Magic totem

Section 076 Yat's Advice

After this competition, Mo Li was seriously injured. Although he was sent to the college infirmary by Ying Honglong and other students in the end, the light and water magicians of the college were also helpless. Although they treated Mo Li in a timely manner and the trauma was almost good, the damage caused by magic counterattack in the end It could not be completely cleared, so Mo Li did not wake up until the next morning and was still in a deep coma.

This time, due to Mo Li's defeat in the last two games, Class 1 finally won the final victory against Class 2. There is no class of competition today, so Ying Honglong has been staying in the dormitory, always paying attention to Mo Li's changes. In the words of the infirmary teacher of the college, Mo Li can only rely on his own ability to wake up. If he can't wake up, he is likely to be in a coma forever.

Sitting by Mo Li's bed, Ying Honglong looked worried. Today is the competition between Class 1 and Class 2. Because they want to participate in the competition, neither Miller nor Li Lan are there.

Near noon, Miller and Li Lan finally came back. As soon as he entered the dormitory, Miller strode to Mo's bedside and asked expectantly, "Honglong, how's the old man? Have you woken up?"

Ying Honglong lowered his head and hasn't spoken for a long time. From his expression alone, it can be seen that Mo Li has not improved at all. Miller couldn't help sighing, then turned his head and said to the red dragon, "Go to dinner with Li Lan now and take care of him all morning. Now let me watch him."

Ying Honglong shook his head and said, " boss, do you think I'm still in the mood to eat now?"

Miller and Li Lan listened to Ying Honglong's words and lowered their heads. Why aren't they like this? Although the two won the first game on behalf of their class today, Miller even defeated three players of Class 2 and finally finalized the victory of Class 1, but everyone is not happy at this moment.

Mo Li was lying on the bed at this time, his eyes were closed, and there was no expression on his face, as if he had fallen asleep. His faint breath showed that he was still alive, and there was no movement outside for the first time.

Looking at Mo Li of **, everyone was at a loss, and no one spoke.

At this time, Ying Honglong suddenly stood up, opened the door of the dormitory and was about to rush out. At this time, Li Lan was standing by the door, saw that he looked wrong, and grabbed his arm. Red Dragon, what are you going to do? Li Lan asked doubtfully.

Ying Honglong shook off his hand and shouted, "I'm going to kill that Mobei, but I actually hurt the old man like this. I think she must have done it on purpose. I'm going to avenge the old man!" After saying that, I'm going to rush out again.

"You stop!" At this time, Miller, who had been lowering his head, suddenly shouted. Not only was Li Lan shocked by his sudden voice, but also Ying Honglong, who was now impulsive, couldn't help stopping. Do you know what you are doing? Yesterday's game was fair and open. Even if the old man can never wake up, we can't do anything to Mobei. After all, it's a competition. Besides, it is the end of benevolence and righteousness for them to take the initiative to admit defeat in the end.

"What about the old one?" Ying Honglong said unconvincedly, "Is it going to go on like this?"

"Alas..." As soon as Miller heard Mo Li, he couldn't help sighing, looked back at Mo Li, who was still in a coma, and whispered, "This can only be seen by his own creation."

"I don't care. I'm going to avenge my old man!" Ying Honglong shouted, "Miller, I respect you as the boss and can listen to you anything, but not this time. If you stop me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Me too!" Unexpectedly, after Ying Honglong's voice fell, Li Lan, who had been against Ying Honglong, stood on his front. Boss, no matter what happened, this situation was caused by Mobei. If she didn't bear anything, she would not be wronged.

"Alas." Miller sighed and shook his head and said, "I can understand your feelings. I'm not worth it, but if you really do that, let's not talk about what the college will do, and we won't forgive us when we wake up.

"Are we just sitting here doing nothing?" Ying Honglong naturally understood what Miller meant, sat on the bed and said angrily.

"What we are going to do now is not revenge or anything." Miller said calmly, "What we have to do is to take good care of the old man and wait until he wakes up. If he really... At that time, I will not only not stop you, but also avenge the old with you!"

"Don't...don't hurt her..." At this time, Mo Li's weak voice sounded. The three people who were still arguing suddenly gathered around. Mo Li raised one hand high, trying to grab something, and his eyes opened slightly with a painful face. Seeing Miller coming, he grabbed his hand and said, " boss, don't, don't hurt Mobei."

