Magic Dance Song

Chapter 3 Sara and the God of War!

Although the room is full of spring, the roar outside from time to time still reminds them that the war is still going on.

"I want to tell you something." The wind hid in Meiji's arms.

"What's the matter?"

The wind hesitated for a moment: "It's about that... vampire!"

"Ema?" Meiji looked down at the wind's eyes, but saw deep fear in her eyes. Although vampires and elves are inherently hostile, now she and Emma are working for Sophia. Is it necessary for her to worry like this?

Liselle didn't quite understand what they were saying, but just lay quietly on their side.

"Listen to me," the water elf said softly, "You are with her..."

Before she finished speaking, there was a sudden noise outside, as if there was something that made everyone nervous. The galloping horseshoe sound of the knight and the urgent call of the soldiers made the wind and Meiji look at each other inexplicably.

The elf closed his eyes and began to perceive what was happening outside with prophecy. Prophecy has great uncertainty about the future, but it is easier to know what has happened under the deliberate exploration of the prophet.

"What's wrong?" Meiji asked. Just hearing the abnormal movement outside, he knew that something bad must have happened, so he quickly sat up and put on his clothes.

"The city wall is going to be broken!" The wind suddenly opened its eyes.

"This is impossible!" Meiji was shocked. Although everyone is not sure whether they can really defend the Gull Fortress in the end, it is incredible to be captured so quickly. The walls of the fortress are very strong. Even if it is used to dig tunnels and bury crystals when the Dark Prince attacked the royal city, it is difficult to blow it out of the gap. Last night, the enemy was even fighting for the long slope in front of the fortress.

However, when they hurried over, they found that the situation was really not optimistic. There are still many corpses left on the slope, which are obviously the soldiers of both sides who died in the offensive and defensive battle last night. The enemy's trenches have been further advanced. It is reasonable that now the enemy should use ladders and magic to seize the city wall and use siege wood to attack the gate. In order to defend the wall, a large amount of asphalt and stones have been prepared on the wall of the fortress, and the archers are neatly arranged on the wall waiting for the attack of the army.

But now, the enemy did not attack, but gathered in the distance like an ant colony. However, the wall close to the gate inexplicably produced cracks, which became bigger and bigger. Meiji looked carefully and noticed that many green vines were drilled out of these cracks. These plants that suddenly drilled from under the wall had magical power, tearing a solid wall more than 20 meters wide and more than 100 meters long into broken stones like soft sand.

A boulder flew over under the action of a catapult and hit the city wall. The city wall fell down with a roar. The enemies in the distance shouted excitedly, while the defenders in the fortress could only look pale.

How on earth did the enemy do it? Meiji stayed there.

not far from him, the priests and magicians tried their best to summon flames to burn the plants drilled from under the wall, but those plants were still growing. They suspected that this was the effect of some kind of magic or magic, so they tried to use large magic to shield the boundary for interference, but it was still useless.

Mage looked at the plants that were still destroying the city wall and only felt her scalp numb. He didn't see any traces of magic on these plants, but they did what even the other magicians couldn't do.

"Only Drui can do this," the little fairy flew out of nowhere. "This is a plant called Saro that only Drui can cultivate. Someone must have managed to bury the seeds of sarot there. It grows very fast. As long as it is a wet place, a few seeds can grow densely. When this plant grows, its extremely strong vitality can even drill out of pig iron, but although they grow very quickly and wither quickly, it is equivalent to burst out the vitality of other plants that have survived for decades or even hundreds of years in an instant, and then die.

Meggie saw the sand branches that came out and soon withered. However, the wall has been completely destroyed, as if it were just a pile of gravel together.

"But the land here is not wet, why..." He stopped.

Although according to the little fairy, only sand can grow in wet places, and because the fortress is close to the desert, the soil here is extremely dry. Shaluo should not have grown so easily. However, he remembered one thing... In order to prevent the other party from using sandworms to quietly dig out tunnels under the wall, they have to pour water into the ground every day.

A few more boulders flew in, and then the wall completely collapsed with a roar.



Suffia also rushed over. She didn't have enough sleep these days. Even through the black veil, she could easily see the haggardness on her face. She stood on the high platform used as a look and looked at the enemy who began to advance in the distance. The dawn had just arrived, and the sun shone coldly from the side of the cliff, making the buildings in the whole fortress seem to be cut into countless pieces by morning light and reflection.

The knights gathered under the high platform, and the soldiers blocked the gap in the wall and waited for the enemy's attack. Priests who can still use magic are summoned to support auxiliary magic for these knights.

The enemy's horn has sounded.

The gate opened, and hundreds of knights rushed out and rushed down the slope. What they need to do is to disrupt the enemy's formation and cause a certain impact on the enemy. No matter how strong the city is, it is difficult to hold on with simple defense. Using cavalry to protrude and puncture from time to time, making it impossible for the enemy to attack the city wall in a breath. These are all things that must be done in defensive warfare.

At the Guai pass, the lone wolf general Leot also often let the Wind Knights attack from the pass, causing chaos to the enemy attacking the pass and then quickly retreating, forcing the enemy to retreat from time to time to reorganize.

