Magic Emperor

Chapter 3 Untamed Magic Order

Luo Xin obviously knew Luo Cheng's master for a long time. He just curled his lips and obviously felt that Luo He was so excited. He groaned in his heart: "Hmm, our teacher is no worse than Dad's."

Once he learned that Luo Cheng's master was the Bodhi ancestor, Luo He insisted on Luo Cheng to take him to the three-star cave of Xieyue: "Dad, take me to see the master. Maybe he sees me smart, clever and cute. He is happy and takes me as an apprentice."

Luo He's words attracted a help from Zhen Nan's three women, and Meng Shi directly gave Luo He the back of his head and said angrily, "Nonsense, if he takes you as an apprentice, won't you be confused with your father's generation!"

"Hey, what's the matter? Anyway, I'm my parents' child. As for the teacher, it doesn't matter." Luo He is extremely thick-skinned, and he also cares about those red tape and secular etiquette.

Luo Cheng obviously intends to take Luo He to see the master. Although he also knows that the temperament of the master Bodhi ancestor is a little strange, Luo Cheng will take Luo He to his children even if he bears the risk of being punished by the master. After all, he knows very well how powerful the enemy Luohe will face in the future. I'm afraid it's difficult to resist with the strength of one person. Only with the support of the teacher behind his back will he have scruples and dare not act recklessly.

With Luo Cheng's consent, Luo He was naturally very happy. After the family had a happy dinner, Luo He took the three daughters back to his room. Before leaving, Meng also deliberately kept Xiaoyue. After all, Xiaoyue is still too young. Meng naturally knows what kind of nature Luohe is. From Zhen Nan's lower body injury this morning, we can see how rude Luo He is in that respect. Er, although most women love their husband's rudeness very much. But after all, Zhen Nan and Ziyi are both virgins, and they still can't adapt to it.

After taking off the hat of a ten-year-old virgin, Luo He's demand for love was unprecedentedly high. Before others turned off the lights, he pulled Ziyi into the room. Zhen Nan is a smart man. He has taken Luohe last night. It's time to give it to Ziyi tonight. Anyway, he should give Ziyi a perfect **.

The things in the room are unworthy, and only the parties themselves know the scenery. Listening to the hustish sound from the room, there was a wry smile on Zhen Nan's face standing in the courtyard. She sighed faintly, sat quietly on the stone bench in the courtyard, looking up at the full moon above her head. In her hometown, the moon there is bigger and rounder than here.

The next day, Luo Cheng waited in the hall early in the morning.

"Dad." Seeing Luo Cheng coming with dark eyes, Luo He couldn't help but look a little strange. He knew that Luo Cheng had the realm of Luo Jinxian, but Luo Cheng in front of him was black-eyed, which was rare in a hundred years. "Dad, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Luo Cheng glanced at Luo He angrily and said with a little resentment, "Last night, your voice was too loud. You were counterattacked by your mother in the middle of the night."

"Puff--" Luo He hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands, but still laughed, and the back of his head was slapped again.

"Let's go."


"Dad, how do we get there?"

"Of course it flew."

"Wow--" When Luohe was not ready, he suddenly felt that his whole body rose into the air. Because his inertial body naturally tilted backwards, if Luo Cheng hadn't caught Luohe, Luohe might have fallen from the air. Luo He now finds that he and Luo Cheng seem to be standing on a cloud. In order to verify whether the cloud was real, Luohe stamped with his feet.

"Dad, your move is similar to Brother Monkey's somersault cloud, right?"

"Well, but Sun Dasheng's somersault cloud is one level higher than his father, and the somersault cloud is one of the master's magic weapons."

I don't know how long it took. Luohe felt as if it had only been about ten minutes, and he and Luocheng fell into a quiet mountain forest. The environment here is beautiful and purple, with Zhong Lin Yuxiu and Luan Xiangfengji. Luo He found that he could feel the extremely huge aura of heaven and earth just by breathing. He even had an impulse to sit on the ground and practice immediately, because the aura of heaven and earth here was too strong, and its intensity was at least dozens of times that of the outside world.

