Magic Dance Song

Chapter 1 She is my little Lori!

The bay leading to the ruins of the heavenly garden is very hidden.

The thick fog cage that can never be dissipated is on it, making it easy for people passing by to get a layer of moisture.

Looking up, the sun was blocked from the fog, and only the warm sunlight dyed everything around it into a weak white.

If you look at the terrain alone, there is no reason for this fog that has not dissipated for years. However, not all phenomena can find a reasonable explanation. For the world, there are many things that cannot be investigated.

such as magic, such as magic.

For example, the heavenly garden that once belonged to the goddess.

Under the leadership of Molly, they groped in the thick fog. Obviously, it was a small place, but the space seemed to be infinitely elongated. It feels like countless identical scenes are constantly switching, and it can't come to an end. Fog, shoals, gravel, cold sea water, then fog, shoals, gravel, cold seawater. After the cycle, another cycle, the dream ends and the same dream is generated.

It seems that everything will never end.

"What's going on?" Meiji couldn't help asking Molly first. If it goes on like this, it will be endless.

"This is a test," Molly replied carelessly. "Only those who persevere can enter the ruins of the heavenly garden. As long as they retreat, they will immediately exit and must walk through again."

"So it is." Meiji nodded seriously. Indeed, even if it has collapsed, after all, it belongs to the divine realm, and there is no reason to enter so easily.

He looked at the others. Greenless was still cold, and the two children, Will and Anna, looked a little tired. He gently took Anna's little hand and encouraged her in a low voice.

They continued to walk.

I don't know how long it has been, but I only know that the surrounding scenes are still switching endlessly, even to the point of boredom. Later, not to mention little Anna, Megji himself could no longer step forward. Even Greenless frowned slightly.

"Molly, are you sure there's nothing wrong?" Meiji asked again with a bitter face.

"This... let me have a look." Molly took out a note from her arms, which was a hint left by the lone wolf general Leot to enter the ruins of the heavenly garden.

"'At the beginning, the repetition of the will, the repetition of torture, moving forward hopelessly, a symbol of a hundred years of darkness'... That's right," Molly said, "according to this prompt, it should be to go on."

"Wait a minute, are there still small words behind this?"

"Oh?" Molly turned it over, "When the same scene is repeated to the 96th time symbolizing the century of darkness, stop there, and half an hour later, the portal will open.' ...This is General Leot's handwriting. Damn it, won't he write a little bigger?"

Meggie was silent and asked in a low voice, "Who knows, how many times have we left?"

Will and Anna didn't say anything, and Molly was even more likely to know.

"26 times." Greenless replied with a blank face.

Everyone is speechless.

After a while...

"Okay," Molly made the decision to do as the captain. "Let's quit now and walk again!"

Get down!


When the portal to the ruins of the heavenly garden finally opened, no one could move.

The crack-like door of the space appeared in front of them, as if it were a misalignment of light and shadow, twisting everything around them into colorful intertwined vortexes.

Molly took a deep breath and let Anna use magic to properly eliminate their fatigue.

"Be careful, everyone." After saying that, she took the lead to the portal.

As soon as she stepped in, Meggie felt extremely uncomfortable. After the extreme light, it is extremely dark, and the heart has a feeling of being hollowed out. He calmed down for a moment, and it was not until the scene in front of him settled down again that he looked around carefully.

Is this the heavenly garden?

The heavenly garden, originally used by goddesses to shelter good souls, is a symbol of beauty and tranquility.

But now, what Meji sees is only a four-way black channel. Countless poisonous snakes and beasts occupy it, and there are shadows coming out of nowhere.

Although I know that this relic has not been regarded as a divine realm for a long time, it will be reduced to what it is now, which still makes people feel a little desolate.

A hundred years of darkness began when the dark god Shastine stepped out of the demon realm in the Valley of May and ended with the goddess sacrificing herself to drive the dark evil god out of the world. In the nearly 100 years when there was no hope, not only the races in the world, but also the gods could only tremble.

Astros began to disappear one by one, and gods and demons became nothing. Living is just to experience sadness, and faith is just a joke. It was a war without winners. From the world of God to people's homes, nothing can't be destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Until now, the Yag continent in the five continents of Mengya has not recovered from the shadow of death.

At the moment the goddess died, the heavenly garden began to collapse with her death. And here is just a small part of the world.

