Magic totem

Section 101 Anger!

"Okay, everyone, get ready. The game will start soon." Feiling said with a smile.

That's right. Now the three referees are in place. It is worth mentioning that since entering the second round of the competition, the college believes that the competition in the next competition will be extremely fierce, so for the sake of safety, the college has specially added a teacher so that it can be dealt with as soon as possible in case of an emergency.

Now the referee saw that the students of the two classes had arrived, so he shouted, "Now the game can begin. Two classes are invited to send their own students to participate in the competition.

At this time, Mo Li, who turned to one side and said, "Mo Li, prepare for it. This time I'm going to let you play first. I know you are recovering from your new injury, but you also have to try to win a few victories. In this way, it can also win the victory of everyone's future battles.

Mo Li stepped forward and said with a smile, "Teacher, don't worry. Mo Li will never let you down." After saying that, he walked to the center of the trial field with a confident face. At this time, the students of Class 2 of the Golden Department had gone to the center of the trial field, but when Mo Li saw this person, his facial muscles couldn't help twitching and stood there coldly.

When Mo Li ran to the door of his house, he found that the yard was full of people, and there was a board in the middle of the yard, supported by two benches. When Mo Li saw the situation on the board with the help of the dark yellow light in the room, his head suddenly turned black and he felt that the world was spinning. Mother, his closest relative is lying on the board with his eyes closed at this time! There is still a terrible bright red on his white face!

"It's Mo Li, Mo Li is back." I don't know who shouted, and the people who were talking around the board suddenly turned their eyes to Mo Li at the gate of the courtyard. At this time, Mo Li had knelt on the ground, and his closed eyes told everyone that the seven- or eight-year-old boy had completely fainted.

"Li'er!" Chris's voice came from outside the gate of the courtyard. When he entered the courtyard, he immediately picked up Mo Li on the ground. Then three steps and two steps to the front of the board! When he saw Mo Li's mother on the board, his legs were soft and he knelt down with Mo Li in his arms!

After crying for a while, Chrysler stood up. He looked around the people around him and asked hoarsely, "Who can tell me what's going on?" What the hell is going on!"

However, no one around spoke, and everyone tacitly turned their eyes to the gorgeously dressed old man in the corner. The old man did not hide and slowly walked to Chris and said, "We are also sorry about this. Mo Li's mother accidentally fell off the ladder while drying clothes at Mr. Kai's house this afternoon." The old man shook his head helplessly and continued, "I didn't expect that she would be on a sharp stone. Then..."

Crece listened to the old man's words and didn't say anything, but his cold eyes stared into the old man's eyes without blinking.

Facing the eyes of Chris, the old man couldn't help trembling, but after all, he was the housekeeper of Mr. Kai's house and had seen many big worlds, so he just lost his mind for a while and recovered. He walked to Clay, took out a small bag of gold coins from his arms and handed them to him and said, "This is a little bit of Lord Kai. Ni Lan passed away, and Mo Li is also sorry for this child. These gold coins can be regarded as Mo Li's living expenses in the future.

Crace held Mo Li in his arms with one hand and took the bag of gold coins with one hand. Without saying anything, he walked directly into the house with Xiao Moli in his arms.

That night, with the help of the villagers, Mo Li's mother Ni Lan was buried in the hill behind the village. The funeral seems a little rushed, but in general, it is still in line with local customs. Mo Li cried and fainted again when his mother was grounded. The old man of the magic college in the village did a simple prayer ceremony for Ni Lan. Then Chris took Mo Li to his home. Because he knew that Mo Li, who had just lost his close relative, needed to comfort himself at this time.

The Clys family is located in the woods in the westernmost part of the village. Just two simple thatched huts. As soon as I entered the cabin, I smelled a fishy smell of prey blood and the unpleasant smell of prey fur drying. Crest put Mo Li on his messy bed and then lit the candle. The faint yellow light illuminated the whole cabin. The three walls of the cabin were covered with the dried fur of various animals. Because the fur is stuffed with straw, it still maintains the original appearance of the animal. Five are very simple. Beyond those furs, all that is left is the only small table and a pile of hunting utensils on the ground.

Cles walked out of the cabin and came to the woods outside. I took a breath of the cool air of the night. Then he stared at the remnant moon that rose in the sky. The pale light sprinkled on his face through the cracks in the branches and leaves, which looked a little scary at night.

