible?" Xuanye is full of unbelievable.

Then, he seemed to suddenly think of something terrible, and Nannan said in his mouth, "Is it? How can this be possible? How is this possible? ••••”

Looking at Xuanye's surprised appearance, Xuanmo shrugged his shoulders proudly, as if he was the little devil who loved to show off in front of Xuanye when he was a child.

"Nothing is impossible in this world, as long as you work hard and I can do it, so this is the result of my growth."

He deliberately paused and continued, "God-level!"

When Xuanmo said the word god level, Xuanye trembled all over. In the end, the holy level that could not be broken through made his son take the lead in breaking through, and at this time, Xuanmo was only 22 years old.

He never thought that his son had reached the divine level. I'm afraid this level of growth can only be described as incredible.

"And, what I want to say is that I am not the only strong man here!"

"So, father, can I take Farin to join the destruction of Wuzong?"

Xuanmo smiled and seemed to be thinking about what Xuanye was proving when he said these words.

After all, Xuanye is also a ninety-nine-level fighting god, and immediately calmed down his excitement. Then he said with satisfaction, "I didn't expect it. Maybe I'm really old."

"Well, from now on, Xuanmo and the people led have become a member of my annihilation of Wuzong."

When Xuanye said these words, Xuanmo was also shocked at the same time. His father actually had the right to let Falin join the destruction of Wuzong. Is it possible that his father is also the suzerain of the destruction of Wuzong? Or, this destruction of Wuzong was founded by his father, Xuanye.

Xuanye also noticed Xuanmo's look at the same time, and then announced loudly, "First of all, let me introduce myself again. I am not only the master of Tianmen, but also the suzerain of the Wuzong. It can also be said that this Wuzong was founded by me, and literally, you may also understand my goal. It is the destruction of Wucheng."

When he really heard the real situation of his father, Xuanmo was still shocked. He never thought that his father had such a supreme position. Suddenly, Xuanmo couldn't accept it.

"Well, let me introduce the members of the destruction of Wuzong!" After saying this, Xuanye immediately shouted to the outside, "Exterminate the masters of Wuzong!"

In the blink of an eye, several figures quickly rushed from all directions. Suddenly, seven old men appeared next to Xuanye, and one of them was more familiar with it. It was the former owner of the Dark City, the night.

"Uncle Night," Xuan Mo immediately shouted at the first sight of the night.

At the same time, the night also noticed Xuan Mo and hurried forward and said respectfully, "Lord, you are finally back. It's okay if you don't have anything to do."

After greeting each other, the night noticed the main thing that Xuanmo came here. "Is it possible that the city owner is the person who joined the destruction of Wuzong today?"

Xuan Mo smiled and nodded, "Yes, and I will make peace with you."

The night also smiled indifferently, "Well, this saves a lot of things at once. I hesitated to join the destroyer Wuzong without informing you in advance."

"Uncle Night, you can decide this kind of thing by yourself, and you are right! My original purpose was to find a powerful sect, but now everything is fine, isn't it?"

The night nodded!

After a while, the night returned to its position. Then, Xuanye began to introduce one by one.

Starting from the left in turn, the first is the old man in purple-blue armor. He seems to be very old, but his body is extremely strong, especially his fists shining with blue light, as if he can knock down a mountain with one punch.

"He is called Lan Qi. He was originally the deputy patriarch of the temple tower and the hand of a 97-level god. He is currently the head of the temple to destroy Wuzong."

Xuanmo knows the Temple Tower. It is a sect based on paladins, which has been inherited for a hundred years, but it has never participated in any war.

At this time, the destroyed Temple Tower seems to have to embark on the road of revenge on Miwu City.

The second is an old man in gold armor, who looks over 60 years old, with white beard, white eyebrows and white hair. And behind him is a cross engraved with many golden lines. The cross looks extremely sacred, and Xuan Mo can recognize it at first glance. This is mostly an artifact.

"His name is Bai Shou. He was originally the suzerain of the Temple Tower and the 98-level apocalypse. He is currently the head of the Second Hall of the Destruction of Wuzong."

The third is an old man in red armor, with red eyebrows, red hair, endless fire in his eyes, and a strong flame magic on his body. Obviously, he is a fire fighting god.

"It is called Lieyun. It was originally the owner of the Fire Soul Hall of the Soul Fighting Hall, the 97-level fire fighting god, and the current owner of the three halls of the destruction of Wuzong."

The fourth person, a set of purple-gold armor, exudes a kind of restrained calmness, as if he had experienced countless life and death.

"He is called Zitian. He was originally the owner of the Holy Soul Hall and the ninety-nine-level thunder and fire fighting god. He is currently the owner of the four halls of destroying Wuzong."

The fifth person, the white armor, looks a little young, but the momentum emitted is definitely above level 97.

"It is called Bai Ye. It was originally the patriarch of Refinery, the ninety-eight sword saint, and is currently the master of the Five Halls of Destruction."

The sixth person, the only woman, who seems to be only in her twenties exudes huge magic fluctuations. She must have changed her face with some kind of magic.

"His name is Leng Xue, a summoner, the queen of the 96th-level moon, and the current leader of the sixth hall."

The last person, Xuan Mo naturally knew, was the former owner of the dark city, the night.