"Where are we going?" Meiji looked at this place full of ugly rocks and couldn't connect it with the realm of God.

"You have to ask Anna." Molly looked at the little girl.

"I, I think..." Anna Sue blushed when she was seen by them. She pointed to a direction and whispered, "It would be better to go here."

"Why?" Meiji asked.

"No, I don't know, I just feel..."

Little Lori's sixth sense? Meiji sighed. Should they really come to such a damn place? He took out the star compass on his body and peeked at it. Sure enough, the star compass didn't work at all in this place.

"Let's go." Molly walked in the direction Anna pointed out.

"Hey, don't you think you should think more about it?" Megji looked at her incredulously. Does she really think little Anna's sixth sense is trustworthy?

"Don't forget that in a sense, Anna is a voter of the goddess Luna," Molly looked at him lightly. "Anyway, there can't be a better choice. It's better to listen to Anna."

At this time, Greenless interrupted, "Let's go."

"Hey, do you also think..."

"I mean," Greenless looked at Meggie coldly. "If you don't want to die, just go."

Meggie was stunned and found that a group of things were approaching them. It was a group of wild dog-like creatures with four eyes on their heads, each dripping blood. Their teeth flashed with a miserable green cold light, salivating on the ground from time to time.


After Megee called out their names, she immediately ran with everyone. The messy footsteps intersect with the low roar of the hell dogs, and they chased without relaxation. The empty echoes bounced back in the passage, like demons constantly sneering behind them.

Meggie cast spells while moving, instantly opens a shadow door, sends it to the front first, and then turns around and continues to gesture. After others ran past him, he flew out with a finger and a superimposed fireball. However, the hell dogs were so agile that they jumped away one by one before the fireball spread.

Just as they continued to attack, Will and Anna's voices also sounded together. Megid quickly retreated, and Molly took his place with a big sword, temporarily blocking these terrible creatures with the turbulent sword wind.

Meggie turned her head and looked, but Anna was closing her eyes and raising her hand while singing, and a wave of light dispersed from the palm of her hand. At the same time, Will's magic also unfolded, and a shocking shout sounded, overlapping with Anna's light waves, spreading around them, covering the hell dogs who had no time to escape.

Those hell dogs all lost their vitality under the attack of magic. They were only paralyzed there, unable to move, and seemed to temporarily lose the threat.

The two children stood there uncontrolily and found that their magic worked. They couldn't help looking at each other and smiled encouraging each other, which made Meiji very jealous.

However, there is nothing we can do. Hell dogs are an unnatural creature that originally belonged to the alien world, and magic is not a great threat to them. At this time, the aggressive magic of these two children naturally works.

"Get out of here first." Molly said. After all, magic is not like magic, with direct damage. These hell dogs are just temporarily losing their combat effectiveness. Although it is possible to take this opportunity to destroy them one by one, it is really time-consuming and laborious. It's better to leave quickly.

They continued on their way.

In fact, it is impossible to distinguish the direction in this. Molly just let little Anna play her "sixth sense", which made Anna very uneasy and afraid of taking everyone to a dangerous place. Of course, the probability is very high, because in Meiji's opinion, "I can't see where it's not dangerous."

After walking some time in the alert, Greenless suddenly stopped and listened.

Molly looked at him with inquiring eyes.

"Those hell dogs have recovered." Greenless said lightly.

Mage asked worriedly, "Have they caught up?"

"No," Greenless shook his head. "They are attacking others."

"You mean," Molly narrowed her eyes, "and other people have entered this relic?"

"Well," Greenless said, "It sounds like there are still a lot of people."

Molly and Meggie looked at each other. Although they didn't know who followed them, it was not a good thing. If those people also come for the blue planet debris, then the conflict with them will be sooner or later.


Meggie looked at little Anna worriedly.

Ordinary people can't touch the blue planetary debris at all, which is why Princess Sophia must arrange Anna Sue to be in this team. Megji doesn't think there are many people like Anna who can be recognized by the will of the goddess after death.

So, for those who follow them, I'm afraid Anna is also their target.

"Don't worry about those people first," Molly whispered. "Go ahead and talk about it."

Greenless and Meggie nodded together, and Will and Anna Jr. naturally had no objection.

