Magic Dance Song

Chapter 8 Invasion, the Crisis of the Kingdom!

Bincheng, like Fei'an, is a famous coastal port city.

Although the sea ban of the royal court and the church has caused heavy damage to the city's commercial activities, the kingdom is now in chaos and civil strife has broke out. The lords of the mainland are fighting to expand their territory, and no one has paid attention to the implementation of the sea ban.

What's more, the purpose of the sea ban is to suppress the dark prince Panqi, who has given up Pingxia Island and began to take the three northern counties as the foundation to take advantage of the civilian dissatisfaction with the corrupt aristocracy to continuously expand his territory. The existence of the sea ban is meaningless.

Therefore, in the face of huge commercial interests, Lord Horn of Bincheng not only repealed the sea ban, but also announced his separation from the Fair Kingdom with the intention of joining the neighboring New Asia Business Association. After discussion, the parliament of New Asia temporarily shelved the question of whether to agree to Bincheng to join New Asia for political reasons, but secretly became closer to Bincheng. Even some prestigious legislators shouted that they would send troops to "guarantee the right of Bincheng people to choose freedom" if necessary. .

Because Bincheng's strategic value in the infighting of the Fair Kingdom is not high, many nobles only verbally warned Bincheng's intention to leave the kingdom. In this case, the businessmen of Bincheng have begun to dream, and Lord Horn is more active to travel between Xinya and Bincheng from time to time. After all, although his personal property is extremely large, in the kingdom of Fair, which has a strict hierarchy, he is still just a low-level nobleman who has obtained a lordhood by buying church members and making large donations. He has no status to speak of. If he can take Bincheng into New Asia, which is controlled by businessmen. Naturally, the identity of the country will be very different.

However, just as Lord Horn and the businessmen in Bincheng were dreaming, the war came to them without any warning. Overnight, hundreds of warships approached the defenseless coastal city. Bincheng's militia hurriedly organized and tried to resist, but a terrible two-headed flying dragon fell in front of them with darkness and ice, directly destroying their fighting spirit with fear. Countless enemies have landed on the coast. Among these enemies are humans, night elves, and many monsters that ordinary people have never heard of...

Not only Bincheng, but also many coastal cities, including Fei'an, fell under the sudden attack of the army. Even no one can figure out how these enemies bypassed a large area of the sea and silently approached the sea near the Kingdom of Fair.

Xinya, which originally had been associated with Bincheng, completely lost its voice. Some Bincheng merchants who fled to Xinya were originally holding the idea of sending troops to save their homes. However, the legislators of Xinya quickly held a meeting and issued a statement that Bincheng was still the territory of the Kingdom of Fair, and Xinya had no obligation to People in other people's territory sacrificed their own soldiers.

Although the Fair Kingdom, which was already in chaos, was shocked by the aggression from Sri, it was difficult to organize a decent resistance. What's more, there is a shadow blood dragon in Sier's army!

What's worse, there is news that the orcs in the cold hills have gathered an army again to provoke trouble at the northern end of the Fair Kingdom.

In the eyes of many people, the Fair Kingdom is over.

For Princess Sophia and Count Flainn of White Sand Castle, the fall of the southern port or the Orcs in the north are not what they care about now. More urgent than those, it was the news that Meggie suddenly brought back.

General Drayton set up a large-scale long-range transmission array on the edge of the desert and will send troops to invade Dilu County.

Everything is over! This was the only thought in Princess Sophia's mind at that time.


Although it is still early in the morning, the White Sands Castle is already busy.

When Sophia hurried into the combat conference room, others were already waiting for her.

At such an important time, she overslept, which made it difficult for Sophia to forgive herself.

It's all caused by that guy... She can only complain like this.

In addition to General Leot and Count Flainn, there were several generals in the army, including Boruid, the newly established head of the Knights of the Wind, which was originally used to resist sand thieves. In addition, there is a slender and beautiful water elf.

After simple etiquette, people began to return to their positions.

