Magic Emperor

Chapter 19 Bloodthirsty God of War

Although Luo Xin is dead, Luo Xin's subordinates are still there, and they also occupy Pingliang City. At the same time, Wang Ben also sent his son Wang Li to temporarily take over Li Xin's troops and continuously transported materials to Pingliang City. Soon, Chengdu City was surrounded by Wang Ben and Wang Li.

Luohe took the death team into Chengdu overnight to discuss countermeasures with Li Zhengfeng.

At this time, Li Zhengfeng was at a loss. After all, Wang Ben was a veteran of the State of Qin, worthy of his reputation as Wang Jian. Li Zhengfeng is like a yellow-haired child in front of Wang Ben. Many of his wonderful tricks will become a joke once he meets Wang Ben, a shameful joke to bury the men of the Tang Dynasty in vain.

"It's been half a month! Wang Li has completely cut off the supply of Xizhou City. If we don't break out, our sergeants will starve in less than ten days. Now, people in Chengdu have begun to cut off food in their homes. The public security in the city is not good, and theft and robbery are frequent. The logistics management staff frowned and rewarded Li Zhengfeng, and Li Zhengfeng's face was also very bad. He had been holding the hilt of the sword in his hand tightly, and his originally handsome face showed a trace of very uncoordinated ferociousness.

"General Li, let's go out!" Cheng Chuliang was injured in several trials. Although the wound has been cured by Luohe, the trauma caused by failure may be difficult to heal in a short time.

"Once we give up Chengdu, it means that half of the Tang Dynasty will be taken away by the Qin people. Now the war in the north and northwest is very tight, and we can no longer put any more pressure on them." Li Zhengfeng tried his best to lower his voice, "What we can do now is to break through head-on and kill Wang Ben!"

"This is impossible!" Cheng Chuliang's words are the thoughts of everyone in the account.

"General, something is not good!" At this time, a soldier hurried in.

"What's the panic! Even if Wang Ben leads the army into the city, don't panic!" Li Zhengfeng stared at the nervous soldier fiercely.

"Luo, Luo...General Luo, he, he..."

"What's wrong with Luohe!?" Everyone stood up. It can be said that Luohe is now the backbone of the city. Although several trials ended in failure, Luohe's bravery still left a deep impression on countless people. Whether it is Qin Bing or Tang Bing, when it comes to Luohe, no one gives a thumbs up. At this time, nothing can happen to Luohe.

"General Luo is gone crazy! He has destroyed the gate and rushed to the Qin army camp outside the city!"

"What!?" At present, all the generals in the account are running towards the West Gate at the fastest speed in their lives. When Li Zhengfeng and others rushed to the tower of the West Gate, they found that Wu Zhao and the Death Team were standing on the wall. Seeing Wu Zhao, Li Zhengfeng took a long breath. He knew that since Wu Zhao was here, it showed that Luohe was not too dangerous, because after all, Luohe was in danger, and Wu Zhao and Luohe's direct forcesi shen team would never stand by.

"Mrs. Luo, what's wrong with General Luo?" Li Zhengfeng led the generals over.

Wu Zhao's gorgeous face was full of worry. She ignored Li Zhengfeng and answered Li Zhengfeng: "General Li, my general went crazy when he rushed to the customs, but he was still a little sober. He warned us before leaving the city that we should never follow."

"Why don't you let it follow? There are nearly 100,000 Qin troops over there!" Li Zhengfeng looked very excited. At this time, Luohe must not die.

"I don't know, but my general said that we should wait for his signal. Once the signal comes out, the general will devote all his troops to the necessary to defend Wang Li in the East."

"This..." Just as Li Zhengfeng was hesitant, there was a huge roar in front of him. I tried to look around and saw a red light rising from the sky about seven or eight meters ahead. And the red light is surrounded by Qin soldiers as dense as ants. In an all moment, a thunderous roar resounded through the whole sky - "Wounded door, open!"

