Magic totem

Section 162 From the Fire Beast

The old man looked at Jiang Yan and asked, "So you are the shadow priest of the Holy See?"

Jiang Yan shook her head and said, "I'm not, and I don't know any shadow priest."

"How is your strength now?"

"Magic mentor." Jiang Yan did not hide her strength and said frankly.

The old man thought for a moment and said to Mo Li, "It seems that through thousands of years of savings, the strength of the Holy See can no longer be underestimated."

"How do you say this?"

"In the past, there were some people in the Holy See who would never be seen, but Yath gave them the name of a priest in order not to feel wronged. And that is the shadow priest. The so-called shadow priest is the secret weapon of the Holy See, and the strength of each priest is not under the magic mentor. And what does it mean that this girl is not one of the shadow priests?

"It shows that the strength of the shadow priest of the Holy See is higher than that of the demon mentor, that is, the holy demon mentor!" Mo Li said in surprise, "How many shadow priests are there in the Holy See?"

"120." The old man said lightly, "If it is still this number, the strength of the Holy See will be too terrible."

Jiang Yan walked to Mo Li and said, "The Holy See doesn't seem to have so much strength, because the number of us is exactly 120. Maybe it's not possible to change the name.

"I hope so." The old man said with a sigh. Mo Li, this time we go to the Rift Empire together, which should avoid the conflict between you and Yat. You can also take the opportunity to improve your strength.

Mo Li shook his head with a smile and said, "Act doesn't want to do anything to me now. We are still good friends in name. Because Jiang Yan did not betray the Holy See, but let her continue to pretend to be an undercover agent for the Holy See.

"Smart." The old man praised, "This is the best. The old fox Yat will definitely not doubt it."

"Why are you so sure?" Mo Li asked. He hasn't said how Jiang Yan cheated Yat. Unexpectedly, the old man was sure that Yat would not see it. There should be some secrets in this.

As expected, the old man told him that those people were carefully trained by him and would not give up the Holy See easily.

When Mo Li woke up, he found himself lying in a relatively dark room, and a dark yellow oil lamp kept swaying in the wind. Am I dead?" Mo Li couldn't help thinking that he wanted to sit up, but the pain all over his body made him unable to move at all, and he finally gave up. I fainted again in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, and a whispered conversation made Mo Li regain consciousness again.

"Senior, what do you think we should do now?" It's the voice of the special president.

Then he heard Yat's helpless voice. It's really troublesome this time. This boy not only killed the direct heir of the Kai family in the empire, but now he hasn't settled with him, but also killed the other one. Do you think the Kai family will let him go?

"But aren't you from the Kai family? If you come forward..."

"No." Yate suddenly interrupted Fett's words, "If I come forward for this boy every time, he will form a kind of dependence. Wouldn't it be wrong for him?"

"What do you say? You can't watch him be destroyed in the hands of the Kai family like this. You should know that he is a disciple of Shu Ping. You also know Shu Ping's temper. If he knows that it was the Kai family who killed Mo Li, then it is not only the Shu family who wants to deal with the Kai family. Shu Ping can be said to be the backbone of the Shu family, and the Shu family will definitely support him strongly. In addition, the four major families of the empire are advancing and retreating together. At that time, I'm afraid that the four families will go to war with the Kai family, and with the slaughter of generals, I'm afraid that everything will be difficult to control at that time.

"Don't worry about this, he will be fine with me. I have figured out the countermeasures. When this boy recovers, I will secretly send her away from the imperial capital and let him go to the mainland under his disguise. Only in this way can he avoid the pursuit of the Kai family and also hone him. When he really grows up, I think the Kai family will have to think about it if they want to kill him again.

"But he is so young, aren't you afraid of any accidents in the middle?"

"There will be no good flowers in the greenhouse. Don't worry, I believe him."

Mo Li couldn't help frowning when he heard this and whispered, "Ait, do you really want to send me away?"

Ya Te and Fei Te couldn't help but be shocked and walked to Mo Li's bedside. Yat smiled and said, "Mo Li, you woke up. Did you hear what you said just now?

Mo Li whispered, "Yes. But I want to know if this Kai family is really so powerful? Can't even the college be in my eyes?"

Feite shook his head and said, "Mo Li, this time you killed an ordinary Kai people. That's the next successor of the imperial capital. Now the whole Kai family has hated you. If it hadn't been for the presence of senior Yate, they would have entered the college long ago. However, every night, there are still a large number of Kai family members visiting the college at night. You should also know the particularity of the Kai family. It's not that we don't care, but it's not easy to manage.

After listening to Feite's words, Mo Li also understood everything and turned to Yat and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. I'll leave immediately after getting better."

