Magic totem

No.275 Recall the past

After standing in front of Clays's house for a while, Mo Li ran to his mother's grave. His mother's wood was not far from here, so he soon came to his mother's grave.

Standing in front of the grave, Mo Li's previous scene with his mother came to his mind again, and tears flowed down his cheeks. Several crows flew by, leaving a sad cry. Mo Li knew that he couldn't stay here longer, so he stood for a while and ran to the mountain.

Originally, he was going to go to Telang City, but he could not go up the mountain, because Telan City was south of the village, but Mo Li thought that if Chris was not at home, he must have gone to find himself at Caesar, so he planned to go there to find Clays before leaving, hoping that Claire could go to Telan City with him.

When Mo Li reached the top of the mountain, it was not yet dawn. Due to the long running before, although the night in the mountain was relatively cold, he did not feel cold at all at this time. But fatigue hits my mind. Standing on the top of the mountain, he looked back at the direction of the village. Mo Li decided to take a night off at the top of the mountain and look for Caesar as Claire said tomorrow.

Looking for a hunch hillside and then lie down on the dry grass and take a nap.

But when Mo Li was half asleep and half awake, he was woken up by a sound of speech. Is there anyone? Mo Li was shocked and then opened his eyes. At this time, it was still dark, and several stars hung alone in the sky, as if human eyes were a little horrible.

Who will be here so late? Mo Li didn't move and listened.

"Second, let's go after we finish this task. This money is enough for us to use in the next life." A loud voice lowered his voice, but although he had deliberately controlled his volume, he still heard it more clearly from Mo Li.

" boss, you also know what tasks we have taken. Over the years, we have established a lot of enemies in Tehran. Do you think they will let us live a leisurely life?" Another very thin and low voice said.

After a brief silence, the previous rough voice sighed and said, "Alas, it's all the difference of the previous thought. If we hadn't been greedy for high commissions, we wouldn't have fallen into the current situation."

"It's too late to say anything now. Now that we have embarked on this road, let's go on. Although it's better to hide every day than to be killed. Another voice said.

"Well, since you all said so, I, Cook, have nothing to say. In the future, everyone will have the same blessings and difficulties."

"Okay, boss, we will continue to live a free life in the future."


Then Mo Li heard the sound of a glass collision. Obviously, these people were drinking. From what they said, Mo Li thought that these people were definitely not kind people, so he wanted to stay away from this place as soon as possible. So when they talk again, they quietly run in the other direction.

After all, the child is a child. How can he be considerate? If he lies still, those people will not find anything at all. After a while, they will leave by themselves, but something happened to Mo Li's run. From their flowers, we can tell that these are the unique crowd-mercenaries of the Transn Empire. Since I can do this, my strength is definitely extraordinary. Naturally, the hearing will not be much worse. So as soon as Mo Li ran, he was found.

"Who!" What Mo Li was most worried about happened, and the loud voice suddenly sounded. After Mo Li knew that he had been found, he ran away. But how could a child run past a mercenary? He didn't run far, and a powerful big hand had been pressed on his shoulder.

"Child?" The person who came couldn't help but be stunned. It was the guy with a loud voice. Under the starlight, Mo Li found that he was a big man more than twice as tall as himself. His thick beard occupied his whole chin, his face was full of horizontal flesh, and his eyes were as big as copper bells, which was particularly horrible.

"Big boss, what's wrong?" At this time, the other two ran over and asked the thin and tall young man walking in front of him. Behind him is a thin and dark-faced man. Due to the dim light, Mo Li could not determine the age of the man for a while.

"I didn't expect there to be a child here." The loud-voiced man said, "I guess he just heard our conversation, so he ran away."

"It's so late that there will be a child here, boss..." The thin man said with bright little eyes.

"You mean..." The tall man immediately looked around warily after hearing the little man's words. But after a long time, there was no movement around. Mo Li was also very good at this time. Although the big man grabbed his shoulder, he did not make a sound and did not try to escape.

After the three looked at each other, the big man loosened his hand on Mo Li's body, then squatted down and stared at Mo Li's eyes and asked, "Little doll, why are you here alone at such a late time?"

Looking at the big man's face closely, Mo Li couldn't help but panic. I couldn't speak for a moment.

"Don't be afraid, we are not bad people." The big man tried to squeeze out a smile and said. But the fleshy face is not like a good person, and even the smile is even more terrible.

"Is it a mute?" Seeing that Mo Li didn't say anything, the little mercenary said, " boss, you don't have to talk nonsense with him. You can kill him directly, so that this doll won't talk nonsense in the future." Saying, "Wo!" With a sound, he pulled out the bronze sword around his waist.

Mo Li couldn't help shaking and staring at the sword in the man's hand with fear.

The big man turned his head and stared at him, and then said softly to Mo Li, "Don't be afraid. As long as you answer my question well, I promise that no one will hurt you."

"You're serious..." Mo Li was obviously scared by the man. Seeing the big man say this, he asked in a trembling voice.

