Magic Dance Song

Chapter 12 Laugh again? If you laugh again, I will eat you!

When entering the dirty room, Meiji still looked like a "little girl". Although it is in the same courtyard, she has never entered this room before.

Although Alice asked people to clean here many times, the maids were obviously not dedicated. Or, no one really wants to enter this room except as a last resort.

In the room**, there is an old man lying. Years of decadence and sucking on * have made him unable to stand up again. The haggard shape makes him look as poor in the slums. His eyes are slightly convex, his cheeks are sunk, leaving only a layer of skin close to his bones.

But he is still alive.

"Who?" The old man gasped, "Alina? No, you, you are..."

"My name is Meng!" The girl smiled.

"The child adopted by Alina?" The old man struggled to see her clearly, but his blurred vision could only see him barely seeing the thin figure, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you," the girl looked at him. "Do you know? Alina is getting married.

"Is it?" The old man sighed long, "Have she finally met the person she likes?" Alas, she didn't tell me..."

"It's not the person she likes." The girl said, "That man's name is Yu Ruohan. Have you heard of him? As long as Alicena marries him, that person's adoptive father will provide funds for Miyuan Commercial Bank, so that Miyuan Commercial Bank will not go bankrupt... Don't you know?"

"It's...that's it!" The old man's hand held the edge of the bed tightly and wanted to get up, but it was useless. "Well, the child is... there...she..."

"Alina is not a money-craving person, and you can't know this," the girl looked at the old man with some disgust. "In those years, she would have even preferred to go to the Kingdom of Fair as a governess to support herself than rely on her rich father. And now, she desperately maintains Miyuan Commercial Bank, not to become a rich woman. You are her father, and I think it's impossible that you don't know her, right?

"Alina..." The old man sobbed.

"Alysna's heart is really too soft," the girl sighed, "she will work so hard, but she doesn't want her father to see his hard-earned industrialization into a bubble. Even if she knew that Katya would soon have a war, she would not leave, because she did not want to leave her father. . No matter how you treated her and her mother at the beginning, in her heart, you are her father after all. She can do anything for you, even if she marries someone she doesn't like and endures loneliness and pain for a lifetime.

"Alina," the old man fell on ** and looked at the ceiling weakly. "She, where is she? I want to talk to her..."

"It's useless." The girl smiled, "What is weak is only Alice's appearance. She is a fool who can sacrifice herself for her relatives. Now she is still a little hesitant, but when she decides, no one will be able to persuade her.

"What should I do?" The old man turned his head and looked at the girl.

"This," the girl rubbed her hands, as if it was just magic, and there was an extra bag in her hand. "This is for you."

"What is this?"

"Psychedelic fans," the girl replied as if nothing had happened, "unlike ordinary psychedelic fans, this kind of psychedelic powder can be fatal. Of course, even if it is an ordinary psychedelic fan, if you swallow such a bag in one breath, it is impossible to have nothing... Ah, what am I talking about? Of course, you can't swallow it all at once, can you?"

The real smile on the girl's face slowly became clear in the eyes of the old man, and the old man suddenly felt that she was like a demon.

He shivered and pressed the bag of things, opened it tremblingly, and looked at the white powder.

"Do you want boiled water?" The girl stroked casually, and a cup containing clear water appeared beside the old man.

The old man tried his best and sat up straight. He picked up the cup with difficulty and looked at the lemon: "If I refused to die like this, what would you do?"

"That's a little difficult!" The girl sighed, "Anyway, I won't kill Alina's father with my own hands. However, as long as it's for the good of Alina, I don't mind taking some other measures. I think those methods will never be what you would like to see.

"Well..." The old man didn't say anything more. He held the bag* in one hand and the water glass in the other, hesitated for a moment, and turned his head to look at the lemon.

"Do you want me to leave here?" Meng shrugged her shoulders, "Indeed, I shouldn't disturb your rest here, but for some reason, I need to watch from the side. Just think that I'm seeing you off. You're Alice's father, and I even like Alice more than you. Just think I'm also your relative, so that you will walk more comfortably.

"Is it?" The old man slowly poured all the psychedelic powder into his mouth and swallowed it with water.