Yat touched Mo Li's forehead and sighed, "Mo Li, the world is not as simple as you think, nor does it look calm on the surface. I can't protect you forever. You must really grow up to really gain a foothold in this world.

"I know, don't worry, I won't let you down." Mo Li said in a low voice.

A few days later, a shocking news was broadcast on the magic broadcast of the Imperial School of Magic. Although everyone was suspicious, they had to believe it, because it was Fei Te, the dean of the Imperial School of Magic, who released the broadcast. The content is as follows: "

"Dear students, I, on behalf of the Imperial School of Magic, solemnly announce that Mo Li, a student of Class One of the Fire Department who was seriously injured in the competition, passed away this morning after being rescued. On behalf of the hospital, I apologize for this. Since Mo Li has no family, after the decision of the senior management of the hospital, he will be buried in the back mountain of the college this afternoon. I hope all the students can be present to mourn.

When all the students rushed to the back mountain for a memorial service, Yat took Mo Li to the forest hundreds of miles away from the city ofdi du lan.

"Mo Li, I'll send you here, and the rest of the road is up to you." Yat looked at Mo Li and said reluctantly.

Mo Li looked in the direction of the imperial capital and sighed, "Don't worry, I won't let you down. In three years, I will definitely come back openly.

Sub-character nodded, took out a light blue box and handed it to him and said, "There is a very realistic * in it. The Kai family will not die easily. Just use this to disguise it. Also, you need to change your name, and you can't use fire magic. Fortunately, you have other magic available, so that you won't know the Kai family. Well, it's time for me to go back, otherwise the Kai family will not easily believe in Dean Feite.

Mo Li took the box and nodded and said, "Then let's say goodbye here. Yate, I only have one request in the end. Please take care of my friends.

Sub-feature nodded and left with a wave of his hand.

After Yat disappeared, Mo Li opened the box. There was indeed a very thin mask in it. It was a middle-aged mask, and there was a pinch of beard under the next bar. Mo Li couldn't care so much now. He put on the mask directly, and a cold breath came from his cheeks. After wearing it, Mo Li found that the mask was really breathable. Now Mo Li has completely taken off his childishness and become a very mature middle-aged man. Mo Li took out a dark gray dress, put on a big hat, and then stepped on a new road.

In the evening, Mo Li called the three women to his room and told them that they were going out to do something and told them not to cause trouble in the imperial capital. After all, both of them are from the demon clan. If they are recognized by others, it will naturally be very troublesome. However, in the end, Jiang Yan still asked to go with Mo Li, and Mo Li did not refuse in order to gain Yat's trust.

The two did not enter directly from the gate of the college, but sneaked into the college at night. Then Mo Li took Jiang Yan all the way to the location of the college library. Back to the roof where he was with Yat before, Mo Li felt like a different world. Standing on the roof, Mo Li did not deliberately look for Yat, but released his dark magic energy. As he expected, after a while, Yatt's figure appeared on the roof. At first, he was very alert, but when he saw Mo Li and Jiang Yan, he smiled.

Looking at the old man who has lived for thousands of years in front of him, Mo Li had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Mo Li, why are you back?" Yate asked in surprise.

Mo Li fiercely despised the Pope thousands of years ago. If you are old and don't die, you will be a demon. This sentence seems to be true at all. This guy can pretend to be so well. Naturally, Mo Li will not reveal his thoughts. He said a little depressedly, "Yate, it's a long story. Something happened to me on the road. This time I just want to meet you and the special dean, and then I will leave the Teland Empire and go to the Rift Empire.

"Accident? What accident? Did the Kai family find your whereabouts? Yat asked with concern, and then Jiang Yan, who turned his eyes to one side, said in surprise, "Who is this?"

Mo Li pulled Jiang Yan and said intimately, "This is a friend I met on the road. Like me, she is a poor person bullied by those nobles. It was because of saving my friend that I had an accident. I have been trapped in the forest of death for more than a month. Later, it was also by chance that he was able to escape.

"What a death forest!" Yat said in surprise, "You dare to go to that place, but fortunately you came out. By the way, how on earth did you get out?"

Mo Li agreed with Jiang Yan before he came and said with a smile, "It's a man named Heiyan Demon King. I fought with him that day. Strangely, we were hit hard by him and miraculously escaped from the scope of the Death Forest."

Yatt twisted his beard and thought for a while, and suddenly said, "It seems that you are very lucky. Maybe the magic energy of your fight touched the power of the boundary that you can succeed. Mo Li, I'm not talking about you. Don't be so impulsive in the future. Not everyone can enter a place like the Death Forest. Even I don't dare to enter easily now.