"Okay, we listen to you and listen to everything." Miller said with a smile and immediately put Mo Li's hand back and said, "Old man, don't be excited. Don't be tired when you just woke up. We are all up to you. Don't worry."

"That's right, we're all listening to you and won't go to that Mobei." Seeing Mo Li wake up, Ying Honglong was not to mention how happy he was. He smiled and said, "Old man, as long as you are fine."

"Well," Mo Li nodded and closed his eyes again.

"Old man, how do you feel now? Is there anything wrong?" Li Lan sat next to Mo Li and asked gently.

Mo Li shook his head gently and said, "I'm fine. I just feel that I can't exert any strength in my body. It seems that I'm very tired."

"That's good, that's good." Miller smiled and said, "You have been in a coma for a day. You must be tired. Now let's get you something to eat,

By the afternoon, Mo Li was able to get out of bed and walk around, and Miller all praised Mo Li's rapid recovery. In the evening, Mo Li was already able to go to the canteen with them. That is, he always feels a little dizzy and can't use magic elements for the time being. Everyone thought it was temporary, so they didn't care too much.

It soon got dark. Miller and the others saw that Mo Li had woken up, and their hanging hearts were finally relieved. Coupled with today's game, they soon fell asleep. But Mo Li couldn't fall asleep at this time. He was a little confused. Outsiders didn't know anything about the game yesterday, but Mo Li, one of the protagonists, was indeed very clear.

Who is Mobei? Why did he feel very close to her at the first moment he saw her? And when he sees that she is going to be hurt, will he rush to protect her without hesitation? Mo Li couldn't help shaking his head, and Mobei's shadow appeared in his mind again. At this time, the moonlight outside the window sprinkled on his face through the window of the dormitory, which was pale and scary.

Just when Mo Li was half asleep and half awake, an old voice suddenly came into his ear. Boy, wake up."

Mo Li suddenly opened his eyes. Under the cold moonlight, he saw a face looking at himself with a pair of big eyes open on the window of the post dormitory.

"Wow", Mo Li immediately turned over and sat up, but it was at this time that he saw the face clearly. It was not someone else, but the old man he met on the hill behind the teaching building the night before yesterday.

"Why are you here?" After opening the window and letting the old man in, Mo Li asked doubtfully.

"Don't talk nonsense, come with me now." As soon as the old man jumped into the dormitory, he grabbed Mo Li's arm and jumped out of the open window. Just as Mo Li felt his body empty, a soft force came from his feet and flew north with his body. After a while, the two fell on top of a building. Mo Li looked carefully and couldn't help but be surprised. Isn't this the roof of the college library? It's so late. I don't know why this old man brought me here.

"Son, do you want to die!" As soon as he fell, the old man stared into Mo Li's eyes and scolded loudly.

Mo Li is really a little confused. Senior, I don't know what you mean?"

"What do you mean?" The old man shouted, "Don't you know that you have done something very dangerous? Do you know how dangerous it is? Fortunately, I found it early at that time and helped you cover it up, otherwise you would become the target of the whole continent.

Mo Li couldn't help but be shocked and turned his head and asked, "What does the senior mean? Can you tell me in detail?"

"What did you use at the last minute of yesterday's game? Seven series of magic, do you think others really can't see it? Do you know how many masters there are in the School of Magic? If everyone finds out that you can use dark magic, do you think you can still stay on the mainland?

"Ah!" It was not until this time that Mo Li understood what the old man meant. Mo Li really didn't think so much at that time. Now when I hear what the old man said, I'm really a little scared. The old man is right. Dark magic is strictly prohibited in the mainland. If his secret is known by outsiders, he may really be wanted by the mainland. At that time, even his master will not be able to really protect himself.

"If it hadn't been for my quick action, I would have found out by those old guys." The old man gasped and said, "You are still young. It's really not worth exposing yourself for a so-called game."

It was not until this time that Mo Li knew the old man's name, Yate. The name was domineering, and Mo Li couldn't help thinking of it. Thank you for your help." Mo Li said respectfully.

"Alas." Yate shook his head and sighed, "Forget it, you are still young. Also, didn't you say the night before yesterday that you want to be friends with me? How can you be a senior now? Remember, just call me Old Yat in the future.