Magic Dance Song

Chapter 4 psychedelic powder--

"I heard that you have made some new friends?" Alina sat by the bed and combed her hair for the lemon lying on her lap.

It's just some little kids! The shade lemon thought. She said, "Sister Anna was afraid that I would be bored and asked me to play with them. They were all very good and took me to eat cake."

"Is it Lianjia and Barr?" Alina asked, "Anna also often brings them home to play. They are not bad children. However, you are not allowed to follow them..."

"I won't steal from them?" The lemon hugged Alicena's waist.

"Do you know they often steal?"

"Only Sister Anna doesn't know, right?" The lemon said amusedly. Anna always thinks of others in a good way. Although she knows that her friends often wander on the street, she can't imagine that they are stealing. However, as Alina said, these children are either orphans or so poor that no one can take care of them. There is nothing they can do.

"Alina," asked Meng, "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Didn't you insist on sleeping with Anna yesterday?"

"One day I slept with Sister Anna, and one day I slept with Alice Na," theemon smiled very harmlessly and said childishly, "I like both of you!"

"Luckily, you are not a boy." Alina smiled.

"If I were a boy," Meng sat up and put her arms around Alicena's neck. "I must let both be my lovers so that I can still sleep with you."

"Nonsense." Alina touched her head funnyly, "How do you know what a lover is when you are so young?"

"If two people like each other, can't they be lovers?" Meng looked at Alina and said, "I like Alina very much. Does Alina like me or not?"

"I like it too..."

"Then we are lovers." With a strong force, she immediately threw the defenseless Alina down on **. She rubbed and rubbed on Alina's chest and felt very comfortable.

"You girl!" Alina hugged her gently, but couldn't help sighing, "It's not that simple. Sometimes, even if you don't like a person, you will have to marry him and live a lonely life with that person..."

The lemon was stunned. She looked up at Alina: "Alina, what's on your mind?"

"Nothing." Alina smiled reluctantly.

That night, Alina didn't seem to sleep well. When she woke up several times, she saw her open her eyes lonelyly. Although she wanted to share her worries, Meng also knew that she would not tell a little girl what she was worried about. Moreover, even if the lemon turns back to "Meji", it is useless. Alina doesn't know Meji at all. She has heard Anna mention it several times at most.


The lemon hugged her heartbrokenly.

When theemon opened her eyes in a daze from her sleep, it was already dawn.

Alina also got up a long time ago.

After getting up, she came to Anna's room and saw Anna wearing cute bear pajamas and looking out of the window.

"Sister Anna, what are you looking at?" The shade lemon climbed to ** and looked out of the window.

Anna's window is facing the atrium, where a luxurious carriage is parked.

In front of the carriage, Alina was standing there with a young man. He was a handsome young man with neat and dark hair, and her black dress was gorgeous and dazzling in the morning sun. He talked to Alicena seemingly intimately, and the locust stick simply hung on his wrist.

I don't know why, although there is no problem with this person on the surface, Meng feels uncomfortable in his heart. She didn't know whether it was because she didn't like to see Alina with other men or for another reason.

At this moment, she saw that the young man was turning her eyes. Subconsciously, she immediately withdrew her head and leaned her back against the wall, only feeling that her body was a little cold.

This is a strange feeling, as if as long as she is glanced at by that person, her disguise will be exposed immediately. By the time she quietly looked at it again, the young man had helped Alina into the carriage.

The carriage quickly drove away from the yard.

"Who is that person?" She asked Anna.

"He is Mr. Yu Ruohan," Anna replied. "I have only seen him a few times. I heard that he is the adopted son of Senator Guido Monte."

"Is it as cold as rain?" Meng opened her eyes wide, "Why is his name so strange?"

"He doesn't seem to have been born on this continent," Anna told him. "Some people say that he is from the easternmost continent of Aaron, which is a completely different place from ours."

"He is very familiar with Alina?"

"I don't know." Anna shook her head, "But Senator Monte has business dealings with Mihara."

Is that right? The lemon is thinking.