"It's all my fault. I hurt Brother Mo Li." Jiang Yan said sadly. Jiang Yan did not lie this time, and until now he still regrets what he did at that time. His face is full of regret.

Mo Li naturally understands what Jiang Yan means. But this is different in Yat's eyes. He couldn't help but feel much relieved. It seems that Jiang Yan's strength is not ordinary. Unexpectedly, her acting skills have reached such a level. No wonder Mo Li believes her so much.

Ya Te smiled shyly, "Girl, don't say that. That's not what I mean."

Jiang Yan said respectfully, "Jiang Yan doesn't dare to blame the seniors, but she is a little uncomfortable in her heart."

Mo Li gently took Jiang Yan's little hand and said gently, "Yan'er, don't say that. I have never regretted it."

Jiang Yan nodded gently and gave Yat a look when she turned her head.

Yatt is obviously in a good mood. Taking Mo Li's hand and saying, "It's rare for you to come back for a while. I'll take you to see that boy Feite."

Mo Li nodded and said, "Well, I haven't seen you for such a long time. I really miss you all. By the way, Yat, can I meet my brothers and friends?"

Yatt's face changed and said, "No, it's not the right time. If they know that you are still alive, that face will reach the mouth of the Kai family. I don't think this is what you want to see. Mo Li, let me tell you, for the future, you must be patient, otherwise our plan will fail.

Mo Li nodded and said, "Since that's the case, forget it."

"That's right, a man should be like this. By the way, Mo Li, you should know almost everything about the way of balance. Now even I can't see your own strength. You should have gained a lot in the Death Forest. Yat suddenly said with a smile.

Mo Li nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, in the forest of death, I really understand the way of balance. By the way, Yat, why don't I tell you what I understand? Mo Li looked at Yat and said.

A trace of expectation flashed on Yate's face, but it was well concealed by him. He waved his hand and said, "This is useless. I practiced single magic, and it's useless to know these. Now that you have mastered all of them, I'm relieved.

Well, don't you expect Yaner to take back all the secrets of Magic Totem and the Way of Balance for you? Now that Yan'er has gained my trust, you naturally won't take the initiative to let me tell you. Mo Li sneered in his heart. But it didn't show on his face. Instead, he said admirably, "There is not much time now. Let's find another opportunity to talk about it."

Ya characteristic nodded and said, "Well, let's go to find Feite together now." After seeing Mo Li nodding, Yat emitted a dazzling golden light and picked up the three people and disappeared on the roof in an instant.

Fette was sitting in his room at this time and didn't know what he was thinking. Suddenly, there was a golden light in front of him, and Mo Li appeared in front of him without warning.

After all, Feite is a magic mentor and is ready to attack at the first time. But when he saw that it was Aat, Liji8 was released from the alert. Elder Yate, how can it be you?" Fei Te said in surprise, "Isn't this Mo Li? Why did Mo Li come back?"

Yat said with a smile, "Fette boy, I didn't expect that I would bring Mo Li to you. In fact, there are a lot of inside information. Let that boy talk to you by himself.

Mo Li took a step forward with a smile and changed what he said to Yat again. It's different from Africa. Mo Li knew that the dean and his master were one of his best friends, so naturally he would not be the same as Yat. Therefore, I admire you in my heart. However, due to Yate's presence, he naturally won't say anything.

Everyone talked about something else, so Mo Li left with Jiang Yan. In order not to attract the attention of too many people, Yat and Fei Te decided not to send Mo Li away. Mo Li was naturally happy, so he was not reluctant. However, after meeting the two, Mo Li found that she had grown a lot. Mo Li really didn't expect that he could be so calm in the face of his enemies. Instead, Jiang Yan sweated coldly for him. When Mo Li and they returned to the inn, Yu and Hei Mei had not slept yet. Although Mo Li didn't say anything, the two women still knew where they were going.

Mo Li thinks about Yat's face, and it is true. Yat's tame strength is not ordinary. If Jiang Yan hadn't been identified by Blackberry, she might have believed in him very much, and Jiang Yan didn't really understand Yat's identity until she was with her.

"That's true. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that Yat is such a person."

"Since he can become the Pope of the Holy See, his strength is certainly not ordinary. So, you don't have to blame yourself. The old man smiled and said, "What's more, even you, don't believe that Yat will harm him, otherwise you won't have any reserves."

"Ji-jiu!" At this time, there was a sudden sound of angry birds in the forest. Nico smiled excitedly and flew forward quickly. Mo Li felt that the voice was very familiar. Firenu?" Mo Li whispered incredulously.