Magic totem

Section 122 Life and Death

"I won't be your opponent no matter how powerful I am." Mo Li said with a smile. Although he said so, he was still very happy in Mo Li's heart. He didn't expect that he could get such a result in this attempt, magic mentor? He was at most an intermediate magician before, but he didn't expect that a small way of balance could help him directly improve two levels. Thinking of this, Mo Li's heart lit up. Did he really succeed? Is the way to balance the small spiral nest? If the seven-series magic energy can maintain a balance and melt away a certain magic energy that you use without authorization, then you can use single-series magic.

He Mei said with a smile, "Although this is true, you should soon catch up with me at your current speed of progress. By the way, Mo Li, how are you practicing the way of balance? When can you help me lift the curse in my body? Black charm finally said the question she wanted to know most.

But Mo Li's mind is not on this at this time. He feels very happy to think that he may have successfully practiced the way to balance. He ignored the black charm next to him, turned his hand, and the magic wand given to him appeared in his hand. As soon as his mind moved, he immediately pulled out a trace of fire magic from his body. Mo Li's guess was right. Just when his idea was generated, he easily pulled out fire energy. With a wave of the magic wand in his hand, an egg-sized fireball immediately roared out of his magic wand and smashed a small hole not far away.

Black charm didn't know what Mo Li was doing, but she was smart and didn't stop it. Mo Li used all the low-level magic of the seven series one after another, without exception, all of which succeeded. And the magic energy in his body has not changed. Just as he extracted the single magic energy, the white spiral nest that had been quietly and slowly turned suddenly accelerated the speed of rotation. Mo Lixin thought that this spiral nest must be the core of the way to balance. It is its existence that keeps all the energy in the body in a balanced state.

"Mo Li, you are..." At this time, the black charm asked loudly about the doubts in his heart. From Mo Li's continuous use of seven series of magic, she has vaguely understood some cruelty, but now she is a little uncertain.

Mo Li nodded with a smile, "I think you should have guessed it. You are right. I have now practiced the way of balance. Now the magic of each department can be used alone, and you are not afraid that all kinds of energy will struggle with each other.

"Really?" The black charm showed a surprised look in his eyes and grabbed Mo Li's arm and asked loudly, "So, can you help me lift the curse in my body?"

Mo Li nodded happily and said, "Yes, I can do it. But the black silk knot is more complicated. I don't know if I can deal with it with my own energy.

"Don't worry about this. You don't have to use dark magic at that time. If you need it, I can help directly." Black Charm is really happy today, because the curse that has plagued him for thousands of years is finally about to be lifted. Although she can't leave this death forest quickly, without the restrictions of the curse, she will soon have a huge power with the continuation of thousands of years, which is much better than Mo Li's previous nonsense "the method of devouring". After all, how many creatures can be swallowed by her in this dead forest? Now she no longer rejects the boy in front of her.

Mo Li nodded and said, "This is a good way. With your thousand years of cultivation, you should be able to cope with it. But what I'm worried about is that I don't know how much magic extraction my so-called way of balance can withstand. If the magic energy in the body is unbalanced in the process of treatment, it is not as simple as my own death. If it implicated you, I can't report it.

"You're right." Black charm nodded and said, "It's rare to take this into account at your age. I think so. Before that, you can test how much energy you can extract, so that you can have a good idea.

nodded, Mo Li waved the magic wand in his hand and said to the black charm, "It's better to hit the sun than to choose the sun. Black charm. I'll test it now. You can help me protect the law next to me."

The black charm nodded without saying anything, and hovered beside Mo Li with her knees crossed without saying a word.

Mo Li saw that the black charm was ready. With a wave of the magic wand in his hand, a golden light immediately emerged from the magic wand, and then kept flashing. Mo Li's idea was very simple. Since he wanted to remove the black silk knot in his body for the black charm, he must use knife light magic, so he went directly from the light magic experiment. . While slowly extracting the light energy in his body, he carefully observed the situation of the small milky spiral nest in Dantian. Mo Lixin thought that as long as you are careful, there should be no big problem.

With the continuous extraction of light energy, the rotation speed of the milky white small spiral nest immediately increased greatly, and even began to drive the whole colorful light belt to rotate. Seeing this situation, Mo Li couldn't help but stop, and then carefully observe the situation within days. When it is confirmed that the spiral nest can withstand the extracted energy, he will slowly continue to extract energy.

This process is very slow, and Mo Li is very careful. He understands that as long as he has a slight accident, he may destroy all his cultivation and lose his life.

The black charm sat cross-legged in front of Mo Li and watched the golden energy slowly increase from his magic wand. Now she is not worried about the curse in her body, but about the safety of the boy in front of her. Black charm can't tell how she became like this. This may be the fate the teacher said. The black charm comforted herself like this in her heart.

Mo Li is still constantly extracting light energy. By this time, he had extracted nearly one-fifth of his energy. Although the milky white spiral nest rotates very fast, it rotates quickly with the seven colorful ribbons of light. Now the colorful light belt has almost become milky white, and under the high-speed rotation, the previous gaze can no longer be distinguishable. Mo Li was shocked and immediately stopped extracting the energy from his hand. But to his shock, the speed of the rotation of the nest did not slow down because of his stop, and it was even accelerating. Mo Li was shocked and knew that it was not good. He estimated that he had taken the lowest limit of the spiral nest to maintain balance. He did not dare to neglect and immediately slowly absorbed the light energy in his hand into his body. However, as soon as the light energy entered the body, it only heard a "bang" and was immediately shaken out of the body by the originally flowing energy in the body. At the same time, Mo Li felt as if his body and mind had been hit hard by a heavy hammer, and his throat was sweet, and he felt something spewing out of his body.

The black charm, who was worried, suddenly saw the golden light in Mo Li's hand suddenly dimmed, and then suddenly exploded. Then Mo Li shook his head and spewed a lot of blood from his mouth. The black charm knew that Mo Li failed. But now he has no choice, because he doesn't know the specific skills of Mo Li's Magic Totem, so he doesn't dare to treat him rashly. It was because of the calmness of the black charm at this time that Mo Li saved his life. Now the magic energy in his body has reached the edge of collapse. If another external force intervenes, it will definitely increase the collapse speed of the energy.

Although Mo Li kept awake in his mind at this time, he was helpless in the face of the situation in his body. With the acceleration of the rotation speed of the nest, Mo Li suddenly found that he could not control the operation of magic energy in his body, and could only watch all the energy in his body flow rapidly in the meridians as if it were crazy. Turn. Because the speed was too fast, the small meridians that were originally blocked began to be slowly destroyed by the powerful force. Blood began to slowly ooze under the skin. However, what comforted him was that when the light magic in the magic energy passed by, it was slightly repaired due to the healing effect of the light system, but the speed of this repair seemed to be a feather compared with the speed of destruction. He felt as if his body was going to burst, which was very uncomfortable. Consciousness also began to blur slowly.