Magic totem

Section 107 Samurai Crane

Ya Te looked at the people of the Kai family crawling on the ground and said angrily, "You have the ability to rely on Mok's power!"

"The younger generation dare not." The leader, the old man in the golden robe, said respectfully, "Ancestor, don't get me wrong. We just came today to make sure that Mo Li is dead or not. There is no other meaning."

"Hmm!" Yat snorted coldly and said, "Mo Li is my friend. He was killed by the unfilial son you raised. If you dare to come, get out of here immediately!" With that, Yat showed a painful expression, and then turned to Feite and said, "Don't pay attention to some people. Let everyone bury him."

Fette finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then arranged for those teachers to bury the coffin. Yate cried loudly with a runny tear. It caused everyone to cry.

The Kai family cried when they saw Yat and no longer doubted him. After symbolic sadness for a while, they all left. This is the end of this matter. No one doubts Mo Li's death.

And Mo Li has dressed up as a middle-aged man, carrying a neon sword on his back and walking on the official road with a hat on his head. Mo Li had already thought clearly and decided to leave the Trans Empire for the time being and travel to the Shangwu Empire in the east in the name of Crane, so that he could also stop by the coast of death to see his master. In order to hide his eyes and ears, he made up and became a samurai to facilitate his future trip. In order not to be suspicious, Mo Li did not use any magic to drive the way, but walked forward with his legs. Although the speed is a little slow, this is also a kind of exercise for himself. This time, he was forced by the Kai family to stay in the Imperial Magic Academy, and the other purpose is that he wants to take this opportunity to get better training and strive to become a strong man on the mainland as soon as possible. Because after this incident, Mo Li knew that only when he was really strong could he not be hurt by others and act according to his own will.

When the day was about to get dark, he finally arrived at Mucheng, not far from Telan City, which is a small city between Telang City and Xingmo City.

When Mo Li arrived at the gate of Mucheng, the gate would have been closed. If he hadn't run fast, he would have been closed outside the gate.

After Mo Li entered the city, he found a good inn to stay. After dinner, I sat down and meditated. After that war, although Mo Li almost lost his life, Mo Li got great benefits in Yat's later treatment. Not only does the body get the essence of divine light, but also the magic power in the body is much more pure. Soon he entered into meditation. A round of silver moon rose at some point, and the silver-white moonlight came in through the window. Sprinkled on Mo Li's body, and then turned into a trace of magic into his body.

The next day, Mo Li did not go directly on the road, but registered a new mercenary identity in the Mercenary Guild in Mucheng. Of course, this time, he did not use his real name, but the name Crane. The reason why he used the name was used to commemorate his uncle Chrysler. In order to repay his kindness, he changed his name to Clay. En. Registration is extremely simple. Then he took over a task. Since he has just registered, his level is only E. So I can only receive some tasks such as summons. Due to boredom on the road, although the bonus was not very rich, Mo Li still took on a summoning task. The goal of the mission is to bring a letter to the mother city.

After taking over the task, Mo Li purchased some necessities, then sold a horse and went on the road. It was half a month later when he arrived at Xingmu City. According to the requirements of the task, Mo Li found the recipient. But when he arrived at the recipient's house, he found that the recipient had died strangely. Only a 13-four-year-old daughter is left. After the letter was handed over to the girl, Mo Li left without receiving any commission.

Mo Li didn't expect his mission to be so difficult. I was not in the mood to take on the task again, so I directly found an inn to stay. He wants to leave directly after tomorrow, and then go through the North Mountains north of the mother city to the Karle Fortress in the easternmost part of the Tlan Empire, and then go to the Shangwu Empire.

But as soon as he got up the next day, the second child of the inn ran over and said that someone was looking for him. Mo Li was shocked. How could anyone find him? If you want to know that you have just changed your name, no one should recognize you. Is it Yat or a non-special person? Mo Li followed Xiao Er and walked downstairs with expectation. But before he went downstairs, he was stunned. Because he knows the person standing in the hall.

Mo Li took three steps and took two steps to come to the person and asked, "Why are you here? Is there anything else?"

This person is not someone else, but the girl who received the letter yesterday. At this time, the girl looked at Mo Li pitifully and whispered, "I want to ask you something."

The most unbearable thing for Mo Li is to see the girl crying. Tears have begun to accumulate in the sword girl's eyes. Mo Li said, "Let's sit down and talk."

