Magic Dance Song

Chapter 6 Girls and "Barbarians"!

The barbarian closed the door and threw the girl to ** with a smile on his face. The girl's shoulder hit the wall, and her face turned purple with pain, but she didn't say a word. Although she wanted to be stubborn, the light of the kerosene lamp hanging in the corner reflected in her eyes, and it could still be seen that she was deeply afraid.

The barbarian staggered to the bedside, drooling with a smile, showing an extraorous and disgusting expression, and threw directly on the girl. He is originally tall, and the girl is like a helpless bird under his body. The girl couldn't escape, so she had to hold back her tears and was forced to endure the huge hairy palm to reach into her clothes.

She can't wait to die.

Her eyes were full of tears, and in a daze, she seemed to see a familiar figure appear in her eyes.

Sure enough, at this time, what I want to see most is him!

The girl shed tears.

However, although her face was covered with tears, her eyes became bigger and bigger. The figure began to draw his hands. Although the girl felt that he should just be her own hallucination, was... was this hallucination too real?

Pig the Barbarian's movements also stopped. Liselle turned his head with difficulty and saw that he was staring at the wall with a sudden extra shadow. The shadow seems to be drawing something.

After all, barbarians are a nation that has experienced many battles and immediately realized the danger. He roared, threw the girl and quickly turned around, and picked up the huge axe to split the teenager who suddenly appeared in the room.

However, the teenager's casting has been completed, and an electric light hit his heart.

The faint burning smell spread to the barbarian's nose. He subconsciously lowered his head, looked at the extra hole in his chest, and then fell down. The huge axe landed on the ground and made a loud noise.

At this time, Meiji, who looked at the girl with tears on her face, was also anxious. He didn't expect that the big guy's reaction was still so fast under the beautiful ** that his plan to solve him silently failed.

He had heard the rapid footsteps outside, and it was obvious that someone had heard Peg's roar.

If you enter the spiritual state immediately, although you can run away, Pig's body will definitely be found. Once he disturbs the enemy, next time he is afraid he will have to get the cannibal witch's stomach to save Liselle.

Liselle also knew his situation and whispered, "Go quickly... or it will be too late."

She felt very happy that she could see him before she died.

At this time, a flash in Meiji's mind. He jumped on the bed, cast a spell to hide Pig's body, and then whispered to the girl, "I'm sorry!"

He began to take off Liselle's trousers.


It wasn't long before those who heard the noise ran over and opened the door in a panic. As a result, they only saw the orc Pig kneeling bare on **, while the girl was still tied back and forced to lie in front of the barbarian like a lame puppy. Her trousers have been striped off, revealing her smooth buttocks.

"What are you doing?" The barbarians looked at them and cursed rudely, "Do you want to disturb my interest and die?"

Those people looked at each other, and one of them whispered, "We heard the sound..."

"I was bitten by this girl," the barbarian** smiled, "Spicy, I like it."

Only then did those people "understand" what had happened, followed by dirty laughter. They began to exit, but secretly left a gap and hid outside to peek. Several others climbed up the window.

This "barbarian" is of course Meiji.

He was also a little embarrassed to see those people peeping outside. If you continue, it is equivalent to QJ Liselle. If you don't continue, I'm afraid you will show your horse's feet again.

He grabbed the girl's hair, pulled her up, and slapped her two ears pretending to be revenge.

"Liselle, I'm sorry..." He whispered to her, "We must continue to play."

The girl nodded and tears flowed from her eyes again.

If it's him, it doesn't matter! She thought. As long as it's this person, anything is fine...

However, Meggie misunderstood her. He thought that although Liselle had to agree due to the situation, she would definitely feel humiliation and pain in her heart, so she shed tears.

He sighed, put down the girl's body, held her buttocks, straightened her position, and began to rub Liselle's flower valley. The crisp feeling gradually transmitted to the girl's whole body. In addition, knowing that the person behind her is actually the person she has secretly fallen in love with, a trace of sweetness surged from the bottom of her heart, and the feeling of expecting to be entered is also strengthened.

Although it must be very painful, it doesn't matter... As long as it is him, it doesn't matter.

Finally, Meji stepped back a little behind her and then slammed her.

