Magic Emperor

Chapter 9 Killing Rasha

"Be careful!" When Lin Zhongxin's next door reminded him, it was too late, and Lin Zhongxin directly ushered in the streamer fragments. With this sad cry, Lin Zhongxin's lower body and face had different degrees of wounds, the most serious of which was the ** part. Bright red blood kept flowing out, and the wounds on his face were also very terrible. Fortunately, he was wearing fairy armor, otherwise he might have to report to the Hall of the King of Yell.

"Damn it, you did it on purpose!" Pei Jingqi said so, but he still gave a thumbs up to Luohe, "You are awesome. Even the nephew of the right elder Xuanxinzong dares to be disabled, hey."

"So what? Don't say what kind of old nephew, but what can the elder do with me when he comes?" Luo He's face was full of disdain. He looked up to Lin Zhong, who had been protected by the Xuanxin sect, and a cruel smile appeared on his face. "Lin, don't blame the young master for being cruel. If it hadn't been for your insidious enough to plot against me just now, I wouldn't have cut off your descendants."

Luohe is insidious enough. Although it can be seen that Lin Zhongxin was cut off by Luohe, the problem is that everyone just thinks about it and won't say it. After all, this involves other people's privacy. However, Luo He's words are equivalent to telling everyone, and at the same time declaring that Lin Zhongxin has qualified to be an eunuch.

"Luohe, I'm going to kill you!" Lin Zhongxin's whole face was distorted, but Luo He still behaved very leisurely. Even the two Xuanxin sects surrounded him with that careless expression.

Luo He looked up at Ma Linghan in mid-air and said with a smile, "They said they wanted to kill me. What do you think? Shall we come together?"

Ma Linghan's face seemed to have always had a frozen expression. She lightly threw down a sentence, "The treasure has recognized the Lord. If it is meaningless to fight, let's say goodbye." After saying that, the man directly broke through the sky with the sword.

"Yo, man, it seems that this girl is still interested in you."

Luohe smiled faintly: "I have nothing to do with her, but after all, she used to be my fiancee of Luohe. Although it has been lifted, I still have to give her a chance. What she just said has given her an opportunity to live in the future.

The more you talk about it, the more evil the expression on Luo He's face becomes. Just when everyone didn't know why, Luo He's body suddenly disappeared, and then a sad scream came from the air almost at the same time. Everyone present was shocked to find that Lin Zhongxin's body had been directly beaten into meat sauce by Luo He's stick. The bloody scene and internal organs flipped caused many immortals to turn pale and roll in their stomachs.

"If you ask me why I want to kill all, my answer is only one sentence, my enemy will die!" Before the words fell, the Luohe people had disappeared, but although the Luohe people had really left, the two survivors of Xuanxinzong still looked around in surprise, fearing that Luohe would come back and slap them to death with the same stick.

Luohe has indeed left, because if he doesn't leave, I'm afraid he will be exposed. At this moment, Luohe people are lying on a grass ten miles away and gasping. Because of the rapid running just now, he has exhausted the last aura of heaven and earth in his body to reach it. Here, the weather aura in Luohe's body has been completely hollowed out. Luohe can only lie on the grass and let his body naturally absorb the weather aura in the environment.

Although the motionless dragon stick is extremely powerful, it can be said to be comparable to the golden staff of the Monkey King, and even better. However, Luohe is not the Monkey King. The Sun Monkey has created today's strength by eating an unknown amount of golden elixir and peaches, and he is the creation of heaven and earth aura. The heaven and earth aura in his body can be said to be infinitely used, unlike Luohe, who absorbs the aura of heaven and earth. However, despite this, Luohe still has a reserve of war food, that is, the nine-tailed golden elixir that the nine-tailed fox gave him with its mouth on that day. However, Luohe usually does not use it. He has planned that the more energy he needs to break through the "eight gates against the sky", the more energy he needs to break through the "eight gates against the sky". Luohe has half a nine-turn golden elixir in case of emergency. In case he is unable to rush through the customs one day, he can only call half the energy of the nine-turn golden elixir. You should know that you should not only endure extremely strong pain, but also be life-threatening when rushing through the customs. Luohe will not annihilate himself in any case.

It takes a very large aura of heaven and earth to use the dragon stick. Although Luohe's body absorbs the aura of heaven and earth more intensely and is of higher quality after Luohe opened the "xiu men", Luohe is far from enough. If Luohe can't move the ordinary weapons in the dragon stick, it usually doesn't use much aura to knock down, but once the skill is used, it requires an extremely huge aura of heaven and earth. The skill of Luohe's stick smashing Lin Zhongxin's body just now is one of the skills that did not move the dragon stick into Luohe's mind through the imprint of life, calling it a dragon twist.

When the stick went down, it almost instantly drained the aura of heaven and earth in Luohe's body, which is why Luohe chose to leave directly.

However, that said, Luohe's heart has been filled with joy and satisfaction at this moment. He finally has a weapon and his own weapon. Although this immobile dragon stick is more than 10,000 catties, it is held by Luohe in his hand, which is no different from an ordinary iron bar, as if this immobile dragon stick was born by Luohe.

After resting on the ground for nearly an hour, the aura of heaven and earth in Luohe's body was not yet full. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and a strong foreboding immediately came. Without saying a word, Luo He unfolded his ethereal body and ran directly to the Tang military camp.

When Luohe rushed to the barracks, he found that Wu Zhao and others were already scarred at this moment. In the end, with the wounds on the bodies of Skye and Black Teeth Changzhi, the right arm of Black Teeth Changzhi twisted together deformedly. The knife in Skye's hand was broken, and his hands holding the knife were soaked with blood. Among the crowd, only Wu Zhao was intact. What's missing is that she looks a little tired. I think she just experienced a hard battle. Fortunately, these people are all fighting against the enemy with infinite gossip arrays, and there is no death of team members.

At this time, there were only four people who besieged Wu Zhao and others. These four people were crooked and cracked. One was a middle-aged man with green hair, whose face was like a hand cake, and his nose was still tall; one was a red-haired woman, whose appearance, a word, vomiting; and the other was a balloon-like fat short fat man, who looked Laughing, but giving people a very dangerous feeling; there is also a woman in black who can't see her face clearly and can only tell her that she is a woman from her exquisite figure.


The strong return of the Luo River made the whole earth tremble as soon as it landed.


"Big boss!"

Luohe nodded to the crowd, then looked at the four people with his hands down and said coldly, "Guys, are you waiting for me, Luohe?"

"Oh, you little boy is not stupid. Do you know that we are waiting for you?" The green-haired man said strangely.

"Idiots can see that you just hurt my men and didn't kill anyone. Moreover, it seems that it is not difficult to kill people with your strength. Luo He's voice is a little low. He can't see through the realm of these people at all. They have always been at least masters of "disortion".

"Kid, your name is Luo He?" The green-haired man stared at Luohe and looked up and down.

"Yes, I'm Luohe."

"It's strange why a very huge force flashed when you appeared just now, but now it has dissipated. With the strength of your 'martial arts', you should not be able to exert such a strong power." It was a red-haired woman who spoke. This woman's appearance was really sorry for the audience. Luo He directly ignored her appearance, but Luo He could feel the extremely strong hot smell from her body.

Luo He did not answer the red-haired woman, but asked in a low voice, "What are you looking for for me, and it's so heavy?"

"heavy? I think it's already very light." A wonderful voice suddenly came from behind Luohe. At this time, the woman in black in Luohe's eyes had disappeared. "Today we are here to send you to hell."