Magic Dance Song

Chapter 1 The Beautiful Queen Crying in the Dark!

It was midnight when the shadow blood dragon attacked the royal city of Grusidia. When people wake up from their sleep, they find that the surrounding air is surprisingly cold. The moonlight disappeared inexplicably, and the lights flashed out. Screams came one after another, and there was a smell of blood everywhere.

The civilians lay in their rooms trembling, and the soldiers outside kept running, feeling like headless flies. Before long, there was a series of explosions and shadows, which were magicians and priests in the royal city trying to fight back by various means. However, Cachidero was not afraid of any magic. It always flew in the air and then suddenly fell to the most concentrated place of the crowd, spitting out ice and making life disappear in an instant. The fear emanating from it tortured the whole city. People trembled and even covered the crying children with quilts, so that the children died of suffocation.

The palace also failed to escape the attack of Cachidero. Although there are the most outstanding warriors and the most exquisite magicians, these resistances are useless under the claws of the horrible shadow blood dragon. Ice and darkness, screaming and death, seemed to be a black waltz intertwined in the night, turning the whole palace into purgatory.

In the middle of the palace, there is a gorgeous room. At this time, a young woman stood at the door with a kerosene lamp and looked at the dark distance. The whole palace was dark, and the torches ignited by the guards were extinguished in an instant under the cold breath of the shadow blood dragon. The light emitted by the priests with spells could only bring them faster death. Only the kerosene lamp in the woman's hand is still on, as if she were the only brilliance in the night.

"Your Majesty," a maid ran to her in panic, "please go to the underground shelter to avoid it. It's too dangerous here."

"No," Tinwell shook his head. "I'll be fine."

The maid didn't understand why she was so calm. Out of her duty, she stretched out her hand to La Tinuville to take her to the underground defense city created by His Majesty's manpower. However, something appeared behind the maid. Before she turned around, she was hit hard in the back of the head. , fainting to the ground.

"Who?" Tinuville picked up the kerosene lamp and wanted to see who the man was, but the light of the kerosene lamp was so dark that he could only faintly see that the man was wearing a black dress dissolved in the night.

"It's me." The man replied in a low voice.

With a bang, the kerosene lamp fell on the ground and burned. The man waved his hand and the flame went out inexplicably. However, at this moment, Tinuvir had seen his face clearly.

She covered her mouth tightly and didn't let herself exclaim. In the distance, Cachidero is still creating a bigger disaster, but here, it is surprisingly quiet.

"No," Tinuville said softly, "No, Panqi, Panqi... It's too dangerous here. You shouldn't have come. You will be found."

"No one can stop me," the dark prince slowly approached her. "I have to come to see you. I'm coming to take you away."

"No," Tinouville took two steps back, "I can't go with you. If you kill my father, you will kill more people..."

"I don't want to kill him, but he took you away from me," Panqi looked at the flame-like heat in her eyes. "In order to ensure that you can become the queen, he tried to kill me again and again. I killed him to protect myself, Tinuvir, will you hate me?"

"But you shouldn't have come." Tinuville covered his face and let tears flow down.

"You don't hate me, you still love me, don't you?" The man grabbed her by the shoulder and tried to hold her in his arms. "If you hate me, I would have died long ago. No one can kill me except you. Even if you are thousands of miles apart, you can still kill me easily. Every morning, when I sleep and find myself alive, I can feel your love. Come with me, Tinuville. Everything I do is for you.

"No," Tinuvir struggled to get out of his arms. "You're wrong. I've already forgotten you. I didn't tell the secret that could kill you because you are already an irrelevant person to me. I don't hate you or love you anymore. Go away. I don't want to see you again.

"You lie."

"I am the queen of this kingdom," the woman looked at him in the dark. "I never lie. Panqi, do you really think I will leave my noble status and go with you? You are just a civilian child. Even now, you are just a pirate occupying Pingxia Island. I used to like you because I was still young, and now I have grown up.

The man seemed to have been hit hard and took a step back. Even in such darkness, he could see his pale face. He slowly bent down with a deep mockery: "So it is. That's my mistake. I'm sorry, Your Majesty.

