Magic Dance Song

Chapter 17 Should young people be so energetic?

At the same time, near the gate, there was an unobtrusive house, and several people were waiting in the house.

Someone came over from the street and looked around. After feeling that no one noticed him, he flashed in. The door quickly opened, and the man entered the house and took off the cloak used to cover his face.

How's it going? Did you hear anything?" A teenager in knight's armor asked him.

It is said to be a teenager, but it is actually a girl. She is the knight dressed as a man that Sophia and Meggie met outside the city...Corotia.

"I heard something," the man who just entered the door said to her, "Tomorrow morning, Krapol will be sent to trial. Since he was judged by a military court, there are few people who can watch, so it is difficult for our people to sneak in. However, Father Am happened to allow the church members to watch, and it is said that he will accept Krabor's deathbed confession at that time..."

"Before the trial began, the candidates to accept the confession have been decided," Corotia sneered. "They clearly did not intend to let go of their brother from the beginning."

"They are very strict with Crabor. I'm afraid it's not easy to rob the prison." A fallen knight next to him said, "The Marquis of Ting will definitely think of someone to save him..."

"I don't care," Corotia's eyes were determined, "I won't let them kill my brother like this. Don't worry, I told you, I've come up with a solution.

Others looked at each other. Although they were a little worried, they knew that it was absolutely impossible to persuade her to give up.

"Speaking of which," the man said, "I just saw a woman in the Dream Moon Tavern..."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just feel a little familiar." The man hesitated for a moment, "I think she looks like a princess!"

"Princess Sophia?" Corotia opened her eyes and said, "You must have misread it. Her Royal Highness should still be in Hoston. And even if she comes here, she won't go to that kind of place?"

"That's right," the man laughed self-deprecatingly, "it should just look a little similar. In fact, I haven't seen the princess many times. The last time was two years ago, when I was just canonized as a Red Star Knight.

His words seemed to open a door, and others immediately talked about the number of times they met with Princess Sophia, and one of them proudly claimed that he had carried out the task of protecting the princess.

"You men are all the same. Only when you see Your Highness once or twice are fascinated, even your brother." Corotia glanced at those people with dissatisfaction, "Don't forget that we have given up our knighthood. What can we do if we see her again?"

Of course, those fallen knights know her hostility to Princess Sophia, and almost everyone knows that Krapol's proposal to Princess Sofia was rejected. For Cororia, her brother is undoubtedly the most perfect man. There should be no woman in the world who can refuse him, even if he is a princess.

This idea is certainly very childish, but it's not that those fallen knights don't understand her. Although there are indeed many knights who love the princess, almost everyone felt hopeless when they knew that Clapole also liked Princess Sophia, and everyone was somewhat surprised when they knew that Clapole's proposal was rejected.

At that time, the proposal was widely spread among the knights, because many people felt that the only one who could be worthy of the princess, but they didn't expect the result to be like this.

The fallen knight who just came back quickly changed the topic: "Speaking of which, the woman in the Dream Moon Tavern is not only beautiful, but also drinks frighteningly. She can even drink more than a dozen cups of the dwarf liquor No. 4 without getting drunk. According to herself, she has even drunk the legendary dragon. Song of Yang'..."

"What did you say?" Corrotia's face suddenly changed.

The fallen knight was stunned: "I mean, that woman has drunk 'Song of the Sun'."

Corotia's face is extremely ugly.

"What's wrong?" Another person asked in a low voice.

"I'm afraid that woman is really Her Royal Highness." Coronia whispered, "For a while, my brother liked to mention the princess to me. The princess used to be like this. The princess used to be like that, and my head exploded. Once he told me that Her Royal Highness was incredibly good at drinking. She even secretly drank the 'Song of the Sun' given to the old king by the dwarves when she was nine years old, and nothing happened, which stunned Gulult, the king of the dwarves. Because if this kind of thing spreads, it will be very degraded as a princess, so it was forbidden to spread at that time, and few people knew..."

Several people around her stayed there, looking at each other in con'sinuum.

"Is she still in the Dream Moon Tavern?" Corotia asked, "I'll confirm it."

The fallen knight shook his head, saying that he was not sure. After discussing, Corotia went out. Since she was originally a rose knight and had much more contact with Princess Sophia than others, it was natural for her to be more sure whether the woman was really Her Royal Highness.

Because it was midnight, there was almost no one on the street. After a few streets, she came to the Dream Moon Tavern. The first floor of the pub is empty, and only the boss is lying on the counter and doting. She walked over and knocked on the counter to wake up the boss.

"I want to ask a question." She took out a gold coin and put it on the table.

For pub owners, it is also common for people to spend money to buy news from him. Therefore, he just looked at the "teen" in front of him carelessly.

"In the evening, a woman who was very good at drinking came here. Do you know where she is now?" Corotia asked faintly.

This question is easy to answer! The pub owner put away the gold coins and pointed up without hesitation. As long as you have money to make money, what is it to sell one or two guests?

"Which one?"

