Magic Dance Song

Chapter 4 Hancicada!

riding*, Meji and Sophia flew directly above the mouth of the gorge regardless of whether they would be exposed. In the open space between the two cliffs, the scattered bonfires were still burning, and those military tents and fences were still there, but none of them were found, whether they were people or horses.

* Falling to the bottom of the gorge, Sophia looked for clues in disbelief, and all the evidence showed that at the moment before, Panchi and his army were still here, but now, they seem to have disappeared out of thin air. The wood in the bonfire is still burning, and many military assets are obviously thrown there because they don't have time to take it away or don't want to take it away at all. The debris and various traces on the ground are not messy. Obviously, the enemy's transfer has been planned for a long time.

"How on earth did they do it?" Sophia's face was extremely ugly.

No matter how careless she and Meiji were just now, it is impossible for an army to withdraw in such a short time. What's more, even if the other party is all the most elite cavalry, it is impossible to stay away from the reconnaissance range at such a high place. Therefore, there must be something in it that they don't know.

In fact, this is not the first time that Panqi has done such a thing. After capturing the royal city, Panqi also almost miraculously lost sight of his army from the attention of other forces. When he reappeared, he had already arrived in Horheton County.

"I'm afraid it's magic." Meiji whispered. Of course, this kind of thing can only be explained by magic, but what kind of magic can achieve this level? Of course, Si Er has also used a large-scale long-range transmission array to transport the army directly across the desert to the vicinity of the Guai Pass, but in order to create a transmission array that opened up the devil's road, Si Er's magician not only secretly planned for several years, but also sacrificed the lives of many innocent people.

"We'll go back right away." Sophia said in a low voice. If their actions are all expected by the enemy, it means that General Leot and the infantry left behind are likely to have been attacked by the enemy.

"Wait a minute," Megy's face changed slightly. "There's something wrong."

The air suddenly became cold, and a series of ring light strips covered their heads, and countless magic characters flashed in those ring light bars, emitting colorful light.

"Lock?!" Meiji whispered. Obviously, they have fallen into a magic matrix composed of puzzles. He sat on his back, raised his head, and stared at the spells in the ring light strip. These characters are all composed of dragon language. Generally speaking, the magic of the dragon language system is not as fine as the magic composed of ancient elf words, but the effect is much more powerful.

Ice storm, hail, giant water elements, ice and snow...

Meggie quickly judged several key spells hidden in the lock. Although he doesn't know the specific role of this magic matrix, it is obvious that this is a magic trap specifically for *.

At this time, a figure in a black robe appeared in front of them. Although the light is not bright, Sophia and Megji can still see that it is a woman. Because of the hood and the faint light, they couldn't see her clearly. But even so, the sight that penetrated the darkness still made them feel the sneer in the woman's eyes.

Sofia's mind turned, and *'s body was immediately surrounded by fire feathers. It rose straight up and wanted to break through the magic matrix. However, the water wave poured from the complex lock, and the pungent smell overflowed from the water wave.

"The water is poisonous!" Megid gestured and quickly opened a transparent barrier. *Of course, they are not afraid of these poisonous water, but he and Sophia have to be more careful.

The waves rolled into silver waterfalls and tried to break through the fire feathers and transparent magic barriers. The powerful magic surprised Meiji. This woman is obviously a wizard, but it is really incredible that she can trap such a mythical beast with magic matrix and powerful magic.

He suddenly cast a spell, and after a superimposed "broken flash" he turned into three long guns and stabbed straight at the woman in black. Such a lock obviously needs to be controlled at all times. As long as the woman's attention is interrupted, it can weaken the power of the magic matrix.

However, the woman just raised her hand and held a transparent circular object between her hands. As soon as the long gun made of three space cracks touched the object, it disappeared immediately. Meiji was shocked. "Broken Flash" is a high-level space magic. Even Shadow Blood Dragon will be affected to a certain extent at the moment of attack. On Pingxia Island, his "Broken Flash" has been used with Joshua's magic sword to cause damage to Shadow Blood Dragon.

However, the thing that looked like a crystal ball in the woman's hand easily helped her block the "broken flash".

There is no doubt that it is some kind of artifact.

In this world, artifacts are very rare, but it does not mean that they are rare. Obviously, it is with the help of the artifact that this black-robed witch can suppress* with the magic of water attributes.

* Although it is temporarily suppressed, it is by no means so easy to be eliminated. However, if they hold each other like this, even if Sophia and Meji can consume this woman when they can't hold on, the situation will be unfavorable to them. The Wind Knights led by Borui are still on their way here, * and they are trapped. If all this is in the enemy's calculation, Leot and Wei Feng and others are likely to be in danger.

Meji took a deep breath and carefully observed the tame node on the magic matrix. However, the composition of this matrix is too complicated. If he has enough time, he believes that he can find the flaws sooner or later, but obviously there is not so much time now. At this time, he had an idea and asked through consciousness, "Xiao Xue, where are you?"