However, the imaginary pain did not appear.

All she knew was that the "barbarians" behind her kept hitting her buttocks and cracking, but nothing entered her body.

It turns out that he doesn't like me at all...

Even if he is forced to be helpless, he won't possess me...

Liselle finally lost his voice and cried!

It seems that the whole heart has been torn apart by blood.



In fact, for Meiji, this kind of practice that can only pretend to "do" and can't really eat, why not make himself uncomfortable? After all, he is a male creature. Liselle's seductive posture and smooth white buttocks make him feel that his body is full of *.

However, the moment before entering the girl's body, he suddenly thought of Emma. At the beginning, it was because she did that kind of thing to Emma in the black crystal mine that caused almost indelible damage to her. Although Emma finally forgave him, he no longer wants to make similar mistakes.

QJ has no good end.

Therefore, he quietly used "self-deformation" to temporarily change a male characteristic.

So, the peeping guys only saw him invade the girl without mercy, and the girl cried because she lost her body, but she didn't know that he was just doing a fake phoenix.

However, Liselle's sad crying made him very depressed. He felt that he was already thinking about her. After all, there was nothing he could do to show those guys in this dangerous situation. Why couldn't she understand?

If you really want to bully her, you will have bullied her as early as the time you took her away from the battlefield.

In the back, Liselle's crying was really unbearable. He turned his head and roared at the guys: "What are you looking at? Let me kill you."

Those guys ran away quickly, and there were a few diots.

"It seems that Big Pig is going to leak."

"I lost in these few times. No wonder you want to drive us away for fear of humiliating."

"Uh-huh, even if he is big enough, he can't drink with him for a while."


Meggie jumped out of bed, closed the door heavily, and extinguished the kerosene lamp.

The room became dark, and Meiji stood there until the girl's crying slowly weakened. He added a magic of night vision to himself, and then went to the bedside and untied the rope that tied the girl's hands.

"We have to get out of here quickly," he said coldly. "We have to cry until we leave here."

He thinks she is so annoyed now.

Liselle's trousers still faded to his calf, which was more attractive and perfect under the lavender light caused by night vision. Meiji looked at her curled up on her side, as if she were a cold baby with tears on her face. Due to the angle, her shame was vaguely revealed in front of Meiji, so that he couldn't help swallowing.

Forget it. Anyway, I have saved her twice, and this time is not bad. After going out, she will fall in love with wherever she goes. Don't bother me anymore.

Mage hummed and rudely put on her trousers. Then, he opened the door, poked his head out, and pointed to one of the few people who were talking in the distance: "You, come here."

The man came over confusedly. Behind him, someone smiled secretly: "Big brother Pig can't do it anymore. He wants to find someone to help him deal with that little woman."

The man was immediately refreshed and immediately ran over. Meiji grabbed him and let him in.

"Stop, don't move." Meiji closed the door and took a few steps back.

The man was in the dark and didn't figure out what "Big Peig" wanted him to do for a moment. Suddenly, a light flashed. He only felt numb, and then fainted.

Meji turned around and saw that Liselle had also got out of bed and came over in the dark, so he also gave her night vision, and then gave her a stealth.

"Follow me." Meiji used self-deformation to transform herself into the unlucky man on the ground. Then, he cleared his throat and made the sound similar to this guy with illusion.

"Follow me closely." He reminded again.

"Hmm." The girl responded gently, with a low voice and heartbreaking sadness.

Meji opened the door and took the lead to walk out. When the girl came out, she closed the door tightly and secretly sealed the door with a magic. Then he walked out with the invisible Liselle.

When passing by those people, someone asked, "Why did you come out?" Are you so bad?"

"Even if it's not good, is it too fast?" Another shook his head, "You won't even take off your trousers, will you?"

"You are so fucking useless!" Meiji deliberately complained. He looked back timidly and whispered to the guys, "I secretly tell you, don't tell Boss Pig. Unexpectedly, the girl looked very pure on the surface. In fact, she was a **. The boss couldn't do it after a few times. As a result, she complained to death.

"Then why do you go in?"

"He wants me to find a magician and ask for some powerful medicine." Meiji smiled and said, "You know, many magic guys will bring some strange medicine on their bodies. Do you want it? I'll also help you order it."