Chrys didn't believe that Ni Lan died in an accident. Chris already knew Mo Li's family when he entered the village. At that time, he fled, and it was Mo Li's mother who took him in. Later, he built this hut in this grove. The best hunter is grateful to Ni Lan and Mo Li's mother. Today, when the housekeeper of the Kai family spoke, what was unnaturally revealed in his expression had made Clay understand a lot.

It is no secret that Kai's eldest son Demo Kai's coveted Ni Lan's beauty in the village. But Ni Lan is a very strong woman. Therefore, the young master of this noble family can only look at the ocean and sigh. Because he can't ignore her life and death in order to get Ni Lan. Today, Ni Lan died unexpectedly at Kai's house, and everyone present was unwilling to talk about the specific situation at that time. From this point of view, Clay has determined the cause of the matter. The reason why he didn't directly fall out with the housekeeper is that he already has his own plan in his heart.

Mo Li suffered a great blow this time. For such a seven- or eight-year-old child, he was really unacceptable for a moment to lose his only relative and his dependent mother. Even when his mother was buried, he didn't believe that all this was true. My gentle and kind mother can't die like this. She left in a hurry before she could eat the rabbit meat from her son. After his second fainting, Mo Li didn't wake up until dawn the next day.

When he woke up, he subconsciously touched himself and wanted to be in his mother's arms for a while. But I didn't touch anything except a piece of cold. Has the mother got up? Mo Li did it all of a sudden. But when he saw everything around him, he had completely understood. My mother has passed away, and I can no longer act coquettish in her warm arms. My mother is no longer here! Tears flowed down Mo Li's cheek, blurring his vision in an instant. All the things that used to be with his mother came to his mind again. Tears kept flowing like the river behind the village. However, Mo Li did not cry, so he just sat ** and did not move.

Chrys went out early in the morning and didn't come back until noon.

Mo Li stopped crying at this time, and he wiped his eyes hard. There is a firm light. He slowly got out of bed and slowly rummaged through the pile of hunting utensils in the hut. After a while, he found the small bow that Chris gave him yesterday. When the little bow was held in his hand, a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes! That kind of look like a wolf in the back of the mountain!

Pick up a few feathers and arrows on the ground and strode away from the cabin. Mo Li didn't meet anyone along the way. He walked forward so coldly towards the only three-story luxury compound in the village. That's where my mother works. The home of the only noble Master Kai in the village. Mo Li still remembers the excitement when he first entered that place with his mother. At that time, I was only five or six years old. It was also that time that Mo Li knew that his mother was bullied by Del Rey's brother.

It's him. He must have hurt his mother. Mo Li thought fiercely in his heart and couldn't help speeding up his pace. After bypassing several narrow streets, Mo Li couldn't help but light up. The only stone road in the village had appeared under his feet, and the end of the road was his goal.

Although this road is a little long, for Mo Li, who is anxious, less than half of the time has come before the manor that he thinks is very majestic.

This is a big manor. Mo Li really doesn't know how big it is. At the main entrance of the manor, that is, at the end of this stone road, there are two powerful red lions. The red lion is the symbol of the imperial aristocracy. Behind the lion is a red brick and green tiled gatehouse. The golden door is engraved with the word "Kai". It's a little dazzling in the midday sun.

Mo Li took a step forward, but when he was about to knock on the door, the yellow door opened automatically. A little boy the same size came out of it. When he saw Mo Li at a glance, his face showed fear. He stammered, "Your mother is dead. What are you doing here?"

"You killed my mother, didn't you?" Mo Li asked loudly, and at the same time, he stepped forward and grabbed the boy's collar tightly. He stared into the little boy's eyes.

", she killed herself!" This boy is at most the same as Mo Li. The seven- or eight-year-old child can't stand Mo Li's gaze and tells the truth at once.

"Sure enough, you lied to me!" Mo Li said coldly. But before he could say anything, he felt a sharp pain in his arm and subconsciously shook off the boy in his hand. The boy got up from the ground and shouted and ran into the manor.

"You bite me!" Mo Li said fiercely. Run, I see if you run fast or my arrow runs fast. Kill my mother, I want you to die today!" With that, Mo Li actually picked up the bow and arrow in his hand and only heard "Wow!" With a sound, a white light responded, followed by a scream. Mo Li shot the little boy in a panic! The feather arrow had penetrated deeply into the boy's back.

"I killed someone!" Looking at the bright red on the boy, Mo Li shouted and then lost consciousness.

"Why is that man so similar to Del Rey?" Mo Li was really shocked, and the scene after his mother's death couldn't help flashing in front of his eyes. Mo Li couldn't help clenching his fists. He stared fiercely at the students in front of him.