After talking, Mo Li finally knew something about the girl. Her name is Jiang Yan, the daughter of a commoner in her mother city. His father was a noble gardener in the city and lived a hard life by working for the nobles. But the day before yesterday, his father died inexplicably, leaving Jiang Yan alone. Yesterday's letter was brought by a relative in Mucheng to urge Jiang Yan's father to pay off the debt. Now that her father is dead, Jiang Yan doesn't know what to do. She has no relatives, so she has to come to Mo Li, hoping that he can help herself.

"No!" Mo Li shouted, broke away from the woman's arms, and then ran to his home. He didn't believe that his mother would die. He wants to go home and tell his mother that he has hit a rabbit, a big rabbit. He wants to tell his mother that he has grown up and can fight a lot of game for his mother. He wants his mother to cook a big pot of rabbit meat for himself...

Tears flowed down Mo Li's cheeks. He didn't have time to wipe it at all and ran to his home!

When Mo Li ran to the door of his house, he found that the yard was full of people, and there was a board in the middle of the yard, supported by two benches. When Mo Li saw the situation on the board with the help of the dark yellow light in the room, his head suddenly turned black and he felt that the world was spinning. Mother, his closest relative is lying on the board with his eyes closed at this time! There is still a terrible bright red on his white face!

"It's Mo Li, Mo Li is back." I don't know who shouted, and the people who were talking around the board suddenly turned their eyes to Mo Li at the gate of the courtyard. At this time, Mo Li had knelt on the ground, and his closed eyes told everyone that the seven- or eight-year-old boy had completely fainted.

Mo Li was really hit hard this time. For such a seven- or eight-year-old child, he was really unacceptable for the loss of his only relative and his dependent mother. Even when his mother was buried, he didn't believe that all this was true. My gentle and kind mother can't die like this. She left in a hurry before she could eat the rabbit meat from her son. After his second fainting, Mo Li didn't wake up until dawn the next day.

When he woke up, he subconsciously touched himself and wanted to be in his mother's arms for a while. But I didn't touch anything except a piece of cold. Has the mother got up? Mo Li did it all of a sudden. But when he saw everything around him, he had completely understood. My mother has passed away, and I can no longer act coquettish in her warm arms. My mother is no longer here! Tears flowed down Mo Li's cheek, blurring his vision in an instant. All the things that used to be with his mother came to his mind again. Tears kept flowing like the river behind the village. However, Mo Li did not cry, so he just sat ** and did not move.

Chrys went out early in the morning and didn't come back until noon.

Mo Li stopped crying at this time, and he wiped his eyes hard. There is a firm light. He slowly got out of bed and slowly rummaged through the pile of hunting utensils in the hut. After a while, he found the small bow that Chris gave him yesterday. When the little bow was held in his hand, a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes! That kind of look like a wolf in the back of the mountain!

Pick up a few feathers and arrows on the ground and strode away from the cabin. Mo Li didn't meet anyone along the way. He walked forward so coldly towards the only three-story luxury compound in the village. That's where my mother works. The home of the only noble Master Kai in the village. Mo Li still remembers the excitement when he first entered that place with his mother. At that time, I was only five or six years old. It was also that time that Mo Li knew that his mother was bullied by Del Rey's brother.

It's him. He must have hurt his mother. Mo Li thought fiercely in his heart and couldn't help speeding up his pace. After bypassing several narrow streets, Mo Li couldn't help but light up. The only stone road in the village had appeared under his feet, and the end of the road was his goal.

Although this road is a little long, for Mo Li, who is anxious, less than half of the time has come before the manor that he thinks is very majestic.

This is a big manor. Mo Li really doesn't know how big it is. At the main entrance of the manor, that is, at the end of this stone road, there are two powerful red lions. The red lion is the symbol of the imperial aristocracy. Behind the lion is a red brick and green tiled gatehouse. The golden door is engraved with the word "Kai". It's a little dazzling in the midday sun.

Mo Li took a step forward, but when he was about to knock on the door, the yellow door opened automatically. A little boy the same size came out of it. When he saw Mo Li at a glance, his face showed fear. He stammered, "Your mother is dead. What are you doing here?"

"You killed my mother, didn't you?" Mo Li asked loudly, and at the same time, he stepped forward and grabbed the boy's collar tightly. He stared into the little boy's eyes.

", she killed herself!" This boy is at most the same as Mo Li. The seven- or eight-year-old child can't stand Mo Li's gaze and tells the truth at once.

"Sure enough, you lied to me!" Mo Li said coldly. But before he could say anything, he felt a sharp pain in his arm and subconsciously shook off the boy in his hand. The boy got up from the ground and shouted and ran into the manor.