"Being behind you." The little fairy's crisp bell sounded behind him.

Meggie and Sophia were almost shocked by her.

"Why are you here?" Meiji turned around and looked at her with wide eyes. Because the little fairy can freely enter the subdimensional space and is used to appearing and sometimes disappearing, Meggie always can't figure out where she is.

"I've been following you, don't you know?" The little fairy answered indifferently.

"How can I know?" Meiji stared at her.

And Sophia's face also blushed. If the little fairy had been following them, it meant that some of the "ugly things" they had just done while monitoring the mouth of the gorge had been seen by her. For Meji, he has long been used to it. Anyway, the little fairy has only seen it once or twice, but for Sophia, knowing that she is seen when she is doing that kind of thing, she will inevitably feel like she wants to get into the crack of the ground.

"It's better for you to be here," Meiji sighed, "Help me see how to crack this magic matrix?"

"No help!" The little fairy answered without thinking.


"Don't always count on me." The little fairy waved her magic wand and knocked on his head. "The difficulties she encountered must be solved by herself so that she can make progress. Think of others as soon as you are in trouble. What's the difference?

"But I don't have time to think that if we don't hurry back, the wind and Liselle will be in danger."

"Then you should concentrate on thinking," the little fairy said faintly. "Is it good to have some confidence in yourself? You are a magician and the other party is also a magician. Why can't you compare with the other party?

"But she has an artifact in her hand..."

"Her artifact can only multiply enhance the power of the lock and help her compete with the terrible power of *, but it cannot change the composition of the magic matrix itself. As long as she defeats her magic matrix, what can she do even if she has an artifact in her hand?

So, is this competition still about my understanding of puzzles? Meiji nodded. He began to stare at the ring of light bars full of magic characters.

The black-robed witch Hancicada also heard the conversation behind Meiji and the little fairy, but she just smiled coldly. She has absolute confidence in her magic matrix, which has a special arrangement that magicians on this continent have never seen before. Even the best magician can't figure out the matrix composition that he doesn't understand at all in a short time, not to mention that the other party is just a teenager.

As long as Princess Sophia is trapped here, Panqi can easily attack the lone wolf general and the infantry left behind, and destroy the grain and military supplies they brought from Dilu County. At that time, the only thing Sophia can do is to abandon the refugees she rescued from the orc's axe with the Wind Knights and helplessly withdraw to Dilu County, which will not only make the princess's reputation fall sharply, but also the dark prince Panke will use various means to chase the fleeing wind. The Knights, let the Wind Knights destroy the whole army before they return to Lv County.

Just like Princess Sophia couldn't imagine how Panchi and his army disappeared from under her eyes, at that time, those hungry and cold knights will never figure out where their enemies will come from.

Of course, Sophia also figured out the intentions of the witch in front of her, but she didn't know much about magic, and * no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break through the water curtain mixed with toxic liquid. For her, there is no other way but to pin her hopes on Meggie at this time.

Time passed slowly, and Meggie was still staring at the halo. It is not easy to see those disillusioned magic characters, not to mention the crisscrossing relationship between them. Each character may become a link in several completely different spells at the same time. Each color may represent each in the switch between illusion and annihilation. The meaning.

Meji's spiritual concentration has reached an unprecedented high, and his eyes reflect all the light spots like a spotless mirror. What he saw, thought and thought completely melted into one at this moment, making his heart suddenly unfold with a wonderful melody.

Gradually, a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

"The composition of this magic matrix seems to be very similar to the ' Mirage of'," he whispered, "No, it is not very similar, but comes from the same theoretical system at all. Although the spells and effects are completely different, the structure is similar, but some details have changed due to their different uses.

The little fairy shook the magic wand with satisfaction. From the beginning, she saw that this magic matrix was different from the usual cognition of the magicians on this continent. Obviously, the witch in the black robe was also fearless.

However, the other party will certainly not have thought that Meiji has long learned a magic matrix that is very similar to this matrix. As long as he is willing to calm down and think carefully, he can completely touch the class bypass and find out the flaws.

Now that the key points have been figured out, Meiji will naturally not delay any more. His hands pointed alternately, and magic hit the nodes on the matrix along his fingertips.

The poisonous water melts into nothingness, and the light strip collapses and disappears.

* flew to the sky and drew a beautiful arc like a meteor in the night sky, but it swept down and spewed a fierce flame at the black-robed witch.

The black-robed witch Hanchan never thought that Meggie would break her magic matrix so quickly. She was shocked for a moment. In desperation, the crystal ball in her hand suddenly blocked and temporarily resisted the heat wave. At the same time, she turned around and jumped into a pool of water behind her and disappeared.

"She escaped." Megsy said hatefully. Since the other party has already arranged a way out, he can only curse a few words in his heart.

"Regardless of her, let's go back quickly." Sophia controls * and soared into the sky again...