Along the way, there will always be a pair of eyes that appear from time to time. All kinds of strange creatures are full of all corners of the ruins, some just hide in the dark and stare at them, some try to attack them, and some even arrange magic traps created by unknown people. They only felt that every step they took was full of danger. In this sight, Death with a sickle seemed to have never taken his eyes off them.

I don't know how long it took before they came to a passage.

This is a channel full of luster, with prism crystals of various colors inlaid on the flat four walls, flashing with a strong and weak halo. Many shadow-like women floated around in the passage. During a shaking, the red light flashed and disappeared. Although no sound was heard, a helpless sadness flowed out of them, as if they were crying all the time.

"What are these?" Molly looked at the ghost women and asked Megji.

"I haven't seen anything like this in the fog girl forest," Megidge frowned, "but I think they should be the cares that my mother once mentioned. They are cursed souls. Although they are dead, they can't get peace and can only float between life and death. Any creature that touches them will be sucked dry by them, and because of their negative energy, it is difficult for anything to hurt them.

Molly nodded and looked at the two children. It seems that we can only rely on magic to deal with this kind of thing.

Will thought for a moment and said, "I can try 'Day', which is a magic technique specially used to deal with undead creatures..."

"Wait, wait." Anna suddenly shouted.

"What's wrong?" Meiji took a look at little Anna and found that there was something wrong with her appearance.

"They are... very sad." Anna stared at these ghost women with a feeling of sadness and sympathy on her face. "They have been trapped here for hundreds of years and they need help."

"Anna, how do you know?" Meiji looked at her uneaseasedly.

"I can help them." Anna walked forward slowly.

Meggie was shocked and quickly reached out to hold her. However, Molly stopped him: "Let her try."

"Are you kidding?" Meiji was angry, "They will suck her blood dry."

"Not necessarily," Molly whispered, "don't forget that she also has a blue planet fragment, which was originally the heavenly garden of the goddess Luna."

Meggie was stunned.

He watched the little girl get closer and closer to the blood-sucking ghosts, and those Carys were all looking at her hesitantly. She opened her hands, compassionate and holy, as if the former goddess had finally returned to them. A ghost woman approached Anna timidly, touched her gently, and then sighed and turned into smoke.

So, more and more Kares flew to Anna, and Anna's body seemed to be covered with a halo, and all the ghost women who approached her disappeared.

Other people were watching quietly, and this incredible picture deeply shocked their hearts. At this time, Anna was so sacred that they felt like another person. The pity from the heart, the water-like tenderness, and the confidence that purified everything and the smile that touched the heart seemed to symbolize the return of the goddess of light.

Until all the Carris disappeared, Anna Sue still stood there, quietly, quietly... smiling.

Meggie looked at her and somehow felt a sense of self-inconformity. Is this really the Anna he knows? The timid little girl who just saw her shy appearance and wanted to bully her further?

Suddenly, he thought of Anna's blue planetary debris again. Last time, by the lake, he asked Anna where the blue pebble was hidden, and Anna's answer was "eat".

At that time, because I only cared about flirting with her, I didn't ask her in detail. Later, I had been with others and forgot to find an opportunity to ask.

Did she really eat the soul fragments of the goddess?

He sighed softly.

Molly looked at him sideways: "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing," he replied sullenly, "I just figured out what was going on. The women just now are not actually Kares.

"What is that?"

"They are the souls who live here," Meiji replied. "The heavenly garden was originally the place where the goddess Luna used to shelter her believers and some good souls, but the goddess died in the last year of the dark century, and it naturally collapsed. Those just now are probably the souls who did not escape in time when the heavenly garden collapsed. They were not cursed, but forgotten. And Anna came back here with the fragments of the goddess's soul to let them rest in peace.

"What kind of rest?"

"I don't know," Meiji said silently, "but with the kindness of the goddess Luna, since she knew she would die, she would definitely arrange everything for these souls. And these just now may have stayed because they were reluctant to leave. They must have thought that the goddess would come back here. But they were disappointed. The goddess was dead, and this place has become the dot of monsters.

"Maybe they are not mistaken," Molly looked at Anna faintly. "They waited for the return of the goddess."

No, that's not the case.

Mage thought angrily. Anna is not a goddess. She just carries fragments of the goddess's soul.

She is the little Lori she likes to bully, the little girl she wants to protect... not a goddess!