"This is another problem." The boss smiled greedily.

"Well, that's right," Corotia was too lazy to look at his fake smile. She just turned her hand and put a dagger against the boss's throat. "This is indeed another question. Will you refuse to answer?"

After asking the room where the "woman who is good at drinking" lived, Corortia went out and walked around behind the pub. She looked up at a window on the second floor, where not only candlelight, but also some sounds came out. That's a woman's pet. Breathing and moaning make people know what the people inside are doing as soon as they hear it.

The people around her have obviously been accustomed to this sound without any movement, but Corortia felt very blushing.

Is this woman really Princess Sophia?

The sound quickly disappeared again, so that she wondered if she had heard it wrong. She took a deep breath and climbed along several sewage pipes on the wall to the window, looking through the cracks in the curtains that were not fully closed. The candlelight in the room was very bright, and she saw the two people in it at a glance.

Two bare people.

Now she finally knows why the sound just now disappeared, because the woman in the room was kneeling in front of the teenager and sucking something. Just from the side, Cororia can also see the comfortable expression on the woman's face that made her sick.

Because she couldn't fully see the woman's face, Corortia had to continue to look.

The teenager was obviously not satisfied enough. He pushed the woman with long blonde hair to the ground and forced her to pull out her legs by herself. This time, Corotia clearly saw the seemingly familiar but extremely strange face through the window. What she was familiar with was the woman's appearance, and what was strange was the expression that she could not combine with the name "princess". It is a kind of hunger and thirst that can care nothing as long as there is a man to satisfy her. It is an expression of a person who is more mean than *.

The teenager did not satisfy her immediately, but tortured her almost and made all kinds of tricks.

Corotia couldn't stand it anymore. She jumped to the ground and walked back with a black face.

That woman is definitely not Your Highness. Yes, she does look like Princess Sophia. Not only is she very similar, she is exactly the same, but it's just similar.

A woman who can be liked by her brother can never be like that!

Although it has been confirmed that the woman will never be Princess Sophia, somehow, Cororia couldn't help repeating the picture she had just seen, and she couldn't throw it away.

She felt that her whole body was hot.

When she returned to the house at the gate, the fallen knights were still waiting for her.

"That person is not Your Highness." Corotia told them, "That's just a *, a bitch!"



When Sophia woke up drowsily, it was already dawn.

The sunlight came in through the cracks of the curtains, dazzling her. More importantly, she felt that something was wrong with her body, and then she found that something of Meji was still in her body, and the short stick he made as a prop last night was put into her buttocks, like a sudden extra tail.

After she got used to the light, she found that Meiji had already woken up and was looking at her with great interest.

Thinking about last night's madness, Sophia really doubted whether she was possessed by something like succubus or something.

"Would you like to help me get that out?" She glanced at Meiji charmingly.

Meji climbed out from under her and let her lie down and grab her "tail". Instead of pulling it out, she deliberately stirred it up, making Sophia moan because of the pain.

"Fortunately, no one saw me like this," she blushed. "Otherwise, I really don't want to be a human."

"Who said no one saw it?" Meiji smiled.

"Was it seen by Emma?" Sophia was shocked, "You really are... Well, forget it, it doesn't matter if it's Emma..."

"It's not Emma," Megid shrugged. "The woman we saw on the road yesterday. I remember you said she was Krapole's sister. She hid out of the window last night and looked at it for a long time.

"When?" Sophia was stunned.

"Of course, it's a more wonderful time," Meiji said. "It's a pity that she left a little early. I wanted to make something more wonderful for her."

"Then she didn't see me..."

"Well, I see." Meiji spread out his hands, "I really didn't expect that Crapol's sister would have this kind of voyeurism. But it doesn't matter. Let her see it if she wants to see it.

Sofia was stunned there.

How did Cororia come here? Thinking that the ugliness she did last night was actually seen by Corotia, Sophia simply wanted to find a place to get in.

"It's all your fault," she complained in a low voice. "I wanted to find her as soon as possible and ask her not to do anything stupid. Now, how can you let me be embarrassed to see her?"

What are you afraid of? Even if it's wrong, it's her fault that she came to pee for no reason, right? Meiji put her hand on Sophia's back and gently massaged her, "Besides, she has finished watching it anyway. What else is there to be embarrassed about? Is it possible to ask her to find a man to show us in order to balance?

Suffia stared at him: "I warn you never to touch her... If you don't want to be killed by Clapol."

"I'm not going to seduce her." Meiji snorted, "Besides, if I really want to seduce her, what does it have to do with her brother?"

Suffia sighed, "You don't understand."

She wanted to get up, but the "tail" was still there.

"Haven't you got it out yet?" She said half ashamed and half angrily.

Meggie pulled out the short stick with a smile.

After some grooming, they went downstairs together. Since it was still in the morning, there were not many alcoholics on the first floor. Sophia felt that whether it was the pub owner or those who lived around, it was strange to look at them.

"You two got up so early," the boss looked at them with a smile on his face. "Yes, young people should be so energetic."