"When did you arrive?" Sophia asked the beautiful elf in a low voice.

"Last night." The elves of water looked at the scars on the princess's face through the black veil. "I wanted to see you directly, but General Leot asked me to rest first and get ready to attend this meeting."

Suffia nodded slightly, and couldn't help but be glad that she didn't run to find herself in the middle of the night... It would be really humiliating if she saw Meggie in her room and let herself make such a posture.

"It's good that I didn't go." The wind winked at her.

Then, Sophia immediately remembered that she was a prophet... Her face immediately became hot.

The meeting began soon, and General Leot introduced the current situation to everyone in a low voice.

"The news brought back by Meji has been confirmed. Our detectives have found enemies in three places: Shajiao Mountain, Xiangsha Bay and Behesha Corridor respectively. They are already approaching the Guai'ai gate." General Dulang unfolded the map. "Now, the biggest problem is that most of our own army is still gathered on the east and north sides and can't return in time. If the enemy attacks the Gu'ai's entrance immediately, our defense forces may not be able to stop them."

Mr. Ferrerne snorted: "You're not smart."

Leot had to smile bitterly.

According to the previous military distribution of Dilu County, the main military strength was concentrated in the two places of Baisha Fort and Gu'an Fortress near Guai'ai to deal with sand thieves. Now, because General Leot's tactics against sand thieves with elite cavalry have been effective, and the battle to annihilate the blood wolves has made other sand thieves afraid to approach the Guai Gap, which allows them to transfer most of their military forces to the interior to prevent the threat of the dark prince in the northeast and the expansion of civil strife.

The result is that when the Guaipass was threatened, the army did not have time to be transferred back for a while. Of course, because no one would have thought that he would cross the desert and suddenly attack the county law. Everyone here has a limited understanding of Si. They only know that there is chaos. How could anyone have thought that it would take about ten years to unify the place of death and directly invade the Kingdom of Phil?

In the original cognition, there should be no other threat at the Guaipass except for sand thieves, which is why Leot dares to safely leave the Knights of the Wind and more than 1,000 soldiers in the Gull Fortress, and everyone else is mobilized to the north and east sides.

Of course, Count Ferrane also knew that General Leot was not surprised by this situation, but with his temperament, he was used to picking as soon as he opened his mouth.

"What should I do now?" He hummed. Due to the terrain, it is mainly the infantry who are transferred to defend against civil strife, and it is difficult to get back in time. And there are as many cavalry left in the Gull Fortress as there are infantry.

General Dulang said solemnly, "First of all, I have sent people to write letters to the surrounding counties, telling them that Dilu County is under attack and asking them to send troops to rescue."

"This is too much!" The Count of Ferrane snorted again.

"Auncle!" Even Princess Sophia couldn't help whispering to the count in a complaining tone.

"Those bastards will help us to have ghosts." The count muttered and stopped interrupting Leot's words.

"Of course, we can't expect them to send troops." General Leot said coldly, "I just told them that if Dilu County falls, they will be next. The ports in the south have been lost one after another, and the enemy has come from the desert. I don't expect those idiots to know how to put down local interests and resist aggression together. I just hope they don't take the opportunity to drag us down.

Princes Sophia whispered, "At this time, they shouldn't be?"

"It's hard to say," Count Ferrane said lightly, "I don't expect the IQ of those bastards anymore, and they are no different from mice that make holes everywhere."

The princess smiled bitterly.

General Leot was too lazy to look at the count and continued: "The specific number and configuration of the enemy are not clear, and we need to try to figure this out as soon as possible. In addition, I'm afraid that we will concentrate all the current available troops on the Guai pass and fight a hard battle with the enemy until our main force comes back.

Everyone was silent.

An officer at the meeting couldn't help asking, "Why don't you retreat to the Gull Fortress and use the fortress to block the enemy?"

This is also a common doubt of others.