"Don't be naughty when you see the master later."

"I know, Dad."

Luo Cheng took Luo Cheng along the curved mountain road slowly. On the way, he always saw some beautiful and rare beasts passing by quickly. They did not seem to be alive, but stopped to watch Luo Cheng and the two.

After walking for about a few minutes, Luohe saw a mountain gate, which was actually made of pure jasper, and there was a kind of green on it. Luxury, it's really too luxurious. On both sides of the mountain gate, there were two Taoist children standing silently. When they saw Luo Cheng, they saluted Luo Cheng one after another: "Brother, Master has been waiting in the Mixed Yuan Hall."

"Thank you, two brothers." Luo Cheng returned the salute to the two, and then took Luo He into the mountain gate. If there is a beautiful mountain forest outside the mountain gate just now, then there is a strange world inside the mountain gate. From the outside, behind the mountain gate is a long step, and the end of the step is covered by clouds, so it can't be seen clearly. But once entering the mountain gate, Luohe found that those steps did not exist at all. At this time, what appeared in front of Luohe was actually empty islands floating in the air.

Here is full of clouds and fog, and cranes are flying together. Luohe was even more frightened to find that the aura of heaven and earth here is stronger than the outside world. Oh, his God, he almost fainted happily. Luo He believes that as long as he stays here for the first half of the year, he will definitely break through the realm of "shocking" and enter Jingmen!

Luo Cheng took Luohe to a huge stone slab flying back and forth in the air, with a slab leading the two towards the cloudy place ahead.

"Dad, did you practice here?"


"Dad, you are so happy. Cultivating in such a place where the aura of heaven and earth is so abundant is definitely the happiest thing in the world." Luo He was about to drool with envy. He decided that no matter whether Bodhi's ancestor liked him or not, he would stay shamelessly. Even if he was asked to sweep the toilet, he would be willing to.

"Not much to say."


Luohe didn't know when the flying board under his feet stopped. He just followed Luo Cheng step by step. After walking for about ten minutes, Luo He found Luo Cheng suddenly standing and saluted to the thick fog in front of him, "Disciple Luo Cheng, pay a visit to the master."

At this time, the clouds slowly dissipated, and Luohe saw a kind-looking middle-aged Taoist priest standing less than five meters away from them.

Is this the legendary Bodhi ancestor?

Luo He was a little suspicious. He didn't feel any energy fluctuations in front of him at all, and didn't he say that Bodhi ancestor was a very protective and strict person? Why did he look smiling and seemed to get along well?

"This son is Luohe, right?" Bodhi ancestor's smile did not diminish. His eyes were kind, some nostalgic, and some Luohe couldn't understand.

Luohe hurriedly saluted the Bodhi ancestor and said, "Little Luohe, visit the Bodhi ancestor."

Bodhi ancestor nodded, waved the dust in his hand, and a golden light quickly enveloped the Luo River. Luo He suddenly felt that his whole body was bathed in an extremely smooth warm current, and at the same time, the meridians in his body expanded a lot in an instant.

"Thank you, Master Bodhi!" Luohe hurriedly saluted. This Bodhi ancestor was a good man and gave Luohe such a big gift at the first meeting.

"Cung'er, come aside." Luo Cheng saluted and retreated. Luo He only felt that the Bodhi ancestor in his eyes suddenly became in a trance, and then the Bodhi ancestor had already stood in front of Luo He. Bodhi ancestor gently put the dust in his hand on Luohe's shoulder and said, "I have been closed for many years and no longer accept disciples, but do you know why I made you enter the cave?"

"I don't know, please ask the ancestor to make it clear." Luo He is as good as he is now. He doesn't dare to be too casual in front of his Bodhi ancestor.

Bodhi ancestor smiled, and then his face changed and shouted, "The wicked, why don't you show up quickly!"