When he walked to the center of the venue, the bitter boy held his fist and smiled and said, "Please give me some advice." Then he waved the magic wand in his hand.

Mo Li stared at him and asked, "Tesar? Are you from the Kai family?

After hearing Mo Li's question, Desa's body was unconsciously shocked. But soon the expression on his face stabilized. Then he smiled and said to Mo Li, "I didn't expect you to know anything about our Kai family. You're right. I'm from the Kai family."

"Okay, that's good." Mo Li said loudly, and then turned his hand over, and the magic wand had appeared in the palm of his hand. He raised the magic wand in his hand and said lightly, "Let's start." At this time, Mo Li's heart was full of what his mother looked like when she died, and his heart was as painful as a needle.

Desa actually knows Mo Li's identity. What happened to Mo Li in the School of Magic was also passed on to his family. What he didn't expect was that he would encounter him in the first round of the college, and this guy recognized him at a glance. It seems that you must be careful this time. According to the family investigation, this guy is not as simple as it seems. Although the college stipulates that no one should be killed in the game. But later, if he is really fierce, even the teacher in the trial field can't stop him.

But I also want to take his life. The hand god returned to his chest and touched what was in his arms, and his expression finally calmed down. If you have that thing, how can Mo Li be your opponent? A smile appeared on Desa's face again. He smiled at the referee and then signaled the start of the game.

Mo Li was ready before that. So at the order of the referee, the game officially began.

When Mo Li ran to the door of his house, he found that the yard was full of people, and there was a board in the middle of the yard, supported by two benches. When Mo Li saw the situation on the board with the help of the dark yellow light in the room, his head suddenly turned black and he felt that the world was spinning. Mother, his closest relative is lying on the board with his eyes closed at this time! There is still a terrible bright red on his white face!

"It's Mo Li, Mo Li is back." I don't know who shouted, and the people who were talking around the board suddenly turned their eyes to Mo Li at the gate of the courtyard. At this time, Mo Li had knelt on the ground, and his closed eyes told everyone that the seven- or eight-year-old boy had completely fainted.

"Is it a school business?" The mother came to her son, squatted down, hugged him and said gently, "Actually, that's nothing. If you can't be a magician, Li'er can do anything else. As long as you work hard, you will always have your own way out.

"But I just like magic..." Mo Li shouted, got into his mother's arms, and cried loudly. All grievances and unwillingness completely broke out at this moment. The little boy cried hard to vent his inner pain. The slightly thin body kept trembling with his crying.

The mother held her son tightly in her arms lovingly. A trace of pain flashed on his face again.

"Okay, don't cry. Li'er is the bravest." Mother comforted.

"Mother!" The little boy suddenly raised his head and looked at his mother with bright eyes. I don't believe that I can't learn magic. Mo Li said, "I want to prove to everyone that I can't help learning magic and become the Kohler Empire. Well, no, it should be the most powerful magician on the mainland!"

Looking at her son's young but firm face, Mo Li's mother couldn't help but feel pain. I sighed in my heart: I didn't expect your son to be as stubborn as you.

With the comfort of his mother, Mo Li finally entered his dream. But the mother did not sleep, but stared at her sleeping son and started to stare. Li'er, idiot." Two lines of tears flowed down my mother's cheeks. She didn't wipe it away and couldn't help holding her sleeping son tightly.

"Mother, do you know that your son has not only become a magician, but also the most talented magician of his peers. Now the people of the Kai family are the beasts who killed you in front of me. I must kill him today to avenge you. Mother, can you see it? Do you know how much Li'er misses you? Mo Li suppressed the tears in his eyes and shouted in his heart. Then the magic wand in his hand suddenly raised, and a bright red light fell down from the seven-pointed star at the top of the magic wand. Then she took a step with her left foot, then bowed slightly, and her right leg immediately straightened. The right hand quickly pressed down, and the magic wand in his hand was also lowered.

Suddenly, Mo Li's eyes flashed red, and his right hand moved crazily. The magic wand, with the red light at the top, quickly portrayed in Mo Li's chest.

"What's wrong with you? Why does it look weird today? Li Lan, standing in the stands, asked strangely.

Miller looked at Mo Li in the field and couldn't help frowning.

"I'm not very clear about this either. It seems that he is very angry." Miller said doubtfully, "But who made him angry today?"

"He's not angry." Miffy shouted at this time, "He is bold."