The cup fell** and the will be wet. His body suddenly straightened, as if he saw some hallucinations. He grabbed his hands randomly, and the expression on his face became more and more frightened.

Yin Meng jumped directly into bed and stared at his wider and bigger eyes. The pupils in the eyes continued to spread, and the blood appeared one by one. With the old man's twisted face, it became strange and inexplicable.

Suddenly, the lemon seemed to hear a soft sound, as if something was bursting in the old man's eyes. Two black smokes overflowed from his eyes and rose to the heights. The shade lemon stared at the black smoke, trying to see what they were, but the black smoke quickly flew in a certain direction, penetrated the wall and disappeared.

The shade lemon is there. She was just trying to see how this bag of strange psychedelic fans killed people, but she didn't expect to see such a scene. Looking down, the old man was paralyzed **, his eyes were wide open, but the eyeballs inside disappeared, just like Barr's father...

Although there is a chill in her heart, since Alina's father is dead, she should no longer stay here. So she hid herself and quietly slipped back to Anna's room.



Because only ordinary metamorphosis was used when going to that room, "Yinmon" quickly changed back to Meiji.

However, when he came back, he forgot to change his clothes. He was still wearing a little girl's dress. His upper body had been torn, his skirt was tightly wrapped around his waist, and a certain part was also exposed because his underwear was torn... He felt how perverted he looked like this.

The child smiled, and even Anna, who had always been quiet and considerate, couldn't help holding the pillow and laughing secretly.

Laugh again? If you laugh again, I will eat you...

Meggie went to bed angrily, grabbed Zhina and hit her buttocks hard. Then he grabbed Anna and ordered, "Exposing your buttocks yourself."

Anna blushed, but also obediently lay on his lap, lifting her pajamas and taking off her lace underwear to her feet. Seeing that she was so obedient, Meiji was reluctant to really hurt her and just patted her gently.

Zhi Na rubbed her buttocks and opened her eyes wide, obviously saying, "Why do you hit her so lightly and hit me so hard?"

Seeing the vampire girl's aggrieved look, Meiji had to take her over, kiss her on the cheek, and coax a few words.

They lay down again.

"What were you talking about when I left?" Meiji asked. He remembered that when he came back, he heard them vaguely mention his name, and he stopped as soon as he appeared. Although Zhina hasn't spoken for so long and is very happy to be able to talk to Anna, he is also very concerned about what they are talking about.

Zhi Na said, "Sister Anna asked me..."

"No." Anna immediately shyly reached out to cover the childish little mouth and refused to let go.

"This is not good!" Meiji removed Anna's hand and looked at Zhi Na, "What is she asking?"

"She asked me what I felt when I was taken in by Brother Meiji last night and if it would hurt." The childish voice is as light as a mosquito.

Are you asking this? Meiji looked at Anna and saw that Anna was so ashamed that she got into the quilt.

He grabbed Anna out and asked with a smile, "Do you want to know?"

"I don't really want to know." Anna didn't dare to open her eyes.

Looking at her cute appearance, Meji couldn't help but have an impulse to cook her now. In the past, although he rarely flirted with little Anna, he always felt that she was too young to break into the unreclaimed garden, so Anna is still a virgin. But now, Anna is one year older and her physical development is getting better and better. In addition, after more than half a year of separation, after a separation and the joy of reunion, Meggie feels that she likes and loves this shy little Lori more. Naturally, she also wants to experience the wonderful feeling of picking her as soon as possible. I feel.

Unfortunately, the time is not right now! Meiji sighed helplessly.

"Bless, Anna, Greenless told me that someone has been secretly protecting you these days. Who is that person?" As he asked Anna, he pricked up his ears to listen to the maids outside the room.

Anna opened her eyes and shook her head doubtfully.

"You don't know?" Meiji is getting more and more strange about this. Greenless is by no means a person who will lie to him, but to be honest, it is impossible for someone to hide in the dark to protect Anna from being discovered by him. Moreover, if there is such a person, why didn't the vampire Lawrence appear last night when he broke into the wall and let such a little girl fight against him?

He really felt confused.

However, he is more concerned about the movement outside than this matter. According to the time calculation, someone should have delivered food to that room.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a maid to scream...