From the dialogue between the vampire and the night elf from the hot deer collection, you can judge what someone wants to plan for Alina. However, that kind of dialogue is too empty to get detailed information from it.

It seems necessary to conduct some detailed investigations.

"That's right," Meng Meng thought of something, "Sister Anna, has there been a circus from Fair here in the past few months? There is a cute little bear in the circus who can do arithmetic... Well, maybe it's not a bear, but an eagle, a tiger or something..."

"Actually, that little bear was changed. Her name is Qi Ya." Anna Sue told her, "There is not even an animal in that circus. The bears and lions that take turns to come to power are actually transformed by her alone."

"Have you seen her?" The lemon looked at Anna in surprise.

"Well," Anna nodded, "Ziya is a good friend of Brother Meji. They have grown up together since childhood. When I was at Fair, I met Zia several times, and later when I saw her in Katisya, I couldn't believe my eyes. During that time, I played with her every day and talked a lot..."

"What did you talk about?" The yin lemon asked.

Anna blushed: "It's all about Brother Meiji when he was a child. I haven't heard anything about Brother Meiji before. She said that Brother Meiji was very playful when he was a child and always wanted to take off her trousers. As a result, he was beaten to the tree by her every time. He also said that she used to be Joshua's bride, but now Joshua doesn't want her. She has become the bride of Brother Meggie..."

This, these two little girl...

Yinmeng felt that she seemed to be sweating on her forehead.

"When she was at the White Sand Castle, Zia wanted to ask Brother Meiji to come to Xinya with her, but Brother Meiji refused, which made her very sad." Anna sighed, "If only Brother Meiji had been willing to come at that time, so that I could have seen him earlier."

"I think he must also want to see you earlier." The lemon also sighed with her. At this moment, she really wants to tell her that she is her brother Megsy, but if she does that, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for Alina.

She asked again, "So where is Ziya now?"

"She followed the circus to tour several cities by the sea. I think it won't be long before they return to Katisya."

That's it...

The shade lemon meditated.

According to the development of the situation, I'm afraid that Si will soon attack Xinya. However, looking at the current appearance of Katisya City, I'm afraid there is no sense of crisis at all. She is also worried about letting Qi Ya run around with others like this. When she sees Qi Ya, it's better to take her by her side.

Anna and Meng came to the door of the pharmacy hand in hand, but found that Lian Jia and other children had been waiting there for a long time.

"Good sister!" They stood together and shouted neatly to the shade lemon.

Anna looked at them confusedly.

"They came to play with me," Meng pushed Anna into the pharmacy. "Sister Anna, do her own business. I'll go to play with them."

"Come back early." Anna told uneasily.

"Hmm!" Meng waved to him and left with them.

came to a secluded place. She clicked on the number of people, but found that one person was missing.

"Where's Barr?" She asked with a black face. The first time I gathered these little kids together and wanted them to do something, but someone dared to be late for me?

"There's something wrong with Barr's family," Xue Qiner explained in a low voice. "His father is dead."

The lemon was stunned: "What's going on?"

"I heard that he took drugs," he said uncomily. "Bar's family was originally very rich, but later his father took drugs and became poor."

"Drugs? You mean*?!" The shade lemon asked.

Add a nod.

So that's it! The shade lemon thought.

Whether it is the Fair Kingdom or New Asia, * is contraband. However, because in the Kingdom of Fair, commerce is not developed and goods are not well circulated. In addition, the church is very strict on smuggling. * It is not only rare, but also expensive. Poor people can't afford it. Although the aristocracy is corrupt, they pay much more attention to dignity and image than other classes, and have a meticulous lifestyle. Therefore, * is basically difficult to see in the Kingdom of Fair.

In New Asia, although the sale* is also an extremely serious crime, it is relatively difficult to prohibit it in this country that was originally developed by a business alliance. The profiteering brought by smuggling and the mercenary nature of merchants make * repeatedly banned in private. Coupled with the relatively cumbersome legal procedures in New Asia, as long as they are not caught in the current situation, even if they know that someone is a drug leader, it is difficult to convict him. Unlike the Fair Kingdom, which often only relies on some clues, it can Directly sentenced by a lord or bishop with judicial power.