"Well, I won't lie to you." When the big man saw Mo leave his mouth, there was a smile on his face. You told me, why are you alone on the mountain at this late hour? Are you lost with your family?

Mo Li shook his head and said, "I don't have any family anymore." Then I remembered that my mother had died, and now I wanted to go to Telland alone. I couldn't help but feel sad and tears slowly came out.

After listening to Mo Li's words, the three couldn't help looking at each other again.

"Then why are you here?" The big man continued to ask, and a trace of fierceness flashed on his face. Because it is obvious from Mo Li's clean and neat clothes that this child does not look like an orphan who has lost his family at all. Those who work in their industry have lived the days of licking blood on the tip of the knife. If you are not careful, you will fall into the treachery of the enemy, and several times they almost lost their lives because of this. So they have been suspicious of the child in front of them.

And Mo Li realized this and muttered, "I'm going to find my uncle in the town across the mountain."

"Well?" The big man stood up and stared into Mo Li's eyes and said, "Although you are a *-year-old child, I have to admit that your acting skills are very first-class." "Oh!" With a sound, the sword pulled out from his waist pointed to Mo Li's throat and said in a low voice, "Say, who sent you here? Where are they?"

" boss, don't talk nonsense to him, just kill him, and then we leave here immediately." The tall mercenary said at this time, "It's going to be bright. We can't delay."

"You lied!" Mo Li suddenly shouted, "You just said that as long as I answer your question well, you won't hurt me, but I have already answered well, but now you..." Mo Li actually cried. The mother said that unfaithful people are not good children.

"Haha!" The three big men couldn't help laughing.

"Do you say it or not?" Obviously, the big man had lost his patience and stared at Mo Li and asked in a low voice.

"What do you want me to say? I just went to my mother's grave today and went up the mountain at night. No one sent me here at all. I just fell asleep there and was woken up by you, so I was afraid and thought of leaving.

"You don't have to act anymore. We have seen through it." The big man said disdainfully. Then raise the long sword in his hand and stab Mo Li's throat!

In the face of sudden changes, Mo Li no longer knew what to do. He had never seen such a posture, and his heart was cold. But then he thought that he could see his mother after his death, and his fear couldn't help calming down. Looking at the approaching long sword, there was a smile on his face. Mother, Li'er has come to see you..."

The big man couldn't help but stagnate when he saw Mo Li's appearance.

"Big..." The tall man's voice sounded at this time. The big man turned his head and looked at him, and he shook his head slightly.

"Forget it, let's go." The big man withdrew the long sword in his hand and turned to the other two.

The short man shook his head and said, "The boss can't do it. Even if this child is not sent by our enemy, if he tells us whereabouts, we will also be in great trouble. Boss, you can't be soft-hearted at this time.

"Yerle, if I remember correctly, the three of us should be orphans." The big man said, "Do you really have the heart to kill this child who is only a few years old? Besides, at his age, what can he know and how can it pose a threat to us?

"Prevent it before it happens, boss."

"Big, the third." The tall man walked between the two and said, "Since the boss sympathizes with the child, and the third brother can't rest assured. Why don't we take the child away?"

"Second, you don't have a fever, do you?" The short man known as the third man put his hand on the second brother's head and said, "You said take this child with you? Do you know how dangerous this is? If the enemy comes to hunt us down, do you want to protect this burden? It's better to kill it completely."

"Lao San!" The big man shouted, "Just do what the second brother says. We used to be orphans. Although we have embarked on such a path, some things can't be lost. Do you understand?"

"Alas..." Lao San sighed and walked aside and said, "Since you insist on doing so, I won't say more, but I declare that when there is danger, don't expect me to protect this burden."

The big man ignored Lao San's words at all and walked to Mo Li and said, "Have you heard what we said just now? We can not kill you, but you have to go with us."

"But I still have to find my uncle..." Mo Li couldn't help but be happy to see that the other party didn't kill himself. Although he is just a child, who wants to die? Children are no exception. But Mo Li certainly doesn't want to go with them. Not to mention that they are not good people. Mo Li has to rush to Trans to learn magic. Magic is his only goal now.

"Your uncle doesn't have to look for it. We will take care of you in the future." The tall man came over and said.

"I don't want to be with you. I'm going to find my uncle." Mo Li said stubbornly, and tears had begun to roll in his eyes.

"It's okay if you don't follow us." The tall man said, and then handed the long sword in his hand to Mo Li, "Then you have to die!"

"I..." Seeing the long sword again, Mo Li couldn't say anything for a moment. If he was not afraid to see his mother just now, he was really scared. In the face of death, who can really treat it calmly? What's more, he is a child who is not very sensible.

"You talk!" The tall man continued to ask.

Mo Li bit his lips tightly, and tears have fallen. Looking at the tall sword in front of his throat, he couldn't say a word.

"Where did so much nonsense come from?" At this time, the short man ran over, threw Mo Li on his shoulder, and then said to the big man and the tall man, "Let's go."

"Ha ha, you are really good!" The tall man said with a smile.