"If you retreat immediately, the enemy will bypass the fortress and attack the White Sand Castle. With our current strength, we can't defend these two places at the same time. General Dulang's eyes became cold. "The Gull Fortress and the White Sand Fort can't be lost. Only by defending these two places can we force the enemy to take the initiative to attack the fortress. As long as one of them is lost, the enemy can only send some troops to trap the other, so that we can run out of food by ourselves, and the main force can penetrate into the territory of the kingdom. . Don't forget that the enemy has a large-scale teleportation array. If we just delay the war and wait until the enemy in the south goes deep inland, we will no longer have a chance to resist.

"So..." the princess whispered.

"We must completely repel the enemies from the desert until we destroy their transmission array." Leot said lightly, "In this way, we will have a chance to turn around and stabilize our position and wait for the enemies in the south."

"Why do you think that the army in the south will go north to us instead of encroaching on several provinces and counties in the south?" Count Felain asked.

"The enemy has a big appetite!" On the map, General Dulang drew a line from the Guai pass to the inland, and then drew a line from the south, crossing near Glusidia...

Princess Sophia whispered, "Do they want to directly cut the southwest corner of the kingdom?"

Leot was silent.

This is really possible under a large-scale invasion that is completely unexpected by everyone. The kingdom was in a mess, and it was really possible to swallow the whole southwest before those lords really realized their danger and were forced to resist together. At that time, Xinya, who has been sandwiched in the center, will be even more afraid to move, and if the Orc army goes south again, none of the whole Fair Kingdom will be safe.

"The south is the main strategic goal at present," General Dulang continued, "this is also the reason why Shadow Blood Dragon is currently appearing in the south. We should be glad that Meji made more or less prepared because Meji let us know in advance about the attack on Dilu County. However, we still need to temporarily stop the enemy at the Guai passed for a few days, and what we can use now is mainly the Knights of the Wind. Instead of letting the cavalry defend the fortress and fortress, it is better to hold directly at the Guai gate. In addition, I think that because we have learned about the attack plan, the enemy will also be forced to advance the attack. They may not be well prepared, so we have a great chance to guard the Guai's entrance for the time being.

Although this is the case, with more than 3,000 people fighting with the enemy in the relatively weak defense of Guai, many people still feel less confident. Moreover, once it is defeated, it is likely that the Gull Fortress and the White Sand Castle will be handed over directly to the enemy. If you retreat at the beginning, you can at least hold one of them.

This decision is too risky.

Sofia just glanced at everyone here and stood up: "That's it."

The others also stood up quickly.

"Also," Sophia said solemnly, "I hope that everyone sitting here will remember that from now on, General Leot is the supreme commander of this war, and everyone must obey his orders unconditionally, even me."

"I understand." Several officers answered at the same time.

Next, General Leot began to assign personnel. After the meeting, the others began to leave, leaving only the princess, the wind, General Leot and the Count of Ferien. When Leot assigned the task just now, the old man didn't say anything more. As soon as others left, he immediately began to complain.

"Why do I have to stay here," he stared at General Wolver. "Are you bullying me and thinking that I can't go to the battlefield? I'll tell you..."

General Leot is too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Auncle," the princess sighed, "Leot is also for the sake of the overall situation..."

"Suffia stayed in the White Sand Castle, and I went to the fortress..." The Count of Ferien continued to look at the lone Wolf General. If the Guai entrance cannot be defended, the Gull Fortress will be directly surrounded by the enemy. In comparison, the White Sand Castle is undoubtedly much safer.

General Lone Wolf just glanced at the count indifferently, did not change his mind at all, and did not bother to explain.

"Auncle, don't worry, I'll be fine." Sophia said in a low voice.

The count looked at her uneasily and finally had to hum. Then, he began to look at the wind next to him: "Who is this girl?"

"She is a wind, and she has learned prophecy from Mr. Uno..."

"Someone will learn that deceptive thing?" The old man snorted, "There are really many fools."

Suffia had to smile bitterly, but the wind blinked playfully.