A shocking scene appeared. Centering on the red light, a huge red energy mask spread rapidly around, but in the blink of an eye, the energy mask touched the city wall of Chengdu before it stopped. And there is another scene in the red energy mask at this moment, which is absolutely unforgettable. In other words, it is a Shura hell!

In Qin Bing's eyes, Luohe has gone crazy. He kills when he sees people, and his hands are like heirloom soldiers, ignoring any defense, breaking knives, breaking armor, and bombarding everyone. Where the Luo River passed, there was almost a drag of blood all the way, and what scared Qin Bing more was that the rich blood began to condense into a drop of bright red blood in the red energy mask. After condensing, the blood drop poured into the Luo River and was sucked into his body by Luo River. With this strange skill, Luohe seems to exert a wide range of lethal skills tirelessly.

Luohe is crazy.

Qin Bing collapsed. They ran wildly in the direction of their hometown.

However, it made them feel more desperate. Whenever Qin Bing thought that he ran out of the range of the red energy hood, the red energy mask would move with the movement of Luohe. So, the killing like Shura's hell began again!

At this time, Luohe was like a killing god from hell. His eyes had turned blood red, his whole body was dyed red, and there was a flash of red light between his actions. The reason why Luohe is like this is that he opened the "injury door" to the maximum extent. The injury door can be said to have a door that instantly surpasses several times its own power with its own power. At the same time, there is also a Dharma, which is to unfold the blood-colored energy mask, led by the blood in the energy mask, and continuously provide energy for itself. As long as the killing continues, Luohe's attack will never stop. Of course, the longer it takes, the greater the damage to Luohe.

In fact, Luohe doesn't want to do this, but Luohe must do this for the Tang Dynasty, his family and himself. He has been desperate, and he has no way out.

"Kill!" Luo He summoned the immovable dragon stick, but in the blink of an eye, the immobile dragon stick became blood red, and it was soaked with countless blood of Qin soldiers.

"The road to heaven!" With Luohe's roar, Luohe threw out the non-moving dragon stick in his hand. The non-moving dragon stick first stood straight on the ground, and then became bigger in an instant. In just a few breath, the non-moving dragon stick had become a pillar that seemed to be able to stand up to the sky. Then, the shocking scene of all the soldiers and civilians in Chengdu happened, and the pillar of Tongtian fell in the direction of the fleeing Qin army!


The whole earth trembled, and many houses in Chengdu suffered short tilt and varying degrees of damage.

"Oh, my God!" Cheng Chuliang couldn't help shouting out.

However, Li Zhengfeng was very sober at this time. He found that the red energy shield had begun to shrink, which meant that Luohe had reached its limit. Just as Li Zhengfeng was about to open his mouth to issue an order, Wu Zhao and the death team had jumped down the wall and ran towards the position of Luohe.

"Erlang, let me kill the enemy and smash the Qin dog into ten thousand pieces!"

"Father!" When Wu Zhao arrived, Luohe's body was like the remnants in the wind. Fortunately, Luohe did not fall, but was hugged tightly by Wu Zhao.

"Zhao'er, you came in a timely manner. This battle is really tiring, but the crisis seems to be over. However, if you and I have killed so many people, I'm afraid I will really go to hell in the future. Luo He had a strange smile on his face.

"Wherever you go, you will always be with me!" At this time, Wu Zhao's eyes were unprecedentedly firm.

"Well, I told you earlier. You marry a chicken, marry a dog, marry a dog, marry me, this stinky monkey, walk all over the mountains, hey, hey, cough, cough!"

"Father!" Wu Zhao found Luohe's hemoptysis, and his face turned white.

"It's okay. It's just hurting some vitality. Just rest for ten and a half months. Your father-in-law, I can only do it here. I don't have enough strength."

"The prime minister will always be the strongest in Zhao'er's heart!"

"Hey." Luo He smiled happily and then fell into a coma.