"Ah!" At this time, Lao San suddenly shouted in pain and couldn't help twisting his eyebrows. Son of a bitch, how dare you bite me!" After saying that, he patted Mo Li's buttocks heavily.

"Wow!" The hot pain came from his buttocks, and Mo Li suddenly cried. Not only because of pain, but also because of grievances.

"Okay, let me carry him on my back." The big man couldn't stand it anymore. He took Mo Li and comforted him in a low voice, "As long as you follow us obediently, we won't hit you."

"I'm looking for an uncle..." Mo Li cried and said, "Let me down, I'm going to find an uncle."

But this time, no matter how Mo Li fights, the big man seemed to have no feeling and ignored him at all. Then he said hello to the other two, and then got up and swept down the southern mountain.

Seeing that his efforts were ineffective, Mo Li stopped crying and quietly lay on the big man's back. Although Mo Li is young, he has been very smart since he was a child. Besides, after learning from the old man in the cave for three months, I not only know a lot of words, but also know a lot of land and history of the mainland. More importantly, he also learned a lot about life during this period. He now understands that he has no way to fight against these mercenaries. My own strength is no match for others at all. So if you continue to cry now, it will be a waste of effort. Instead, it's better to find a way to escape. Mo Li didn't believe that they would keep looking at themselves.

When he thought of this, he was happy. At this time, he noticed that everyone had crossed his village and reached a dense forest. Mo Li knew that this was a Mingxing forest dozens of miles southeast of his village. Trees record that there are often a large number of ferocious monsters in this forest.

"Stop!" Mo Li shouted.

"What's wrong? Do you want to go to your uncle again?" The big man didn't stop at all and asked with a smile.

"No." Mo Li said anxiously, "Don't you know where this is?"

"Hmm?" The big man turned his head curiously and looked at Mo Li, "Do you know what this is?"

"This is the Mingxing Forest, and there are many extremely ferocious monsters!" Mo Li shouted, "We can't go in, or we will die."

"Well, it seems that this little doll knows a lot?" The tall man and the big man walked side by side and said, "I even know Mingxing Forest. It's really not simple!"

"I still know a lot of things. Come on, stop."

"Don't worry, little doll." The big man smiled and said, "With us, you don't have to worry."


"Yes, as long as Warcraft dares to come out, I will kill him directly, and then we will eat its meat together." The tall man said with a smile.

"Are you magicians? The greatest magician?" Mo Li said in surprise. Because in his wings, only the greatest magicians are not afraid of anything. Since they are not afraid of monsters, it shows that they are most likely to be magicians.

"No, we are not magicians, but we are more powerful than magicians." The tall man said proudly, "We are fighters, the most powerful fighters!"

"Fighter? What is that?" Mo Li asked curiously. He really doesn't know what a fighter is. Since childhood, I only knew that the greatest and most powerful person on this continent is the magician. Now I hear that fighters are more powerful than magicians, and I can't help but be curious. Look at the tall man with big eyes.

"The fighter is a person who can use fighting spirit, which is several times stronger than the magician." The tall man smiled and said, "No, look, this is fighting spirit." After saying that, he patted forward with one hand, and a red airflow came out. Only a loud sound was heard, and a big tree responded. The flying dust also permeated the whole path.

"Now you know that fighters are better than magicians." The tall man said with a smile.

Who knew Mo Li shook his head.

"What? Have you ever seen a magician better than me? The tall man said.

"Hmm." Mo Li nodded and said, "My master is better than you, because he can fly!" And it flies very fast!" Mo Li said proudly.

"Huh?" After listening to Mo Li's words, the three of them listened to it coincidentally.

When everyone stopped, Mo Li already knew that he had said something wrong. When he met the three people, he had already told others that he had no relatives. Isn't it suspicious to say that he has a master now? These people are very clear in Mo Li's heart. They are definitely not good people, otherwise they would not have killed themselves just now.

"What did you say?" The tall man stared into Mo Li's eyes and asked, "Master? Do you have a master?"

Mo Li looked dark, and tears began to roll in his eyes. Yes, I did have a master before. Mo Li said with a little crying, "I have been very fond of magic since I was a child and aspired to become a magician, but I finally met a magician after my mother's death, and he also agreed to accept me as an apprentice and teach me magic. But for a few months, I didn't make any better. It was not until then that Master was sure that I was a magic waste. So in anger, he kicked me out. With that, Mo Li burst into tears.

"Didn't you ask me why I was in the mountains? In fact, I lied. The reason why I was still in the mountain so late was that I was kicked out by my master and had no choice but to think of going to the other side of the mountain to find my uncle. But you think I was sent by some enemy and insisted on taking me away. Whoo..."

Mo Li's words were really full of emotion, and the three people couldn't help but believe it. Because what he said is really reasonable. So the expressions of the three tall men became gentle. Although Mo Li was still a child, he was as smart as him and could still slander. Seeing the changes in the expressions of the three people, he knew that what he had just said had a role, so he cried even more. Master, please forgive Li'er. Li'er has no choice but to criticize now. Mo Li said in his heart.