"Bah," the man spit, "the ghost knows what strange their medicine is made of, and we are not so soft."

Seeing that they had no doubt, Meiji continued to move forward. He didn't dare to walk too fast for fear that the invisible girl would not harmonize with his pace and make a sound.

After being away from those people, Meiji carefully grabbed Liselle's hand. Her hands are cold.

They passed through several passages, and Megid walked along the periphery of the building as much as possible for fear of being discovered by the magicians who manipulated the giant teleport array.

In the end, they came out of a big pit.

It's almost dawn, and Megji is a little nervous.

"Hight." Someone saw that he was about to walk towards Shajiao Mountain and asked, "Where are you going?"

Meggie was about to make up a lie, but a sharp look flashed in the dark under the pit. He turned his head and saw that Black Annes had just passed by, and the huge eyes on his face were sweeping over...

Meggie grabbed Liselle and ran away.

A shadow door opened in front of them, and the Black Annes stepped out and let out a strange sneer. Meiji knew that she must not stop her and quickly cast spells. The cannibal witch immediately stretched out a pile of vines under her feet to catch her. However, she has changed her figure and moved away by more than ten meters.

Her dry hands began to scratch, and cold airflow appeared around her. However, before her witchcraft was completed, a little girl suddenly jumped into the sky and split her with a huge sickle. She laughed strangely and was ready to move again... But her strange smile soon turned into a miserable smile...

A skeleton came out of the sand, pulled her feet, and turned into black silk to wrap around her. Before she broke free, Megi's casting was completed again. A beam of light hit her body, breaking all her protections and making her body numb like an electric shock, unable to concentrate on witchcraft.

The skeleton exploded, and the cannibal witch's whole body was bloody, and Zhina jumped into the air with a sickle and cut off her head at once.

This Black Annes had a witchcraft. Under the cooperation of Emma, Meiji and Zhina, who were hiding in the dark, she was killed in seconds without even room to fight back.

However, other enemies around him have also found abnormality and rushed over.

But Meggie himself was also a little surprised. Didn't he say that there was a little witch watching around here? How did Emma and Zhi dive so close?

But it's not the time to think about this, Megie rushed forward with Liselle.

A horse ran between the sand mountains and turned around in front of them. Before Liselle could see the appearance of the tall woman riding on the horse, the woman had disappeared.

"Go up." Megie grabbed Liselle, let her get on the horse, and jumped behind her.

Liselle pulled the rein and rushed out of the mountain. Meiji saw several half-human and half-animal monster bodies fall where they passed by. Obviously, Emma secretly solved these El. However, the enemy riding the horse has followed closely, and there are even a few devil wolves moving as fast as the wind.

"Just rush forward." Meggie shouted to Liselle and turned back.

He saw that the vampire girl had rushed out of the dark, jumped behind a horse-riding enemy, and instantly bit the artery on his neck and drained the enemy's blood. The pursuers immediately became riotous and tried to besiege the vampire girls. However, Emma's ability, which had completed the blood dancer ceremony, was already terrible. The bone whip flashed like lightning, and the enemies immediately fell down.

Zhi Na, who turned into a bat, also caught up with him, fell to the ground, and split a magic wolf in half.

However, dawn has begun to appear in the east, and the morning light has begun to shine through the rose-colored clouds.

The vampire girl retreated the enemy who besieged her, grabbed Zhina and swept forward. Although the reflection of the sand mountain still covers them, the sun on the edge of the desert rises too fast, and the sun chases behind them.

"Meggie." Emma called out.

At this time, Meji had stopped Liselle and quickly jumped off the horse. He drew his hands, and the passage to the different dimension space appeared in front of him like a black vortex. Emma jumped in with Zhina.

The morning sun shone on his face, making him look more calm and calm.

He looked at the enemies who continued to chase, took a deep breath and looked forward with concentration. The lock laid last night appeared in his eyes like countless light strips. He gently touched his fingertips and played strings to trigger the nodes in the magic matrix.

The sand mountain in front of me suddenly burst into a loud noise, rushing down like an irresistible tide, drowning those enemies...