"You bite me!" Mo Li said fiercely. Run, I see if you run fast or my arrow runs fast. Kill my mother, I want you to die today!" With that, Mo Li actually picked up the bow and arrow in his hand and only heard "Wow!" With a sound, a white light responded, followed by a scream. Mo Li shot the little boy in a panic! The feather arrow had penetrated deeply into the boy's back.

"I killed someone!" Looking at the bright red on the boy, Mo Li shouted and then lost consciousness.

When Mo Li woke up, it was dark in front of him. He seemed to lie on a wide shoulder, and the smell of sweat mixed with his body came from his nose. The body keeps bumping up and down. After his eyes adapted to the surrounding light, the moving trees told him that he was running back to the mountain.

"Where are we going?" Mo Li asked subconsciously. Although he doesn't know who is behind his back now, he feels very safe and familiar. That warm feeling made him not want to wake up.

"Mo Li, you are awake." Chris gasped in his ear: "In the afternoon, you killed Master Del Rey's family. If I hadn't sent you here in time, I'm afraid you would have been killed directly by Master Kai to avenge his son."

"What!" Mo Li opened his eyes incredulously. Dray... Dray, is he dead? Although Mo Li was angry that his mother died for no reason and wanted to kill Mr. Kai's family to avenge his mother, he is still a child now. It is still unacceptable for a seven- or eight-year-old child.

"If you die, you will die. There is no big fuss." Chris put Mo Li on the ground and looked at him with shining eyes and said, "Son, you did the right thing. The Kay family have been domping in the village for a long time. This time, your mother's death is not as simple as you think. If you hadn't killed Del Rey, I would have killed them sooner or later. But this time you are too impulsive. Unexpectedly, he killed Del Rey openly. Did you know that Dray is the best magical child of the Kai family? I don't know how many times better his abscess brother. This is also the reason why Lord Kai was furious after you killed him. Now the Kai family is probably looking for you all over the world?"

"So...what should we do?" Mo Li's mind is "buzzing!" With a sound, then it went blank. He really doesn't know what to do now.

Chrys put his hands on Mo Li's shoulder, stared into his eyes and said, "Son, you must remember what I say next."

"Yeun, uncle, you said, I must remember it carefully." Mo Li seemed to realize something, but she couldn't know what it was.

"Son, you did a good job this time. But uncle can't save you either. You must leave here now and go to a safe place. The farther you go, the better. Because the Kai family is not only aristocrats in our village, but also has a strong influence in the whole empire. So remember, after leaving here, don't say your name and don't say it to anyone.

"Ye" Mo Li nodded vibly. Although he doesn't understand what an empire is, let alone words such as influence. But from the eagerness in Uncle Clay's eyes, he understood the seriousness of the matter.

"I will send you to the other side of the mountain later. You just need to go straight along the mountain road and you will reach a small town. There is a blacksmith's shop in town. Go there to find my brother Caesar. Give this to him and he will know how to do it. With that, Chris put a turquoise ring on Mo Li's chest. It turned out that there was a very thin rope on the ring. And you put this on your back, and there is enough dry food and water in it. In addition, the egg is also in it. With that, he handed Mo Li a small sack.

"What about you? Won't you go with me?" Mo Li tied the sack to his shoulder and turned his eyes to Clyce on one side.

Looking at Mo Li's little face with a look of fear, Chris couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. Poor child, I know that everything is too cruel for you now. But what can we do? He squatted down and hugged Mo Liwen and said, "Uncle still has something to do in the village. I'll come to you when I take care of everything."

"Well, you have to hurry up. I will miss you." Knowing that Uncle Clay would also go with him, Mo Li was still a little scared, but he was still very comforting after all.

After listening to Jiang Yan's narration, Mo Li couldn't help thinking about what had happened before. How similar he is to Jiang Yan? He was killed by nobles. Mo Li stood up and said, "I'm going to the Shangwu Empire now. If you're not afraid of fatigue, I'd like to take you with me."

Jiang Yan raised her head happily and asked expectantly, "Really, are you really willing to take me away?"

Mo Li nodded and said, "But I want to ask you, aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person?"

Jiang Yan shook her head and said, "Uncle, although you look a little scary, Yaner knows that you are not a bad person."

"Uncle?" Mo Li was stunned and immediately thought that he had put on makeup, and he didn't bother to explain now. He nodded and said, "Since you believe me, go on the road with me tomorrow."