Of course, everything is good and bad. Although in New Asia, people may not have much way to know that a person is a villain, in general, the vitality of those cities in New Asia is far less than those dead castles and manors in the interior of Fair. In parallel. If you have to choose a place to live, the lemon will definitely choose Xinya.

Of course, coastal cities such as Fe'an and Bincheng, although they belong to the Kingdom of Fair, but are deeply affected by New Asia are another matter. When she and Molly, Greenless and others were in Fei'an, the local lords and officials did nothing because of the pirates of Parnqi's continuous attacks on fishing boats, which aroused the dissatisfaction of fishermen and led to a series of demonstrations and *, while the local militias only tried to maintain law and order. Such a situation is unimaginable in the north of Fair. For those nobles with absolute power, such "mobuses" who dare to gather together to protest must be sent to prison first, even if they are not executed.

This is also the reason why after the southern part of Fell was invaded by Si, the northern nobles preferred to accept peace talks than send troops to help the royal family recover the south. In the eyes of those nobles who worked hard to maintain the "traditional", the social order in the south had long been hopeless.

Since knowing the reason why Barr didn't appear, the lemon was not so angry.

She thought for a moment and said, "I wanted you to do something for me, but today, let's go to see Barr together."

Lian Jia nodded quickly. As a good friend, he also hoped to be by Barr's side at this time.

They came together to the place where Barr lived, which was a dilapidated neighborhood full of sewage and garbage. No matter what kind of system, it seems that there will always be people living such a poor life.

A group of spectators were surrounding the door of Barr's house. Xue Qiner and other children stayed outside and drilled in through the seams with yin lemons.

"Bar." Lian Jia whispered to his companion standing at the door of the room.

Bar also saw them, but didn't say anything.

Inmon came to him, patted him on the shoulder, and didn't know what to say. You can't tell him that "death is the starting point of another journey of life" at this time, which comes from the religious view of the Druid priest, right?

She looked into the room, where there was a crying woman, who was obviously Barr's mother. In addition, there is a doctor and a sheriff who examines **'s body, which is actually just a routine to rule out the possibility of murder.

Through the gap between them, the lemon saw ** the face of the dead man.

His face is extremely thin, which is obviously the result of long-term attraction to drugs. However, what she really cares about is his eyes. His eyes were wide open, but if you look carefully, you will find that there are no eyeballs in it at all, but only a white full of blood. In addition, his face was also distorted to make people feel strange, as if he had seen some terrible demons.

After the examination, the doctor stood up and said to the security officer, "It is indeed a side effect caused by excessive smoking."

"Don't you think he looks a little strange?" The security officer looked at the deceased's face.

"Well, more people have died than ever before." The doctor said, "During this period, a batch of very cheap * flowed into the underground market. I don't know what impurities were mixed in it, resulting in an increase in the number of deaths, and many of them are the same as this person. They can't see eyeballs in their eyes and have strange expressions."

The security officer frowned: "It's like seeing something terrible."

"* would have hallucinations." The doctor said, "I heard that Congressman Copassant has proposed in Parliament to build a large number of drug rehabilitation centers and send people who take * into compulsory detoxification..."

"What's the use?" The security officer snorted, "I'm afraid that those proposals will not be settled after three years of quarrels. Besides, if you force drug addicts to detoxify, those so-called human rights activists will scream again. I still remember how Senator Montt shouted in Parliament last time. What did he say... Suction* is the autonomy and freedom of citizens? Damn it, why didn't he eat it himself?

"If he doesn't do well, he just eats his brain." The doctor was obviously very dissatisfied with Senator Monte.

Since it was confirmed that Barr's father's death had nothing to do with the murder, the sheriff and the doctor soon left.

Lenga was with Barr all day, but the lemon soon left. After all, she hasn't known these little ghosts for a few days, and she is not emotionally good enough to accompany them to watch the dead.

She left with Xue Qiner.