"But," he slowly retreated, "I will come again. Next time, I will come back here again as a winner, and I will make everyone who has engraved shame on me regret it. If you want to be a queen, I will wash this land with blood and fire and become the king on this rubble. I will get you, whether you like it or not. Tinuville, you can stop me with death, because I have already given my life and death to you. If you didn't put me to death... then you are waiting for me here."

After saying that, he turned around and left quickly and disappeared into the darkness.

"No," Tinuvir slowly knelt down and cried in a voice that only she could hear herself. "Don't come back, Panqi... You will kill yourself..."

The dark prince did not hear her cry. He walked along the road in the dark. The guards he met along the way were easily solved by him.

He stopped in an open space and looked up. Before long, a huge creature fell in front of him, and the cold from it easily killed those who could not resist within 100 meters.

"Brother." A girl stood on the back of the shadow dragon and called him.

"We can go back," the dark prince sneered. "But before I go back, I want this rotten city to see the horror I brought with my own eyes. I want those people to live in the shadows forever, trembling while waiting for my coming again."

The darkness suddenly dissipated, and the nearly full moon appeared inexplicably in the sky. People raised their heads. In the silver sky, a black dragon kept hovering, deeply carving fear into people's hearts...


Meggie finally arrived in Wangcheng.

At this time, people have not yet recovered from the panic of the attack of Shadow and Blood Dragon. There are few pedestrians on the street, and there are patrolling soldiers everywhere. However, Wangcheng's grandeur and simplicity still stunned him. The huge church is located in the southwest corner of the royal city, and there are various buildings. There is a bell tower in the center of the city. The bell tower is equipped with magic devices that can make a sound that resounds throughout the city on time. Next to the bell tower is surrounded by a group of stone statues, and further east, there is a large park. The slum is located at the southern end of the city. In addition, there are various military buildings. Although these military buildings cannot resist the shadow blood dragon, they still give people a sense of security that is difficult to break.

After placing Meji and others in a manor near the center, Sophia hurried to the palace. Meiji came to his room temporarily under the guidance of the servant, and Zia was arranged next door. What he was not satisfied with was that Anna did not live here, and he did not know where Sophia had taken her.

After lying boredly in the room for half an hour, Qi Ya ran over with the little fairy. In the past few days, the little fairy has not appeared. After all, as a little fairy in the forest, she does not like to appear in front of strangers, and it is also dangerous for a magician like Meiji to let others know the source of his magic. Generally speaking, magicians will hide the root of their magic, especially those who sign contracts with demons. Similarly, no one will ask a magician about this kind of taboo.

"How long will we stay here?" Ziya curled her lips. As a Drui from the forest, it's really uncomfortable to live in such a place full of strangers. "Aren't we still going to find Joshua?"

"Don't worry, Sophia's mother-in-law will help us find her. She is a princess and well-informed. It's much better than us looking everywhere." Meiji coaxed her.

"The city is getting more and more beautiful," said the little fairy. "I've been here decades ago, which is a little worse than now."

"Is it from your previous contractor?" Meiji asked.

"Hmm." As if she remembered the past, the little fairy suddenly became unhappy.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," the little fairy sighed, "not long after I came here, there was something wrong between me and the contractor, which forced me to escape to the fog girl forest and sleep for more than 30 years. When I woke up, I went to your mother to ask some questions about magic. At that time, you were still very young.

"What happened between you and your previous contractor?" Meiji asked in a low voice.

"It has nothing to do with you," the little fairy stared at him. "You'd better improve your own magic level first. I should almost teach you 'magic superposition'. Don't underestimate it. This is a magic skill that my last contractor and I took a lot of effort to develop. It can multiply enhance the power of the same magic as you.

"Wait a minute," Meggie shouted. "In these three months, Sophia's mother-in-law will arrange for me to go to the ghost academy to learn other combat skills. I don't have time to learn magic from you."

"Don't forget that your job is a magician, and magic is what you should learn," the little fairy said coldly. "You can learn those things during the day. At night, you must learn magic from me."

Then I don't have to sleep? Meiji complained in his heart.

"Anyway, you are not the kind of wizard who needs to sleep to remember magic. It's not a big deal if you don't sleep for three months." It's easy for the little fairy to know what he is thinking.