At the forefront is a purple star knight. In the Fair Kingdom, knights are not uncommon, but there are relatively few higher-level red star knights. And only those who have made achievements through absolutely strict trials are eligible to be awarded the glory of the Purple Star badge. In Dilu County, only a dozen of them can become Purple Star knights, all of whom are elites among knights.

Of course, the Purple Star Knight is not the highest honor of knights. There are also paladins above them, and there are only a few paladins who can be can be canonized as kings and cardinals at the same time, and can use magic at the same time. . Although Dilu County has much more cavalry than other provinces and counties because it often fights with sand thieves, there are no paladins.

The leading knight is called Swift. He has been taking the knight course since he was a child and has withstood the most cruel test. Although he has become a Purple Knight, his goal is more than that.

He aspires to become a paladin and believes that he will do it sooner or later.

He pulled out his sword and shouted loudly. The morning sun shines on the tip of his sword. Before that, he had led the cavalry many times and completed the task perfectly each time.

He believes that there will be no exception this time.

The enemy array suddenly dispersed, and nearly 100 female knights with spears lined up. The leader is a tall woman with a steel hoop on her head and a dark yellow lock armor. The female knights rose neatly and then rushed towards Swift and his knights.


The Purple Knight has some accidents. He did hear that there was a group of Amazong female soldiers in Sr's army, who not only fought bravely but also could use some magic. However, the Purple Star Knight has never encountered it in the previous shocks, and deep in his heart, he does not believe how strong the team made of women can be. Just like the rose knights who nominally belong to the Knights of the Temple, some of them may indeed be excellent, but in general, they still lack combat experience and look delicate, and often can only be used as vases to guard around some noble ladies who do not need to be protected at all.

What's more, it was the young magician named Meji who brought back the news that the enemy had a team of powerful female warriors. Although Swift disagrees with some of the teenager's habits, he has to admit that some of his deeds deserve his respect.

But he is just a magician, a magician. How can he really tell the strength of the warrior? It is said that these female warriors of Amamazong can be temporarily immune to magic with magic. Obviously, their ability is fatal to magicians.

But this doesn't mean that their fighting level is really terrible!

Swift bravely rushed to the enemy with the knight behind him. They are approaching those female soldiers quickly.

"Be careful of their javelin!" He reminded loudly. Except for the tall woman led by him, other Amazong female soldiers not only held spears, but also equipped with a javelin. They pressed the spear on the horse with their left hand and raised the javelin high above their heads with their right hand.

Although reminding his comrades-in-arms behind him, Swift was actually not too worried. They rushed down the slope faster and had a greater impact on the enemy. And they even have an advantage in terms of numbers. As long as they avoid their javelin throwing, they can rush in before they pick up their spears, so that they don't even have a chance to resist.

Although it is against chivalry to slaughter women, it is on the battlefield.

At this time, he saw that the female soldiers riding on horses had shouted in unison and thrown the javelin in their hands at them.

It's too far! This is his direct reaction. Even a strong man can't stab them at such a distance. These javelin will only fall on the open space between them and each other...

However, to his surprise, those javelins were like lightning, not only fierce but also flying incredibly fast. The sharp sound of breaking the air with a straight trembling sound was instantly throwing in front of the Purple Knight. Years of training made the Purple Knight react much faster than others. He shouted, slammed his sword, and directly shot the javelin that stabbed him. However, the knights behind him fell off their horses one after another, and their bodies were marked transparent.

The Purple Knight did not expect the strength of these female warriors to be so amazing, but now it is too late to retreat. And he still believes that although these women are much stronger than he thought at the beginning, and they lost dozens of companions before contact, it is still not enough for them to resist the impact of themselves and other knights.

The Purple Knight saw that the leading tall woman had clung to the spear and greeted him. He smiled coldly in his heart, and the fast-moving horse made the wind roll down in his ear. He stared at the tip of the female soldier's spear without any hesitation.

The two approached quickly, and the spear of the female leader of Amazong suddenly hit the Purple Knight. The Purple Star Knight just calmly and flexibly adjusted the gravity and tilted his body and horse to the left at that moment.

The spear stabbed in the air.

The Purple Star Knight is not very excited. He has a strong confidence in his ability, and the stabbing of the other party is not something to him to be proud of. He clenched his sword and prepared to cut off her waist when their bodies staggered.

There will not be too many tricks on the battlefield, and life and death are often determined in an instant.

He understands this deeply.

Therefore, he will not hesitate to wave this sword and cut off the other party's life.

However, at the moment he waved his sword, his movements suddenly stopped. The two horses passed by, but the female leader of the Ama clan did not even glance at him. Not only her, but also other female warriors, as if in their hearts, as long as they are enemies who have fought with their leaders, they no longer need to pay attention...

They are just like fierce and terrible female tigers, killing the others behind him!

The horse's speed is getting slower and slower until it stops, and the sword suddenly seems to be as heavy as a boulder. The Purple Star Knight lowered his head in a daze and looked at the wound that had somehow appeared on his body, from which blood was shooting out.

Obviously, she has avoided her stabbing...

This is his last question before he dies!
